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. ' i�. — . �_._ ' __ .._.. .C_.�_ �,_._ _ - __ "_ . <br /> r__f. _. . ( . . _ ( _-_ '__ <br /> a _ _ <br /> __.__ '�..�.Y...�.:���._-_''— _ �_____ —_— __ �__ _._- <br /> ...�.���— ,�. • <br /> ' t�- . - _ _ _ � <br /> �. ..� <br /> .._.. .--___ "_�_..—'_—.___—.___.. _ __.A�_—__—_....�_. _ . __ � _ <br /> ._ s_ ,._.. <br /> . . - . _ . :., '_. -__ '.__ _ _ �-_ _�,� '. . •�/�_�+'���yO` �� , . � V .. <br /> " . ���m����M���lL�PF�����w•��lW��ili�{W�� .� .. <br /> . f�TrE11dE! I�bQY�[Ei�lllOY�dOfj b�f�1 iOWt�Ct.�j1��11ld bY I1�Gl�A b0001liK�11�6{C�pd it Obf�00�$Ofl�O'IV'Et'.�II� ' <br />� . 1��l�t 1EQY![0�iA 1�iD fl10�C�OW[i00C ln�.O[�O�NYIdC!�S 1CSQY��i11�111�10��11t�lJOE�fOYlnO[!�4 . <br /> 1�6Yl�IICE E�S�Id lOOO1d�LC M�It�I�R�I MIPIt�l��[CEQ!!��U�Y[C'8�01i�O�YEt�Z.l�Gf O[�jC�C�Y. . . <br /> !.Iiq�dioE.I�etider or its aaent m�y m�ice teasomble eatries upon md iacpectio�s of the P�operty. L,ender a6alf pve <br /> . Borrnwdr notioe�t t�e time of or prior to an i�ioa apecifYinB�naabk�fa tl�e inspe�tion. ` .' � <br /> ' 1�.Caodeauatlae.Tbe p�ooeads of acy awaN or cl�im for dam�ges. dired or oonsequeati� ounoaxion with ony� , <br /> oondaomtion or atl�er W�ng of any part of�he P�operty.oi for onuveyanoa in liea of ooademn�t'ion,are he�eby usiSned and � <br /> � • si�ll be psid to I.eader.; ` . . �• . _ • � • - <. , <br /> � In tLe evmt of i tatal taldng of tbe Pmpecty.the prooeeds sl�aU be apptiod W the sum4 secured by this Secutlty I�ttumax, <br /> ' �or not t1�m duc,with a�r exc�ss p�d to Bo�ower.In the evau af a partia!taldu8 of the PmPeRY in which tUe fair . <br /> mvkd vatue of tht Pmperty i�nmedi�tdy 6cfore the hlcing is equa!w or gnp�ter tl�n tha amoatit of the sums securea by this <br /> Security I�tum�it immed�Oely tiefore We nkmg,untess Homoaer and I�eoder dherwise agiee in writing,tl�e sm�socutrd by . <br /> tbis Sxurity Inst�eiment shall 6e roduced by the amoant of tl�e proceeds muItiplicd by t6e following fiaction: (a)the totil <br /> i � �dount of the sums secuc�od immediatdy before the taYing,divided by(b)We fai�r marlcet vatue of the Pmpaty immediateiY <br /> i 6efore t6e t�iciag. My balarnx sbail be paid w Borrower. ta We cv�t of a paitiai taking of thc`Pnoporty in w6ich the fair <br /> , matket vatue of tbc Propercy immediatety before the talnng is less than the amnuat of the sums sa.urod immaiiately 6efoze the <br /> ' tatdng,unless Borroaer ard Lsnder ot�e*wise agca in writin8 or unless agplicab2a Isw oWcrwiss provides,the p��alI <br /> 6e applied to the sumc s-ccured by this Saurity Iaswment wLGher or not the sums are t)xn due. ; . <br /> If the Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if.aft$r ndice by I,ender to Borrower thaz the condemnor offets to make an <br /> awaid or settte a claim for damages,Borrower fa7s w respo�to L.cnder widiin 3l1 days after the date the��otice is 8►ven, <br /> . Ltnder is authorixod to collect and apply the proceeds,at its optinn,either to restoraqion�:repair of the Property or to the snms _ <br /> � secut�ed by this Setvriry Ia�ument,whethet or not ti�en due. ' . . <br /> Uuless Lender aad Borrower atherwise agnee in writing, amr applicaqon af;irnoeeds w principal shal! not extend or, <br /> po�pone tBe due date of the monthly paymenu referted ta in paragrap6s 1 and.2 or change the amount of snch payments. � <br /> il.Horra�rer NM Rdes�sed;Forbearaoce By l,ender Not a Waiver.Extensian of the time far paymeat or modificaaon <br /> i � of a�ro�on of'the sums secured by��s Security Insuun�ent grantsd by I.e�er to any succe.qsor in interest of Borrower shall - <br /> not ogerate'to ntease the liabitity of ttfe original Bomae�er or Bormwer's sucoessors in interes�I.ender shall nat be req�ired to - _ <br /> -� oam�proceedings against any successar in interes�ec irefuse to extend time far payment or otherwise modify amortization = <br /> of the sums seivred by this Security Insdument by.�son of any demand made by the original Borrnwer or Borivwer's = <br /> - successors in interest.Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of or preciude ttiv: . = <br /> exercise af azry right br remedy: . �. � _ <br /> , 12. Suc�ons Aod As�Boand;Joint sutd Several Listbiltty; Co-sigaeis. The ���snts and agreements of u�"'. <br /> ' Seauity tnsaument shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of I.ender anc!Borrower: subjert to the provisions o�� , _ <br /> pata�rap[i 17. Bornower's covenanu and agreemen� s'isall be joint and severat. Any Borrower who ca�signs this Secursry: <br /> ir�strument but does not eaecute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security instrument only to mongage. grant and comey t�ai <br /> Borrower's i�est in the Property under the terms of this Security Insdume�tr.(b)is not personaily obligated to pay the s�s _ <br /> sesvred by this Security Instrument:and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend.modify,forbea�or � <br /> make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower's conser.t. _ <br /> '13.Loan Charges.if ihe loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maxianuro toan charges. _ <br /> and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected ar to be col!ected in connection with the ' <br /> toan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any wch loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce the cha�e = <br /> to the permitted limii:and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower which exceeded pennitted limits will be mfundeal to = <br /> Borro�ver. L,ender may chaose ta make thi.e refund by reduring the principal owed under the Note ar by making a direct _ <br />_ payment to Borrawer. If a refund reduces principal, the rcduction will be treated as a partial prepayment without any =- <br />° prepayment charge under the Note. , . <br />-, � I4.Notioes.Any natice ta Borrower pri�vidcd for in thi�Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or hy maan�,.g . <br />— it by first class mail untess applicabte law require.use ot another nte.zfiod. The notice shall be directed to the Prpperty A�^� - <br /> ' •• or any other address Borrawer designates by �wticc [o Lender. Any noticc to Lender shall be given by first class �a�'G.�:� , , _ <br /> � 9.ender's address stated herein or aay other addre«-Ltrt�'er designates by notice to Sorrower. Any notice proti-zded far ass a��is - <br /> '�Security lnstrument shal!6e deemed to have becn Si�•cr,s ev Borrowcr or Lendcr when given ac provided in this paragrapla. ' . _ <br /> 15.Coveraittg Law; Severabllity. This Security lastrument shalt be govemod by federal law and the law �,B �� ' ' _ <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is lasa*.�. M the event that any provision or clause of this S�urity lnstrument or the tic�.a <br />_ conilicts with applicabte law.such co;tt��t shall not affect other provisianc of�his Securiry(r.c��snent or the Nute which ca.-�� <br /> givert sffect�without the ca-��'a�:��:ovision. To this cad the provisians of this 5�;.,:��cy[r.::;aament and the Note are deciared <br /> to be srverable. . <br /> 16.Borrower's Capy.�rrawer shaU bc givcn onc canformed copy of thc Notc and of this Security Iristrument. ,- <br /> ' . Form 3028 �:`90 - <br /> . vege a or e =� <br /> .,.; ,^ _._-,..�.J}FY"t _ r��;ai aa��:�: . <br /> — _ _n,_.p'"� :.�F.ja.�i +6�E'�t_ • -'v .tr' <br /> ---�. i�'�`�'`Y'� :.Ar��;..�k"4JiN ' i �� .z:t--r.�tiLk�-. <br /> _ � �_ �� �e�>;�:.T3^R6l_ <br /> -,_— - --_ -- ----����!"�.TeT <br /> _'_- __ --r�n-.r.s.t-.,�: ...`:6". _'- . .. -" _.,yy�pr _ �yT.�.r.-..� - �•t.� '_.. � — . <br /> ---_'_±��'_-a �' . . �in .' _ .,j . . .. <br /> - � y _ '•' - . ' <br /> --.—='.':a::.. . ... • , . - ., - . _ . .::7.° _ Z:�.+._ . . . . ' <br />