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<br /> — .�—, - - � _ ��ak.
<br /> ;_�- —' _ _ -- __ _ _ _ .—_ . _ _
<br /> _ .. � � _ .a.�,'` [ . `( ` • ' _-- . . ; . .—_ ..___ `. _ __ — ____— . _—. . ' —_'___— _ � S � .
<br /> . . . , ��4- �p�pp��
<br /> . . . � � _ . _ .. .
<br /> ' -- 't�0(iiBi7�IER Wl7'H sit tNe tmpcovetnatts eow oc liarafla a�ec0ed aa tha property,u�d all tasemmts.�pu�nwnoes.
<br /> � and tixwtes now ac ba+afla a p�t o(the pupe�ty. All c�pixxn�eets aod addiaons st�li�Iso�e cQVaM by this Secuciry
<br /> � - �Insacumeo� Ail af the fae�cln�is refeaed w in dris Sec�ty Itatrument as trie°Propeity." � � `
<br /> � BORROWFR COVENANTS tMt Boimwer is iawfu►ly seisad of the atate hereby conveyed and has the ri�t►t to�at •
<br /> and couvby the prapaty and ti�t the Pmpeny is u�xeuumbeteQ e�tcept for enc��nbrances of�+ecad. Borrowet warraets�nd —
<br /> vrn11 defend�gent�sity ttie tilk w the Pcope�ty against�11 ctaims and dem�nds.subjxt tv any cucrunbr�txes o,f reco�d.
<br /> ' THIS SECU121PY [NSTRl1MENT combines unifam covenants for national usc and twa-unifomi cove�nts with �
<br /> �Umited varistions by jurisdlc�ia�to consatuce a uniform securiry iasuumen[covering na!property. . � _ � , �
<br /> tJNII�RM COVENAM'S. Bo�rower anQ Leader covenant and agca�as fotlows: . � . � �_ -----
<br /> L Atymeat o�priecipd and Interist:Peepaymeat ud l�.ate C6ar�es. BoQOwer shall promPdY pay when due thE
<br /> _ ' pciacipit of and�ton ttie debt evidenced 6y the Nae and anY P�PaYment and late d�arges due nnderthe Nae. = .,�
<br />- 2: Funds for Tases ud Insmaacr. Subject to appiicabla!aw or to a wristen waivtr by L.ender.Borraw�r shaU pay to --=
<br /> _ Lendet Qn the day montlJy payments are due nnder che 1Vott,untit the Note is paid in fuU.a sum("Funds")for:taT yeufY
<br /> = - taues apd assesmtents wluch may aQain prioriry oYer tEus Security insdvment as a iien on the P�vpeRy.(b)yeariy leacet�old --=-=--—
<br /> _ — paymea[s or ground raus on the Ptopa[y. if ank: (c) yeazly dar�rd or proper[y iasurance premiums: (d) yearly flood �---
<br /> insivance pcemiwns, if any: te)Yearty mortgaga insurance pcemiums.if�►y:and l�any sums payabk by Bamwer oo —
<br /> Leader.in accordance wiW the pmvisions of paragraph 8.in licu af the p�yment of mortg�o insurartce piemiums. Thest. �_�---_---
<br /> �s� itans ate c�lled"Escrow Items." Lender may.at aay time.collect aad hold F'vnds in an amount not to exceed the maximum . -- ,,,,,�,:�� _
<br />";� amaunt a lender for a federalty ceJaud mo�e loan may aq�in for Borrowcr's as�ow account undet dte federal Rea! ��;�:-
<br />- Estate Secttemenc Procediues Acc of 1974 as amended fran ame co tirne.l2 US.C.§2601 er seq.l"RFSH+►").untess another 'R.,:.ti=�:�:v:
<br />- law that applia to We Fwids sets a lesser amount tf w.L.ender may.at any time.coUect aad hold Funds in an amount not to _ '�•,:�'�°�.;
<br /> _ excad tbe lcsser �^+� I3a.�nder may estimate the.amount of Funds due on [he basis of currenc data and re3sona6le � �'�'`'�—�
<br /> _ esti�of e�dinues of futute Escc+nw Items or othetwise in accordance with appGcable faw. , � �.:
<br /> Tbe Flinds shalt 6e 6etd in an instituaon whose deposits ate iasured by a federal ageacy.instrumeaqlity,or entity r.° • ' .:
<br /> (inctuding Lender;,if Lrnder is such art iastimaan7 or in aay Federai Kome Loan Baiilc. Lender shall apply the Funds co pay '' ,�
<br /> the�scmw Iums: Lender may_not chuge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds.annu�lly anaIyzing the esc�ow _-''=•I<..:, �
<br />'__ acca�,•,pr Yaifying tbc F.sctuw`�tems,unless Lender p�ys Boisower inurest on the Funds and applica6le law pertaits F. <'
<br /> Lendeg�analce such a charge:':�iwever,Lrnder may royuirr Bo�rower co pay a one-time charge for an independent na1 �;�"�'���•' � -°-_-
<br /> ,..., est�te tax repordng'setviae used by Lender in connecdon with this loan.untess applicable law provides o[herwise. LTn2ess an � ��,�_
<br /> `� .v .�,�� agroement is mad�ai;applicabk law requires intec�est to be paid.La�der shall iwt 6e requined tn pay So�rower any iaterest or .,.__ .� �¢-�-
<br /> �:�°- ,�r�::;_.. . _ �
<br /> �:-._ �, eami�rs on the Piiz��s. Horrower and Lendec may agree in wriung.6owever,that intaest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender � -- --,—--
<br /> ' �_���-- ,:'.', shatt.�a�i to�Cirrci�er,withaut charge.an annual accountin of the Funds.showing ctediu and debits to the Funds and the � �
<br /> rei g �.
<br /> , �.;�:�..f�f.;b;;:* r:�ssa,�,�-'��ch debit tathe Funds was made. The Fuads are I ed as additional securi for all sums secur+ed b ' �.,
<br /> Pacposi. P ed8 cY Y . _'�:
<br /> yf jr t.'�,::,�;.� .: : . th�5 S�a�^�n%�ustr�ent , . . ,:
<br /> �;_ �. :_ � ����imds:he�d hy Lender.exceed.���ounts petmitted to 6e held by applicable taw.Le�edex shall accow�t to .. . ` . . .. . .;�
<br /> °' .�'..;.�.`.. : Bari�u�r fot th�exaess Funds in aceordance�:-th the teyuinments of applicable law. If the amount crf she Fuitds held lsv :' f
<br />.. a� '' Le��r at any ame'i"s not sufficient io pay tttie'Escrow Ittms when due.Lendtr may so notify Bomower in writinpc:•,a�,m:. � f ,
<br /> - � � su�b�se Bonower shall pay t�Leader tire amounc necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall ma�Ce up ds�. '` 1 r zt=�,fi�
<br /> . .�-� .��::` ' de��..-�. i»no more than twelve raunthI � . . .. . <«,�. „
<br /> .-�.='. -y Y Paymenu.at L.ender�s sole discretiun. _. . . . .".=��'s.�`''��"��z'•°''�
<br /> . ,x{?Y: •� ;;::°' • ";Q�wn Payment in full of al1 svms secure�by this Security Inmumen4 Lender shall promptly refund to Borr�K�s aa#� . ''`'"r�' , -,
<br /> ��. .-, . Func�field by Lender. If,under paragraph 21,II.ender shaU acquin or sell the Proper[y.Lender.pr�or to the acquisitian or --� - ` �T;
<br /> • "�' ; . . sate of the Property.shall apply any Funds hetd by Lender at the pme of ucquisition or sale as a credit against the sums ,
<br /> � secured by this Security Inswmen� . ,
<br /> �.k-` �'� . 3. Applkation of Fayments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, all payments received by Lender undet � '-
<br /> ' • ' paraaeaphs 1 and 2 shap be applied:first.to any prepayment charges due under the Note:second.to amounts payable under f • . ,- -- � -
<br /> :'�=='�?' , "•' paragrapb 2:third.to interest due;fowth,to principal due:and last.to any latc charges due under tfie Note. I . .
<br /> , r��`.°�t���_�� - 4. Chuges;Liens. Borrower shall pay al! taxes,assessmenu,charges. fines and imposi6ans aaributable to the
<br /> :=�=- '•• Ptoperty which may attain priority over this Secruiry Instrumenr.and leasehold payments or ground ren+s.if any. Borrower :
<br /> :.,�..__- .'.' • _ .
<br /> r-•a�•-:•:•_' ' shall pay these obligatians in the manner provi�ed�pazagraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Horroa'er shatl pay them on ,
<br /> _ �-.,_ .� - deete+�i�ecdy to the person owed�yment Bo►rower sha11 praaipdy furnish to Lender a�eotices of amounts to be�under •� -
<br /> - • '". -. • tisds If Borrower�daes Fkese a ents directl,l�c�.�cower shall om tI f�r.:ish to Lendet recei cs et7�in � . ��<t:`:;:;'�.'�:. �
<br /> : , `:.'• ���raPh• P ym Y Pr P Y P g
<br /> .,.. .,�� �..;,,.. i�s, . , '
<br /> ,.•; ,.: � � ,
<br /> tAe �srs. . [ �.
<br /> r i •,,'`�-: ' - $osrower sharl(1 promptly Gischarge any lien which has priotiiy over�h�s Securiry Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrces � •�°'
<br />�.{';� '°''��''-'� • in wteciag to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a martECee aaaeptable to Lender.(b)contests ia good faith tlie �
<br /> `�'' lien by,or dtfends against enforcement of the lien in.tegal proceedings"wt�isF�in the Lender s opinion operau co prevent t6e . p �
<br /> - � 11•'°��.° � � enfoe�ment of the lien;or(c3 secures from the holder of the lien an agr�ernent satisfactory to Lender subordinating the Gen F�� �
<br /> ` .'=:�• :=: •• w tltis 5ecutiry Insanmenr. If Lender determines that any patt of ttie Fta�eny is subject to a lien wbich may attain priority ���� '
<br />'�'�' ';�,�j:`•: �, over this Security Inswmen�Lender may give Bonower anodce idenafyia�the liert. Bortower shall satisfy the lien or t�ke • � � {�,.
<br /> } � • one oc more of the actions set forth above wi�hin 10 days of the giving of no�i�. � � t;-�'.
<br /> �''�� '� � " 5. Aaz�rd or Property Insvrance. Bomower shall kap the imprv�ernents now existing or hereafter erccted on the i � ; ;
<br /> '��''�; ' •� Property insund against Ioss by fire.hazards included within the tertn"extended coverage"and any other hazards.mcluding i ..: : � -
<br /> . �: .: , - .....--
<br />- ':,; •..-• .. � floods or flooding.for which Lender requircs insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the '
<br /> r _ _ . ..
<br /> r •i'f,. ,
<br /> '. � Fa�3528 !!!S Ipoxe 2 of b pag�al `;: ' .
<br /> `z�`� � , 7;, .
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