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'i�(i�l�6R w�'t'R all'��pt!oraaem ao�►a i�eR�+�ller aec+ed oa.the peopricy,����:�,• --. <br /> ` ' fisrii�es �o+r ac<Mralle��Pr't of t1e�p�opRnY• � i1DPd0� and atidi600r �1! alw be coreta�'�S' � ��, ' . <br /> . . tdaymeot.All a�f itie fae�oie�is.�e�tied oo ia tbis Se�ray Io�a�eeat�tLe'Froparty►•` � . . � � <br /> b0141ta'WFat CQVENAt�T'i'S tfrt Hoetnwer is Irirtull�r x3fed ot t�aaoe�ttebjr cat���d lws dre ii�t 1a�t�d , �: . <br /> � oonv��t6e Pto�aty md tlrt the Propetty is�ukecuaabesed.`�t fot encnmbianoa of record.�o4i�er�ra�ruri a�d�►i14 <br /> : ddpw��Y tfie dtk w t6e Paopert��i�t all cisiins ad de�n�ods,�b�t ta iuy a�n�br�moes of ncoid. � , <br /> , THtS SECtiRTi'Y INS'fRUMENT rnmbina unifann covaunta for�use and aonauufam ooveatiits wittr li�ited <br /> . vui�tions by iuritdiaioa w canatiwte a unifonn secwity�Sbvmeac�overing�p1 pr�npe�tY• � � � • <br /> � . - .iJNIFDRM CU1�ENl1Ml'S.B�oxa aad L,a�def rnvmmt and�gres as follows:� ... .� • _ ' - ' .- <br /> .:l.P��r�st at pti�c�i�wd LNere�Preps'�ait a�d LMe Ci�e�.BotmNer shtt}P��Y P�Y'�har due dre • <br /> �pri�i�of aad�noa�est on tLe deM cfideacod by tde Nate 9nd a�r p�ptymwt snd l�te c3�a diie undes t6e Naue: . � <br /> ° . Z.�L�[or�'ases�d Iswra�a Subjoct w appltc�ble lavv os to a aiittm wsiva by�Ixnder.Bor��qwer ahall p1Y� ` <br /> Iml�t oa`�he dty munthtY�syn�s aae due unda t�e Natc.until the Note is paid�in falt.a sam!'Ftmd�')for:(s)3�asI9 ta� . <br /> ad�ssGSSanat�.which msy.�ttain priority oya this-Sxurity I�num�t u a lieu on tl�e Propaty:(b)9�Y�� : <br /> � or Enouna neots on d,e rropacy,3f any;t�)yeulY n�nf or pnopaty ias�r�nce pRmiams;t�Y�r���P��• ; <br /> if aaY:(e)Y�Y�S�Se inuuanoe p�emiu�+if any:a�d(fl anY�u Psrible by Somu�+er to I�ncler, in acoo�danoe� <br /> the provisioas of p�usgr�h tieu of tbe p4yment of mortgagc insustince paminms.These itema ace pltod"F.scrow Itans.' <br /> Lrader tday.�t any tune,wllect�d 6old Fwxts in an emount�at to esexd tbe maxiawm amo�nt a knder for t fedeesUy ' . <br /> mt�ted martgage lo�n may iequiie for Barowa's acc�ow axount unckr tbe federai Re�l Estaoe Seulameat Pmoeduces Acx of <br /> I974 as amended frum tim to titne, 12 U.S.C:Sectian� 2601 d seq.("RFSPA").w�less anotber!aw tI�at.applies w the Futds <br /> sets a ksser amount. If so.Ladec aeY time.i;olle�t and,hola Funds in aa acnoum mc to eu,eed tt�lesstr aa�ount. <br /> Le�der au►y atimate thc amounc of Fnnds due on tlie bacis of curnnt data and reasonabla�es of axpenditu�es,of tut�re <br /> Fsaow Itetns or attxr9vise ia aoonrd�ce With appiiqb�e law. ' , <br /> ' 't1�e Funds slssll be hetd in an`insatation whose,deposits are insured by a federal agenCy, instnm�taliry. or entity . <br /> . ('mchdiag Leoder,if Lenckris such a»'iratitution)or in arry Frderal Home 1 oaa Banic.I.endtr slnll apply the Fmds tty pay tbe <br /> Escrow Items.Lender may noc d�aage Borrawer for holding and applying the Funds,annaally anatyrting tl�ee e�vr�ocauK,or <br /> ve�ifying the�scrow Items,auS�l�nder pays Bonower interest on the Funds and applica6le law petmits l.ender to malce such , <br /> . . a cNage.Nowever,[.ender map'sti�iine Borntwo*W Pa9 a one�tlme charge for an independent real sstate ktx repordng setviac . <br /> used by Lender i�n oonnoction with Wis�aau..mtless applicable law pmvides oeherarise. Unless an agmmenc is made qs <br /> applicable taw require's inteirst ta 6e p�iA:�r sha11 not be teqtsired to pay Bomoaer any interest or eamings pn tbe Funds. <br /> Borrower and L,ender may agree nca�writing,?tr,sa�ever,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. L,ender shall givo to Bortnwer. <br /> �• without charge. an anntlal�of the Fw�ds;showing credits and debits to the Fat�ds and the purpdse for which each- <br /> debit w the Fa�ls was made.'fH�e��Is are�:aiged as additional securiry for all sums seaued by this Socurity Instairtient. <br /> If the Fwids'�d by I.ender e�c�ed c.��c�mts permitted to 6e held by applipble law.Lender s1m11 acco�nt to Bormwer <br /> for ti�e excess Funds in accorda�r�iah tt�:z��rements of applicable taw. If�he amount of the Funds held by LeMer at any <br /> • t�me is not sofficient to pay the Esi�w Items when due,I.ender may so notify Borrower in writing.and.ia such case Borrower <br /> � sha11 pay to l.ender the amowmt neoessary to make up the deticiency. Borrower shal!make up the defciency in no awre tt�n <br /> twetve rrwnthly Ixrz�er's sole discretian. � <br /> Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this 5eeurity lnstrnment. Lender shap promptly refund to Bomnwer any <br /> Funds held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21.ixnder shal!acquire or selCthe Properry.Lender,priar to the acquisition or sale <br /> of the Property. shall apply any Funds held by[.ender at the time of avquisition ar sale as a credit against the sums secured by <br /> . this Security Instrument. .:: <br /> 3.Applicatbn oi P�yments.Unless applicabte law provides otf�erwise.all payments received by l.ender under paragrapl�s <br /> 1 and 2 shall be applied: first:to any prepayment charges due under the Note:Second,to amounts payable under paragraph 2; <br /> third,to intecrst duo:fourth:to principal due:and last,to any late charges due under the Notc. <br /> 4.Clwiges;Ltens. Borrower shall pay all taxes,accessments.eharges,fines and impositions attributable to ihe Property <br /> whieh.may attain priority over:this Security'Yn.struriirnt.and ipsehold paymen�c or graund rents, if any. Borrower shall pay <br /> ti�se obligations in the munner provided in paragraph if nat paid in that manncr,Borrower shail pay them on time direcdy <br /> ta the person owed payment.Barrawer shall promptly fumish ta Letxter al6�otices of amounts ta be�a6d under td�is�raragraph. <br /> If Eorrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall ptomptly Pum5s9�vo Lender receipts evidenang the payments. ' , <br /> Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over t1�:s Security lnstrument unless Borrower:(a)agtees in <br /> writing to the payment of the ab[igation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable ta Lender:(b)contests in good faith the lien <br /> by. or defends against enfarcem�ttt of the lien in. legal proceedings which in the l�des'.s opinion operate to prevent the <br /> enforcement of the lien:or(c)se�ires from the holder of the lien an agrcement satisfacaory to Lender subordinating the lien to <br /> thls Security lnstrument. (f Lender determines�hat any part of'the Property is subject to a lien whiriti anay attain priority over <br /> this Security lnstrument. Lender may give Barroa�cr a noticc identifying the licn.Bonower shall satirfy the lien or take one or . <br /> mote of the actions set forth abwe within 10 days ot the giving of natice. <br /> .� Famr302� �ll0 <br /> ;;' <br /> • � vps a o16 <br /> • ' , �: <br /> _. ..�._._ ._—. .. _€_ .-T-^,a �:Y' . �. t r }- <br /> —_— •3 - `3tf'�n`�-.-�. <br /> .=-r '�_�'�.�_'tl'�4'3� r 1 . �?37Ci'r— _ ' _ _. <br /> -_—_=:�.ca::�J}.'i9�'!�s�A;_�-�-f--�°-. . <br /> _;r,.:.yaK'°;' - .. � - - :. ;,sIR. , .�'-2ti�"^-:'�-���.�ra.. <br /> _.._—_'�:�.-'.- . . ` , r� -1,r:. i ..f.._:+. ' ' <br /> -- -�a_,'s,.-... ' ' . . . . .. . . - „' "'-,... �L: ... _ ,aQ.-... _ ,..- . ._ .-.-. <br />