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<br /> . _ :L.1y4. . L _- . _
<br /> . . . .... . . . _ . " —*—_ __—•__ ___ _ '_ _.. �. . _ . . . .. . _ _ _ ."
<br /> \\ ` .. . . . ` ' . , _ . . , a '- . . � .
<br /> . .. . ' . . �. �� .. . � , t .
<br /> � � - . . . - . : . �� . - . ; `. . �4's000r� ._ �� _
<br /> � TO�arHFR wr,'Ft�u 16c�pravane��oa►a ee�e.nQ e�ttea au u�e p�pacy,ana aA�a�eab.�pp�. � .
<br /> � aod fixt�a ao+r ar�reatle�a p�rt af ti�e Propeat�r..A11��d�dditions sh�U alto be oova�ed try ttiR Soc�ritY _ ,
<br /> ` Ioeuirnent: AU of tbe fo�oi�is�efaR�to ia thia Sx�nqr trt�m�eAt as the"Ptopaty." �
<br /> _HORRbWER C'aV�ENAPiIS tipt Bormwer is Lw�Wly aeisod oE ihe esqte herebY comreyed and bas�e si�lt to�raot
<br /> acd c�onvey tAe PtopatY and ttiat t6e Ptoperty is aee�cnbe�ed.exapt far encum6�eces of eecatl. BoRavees w�rra��md .
<br /> wnD defad Sa�raUY d�e titie b�Prppecty aaaiast�II Nutns and detmads.subjaCt to any lncum6�aoc�s of tecad.- _
<br /> ' ' Tft[5 SF.C[IRItY �S'[RiTA�NT oo�bin�a m�ifam ooveea�w fat t�tiaaal use u�d t�on-vnifam coven�nts vrith
<br />- Cm�YSri�tiaosby'�s�iont000�tuteaumifacrose�uity���$�P�P�9•; , —
<br /> UPII1�R11�I OOVFNAI�IS. Ba�mwer aod�caveo�t aad agoee�s foltows: - ,
<br /> 1. A���nt othi�t4Y a�I��p�y���C�� Banowa slall promptlY WY i�fien due the .
<br /> p�oci�l of and intatest on the de6t�vidmced bY d�e Note and mY PKP�Y�and late chu8es due un�kr d�e Nate. .
<br /> 2 �fir'liures a�i I�raK�a.Subjace m sppi�c+�bie bw ar w�wntten waiver by Le�er,Batowfr sLall pay to
<br /> `� l..a�dtt.an ar�aay moatbly wya�ts m aue��der me Na�e.until tt�e rrace is�p�ia in fun,:su�n t"�"?for.t:l Y�Y -
<br /> taxes aad�.ssessmmta�fiich may�aam�iority over dns 5ecu�iry.las�eat as a lirn oa the Plropnty;(b�Y�Y�
<br /> , p�ymet�ts or puuu�d imts at the Plrope�ty. if any;{c)Yar1Y hazard or,propecty insura�rce pes�miwns; (d) ya�lY fbod
<br /> ;as�,nce pcemimns,�f any;(el Y�Y�S'+g��P�•��Y:ano(fl any smns parible 6y Barowa ta
<br /> i.eade�ia aocad�na.with We pmvisiaas of puagr�ph 8.in liea of tfie�ayment of mortgage iosu►ance p+emiums. 1Lese
<br /> itaas ate pUed"Fscrow Items." I.ender tnry.rt aay time,colkd su�d itiuTd Awids m aut unamt nat w exceed the ma�imum
<br /> : amounE x knder for a fedaatly nlated martgage laon may tequire fos Bormwer�s escrow acmunt under t6e federal Iteal ..
<br /> Eswc Settlement ptocedu�es hei of i974 u�aetded tcom titne w time.l2 U.S.C.�Z601 er seq.("RESPA"),unless anotlx+r
<br /> • tavv thu s�plies w tt�e Fimds sets a lessa amount If s0.l.enrkr may.at any time.r.oltea ard hold Fimds in an amouat not to
<br /> Sacood tbe kssea amo�nt. I�nde�u�aY esrimaue tUe amount of Fau�ds due qi tl�e basis of cm=ait data and nawn�bie
<br /> �of expend'it�es of fahu+e Esct+ow Items ar otbrnvise in acxardutice with�pplir�bk iaw.
<br /> Tbe Fands ahall be held in an institu6m wMse.deposits a�e insaQed iry�federai ag�ncy.msuuma�tatity,or 4ntitY
<br /> (including l.ender.if I�ender is sueb an iastitution)a in�ny�oderal Home I.oan Bank..Lender shaU apply the Fiu�ds to pay .
<br /> • tBe F.sccuw Itea�s. t.eoder may aa cbarge Bomnwa far hoWing and appiying t6e f'vnds.aanually aa�iyzing tbe escmw
<br /> accoimt,a verifying tlte Eccmw Items.wiless Lender pays Borrawer�intenest on tUe Fundc aad applicabte law pecmits
<br /> cm
<br /> � Lender to mdce sucb a char8e. Howeve`r.i.ender may Rq�ure Bortower to PaY a one-time charge for an independent real
<br /> esta[e tax tepo�ting ser�ia used by I�ettder in co�u�ecaon with Utis loan,.unless appFicabte law pmvides wl�wise.,Unkss an ,
<br /> agt�eement is made or applic�bie law cequiies interest to be paid.Lender st�all not be reqidred w pay Bormwer any interest or . �
<br /> eamings oa ttie Fiuids. Bortower and I.eoder may agroe in writing,however,that inteiest sha116e paid on the Fundc. La�der
<br /> s�g'ive to Sorrowec witLoat charge.an annual accountmg of the Fut�s.sha�wing cmdits•aitd debiu to the Funds aad We
<br /> purpqse fa ah'sch each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are pled8ed as additional security for aU sums sec�a+ed bY
<br /> this SerSuuy��'n�vrrr�ent�
<br /> � If t�re..�held by Lender excced the amaunts permitted co be held by applicable taw, Lender shall account to
<br /> HosroweF fc���e excess�amds in accordance with the raluiremenu of applicable taw. If the a�namt of the Funcls field by
<br /> Lender at any t�me is au.,s�ieat tv pay the Fscrow Items wlxn due.Lender mag so r�orify Borrower in writing.and.in ,.
<br /> suc1� case Bombwer sh���io i.eudct the amourtt necessaiY to make up the d�fisiency. 'Bormwer shaU malce up the
<br /> deficienry in no moie thaa tareive monthlX paYmenu,at l.ender�sole disccetion. _
<br /> llpon payment in full of all sums 4�red by this Stcurity Instrument,lJender si�aft promptlgr re�nd to Bol*awer any
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If,under paragrr,�-�:21.Lender shall acquire or sel!the Praperty.l.ender.�+rior t�n the a�a9uisition or _
<br /> •sak of the Pc�nperty.shall apply any Firr:ds held lry l.ender ai the time of acquisition or sale as a credit aga"sast d�e snms =
<br /> . secttred by this Security Insttumen� -
<br /> 3 Applicatbn of Paytoenta Unless applicable law provides otherwise.all payments t�reived by�i.e��ander _
<br /> paragaphs T and 2 shall be applied:fi�.to any prepayment chazges due under the Nate:second.to amounts payable under _
<br /> paeagraph�a��*+d.to interest due;fourth,to principal due;and last.to any.late charges due ander the Note. _
<br /> q, Cl�,�M'�es; Liess. Borrower shaA pay all taxes.assessment�.charges, fines and impositions amiiwtable to the
<br /> �Piroperty whis6 may a.�Qaiority over this Security lnstrumen�and leasehold payments or ground renu.if any. Barawer _
<br /> s�il pry these obligatr�.,�ia.the rteanner provided in paragraph 2.or ii not paid in ttsat macu�er.Boaower shali pay them on �_
<br /> vne directly to the ptrsG!a c'�r�d payment. Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all natices of amounts to be paid under �:
<br /> �is paragraph. ff Borca�t+r.i'akes these payments directly.8orrower shall promptly furtush to Lender mceipts evidencing _,
<br /> the payrments• -
<br /> BorroRer shall pmmgtly dischze��:sns lien whicb has priority over this Security/nstrument unk.�ss Borrower.(a)agrees _
<br /> ip writing to the payment af the ob{ic�.i.�z�3ecureA Dy the lien tn a manner acce�table to Lender.lB�c��tests iz�ood laitb the .
<br /> [ien by.a defends agai�sz aL,`4xckme:�of the lien irm,legal proceedings whictrin the l.ender's opinion o�er�st,e�..�xevent the _
<br /> enforcement of the Ile�s;arti:f 5ec�cr�s��`ram ihe holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to l.ender subdtttur;�..'�r�the licn :
<br /> � to this Security lnsuumeret.[f�d�:i�'rmines that anY part of the Property is subject to a lien which may a:ain priority . _
<br /> over this Socnrity lnswmen��.enQer�itriq�ive Barrower a nntice ide�tsfying the lien. Borrower sl�aiY satisfy the lien or take _
<br /> one a mae of the actions sec farth above within 10 days of the giving af noticc. ,
<br /> S, Nmrd or Pr+op�es3�lesnranc� Borrower shall keep the improvements now eaisting vr'hereafter erected on the � • , `r=
<br /> Property insured against Gos by fire,hazards included within the term"extended coverage"and�ny other hazards.including ��'
<br /> ftoods or flooding.for.which Lender requires insurance. 71iis insurance shal!be maintained in the amounts and for the „
<br /> . i
<br /> Fe�a J�?s !!!� IpaRt 2 ojb pogtf) -
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