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<br /> -. :. - -. . . , _ :_ _ - .... 94=� � . =•` - .
<br /> . s.��i�r�l�wlr L:.r�.te. sarrowet i�u io..p We jdspno�ame�i�v�a����t�ie��d c.,ir .
<br /> �vpeetY�we�ed ipint W�s by Hrr,6�iuchided widiinn�Ae knu'txteeded oove�c".�nd�ny udier�t�do.�eiidi��
<br /> � tioo�s os Aood�n�,Coc which i.eoder requirea tnrue�aoe.°tlds inura�ce�hdl be m�intldned in the�nro�aia aad�or dK pefiod� .
<br /> th�t t.onder tnqai�a.74ie i�auanoe carriet providins the iilrusnee sh�11 be chort+�by Bomorrer wb�ect a I.dtde�'�ippeovat
<br /> which�hwn noc be un�un.ely witt�hetd. It BorroweE t�its ra tru�Jntato coverye eacribed�6ove, i.endes mry.ae E+eadec's
<br /> � optiou.ob4in oarer�e to prdect I�ender'e rijhts in thaPrepaty in�coord�noe with p�ra�npit 7. : .
<br /> All inur�eer policks aad renerwis�ll 6e acoept�bk to l.ender�nd e6a11 include s st+�ndu�d mott�c ct�we. L�ende:
<br /> , �ii i�vtt�ri�iu to i�ojd the�poiicks aod renew�ls.It t�tndtr raluina.Sorrowet sl�alt pratnplty Biva ta l�de�a!!seod�xs Qf . .
<br /> P�P��and re�ewal oatioes.Sn the evea of tois,Hon�nwrer ahall aive prompt notic�to the Inwsanoe carrkr�d I.eoder.
<br /> LaYkr may m�ire proof o[Mss if mr m�de pcone�tty by Bor�uwer.
<br /> Unleas I�ender uid Bormwer othawise agroe in writiag,ir�aru�oe proceais s1�3t1 be apptiad to�stoption ar n�pai�af tije
<br /> pmpe�tY d�a�ged.if the naoondna or�eptir is 000000�i�3y fe�'6k scd L�endc�s savrity is not kssa�ed.If tbe�oi�tiot►or
<br /> sepair Is not 000mtNcally fasibk or Laider's saviiry wodd 6e ksseoed,tha iawc�noe prooeeds s�l1 bt appliod'to the sua�s
<br /> aocumd by this Sa:udty Iastn�meM.whetlier ar not than dut,wiW any exoeas p�id to Batmwu. If Botmwer abfu�lot�s tLe
<br /> Pnoperty,or does not answer withia 30 days a notioe finm LeMer d�t the inswan�x cairies dac o�'e�+ed to seule a cltim,tban .
<br /> I�eodec noay colled tLe iasur�noe pmcoods. T.ender mry asa the prooeeds w repsir or tesWre tba Properfy or to pay sums
<br /> • secuted by this Sca�rity In�rament,wl�thet or mt then due.The 30�day per�ad will begin wbea the potict is given.
<br /> LTnte�I,ender�ad Bom►vPer otherwLse agrec in writiaS.anY applic�tion af Pmcads to pduciprt sLall�t exttad o�
<br /> postpooe tbe dae d�te of We montWY P�Y�nts tcferted w in�ragr�pl�c I urd 2 or char�ge the acaount of tbe payme�ats.F€
<br /> mder puagrapti 21 tLe Pmpaty is acquued by Leader.Borcavwe�s right w�iasurance policies st�1 pcoaeeds c�witing fm�
<br /> daunage w the Propecty prior tu the acquisition shail pass to Leuder w the e�ot af the sams sxared 6g this Sa�rity It�
<br /> immreei3ateiy prior to tLe aequisition. � ; :;:.'• ,.
<br /> '�,'������M�i�en�q�e�pr�e�a!°�°[We�t�aty+aar�owe�s i.o�s A,�iia�iaa;.��6�oi�.
<br /> Boraoi�is"slrall:�i�py.establisb�a4d u�e ihG;.�-..`t��pa4�=�s 8o�wer's gsiior�sd�idenct vrlthin siAg`�s�Rer tbe s�cacution of:: ;. .
<br /> this�ritY.iIISriu�nt and shall eo�we io:�ipg ttie L�avy�aty as&i"r:daacr's ptinc�l radd�kpt i5��t teasC one yta�r af�'.,;;:`.�;•, r:
<br /> d5Pe`�2a�e af ocaepaucy.untess i=�q�er otlxrwise agr�e.s:in�ng, wtuch coasent sh��� �.cII..'r�;�aSYY wiWheld,'or unless,::.;,� .
<br /> �.,
<br /> _ __ ; , r�cte�iR�ng eircnmstarxxs eit�st qvliich are beyond Boiro�Yr's'coatrol. Botrower ���dcstrn�.dama$e or impair ti� ,
<br /> — ., .' . .
<br /> - - ,.::'• .. PWp�ty, allo�v;�PmpettY:i�d rJeteriorate.or wm{ntt.a�sre on the Pcoperty. Bor�o�st�aU be i�il�fault if any forfeiture
<br /> ------ ,. .. egtiaD or p�+a�?C�sti�;:�l�ethet;.�tvil.or crimiriai;is.begun t�at in Isader's good falth judgment cott���31t in forfeiture of tiie.,•.::'..:;.,
<br /> _ _ __ —_ pro�erty or atGerivise'ipatertal[�i�pair the�ie�azeat+od hy r,�is Sea�riry Insuument or 3.ender's securit�interest.Batrower may.,`�
<br /> = cx�i�.�dt�defaiitt and ieinst�e;as pmvided iir paiagta�i,�&,�y causing the action or:�rraceeding w be dismisse&anr.h a rW'ing .,,�` ____—�
<br /> � ,, .
<br /> _ tli�t;m��dei s�'goad lhtth deterraiaation, Prectudes.fa�?f�isure of the Borrower s interesi in ihe�enpeRy or"o�s�'mate�at'
<br /> " impaim�ent of the[ien created by this Savrity Instrumeitc or teodu's,secucity tnterest.'Bomower sitall a1�o bG iri defaalr if.•. `.- ___—
<br /> Borrower,during tbe loan applicatioa pmcess.gave materially false or inaocu�ate infom�ation or statear�ents to I.ender(or fai(eiY,:: - = _
<br /> - to provide Lender with any material information)in cannoction with the loan evidenced by the Note,iacloding.bat not limited'''' o=_
<br /> - ` - w,npraentatiom conoeming Borrower's oecupancy of the Property as a principal residence.If this Securiry Insdumenl is on a --=___-
<br /> �::�:�
<br /> _ •-•:-��'s .�•. leasehold, Borrawer shall comply with all the plovisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Prnperty, the ;���--�_�
<br /> ,.,y:.
<br /> , . ,,•a-. r:-...
<br /> • � � - leasehold and the fa title shall not merge untess Lender agrees to the merger in writing. ,,,�'
<br /> �� ='��'� 7.Proteition ot I.eatks's Rights in the Property.li'Borrower faits ta perfarm the covenants and agreements contained in -•°*--�
<br /> .. ;�;at«�::-�r';:3• . .
<br /> - �• :.�; E this Socuriry lnstrument.or there is a legal proceeding that may sig�ifirantly affect Ler�der's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> ' preceeding in bankruptcy.probate,for condemnation ar forfeiWre or to enforce laws ar regulations).tt�en iknder may do and �`"_�
<br /> .•r:,.�7 pay for whatever is necessary to protert the value of the Praperty and Lender s rights in the Praperty. l.cnder's actions may • �
<br />� - - inctnde paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security lostrumem. appearing in court, paying . .
<br /> `�- �--•. `' "� reasonable attomey�fees and enteang on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action under this paragraph -
<br /> .._..�_..��,, . _ �
<br /> -i�.:; ; '�`..: 7.Lender does not have W do so.
<br /> • .�,•..• .• . -
<br /> ��,��...��, � Any amounts disDursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shalt become additional debt of Bocrnwer seeured by this . ,
<br /> '�;::.:�:,,, Se�vrity lnstrument.Uqtess Borrower and L.ender agree ta other terms of payment.these amaunts sha11 bear interest from the '
<br /> �"���.:' � � date af disburs�ment at the Nate rate and shap be payable, with interest. upon notice fram L.e�der to Borrow�r sequesting :��•
<br /> _ '� � PaYment• , ,,.. .
<br /> '�'a,'��` S.INortgage Insnr�nce.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition af making the loan secured by this 5ecurity �
<br /> �±,'_'`+,�__L:
<br /> •� .'.`�' ' Instrument. Borrower shall pay the premiums required ta maintain the mortgage insurance in ef fect. l f. for any reasan, the �,
<br /> . .. �/G'J�:'Y ; (. �
<br /> _ ��Y;.,_: moagage insurance wverage reqnirod by Lender tapses or ceases to be in effect.Borrower shall pay the premiums requirod to , � �•,,, .,
<br /> _ � obtai�coverage substandally equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect,at a avti�substantialty equivalent to the � :.�"'�:�:;,:: '
<br />';��:` '`�.°->;� cost to Bortower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by l.ender. If
<br /> .' '��'`'°+� substantially equivalent mortgagc insurance coverage is not available.Borrower�hall pay to l.ender each ttwnth a sum equal to
<br /> one-rz�alfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium 6eing paid by Borrower when the incurance coverage lapsed or ccased to `,". � °�
<br /> _ � be rn�effoct.Lender will aecept.use and netain these payments ac a loss teserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss teserve r�?14;,-��r',:
<br /> - Foren 3028 9/80 ,
<br /> ��>.�,'
<br /> .._ vgeaofe � '. .
<br /> , ,
<br /> . . '�:�
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<br /> - � }•� _"� �l,� ' '_.�...�.�.'r �Y�+�'�� �,I 1?•,..;S.�''�. :i� ._. . _ .. _ .. .
<br /> ^3�Sd h - � . � nr� .' . wr.laa. .-t-�.t...--.:- . , .. ♦
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