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- .. � ' ` �, i. . . ' . -_-- <br /> .'r;sc... - ' _- <br /> - . ` �, -. c - _-_- <br /> .� ..__ "' _ '. . . _. .. . .' ' __ __ _ ' _ __' _ _ ' <br /> `----ti ..�7�p0ETE�R Wt`�7�aiI tb0 imp�►ea9ea�s�aealier e1+ec�ed qt t6C�rOpeetp.aod��s - -.-. `- -- .� � <br /> ` . fi '� aoir a��I�er ai p�t of th�p�opetEj►.All-re�ivoanr�ts�od dditiom �il sbo be carerad b!► tfia..�y � <br /> ' � Int�ez�at.All of!Le fce�erde�is�d'are�to ia t6is Sacaeit�r ta�as d�e"�Y• ` . . � <br /> ' BOItROWFR C�OYENANIS tMt Baraiwer is ln�ulty ieired af drF d�t�be�6y c�nnv�,7e�aod hs d�t ri�t b�t ad. . . <br /> t ooerr�y the Propaty a�d Wt�be Prapaty is aoeqourt�baed,�capt gnr encuinb�noes of t�eoord.Bor�ower w�rra�Ms{�ed�ill. <br /> ' . �!�Y the titi�w ths Pevperty�gsin�t d2 d�i�m aod dan�ods,sub�xt w Aay�of reoad. ' • <br /> THIS S�C[JRiTY INS'i'RiIMENTP oomDins uniform ooi+ea�ats for natioml use aod non-uaiform oovenmts vvith tiraioed <br /> , va�iitions b�r jwisdictiaa to ooastitute a unifo�m secarity i�tnunent c�ovtzinB rea!pn�pe�ty►• . , <br /> QI�IFORM CQI�BNA{�i7'S.Bo�ms�er��nder anveapot�ad agc+ee as t'aRows: _ . <br /> � �.Naap.K.r af r�ipir�,.oa r�tassR; �r��.a �te�'�ar�.eormw�x'ahail p�a�pttr ar�� � <br /> p�i�c,ip�t of s�d inte�est oa the�t evidenc�d 6y tbe Note and u►Y P�Y����due undd�thc Natc. � <br />` 3.Fiodc for Ta�a�d Iaoorasee.Subject to applicable la�v for to a w�riuen waivet by I.ader. Bbrrowet stiaU pry w <br /> � I..e��eder on d�e daY�Y P�Y��e dae m�der ihe Note,untit tba Nott is pid in full.a wm('Funds')ior.(a)yarly Uucn <br /> sod ass�ts�fiic�msy�in piiority ovee this Sa.�ity I�romenc as a liea on ti�e Property:(b)Y�Y�� • � <br /> or g�ouad tiars on the Pmperty,if�y;i�)X�Y ha�d or p�opetty ins�uanoe premiuu�s;(d)Yearly flood insurmoe p�emil�, <br /> �f mY.(�)Y�Y�S�Sr i�i�oe pnami+�,..if an5►;aatl(fl wY spa�s pzyabk bY Bomovret to a000cd�anoe witb <br /> �tlie grovisioag of parsgnph$:in lieu of thc�of martgage iasutane p�emiumc.Tf�items are c�lled'Escrow Itemg.` <br /> 1�eader any ame.oo{lax aad botd��.�in a�anwunt �at w exoctd t1�e maaimum amwnt a leoder for a federally <br /> cdatod mortg�ge loaQ may iequine.#'ar Bbmaw�s escrow aow�nt under t6e fedrral Reai Fs�ase Settianeat P�ocedutes'Act of <br /> 1974 a3 un�t�3ed finm tune w dine,12 U.$.C.SectioD �6�f1II�t sr.q. ("RESPA'?,unlcss anatt�er faw tLat�applies co the Faads <br /> �sets a lesser unoum. If sa. [.euder maY,ac aay time. cotiiacc u�!hold Fands in an amount not to e:aod the lesser amount.. <br /> • I,eeder msy e�innue t6e armunt af Funds`d�e at tht basis of c�unnt dat��d r�ble estimatcs of exppditu�s af futu� <br /> BscTbvv Itata or otherwise in aoco�wLth s�Iicable law. � <br /> TI� Fwds slwtl be held iu an inuimtion`ixhose deposits are insurod Eey a federal age�c.y. i�trumenWity, or'eatity <br /> (including L�ender.if I.ender is�an instiwtion)`oi in.aay Foderrl Home Loan Bank.Lender shall apply_tha Fuads to pay tLe <br /> Eu�ow Items.I.ender may not ct�arge Borrov�r�for'holding and applying the Funds.aruivatly aaalytiag the escnow�coount,�or <br /> verifying the Fscrow Items.unless I.ender p�s;l��rower interest oa the Funds aad applicab?e law pecmits Lender�w make sacb :. <br /> a charse.However,i.ender may nquira 8otm�;�sr�o pay a oae-time cLarge for aa irdepenAent rcal estaue taa reporting seryice <br /> nsod by`Lender in comYCtion�with this loair, tm�ess ��ccable!aw provides oti�eninse. Unless an agroement is made or <br /> applicable law requires inienst t�+be paid,l.ender shall ao��,:ioquiaed•to pay Boirower any interesi or earnings on d5e F�nds. <br /> � Bor�wer and Lender may agiee in writing, howtver,t�'�'.�a4�st sHalt 6e paid on the Funds. I�ender shall give to 1�.�*�,vwer, . <br /> without charge,au annual aa�undng of the Funds,show�.;"credits and debits to the Funds and the putpose for K�S:�each . <br /> dtbit to thc Funcls v�as made.The Funds are pledged as add'Er.�*sa1 security for all sutns secured by tfiis Serurity Incc�+*�^t. <br /> If tiu Fands held 6y.Lendet.eXaed the amou�ts pemII�i:tio be hetd by applicable iaw.Lendcr shal!account t�8orrower <br /> for the excess Funds in accard��with the requirements of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds hetd by�a3�„r'at any <br /> time is not sufficient to pay the Esciaw Items whcn due.Lender may so notify Borrower in sach ca,�e.�;rrower <br /> , sha11 pay to i,ender the amoum`iie�essary to make up the deficie.rx.y.Borrawer shall matce up the d�ciency in n��o�than `� <br /> twelve monthly i.euder's sole discretion. ' � <br /> Upon paymem in full of�i sums secured by this Security Instniment. I.ender shall promptly refund to Bomower any <br /> Funds hetd by Lender.if.'under gn�:ragraph 21.I.ender shall acquirc or sell the.Prope�ty.Lender.prior to thc acquisition or sale <br /> of the Property.shat!apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums secured by <br /> this Secvrity Instn�atent. <br /> 3.Applicatbn o�Payments.Unless appl'scable law provides otherwise.all payments received by Lender under paragraphs <br /> 1 arid 2 shall be applied: fi� any prepayment charges dne under the`ote: ainounts payable under paragraph 2: <br /> third,to interest due:founh,to principal due:and any late charges due under the Note. <br /> 4.Clwrges;Uens.Bonawer shall pay alt taxes,assessments, charges. fines and impositions attributable to the Praperty <br /> which may attain priarity aver this Security Instrument,and leasehold pavments ar ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay <br /> thae obligations is��ze manner provided in�.r.:t aph 2,or if not paid in dr:�manner. Borrower shatG�y them on tlme direcdy <br /> � tA the person owed p��snestt.S.�srower shaE rc�rr,�tly fumish to Lender zSl`::otices of amounts to be�;.�d under this paragraph. <br /> If Borrower makes these�i�cs directly.Eoaower c.�:�tt�rs?�ptly fumish ta L�.'ndcr reseipts evidencing the payments. <br /> Horrower shall prompti}�e�.�':arge any lien which�:��i.i.arity aver this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees in <br /> .writiAg to the payment of the oL�iigation securat by the.lien:r,a manner acceptablc tn Lendcr:(b)caetests in good faith the lien <br /> by. or defends against enforcement of the lien in. legal proceedings w�hlch in the Lender s opinian aperate to prevent the <br /> mfarament of the lien:or(c)�ecures from tr�e holder of the lien an agr�nent satisfactory ta Lender subordinating the lien to <br /> this Seeurity tnstrument. if Le�'.kr determines that any pan oi the Pcoperty is subject co a lien which may attain prioriry over <br /> this Security Instn�ment.I.end�may give Borrower a notice identiiying the licn.�rr���er shall satisfy the lien or take one or <br /> moro of the sction5 set forth above within 1Q days af'the giving of notice. . • � <br /> . . . Fonn 30Z! �l90 . <br /> • Pape?of9 <br /> _._. .._—. _. i . _ . . , _ . . .. �. - -_,�.:�Paa��.�Y.�-i;_:.'1 <br /> l s_�„�lf��r -.I � . � . �; .f, �.:. <br /> _ .�y a�'K'r � . <br /> . _ �.,s��l`F`'Qrv:).��.�_-s M�j-... <br /> '_"_�—�=;.J`,= ' y� - <br /> ...-�-y-=..�.ar-z,:,r:--^:'� � .. . - " . _. • • , _ . ' , ... ..—_--__— <br /> �. ti - . . <br /> .�:_1 _ <br /> ^.� �+�,�.-.-. ;.�. <br /> {'• ' . � ' � .x..,.-� y «,� . ' - <br /> . . -- . ---- -;,:i . �. .... . - , �- -. ..-. ��a�*%k�'+.�i5�,..r��a.,;:�, -. . . . . . • - , . <br />