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-�',C;' . ._C` "__ __ �---_ C..� '_ '_ - .���_ <br /> ;7..--' _ . . . . �_ .._•5-:; ------`-- <br /> • � ' - ' . . .-.— ° - - — <br /> _. . � - --- . - �-' .. ^ —_'. ._-. . —_` "- .—"-_ ' — -- <br /> -".":'--'—�'-� ----- —..... ._- --�—��- ---�---� ----�-�-�- ---��--- � . . .. . <br /> . �.� . < < � _ �F- 1 . <br /> �� i�oQrEr�IFx Wffflr au we impnnv�ots no+r ar be�+aA�a erec�ed oa me propacy,ana alt�ea�s,���y��"!� <br /> ��tut�4 ame as,.6aaftei�yut o�We proptrtY• Aq npl�a� �W �ddiAdor�s,.atpll atso be coveted by WIt:Sea�igr . <br /> Imtrument.All of the foregoin6 is nfared w in this 5avritY Iast�uc�t ar the:Pl+upercx•" ,, . <br /> BORROYVER COYENANTS tif�t Bonvwer is fa�vfaliy seised of tUe estatc herdry conv�yed and bas the r�ght w gnnt aed , <br /> � oomey tb�ptiopaty aod tiuit.tlie pmpaty is u�.eaapt far�rmces of reoord. Borrosvu w�aats and will <br /> �' defend gena�liy the�itte tQ ehe Psope�ty agaiast ail c1�ms and demxnds,subjxt tu any axuntb�ances of ra�o�d. < , <br /> ' .'�'HIS SgCtlRTI'1�INS71tUMENT combines aaiform covenants for aational use aad non-uniform eoveaants vuit6limited . <br /> . variationc by jurisdiction W oo�utitate a iiniforin savriry instrument ooveri�real property+. � ' � . <br /> • UI�IF4RM COVFNAM'�.Bortowrr and I,eoder cnY�ant a�agcoe at foltows: .. � . <br /> .l.P�ywait oi P�iadpa[aed Ider�t: Pi'ePRlm�t an� L�te C1ur=es.Bor�wer s6a}I'Pro�Y P�Y wha�dae tLe , <br /> � principa!of and intcRSt on ttie debt evidenoad by.tbe Note and anY P�Y►nent�late charges dae wfder tl�e Nae� - <br /> 2.Fioad�[or Tues aad Ias�teaace.Sub}ax m sipplicablc taw or to a written waiver by I.e�er,Borrower shall pay to •� . <br /> I.endes on tl�dsy monthly payme�us are doe urder tLe Note,arai!the Note is paid in.fa}1,a sum("Funds"}for.(al Yeuiy taxes <br /> �nd s�cscss�aus wtucb may attain prioriry over chis Sectlriry Iastrument as a lien on the Pcoperty:tb)Yearly leasehotd payn�eats. <br /> or grau�d r�eents on the Property.if any;(c)Yearly ha7atd or prope�ty iasurance pTemiums:(�Yearly flood incardn�e per.�uas. <br /> ��Y:�e)Y�Y��5�i�Pre�ums.if any:acd{�any sums payable hy Sarrower w acoardaroe with <br /> the pmvisions of puagraph 8;�in lieu of the payment of mortgage insuranre premiwns.These items are catled'Esccow Items." <br /> � Le�er aery tune,collect and hotd Fands in azc amannt�t to.exteed the maximum ar�ount a tender fo'r a fedeTally <br /> idazod martgage loan may reQuue for Botrawer`.s escrow xcaunt under the federal Real Estate Setttement Procedu�es Act of . <br /> 1974 as ataeaded from dme to time, I2 U.S.C. Saxion 2601 et seQ.("RFSPA"),anless afiother law that,appues w We Funds <br /> sets a lesser amamt. If so. I.eider may.�at any time,cnllect and hold Fur�ds in an aaiount not to exceed the lesser amount. � � <br />' Lender may�'t6e amount of Fnnds dua on the 6asis oi cunent data aaet reasonable estimates of expendituns of fuwre _ <br /> Fscmw hem�s or ott�xwise in xootdance with appl4c�Me law. <br /> The Fnrids shall be heki ia an iqstitation whose deposiu are irtsvred,try a fodesal agency, instnimentality. or eMity <br /> (inctuding l�ender,if Lender is'such an institurion)or in ar►y Federal Home L�n Ban1:.Lender shall apply tt�e Funds to pay the <br /> Escmw Items.I.ender may not c'harge Bomower for holding and apptying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow account,or <br /> � verifying the Escrow Items.unless L.ender p��s Bormwer interest on the Funds and applicable taw pe¢�s Ixnder ta malce such <br /> a charga. However.Ixnder ma�tequire Baca�v�er to pay a one-time ch.uge for an indepeade�t rea!esate tax reportiag scrvice <br /> used fiy Ler�der in connection a�ith this foaa. untess applica6le lav�r provides othcrv�se. Unless an agreetnent is made or <br /> appE�able law requires interest to be paid.I.ender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interesc or camings an t�e Funds. ` <br /> Boiiower and Lendcr may a�gree`in writing.however.that interest shall be paid on We Funds.L.ender shal!give to Borrower. <br /> witiioat anqual accoun6ng of the fiwids. showing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpase far which each <br /> debit to the Funds was m�de.'f�Funds are pledged as additional security for�11 sums sec,ured by this Sectuiry 1nSuvment. <br />� � Lf the Funds Ixld by l.eada��xceod the arnounts permitted to be held by applica66e taw.Lender shall accautn zo Borrower _ <br /> for the exc.ess Funds�in accord�i�with the requirements of applicable law.I�the amo�sent of the Funds heid by L,eaider at any <br /> , time is not suffuient to pay the Escraw Items when dne,Lender may so notify Borrowe�in writing,and,in such rau Borrower <br /> shall pay to Lender the�mmount necessacy��r'ake up the deficiency.Borinwer shail make up she deficiency in no more thaa. — <br /> � t+��ve aanthly payme�rts,at I.ender's sote d�s:reiton. ' � - <br /> :Upon payment in full of ali sums secured by this Se�uriry tns�c��►t. Lender shall prompdy refund to Botrower any ' -- <br /> . F`ian�s i�eld by I.ender.If.unGr�paragraph 21.Lender shal!acquire or se:€the Property.Lender,priar to the acquisition or sale <br /> of tfis Property,sha11 apply any Funds held by Lender at thr time of ac�sition or sale as a credit against the sums secvred by : <br /> this Security IrsT��ment. - <br /> 3.•Applicslt�ar ot Pay�enis.Unless applicable law provides otherR:se,all payments neceived by Lender under paragraphs ^� <br />': 1 and 2 shall be applied:fi�s¢,�a,any prepayment char$es due under the Note; second,ta amounts payabte under pazagraph 2: = <br /> third,to intcrest'�rincipal due;and last,ta any fate charges due under the Note. . _ <br /> 4.Chnrges;I.iens.Borro�'�ver shall pay all taxes,acsessments.charges, fines and impositians attributable to the Propeity ' <br /> which may attain priority over this Secutit5r t�struir�ent.and leasehold�aayments or ground rents. if any. Borrower shalt pay - <br /> these obiigations in the manner provided in pxragraph 2,or if not paid icx o:at manner.Borrowcr them on time direct{y ° <br /> to u�e person owed payment.Borrawer shali promptly fumish to Lendes a:l notices of amounts ta be paid under this paragraph. ` <br /> If Bansrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall�romptly f�rr.ish to Lender rzceipts evidencing the payments. � <br /> r: <br />' �$orrower shall prompdy diseharge any lien which has priarity o•��ir is Security�7strument untess Borrowec:fa)agrees in <br /> writing to thc p2yment of the obligation secured by the lien in a matr.�c.:.�ptable to I.ender:fb)contests in good faith the lien = <br /> by, or defends �„ainst enforcement af the lien in, legal proceedir,:it,i.h in the txndcr's opinion operate ta prevent the =- <br /> � enfcmement o€the lien;or(c1�res from the holder of L�s lien�an a�r;,:nent satisfactary to Lender subordinating the lien,to" - <br /> � � this Seeurity Instrumer►t. If Ug:a.':�r determines that any p.•:7r af the Property is subject to a lien which may attain pdority over <br /> this 5avriry Instrument,Ler�D�i^ay give Barrowcr a ncr;y:identify7r.g the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take one or ;;. <br /> more of the actiaas set forth above with3� t0�ays of the giv�ng af noti�. , _ <br /> ' , . � , ' . Farm 30� sH0 -- <br /> • �. , - .aa,hYot9 =. <br /> . • z� _ <br /> -'• ' ' ' ' " �r ' ' .. . — <br /> �l'r�-: 'iFi'��."•'"':_ . ��.� ai�Tr�'s''.... . <br /> .�...���� �.�Ii.L .tih.h.�.+�4•�A�'d�.��, ia�iGAL:TA41 (_ �1.• <br /> ____ _ _ __ s�ss.Nlf�q__bTlfi=51!'f�-_ <br /> .— __.'zN4':��Z4T? IT�'?''� �'. �ri ""?'Y;'«�+��!���M. . .. .t_ __._ . . ..r . iT.�'i'.,,";• .�n r __ __.. <br /> ��� <br />