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'.__._.._, �" ».._�____: _=.�:�.—__�.�� r .__�_, : � ..._���..� _ _ _' <br /> 4�"' L `_ ' .._ '— . _ .. r. < . ` ` .: • � _' _ _. . - . , ���.i-. <br /> • 7���H��1C lO�ROY�00'Mr Ot�10[O�A![Ct�i�O�On t�G�[+OQlYty.i�i�jlMEIOCl�+��:.� - <br /> ' �t�fCt Q0�1� O��Qp11� � � pf.�lC,pl�![y. 1w�.1�110lmldf ild �f�i00�f�l v!O Ot COY!!Ed �j► 1� ZSOpLt�IY <br /> . 101111MIIE�t.All O�(hE ipf�Dil��i ICflfl�Od b�II f�!SECWIIj►IIWfYQlCOt�S tbC"�1+O�E1tY.', , ' ` . <br /> Q�R�pN�1I�V�A���BCfKC�M1'��f 1�7Y�111}�!'LOa U�Q1C lifMC�Y O�YC�tE���f 1bG t1�1t 10�[�II[� � <br /> � oonvey�Pcqperty aed tlnt d�e A�ope�ty`is uomc,anbe[ad.excxpe for a�irt�bnnon af i000rd.Hoi�rer w,rr�ats aod aUt <br /> d�f'rnd�eneratiy tUe thk to t6e Propert f a�airot sfI CW ms srd da�nds,sul�ject t�i�+Y�Of r�ecoed. ` . . .� <br /> THIS SFCURTCY INS'�itUMEN`l'aombina unifom�aoveamta fcsr oitioml use�r�oa-uWfoEm cava�ts with liuutad � . . <br /> ` variatioro by jnrisdictioe�to oum�iaue a uaif'ona:ecurity inst�ument oovetina ra1 prop�r�1►• ' ' _ ' <br /> UIViFOR1K MVENAN'I'�.BormMer aad Isoder ornen�ot and�gca as foqows: ' , <br /> i.�i.ya�at a PN�ctp�l a�a r.teeat;_�rep.y..e�t ara LMr c6ua�. Bonower�tI P�ttY P�3► ��.� <br /> princip�!of and inteeest on the Qebt bvidenctd b1f the Noce aad�ry pceP4Ymei�t ad late charges due anda tht Note. <br /> 2.FM�ds fi�r TaYn�nd lawra�oe.Subje�x to applicable�law ar to a writta�wuver hy lender. Borrower s6a11,p►y w <br /> lioder on thc da9��Y P�Y�S are due`iuder the Note.unti�the Note is p�id ia full.a sum('Funds')for:(a)Year1Y taxa <br /> and asse�maws which mty swin priurity over Utis 5��riry Imtnmient as a lien on the Prvpe�ty:(b?yaa1Y iqad�nld P�Y�mt: <br /> or�rouM[eots on the Prapetty.if in}r:(c)YeulY 6az�ud or p[operiy insurana pr+emiumc;(d)Yeuly fbod inwrAnct prtmiauna. <br /> if my:(e?Y�9�E���•if any;aad(fl�Y�P�S�Ie by Bo�no�er w I�ender,in atootdan�e wrilh <br /> ihe provisions of p�ragraph 8,`in lieu of tbe payment of moRg�ge iesu�premiwns.'tttese itoms an plLed"Fscrow Ite�s.' - <br /> Ls�Wer a� any time.colkd and hotd Funds in an amon� not to exeeed tbe maximum amount a leuder for a fedetalty <br /> �elued inactgage to�may esquine for Borrowe�'s escrow a000unt wder t6e foderal Real Esnte Settiement P�000da�ss Act of • <br /> 19'!4 a4 ameadod fran tia�e to time, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 ct seq.("RFSPA"}.uNess�notl�er taw that tbe FuMs <br /> aets a ksser anwuut.V so, I,ender may,at any time.colloct and hold Funds in an amount not to exoeed tbe lesser�pount. <br /> La�der m�y escimate the aaxwnc of Fands.due on the basis_of c�r�nt+data aM reawna6le estim�tes of e�peaditares of fataie : <br /> Escrow Iteims or otherw'�se in aa�ord�nce with applicable law. '. • . <br /> T6e Funds shall be 6�W in aa institu6on whose deposits are insared by a federal age�cy, Insauma�t•rlity. or entity � <br /> � ,(includipg l.erder.if I.eadec is such an institution)or in any Fodetal Home Lo�n Banlc.i.ender st�Il apQIY We Funds to pay the <br /> Escrow Items.LeMer ma�r�nt charge Borrower for holding�d applyiag the Funds,annually analyzing the esraow axount,ot . <br /> verifying the Escrow Items,untess I.endcr pays Borrower interat on t6e Fuods and applic�ble law permits Lender to make.sacb <br /> � �charge.However,Lerlder may require Bomnwer to pay a oae-time charge for an iadependeni teal estau taa repoRing servia <br /> ����� :. ased by Lender in wnnoction with this loan. unless apptic�able law piovides Unless an agreement is made or <br /> — --- applirable taw roquires interest to be paid,l.ender shall not be recryired to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds. . <br /> �� � � Bortn�ver and I.ender may agree in wrtting.:however,that intetest s6all he paid an the Fnnds. l.ender shall give to Bomnwer. <br /> without annual accamting of the Fw�ds.showing crediu and debits to ihe Funds and the pnrpose for which eacb <br /> �� debit ta the Funds was made.7T�e Fnnds are pledged aS additianai security for all sums secured Hy this Securiry Instcumettt: - <br /> �� , Ii the F�r�ds held[ry Ler�es exceod the amounts pezinitted to 6e held by applicable law.Lender shall aornuat to Bomowpr <br /> ���`�'`=�'.� for the•eacess Funds in acn��'an:e with the requirements of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds heid by Lender af any <br /> ���•�:r. <br /> �°'��"' wne+s not suftieient to pay�.r;e Escmw Items when due,�xnder may so notify Borrower in writing, such case Borrower <br /> =;�;;;�_'';,'•• shalt pay,td�der•the amount necesszrg•eo make up the deficiencu_Sarrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than _ <br /> ;-��. y, � twelve moa�ty Lender's sa!e sTiscretion. _ <br /> - 7, ,; _. <br /> �;-';;.;�. : •...,. #_ P Y �Y P P Y Y - <br /> �,.,��� , _.,..� Upon ayment in fiill of all sums secured b this Secud Instrument. Lender shall rom d refund to Borrower an _ <br /> :,. r•�.i_�• ->':�;•. Funds held by l.ender.If.under paragraph 21.[.ender shaU acquire ar sell the Property,l.ender,prior to the acquisition or sale = <br /> -z�;'''`:.� -`^�`;> of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by l.ender at the time of acyuisition or sale as a credit against the sumc secured by : <br /> .•�;� �=j� this Security lnstrument. - <br /> '-�+,-�y: ��:''�.,:''.: 3.Applkation of Paym�ts.Unless applicabte law provid�otherwise.all payments received by l.ender under paragraphs - <br /> �'� ;%,c,..=.��:..- 1 and 2 shall be applied: any prepayment charges due under the amaunts payable under paragraph 2; ` <br /> ��, ;`�=:�j-1-� -' interest�rincipal due:and any late charges due under the Note. _ <br /> '�"���`�}������ � � 4.Cha es; Liens. ��7ccower shall a all taxes,assessments,char es, fines and im s�ttons amibutabte to the Pro '.. <br /> �: _ <br /> �iE. r8 A Y fi Po �� P�Y <br /> ,�y�� . .�;,: . which may at[~w..n priaritz.c�.�r this Secerity Instrument,and lcasehofd payments or ground reats, if any. Borrower shall �: <br /> '�iL,_ ._.-r'�;',�; thae obligatac�in the�:r provid�i i�:�arugraph 2.or if not�id in that manner,Barrowes shall pay them an time dire�i; <br /> �f��:,.,,�. :,, <br /> ',Yq,..;t��,�...' to the person owed paym;.��OTfOWBt S:SiL.i pTOJiiPI�Y�arnish ta Lender all natices of amounts r�L`e paid undec zhis paragraph. � -• <br /> `��`°=-=-'-n"`���= If Borrower makes these paatir.en�s directfy.Barrowec ti:=:.��romptly fumish to Lender receip�s ev'rdertcing tt�.e�a:-�.;nents. "` <br /> ��--_,:=;,� .,-;. - <br /> � .�,:�-• Borrower shall pramptly discharge any iien�s::a�-C�,priarity over this Security Instrument unle.�BorreR�er:(a)agrees in °_ <br /> _-";;,���=- writing to the payment of the obligation secured by ti:�::en in a manner acccptable to Lender:(b!cc^tests in good'faith the lien = <br /> = x�4�;,� . . , <br /> _-- •E by. or defends against enforament of the lien in, tegal prnceedings which in �6e Lender's cgc�::c� operate to prevent the : <br /> -��4��' enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures fr�vzi:th�halder vF thc lien a.n.agrcement satisfactory to Lender sz6�nr��ating the lien to - <br /> "�'` this Security Instrumem. 1P l.ender detem:ines�that artt �art of the Property is subject to a lien whicb�rray �.r.�i:�priority over ` <br /> ���± � this Securiry Instrument.l.ender may give Borrower a.^.nticc identifying the lien. Barrnwer shall satisfy t�:e ir,�c or tttke one or ", <br /> _ ,�;;;; <br /> �- more oF the�ons set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice. _ <br /> � ,Farm 30?A �190 °. <br /> �. vayp 1 of 8 --. <br /> � -m^- . ir�e-� �w-r,- - , <br /> .. - .r%i r -F�s _ - • .. -.'._-'_._�r �... �. y,vT�.�,,r� .��. . � <br /> - - �=� S-� . � ; :r=.:y�a-. _.%,� .,•-: , <br /> '4.�C 'x'.a f r � 44�.�..r- C� <br /> � = ac-_�:.wr c' 1 -`�i "•�'3J'V�.. (r 1�k,:�- - <br /> ���f�Afy���!�tt� ��������s; <br /> __ i'"4..�'M=�S..��3. , --.f. ��'.�5�'�°=T-_. <br /> -�_ .. . " . . ` —. � .-•_ �_:r:'�- . �.�`.�- -.�i.r.... _ -`_. <br /> - t , .. . i� . ... . <br /> .. i�. .::-,.. <br /> �_�, s L .-i._� _ . ' �. ., _ ��.�,.....a.�: '�—....� - . <br /> _ .� _ ... _ . ._ _. _. .�.!:'_ �� ..�.�...,....�.�.. �.___._._ . ' <br />