� - . :. � . . c-•.:�� .
<br /> .. .— ' ' i _ _ ' ' _ . —. __ . _ _. .
<br />_ ' '._"____�:—�_ __�. __. .1.�__ ' . '..� . ' �.,.. _ ' —'_ ---' '__' — ' ' — _—_ _ _ _' - '
<br /> . 5 _. . . _ ' . _ . . ' . . , . - _. . . . .. : . �. . . .._ ' - .. . , , c . .
<br />. F � . . ,- . , . _ ; , `. . . , , ,_". �: ` ; 94- �t�oo�� - � ,��
<br />� ` , �� wr�,��+��w�a � �apA z.a�.e��:�o��n�: �y���o�r.� . ,
<br /> a�pwit a pa�►aU am�od�i��indeaedtias mdex eAe Nae aod das Sec�siry trot�umeat�ll be p�id a die.mwty:
<br /> .� - i.��.e�mal►ca�lect fees�od cl�a awhariud b7►the Sa�tu�'.. . � , ' � �
<br /> :. !Gew�i�f�ir AcoetenlMa�f�. ' isstrad 8�e m tbe case of defi�uits. � .
<br /> � � (a)DdY�M. I.�eader auy.axc�pt�s(imibd'bY�utatiom 6'Y Sa.'reta�!►� P�Y+�
<br /> , �y��t�f�all swas�a.�d by this$ccurit�r in�mait d � �
<br /> ('�)Borruwer eopay��t u ll ae e�a�y P�Y���9��+Y���Y�P�O� .
<br /> � _ ���oara►tbed�td�oeMtL�ora�tmoesNy.ptymen�os -
<br /> �� � . ,. (ri)BonoMVa def,iuNs by f�uTmt,fnr a peric�d af durcy dsys,w Petfam�ny aWer obli�ation�s cawu�ed in d�is - .
<br /> Ib)S��(.'telit Appnnl. I.en3er st�ll,if pe�n�ittod by applic�ble law pad with the pria apptvval of thc .
<br /> Sectet�y,ie44���p�Pp��Y�y w fuU oP aU the emns secac�ed by tbis Securlty'L�nm�at i� �
<br /> (i)Aii ar p�ct of the .or s benefi�tid�st in a unst owning sll a p�et af t�Ptopeny,is sdd or
<br /> •od�av�i�elrans�faad(utber t�m by devise a desaat)bY tbe Bacrower.md .' . .
<br /> �v�'1Le ptopaty is not occupied by the pur�cfaxr or Sraoex�s his a her principat nsidencG oc the p�ser .
<br /> or gnooee does so a�cupy tbe Anpaty but his a her ccodit I�ss not been approved in axadape
<br /> � with the raryi�enfaits of tbe Sa:tetary. -
<br /> (c)Na Waiv�r. If ciraarn�accur thrt vrauld pem�it L,ender to requiie im�iue payment in faU.but I.ender ,
<br /> (d?Anat iequi�e ancb��paymaits'l.ender does not waive its dgLts wnh tespoct ta subseqnait eirents.
<br /> af HUD Se�t In ms�ny cin�st�oces tegulatians�s.wod by the Scet+enry wIll limit l.eoda's
<br /> nghts,in the case of psyment def�tilil�s,to�uir� immediate p�Ymeat m full apd foroclose if aot �.. 7�.s
<br /> Sea�rity Inmumeoidoes tat aulhoiira�ccektat►an or faeclosate if not peimitted by tegui�tiwts of the�.
<br /> (e)Moef�Ke Plot�nYd. Bamwa agnoes tbat siiouid d�is Secarity Inst�tm�ent aod d�e nate sa�u�ed d�ec+eby not
<br /> be elig�te for insor�noc under thc Nationai Haesing Act within 8.eontb.s ���
<br /> date heteof,I.ender msy.at its uption and natwithst�nd'mg anything ia Patagraph 9,iequire inunediate Pay�a�in
<br /> fnll of all su�ns savrod by tlus Sec�uciry L�umeu� A writun statement of any aothotizea agent of the Soc�dtiy
<br /> dated su6seg�ent to 8 1wt�tha from the date t�f,declining to insure this Socucity
<br /> . Insuament azd the note secund Uxreby.shall be deea�ed conclusive pmof of such inellgi'b�lity. NcAwithstac�ling
<br /> • d�e fa+egoing,this option may not be execcised by Lender wtjen the imavailability of ins�ance is sotely due to
<br /> Laidor�s faihue to n�tnit a imxtg�ge insurance pnemium to the Secnetary.
<br /> 10. Reinsp�temea� Bonower has a right w be niostated if Lender has requimd immediate paymeat in fult bxause
<br /> of Bartower�s failure to pay an amotmt due under the•Note oc tlus Security fannrment This nght ap�lies even�ter .
<br /> ` fot�ectosune pioceedings an uis6tuted. '[b nlnstate the Security Insuument, Borrower sball tender in a tump sum all
<br /> �.amoimts iequi�td tobrfag Borrowec's account ct+mnt including.to the extent they are obligations of Borrower m�der this
<br /> � Security Inswmen�faoclosurc costs and neasonable and customary attomeys'feeg asd expenses properly assaaated with
<br /> . • ibe fonctosu:e p�oceeding. Upon ninstatement by Barmwer,this Securiry 1���+"and the obligatia4s t�.�sealres
<br /> shall nmain•in effect as if Lendtr had nat required immediate payment in fuli_ Ma��:%:r,LenkS:a ns nat ieqwrrd to permit '
<br /> ieinstatement if: C)Lender has accepted reinstatement afcer the eo�of f�ieclos�pmooedings with9n two '. •
<br /> ., yeazs Lnmediately�eding the commencement of a c�nsent forec�vsure proceed'uig, (ii) rziastatoment will precludr , � .
<br /> faKClosura on different gcounds in ti�e fuwre.or(iii)reinstatement w��I advecseig�affect the priority of the lien cmated by _
<br /> this Set�rity Instrumen� --
<br /> 11. Barrower Not Rekased; For6earance.by I.ender Not a Waiver. Extension of the tune of payment or -
<br /> modification of amortization of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in intecest -
<br /> of Borrower sfiall not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Borrower's successor tn interest. Lender p.
<br /> shall not be required to commence prceeedings aga�nst any successar in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or =
<br /> otherwise modify amortitation of,the sums secured by this Security Insuument by reasoa of any demand made by the F�
<br /> origirwl Borrower or Bonuwer's successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in eaercising any right or remedy shall .__
<br /> not 6e a waiver of or p�eclude tf�c exercise of any right or remedy. .
<br /> IZ. SuaxsSa�s and Assigns Boand;Jdnt and&vesat Ltability;CaSi�,ne�s. The covenants and a�ments of =
<br /> ,this Security Instrument shall bind and ben�t the successors and assigns o€Len�::r and Borrower,subject to the provisians =
<br /> of Pawgraph 9.b. Bomnwer's covenants and agmxments shall be joi*�t a�d se��eral. Any Bara�wer who oo-s3yans t�"ss �•
<br /> � Securiry Instrument but dces not exerute the Note: ia)is co-sigmng this S�icy lnstrument oniy to mortgage.g�a�:a z.*�ei .. �
<br /> convey tf�at Borrower�interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Pr,s*�r,nnent:(b)is not petsonally o�'i"r;gat:.�.•.o
<br /> pay the sums secured by this Securiry Insaument;and(c)agrees that Lender and�.y other Borrower may agree to eu�. _
<br /> modify,forbear or make ony accommodationc w11h regard to the terms of this Se�sry Instrument ar the Note without that . _
<br /> • • Borrower's consen� _
<br /> . 13. Natkes. Any�otice to Barrower Qrovided for in this Security instrument shall be given by delivering it or by _
<br /> , mailing it by first ciass mail unless appGcable!aw requires use of another me�^�od. The notice shall bc dire�ted to the =
<br /> Ptoperty Addnss or any other address 8orrower designates by notice to Lender. �ny notice to Lender shall be given by. ' _
<br /> fcest class mail to Lender's address stateA here3n or any address i,ender desige�::�by notice ro Bormwer. A�}�nouce,
<br /> �rovided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have becn given to Ba�a�er or I.ender when given�s g�evided _
<br /> m th�s paragraph. ` ' _.
<br /> 14. Governieg LAw;Severability. This Secwity Mstn�ment shalf bc govemed by Fed::af i'aw and the law of the -_
<br /> jtuisdiction in which the Prop�ty is located.' In the event that any provision or ct�use of this Security Insuument or the -
<br /> Note cronflicts with applicabie law.such conflict shaU not affect other provisions of this Securiry Insuument or the Note ,
<br /> which can be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the provivans of this Security lnstrument and the .
<br /> Note aut doclared to be severable. '
<br /> 13. Sarrwrer's Co� Borrower sfiafl be given onc conformed copy of this SeciaYty Instrumen� . , _
<br /> lf. Ase�ameet ot�ts. Bonower unconditionally assigns artd transfers to Lendet alt the cents and revenues of the -
<br /> !�l�epe�ty. Borrower autt�orizea Lender or Lender's agents to collect the rents and revenues and heceby d�nects e�ch unant of � ..
<br /> the Ptoperty to pay tlie nrua to Lender or Leraler�s agents. However,prior to Lcnderk natice m Barower of Bonewer's : . �
<br /> 6�ach of ary covensnt ar sg�rament in the Security Insuument,Baruwcr shall colkct and nceive all rents znd revcnnes of
<br /> the P4opeAy as wspx far the 6enefit ot Lender and Borrowcr. '11ils assignment oY rents constitutes an absolute assignment
<br /> aid not an aasiaoment for sddidotal security oNy. . °
<br /> U 1.endet jive�,n6tioe of lxeach w Basawer: (a)all r�nts rectived by Bombarer a�pi)be beld by @oaower as trnstte
<br /> far bakfrt oE Lender only.to be applied to the sums aecua:d by the 5ecurity lnstrument:(b)l.ender shall be entitkd to
<br /> � ' cotkct and rrceive dl of the rrnts of tLe Prnperty:and(c)eacb tenant of the f'roperry shall pay�11 rents due and unpaid to
<br /> � l.�mder or i�ender's agent on Lendec§written dem�nd to the tenan�
<br /> , Ban�nwa l�as not eacectAed an�r prior ass of the rents and h�s not aad wlll not perfo�m any act tdt woutd =:
<br /> ' proveat l.aider fraa e its n�6ti uoQer�luag�ph 16. � � -
<br /> ' l.eader�6d1 eot���ad w aNer upoo,taice ca►tr+nl of w mainnin the Rope�ty befae ot a�ter giving notice of =
<br /> • 6rac6 e Soaower. Eiovrever.l.eoder ar a judici�U sp�diKed teceiver mty do so at any time tkne&s�EceacM. ,Aey , .
<br /> bt rdiu r6�U not p�At w�ive�lay det�a utv�lid�te arty a�het r16ht or of Ltnder.7his auig�mtent .
<br /> � of�ims�d�e P�opaty�U Ia�n�1e wlipt tbe debt�ecurod by the Security ins�tunent is in fu1L �
<br /> - , �i�jal��a�,i
<br /> , ,� • * ' ,. � .
<br />