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� � . <br /> • • - <br /> . ' .. � - ' < -F-'-' <br /> '_ _' ""'_'___""'"'_—.__'_ .—'__'— __ __-- _____ _'--- _ — —__ _— __— __ _ _'_ _—"— __ — <br /> . <br /> ' _' _. . ' .. � .. _—_—"'_"___' — __'—__ ' —'__'_ . ..' — <br /> . .."__--_. _�"__--_'_' - . . .. .... <br /> ` . - _ - � .. ' . � �� � ". _ _ . .94�oov�.4� ` . . <br /> '1'OGETH�lt WCIH W the i�ap�ovennairs�o�tr ar hq�afler etecoed an thc p�operty.ind aIt e�emeats.�ppunawnca�� � � <br /> . ad fisWe�now cr he�fler:.prt of d�e proptrty. Ait�aad�ddidons slul!�ltq bt coverod by�is Secrei�y <br /> � Luaument. All of t6e fae�aios is tefeno4l io in ti►Is Se¢wiry i�ntruma�t as the"PtopeRy." � <br /> . BOEtROVySEe oovBrrAxrs ns�t a«rower is lawftaly�of tUe esute nenby c.a►vayca ana e�s dfe ri�ht w�rnt . <br /> � aM coovey dr Fiopetty a6d d�at the Pkoperty is und�cumbaed.excbpl�ar aKamb�ances of rocatd:Boerower winants and � . <br /> wlll ddeed�enasUy dtie dtb to�he Propatq aaairot dl ciaims and denwbs,subjece co�►y eeciunbr�oees af iecad <br /> 7W3 S�CiJRTi'Y INS1itU1�l�1'P oombioes w�ifarti�oovenants for natior� use aed�inh-unifaan caven�nts witb <br /> . timit�d r�i�a�i�y joris�icBon to c�s6ate s u�nifam�ecfuity iamument cos►erin8 real praPeRy. _ _ <br /> TJNII�itM COVEIVANI'S. Bamwer and I.eader cova�nc�a�cee ss fol{ows: <br /> . : L ra��est d PeYeipd ab�Mer�Frep�l�est a�d WEe C�r�. Barmwa�11 per�ptty py wha�duG the <br /> �of�ad interest an 8�e debt ev�td by tbe Nate�nd ury p�tpayment aad btte cha�ges due undec the Nete. <br /> I�l��is tar 1i��I�wr�e. Subject to apQlic�ble uw a tu a wnpa�waiver by Lender.Bat�uwa a1uJ1 pay to <br /> Lender oa tde daY��Y WY��are dae undar tbe Nate,undl We Note is p�id in fa11,a sum t"f�mds")for.(a)Y�Y . <br /> wces aad asseasmeots whicb may�win prioriry ova tdis Savriry�uuwneat as a lien at the Propetty:(b)Y�Y� <br /> ptyrnenta ar gcound�ts an the Pmpary, if aay;(c) Y�Y � a P�'�Y »��P�nant (�Y�Y� :. <br /> insn�ance pRmio�ns,if any:(e)Y�Y�SaSe insa[ance petniums.if aay;aad(�ar►Y sum4 P►Yabk by Bomower tu <br /> l.aider,in accotdance with tbe pravisioos of paragraph lIeu of the payment of mortg�ge insuronce pnemtdms. 'I1�ese <br /> itmas�ae caIlM"Escnnr�r Iteau." i,ender may,st any tane>toliect and hoW PUnds tu sip aa�ount mt w ex000d tde ma�imum <br /> . amount a.lendes far a fedeially rttated mortgage loan may tequita.for Botmwet�s esctaw accawu nt�der We fe�ieral Rqt <br /> Euate Sdmtlement.Pmcediues Act of 1974 as�f�om time to time.I2 US.0§2601 et seq.("R�SPA"),unless atioH►er <br /> taw t6��plies to t6e F�ds sets a lessear anwunt If so,La�der inaY,at�Y time,collect and liold Fuads ia an ama�nt not to. <br /> ; �aioe�T;it'Et�.3esser amracmfL• Lender may es6ma�the amoant of Finxls due on the 61sis of c�ureat dua wd ieasaiabte , - <br /> ;' <.e�s��:¢��e�^-ow liems ac,a+�:'�er�ise en accatQance withapplicable law. �:::.:�'�`;�:��;;�';-_ <br /> .,;..: .• :,. <br /> �:�L�ads�ha���s nx,`iM�rnr:�,.c�'.vr7i�.��..u�te,insaued by a fecieta!,,ag,rnty,�Wity,ot e�:iRy.;;.:,;.`_-.•'�:': <br /> ,g��r,�`�es�:sn3�s.ut�`�s�..^*s"�i tn i.l.�1Ee�ia[,�tome l.oat�Bank. L•r�shaIl�ppl�'diie Fimds a�,;P�Y f : <br /> ' r�e:�,a��,ersts.,�t6���a��'fsar��s�°{�'r����3`s�g��pplv�ng the F���+`�,"arnr.aally a�a[IT.��cag tbe esczcw <br /> , ��.�'V�4�5r�:�-����'������a.�x'r�.�r�¢�r�on tl�e�?icis�nd a�p]i�tb7✓.Yavc��e�ts <br /> ::�Str�..a;�ce sr�'��:iffdi`wYver,i��^y*�s}tr����so�ier 1a:�1y,�Pst�t�.cr:�e.c�SarBe.far an'�nde�eqdei�,rea1 ,. <br /> . ., , ::e"s'ra�u��epor6a����bg�eaduincani�ectionwz�sdkis�aar3:� '":a�piic�btelacy�rovidesot6eywise. Uri�r,s�aut , � <br /> a�is made vra�^�S,ticable law requires intenest w be paici,�rider sbaItaiatbe reqaired to pay Borrower any interest m <br /> eamings on the P�urtds. Bomower and Lender may agree in writing,however,that intcrese shall be paiA on the Punds. Lender <br /> shall give to Bcxrower.without cha�ge,an a�mual acconnting of the Funds,showlag ecedits and deb:ts to the Fbnds aad the <br /> pi¢pose for which each debit to t6e Funds was made. The E�nds ue piedged as sdditional security for all sums secu�ed by <br /> this Secaiity Insmunent- <br /> If ttie Funds_held by l.ender cxceod the amounts permltted to be held by appGcabla law.Lerxler shall account to <br /> Bormwer far the excess Funds in accordance wiih the requirements of applicabk law. If the amount of the Funds held by <br /> Lender u any thne is not sufticient to pay the Escrow(tems when due.Lender may so notify Borrower in writing, <br /> auch case BoROwer ahall pay w L.endec the amount necessazy to make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the � <br /> deCciaky in no mone than twelve manthfy Lender's sole discretion. <br /> Upon p�yrnent in fu11 of atl sums secured by this Securiry Instrument.Lender sfi�l1 pmmptty crfimd to Horrower any ' <br /> Funds held by Lender. Ii.under paragraph 21.Lender sball acquire or sell the Aroperty.Lender.prior to the acquisition ot <br /> sak of the Property.shall apply any Funds hetd by Lender at the time of acquisftion or sale as a credit agaiast the sums <br /> securcd by this Secudty Instrument. - <br /> 3. Applkatlon o�Payments. Unless applicabte law provides otherwise,all yayments received by[.ender under <br /> parag�aphs 1 and 2 shaU be applied:Gtst,to any prepayment ch�ges due undec the Note; amounts payable under _ <br /> p�ragaph 2:third,to intecest dur,fouRh,to principal due:and last,to any late charges due under the Note, _ <br /> 4. Chae�e.9;Lkna Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments,charges,fines and imposiaons attributable to tlie <br /> Property which may attain priority over this Secarity Instrument,and leasehold paymenu or ground tenss.if any. Borc�wer <br /> • shall pay thcse obligations in thc manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that mannec,Hoaower shall pay the�on - <br /> time directly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptty fumish to Lender all notices of amounss to be paid under <br /> this pangraph. If Borrower makes lhese paymenu directly.Baaower shafl promptly fumisfi to Le�er rereipts evidencing _ <br /> the pa►yments. - <br /> Barower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Inswment unless Borrower:(a)�sees , � <br /> in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the fien in a manner aoceptable to Lera�er:(b)cantests in good faith 4�e - <br /> lien bry.or defends against enforcement of the licn proc�..dings which in the Lende:'s opinion operate to prevent the = <br /> enforcement of the lien;ar(e)secu:+es fram the holder of�he lien an agree�2 satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien - <br /> to this Securiry lnstrumen� !f I.ender determines that any pan of the Propersy is subject to a lien which may attaln priority <br /> ' over this Securiry Insttument,l.ender may give Horrower a notice identifyIng tt�e lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or talce <br /> one or more of the sctions set foith above within 10 days of the giving of notice. -- <br /> 5. Hszard or property Insuranca Borrower shall keep the improvements now existing or 6ereafter erected on the - <br /> Roperty insured agalnst loss by ftre.haaards included within the term"extended coverage"and any other hazards,inctuding - <br /> floods or flooding,for which i.cnder requires insurence. 'If�is insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the - <br /> � �a,.�s � rvQa�2a�b�x�s, - <br /> --- , _ _ :�:�� .,.� �"-.� �_. :�= �,h• - - ='�''�'�`�-_. <br /> ----- ��.,.� - _--��—s'°���..:" <br /> _ - ---_^--�-��- -- �a-:,►�._:.-.° �,--__ <br /> a;�:�:y;ja"��'-_''".. • , t � ' ' .'a� ?.7' . � .. , <br /> .. - - --- '• ,1y--� -'-- - � - -� - � <br /> '___va..:. . : . . . .. ..+t. .h l.. . _ . <br /> .—,�...�.-_. ti.r.�_ a . . . _ . �Y� 4 . � . . <br />