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'r. � . _.::?t;c,.r_ _ °:::��;, ----- <br /> �.._! . . �� .iJ}`T�1 -jY � _ <br /> ''3:�..`' .'—'' <br />-- " . � " —. . .. .. � i 2.'��4.i:;-cy'�:. <br /> . . .,.. � .. . . ._. . � . _ . . ... _. <br /> , �. . .. . . . . , c - <br /> . - _ . : , _ - ' - :. �. _ � �,¢.�.�100i���� - � . <br /> � oonddno�a�or ot6a atnn�of�ar wK af we Ropetcy.«for oonve�r�x�ueu of cadaen�ia�.a�e�►a�siried+od` . . ` <br /> rhaii be p�id w I,ender. , . <br /> � . In d�c eve�t of s tatai twt�a��a�k�pe�tY.tbe prooeeds eh�1!bs�pplied w d�e aa��sec�ae��Y dus Sea�clty <br /> Ins�nmea4 whdher or not ibea due�wIth aay ezow paid to 8armwer. In the evrnt of a p�rtial qtcing of the Piopecty in <br /> which Qhc falr ewte!'vatuenf the Ptuphty imniodiuely bet'oce the hiring is equal W a gratcc t�n the_tawunt of the wms <br /> secut�ed by�his Secueity It�ment immMIately 6efote qu taking.t�kss Boaowesaad I.ender odxrwise ayeee in w�i3in$,: <br /> the snms socuad by this Sxuiity Instzument st�U 6e.a�dured by the amwmt,of the proceeds multiplied by t6e follawtag <br /> ftactia�: (a)the Mtal amount of the aums socu�ed irt�me�tateIy befae tbe taking.divided by @)the�ir rn�rlcet vaiue of the <br /> Flaopd�tjr i�iase3y.before.the tz(cing.-Aag.�alannes�talLhe gaid t¢8ortowar. In the eveat of a partial taicing uf t�e. --_ -_ <br /> PY�o�percy in wbkb tt�fair madcec value of the Propercy immediarety before the`tahing is iess than the amoune of che suma <br /> sec�ued immediuely befae tl�e�g,antess Hor�uwer and Lender otlxrwise agrre ia writing or unkss applicable law <br /> ottxrwise pmvides,the prooeeds shaU be applied to the sums se¢wxA by this Secarity lnsdument whaher ot nM tha smns are <br /> theai due. <br /> It ihe Property is abad�aed by i3ombwer,.or if.pRer notia by�.eadet to Bcxmwa tt�at the condemuor offens to make <br /> an awa:d ur�euk s clairtt for dama�es.Satowet�a to nspond to.�etdpr�yithin 30 days affer ti�e date tine notice is given. <br />,�er is au�6orizcd to,cotkct�ad�apply thc�.Rigccods,ac uus qptia�e.ufier�o�escaaaon oc n,pair.of�he Pmperty�co�e . <br /> � sums aec�ued by this Secudty lnstivmcnt,y�i�eth�t��tof t�r,fr�uc:,:;,'�;,;,'�'- _- . . -.:. :=� " <br /> . Unless Lender and Bocrower othecuris�;;a�::fuf;writu►g;:at}y-apgiG�on af p�u�eed�:�a p��1 shalZ not e.xeend�m <br /> �.... _... . <br /> . , , , . <br /> -;�•�s?�.'►one the due dste of the montiily paymen�'�er�c+eit:fo�4 P��;aed 2 or cfiange�h��au'�to ���nt�. <br /> % - .,�,,..11. Borrower Not.Rela�sed;.For6e�ranae#�y Leoder JYoe �WsCve�r ��'iuensio'r��e'nme far:��nept�nr <br /> .` of.amortizadon of the,su�as'seetii�ed bY this Sxuriry tsisccpmai�gras�t�ii���ia:�sk-c:.^:ssor�iri:interest <br /> . t� <br /> ,.of�slt�Tt not�perate to•iatCasa.tii�'tiability oF the origmat Bafi�v�ret or.Boimtv+er's suca�s�rs in interesi Lender <br /> -:sii�na,�:��ed to com�uc�Pi�cccdings against any successor-i�i iatecest a��efuse ro estetid time for payaxnt or <br /> •'ot�erwise moilify iunortiza$aa of the swns secured b}this Securicy Insuument by teason of any demaad made by d�e originat <br /> . �a�mwer or Bo�rower�s stic�cessors in inie�es� Aay forbearance by Lender in exercising any r�ght or re�necty shaU aot be a <br /> waiva of or ptectude the exeacise af any right or remedy. <br /> .. 12. Suo�c�ars�nd As�ns Boaad:Jofat and Seversl i.ia6il�ty.Co-signeex. The covenants and agraments of this <br /> Secucity inswment sha1l bilxl and benefit the successors attd assign4 of Lender aad Bucmwet.subjoct w dte provisions oP <br /> paragraph 17.Borrnwer's covenants and agrpementa shall tie joint and several.My Bormwer wfro casigns dtis Securtty <br /> Instniment 6ut does not exerute ihe Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Inswment only to mortgage.Erant and cor►vey that <br /> �$otrower�s iaterest in the Property underthe t�e�ttt4 of this Security Instrament: lb)is na personally obligated(o poy�he Ruma <br /> � secured by this Socuriry Ittcttumen�artd(c)agrces that Lender atd Any other Borrower may agree to extend,modify.forbaar <br /> � or mdce any accommod�itians with�egard to the terms of�his Security lnstrument or the Note without that Bartnwtr'� _ <br /> consent. . <br /> 13. La�n Charaes. If the laan secured by this Sccurity Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum lo�n <br /> �charges.and that law=is finafly inter�xeted so that the interest or other loan charges colkeced or to be caltect¢d in cornxcticm <br /> with the toan exceed the permitted limits.then: (�)any such loan charge shall be�rrduceci by the asnount necessary to reducc <br /> the charge to the pem�itted limit;and(b)any sums already caltected from Borrower which exceeded permined limits will be , _. <br /> refunded to Borrower. Lender muy chooYe to make this refund by reducing the principal owed ander the Nore or by making a _ <br /> direct payment to Borrowcr. If a refand reduces principal.the reduction will be mated as a partial prepayment w�tbout any . —__ <br /> prepayiaent chacge under the Note. "'-- <br /> 14. Notices. My aotice to Horrower provided for in this Security Instrument shal}6e given by delivering it or by `=`_ <br /> mailing it by ftrst class mail unless applicnble(aw requires use af another method.The notice shatl6e directed to the Property <br /> Addtcss or any other address Bomower designates by notice to l.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class <br /> mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other uddaess Lender design�tes by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for , <br /> in this Security Insuument shall be deemed to�uve been given_tp Roaower or Lender when given as provtded in this <br /> , �0���� .. .. . .' . ' : V '..�. <br /> IS. Governing Law;Severability. This Secudty instrument shall be govemed by federal taw and the taw of the E�,•,,ti':;: <br /> jurisdiction i�which the Property is located. In the event thaCany.Provitiion or clause of this Security Instrument or the Nou <br /> , conflicts wi�1i i�pHcable law,such conflict shall not uffCCf oElici pRUVisi�m of this Security lnstrumelu or the Nate which can <br />_ be given e�ifect�wRhout the wnflicting provision. To`this:cnd.the pa+�s;.+ions aP this Security Inss�nFmenc And the Note are . <br />- �'scbared to be severable. - � '' "` ' <br /> . 16. $orrower's Copy. Borrower shull be$iven uneoonformed copy af the Note arid of this Security Instrument. <br /> iZ 71r�nster ot the Property or a Hene�tci�l Idterrst in Borrower. If all ar any part oi the Ptoperty or aay interest in <br /> it is sold or transferred(or if a beneticial intetest�io Borrower is sald or transferred artd Borcow•e_�is not a natural person) <br /> without Le�derk prior written consen��I.c�rdcr may.a�i�s option,require immediatc payment in��`I of all sums secured by , <br /> this Security Insttument. However,this aption.Rhuli not be exercised by Lender if exercise is pro�i�r:ed by federal law as of � <br /> the date of this Securiry Insmtment. , ; :'.t':: <br /> If Lender exerclses ttiis aption.l.ender sh:�ll give Borrower natice af acreteration. The notice shall provide a period of i:.,;�:�;:: <br /> not tess than 30 days ftom the date the'notire is delivered or mailed within which Borrower mu�t pay all sums secured by this �':s ti``; <br /> SecurIty Instrument. lf Borrower fuils'to p�ty these sums priar to the expiration of this period. Lcnder may invoke any • • <br /> remedies permitted by this Securiry In�;iram;nt without further noticc or demand�n Barrower. <br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Relrtstate. If Borrower meets certain runditinns. Borrowcr shall have the right to have .. <br /> , enforcement of this Security lnstrument discontinued at any time pripr to the eurtier of: 1:�)5 d�ys(or such other period as ' <br /> Singte Family••Fannie MaeltYeddk Mac 11tilFOR�!1tiSTRUMF.h"f••Unitorm Covenantv 4f90 (pnge4 ojApage.�l '" j <br /> . " 14 <br /> -- _..._�_. � <br /> -- U�� u�_ • T•-'�- "�"— -�r-. �. �:°,�y� '..... _-+� � <br /> 7�x t ' .i .�: 't. � <br /> — �S�au;:`,C7-. . �' 'i R�,'�`r.., � r -�-'i`.� y. <br /> _ -�ki� t'� '�.Yy t��� `' �' ��� <br /> '' . � h.•�`;;�,�� �`r;c:�� <br /> - __ __ _ _ ' _..:A.^li. . •i ..t�L._ i..xw__ .�i <br /> _ "h;R . . . ._""•�f.. . n« ` t' .u� . • � -- —�.. ; . <br /> — '�.Z _..- _�. . . . �i ♦ . . _ ._ . . ..�.�..� -S.a;,'��IW'�k 1`�iL4t.���.� . � . . i .. . . . <br />