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_ -,��: , : �� <br /> �. ��r:- �- <br /> _ . _ �. - __ - -_--- <br /> :, .• :. � ... _.�_--- <br /> , � <br /> -�., � . - ,_ � .._ ., _ . _ <br /> --- — __..�_.....'�_�_ � �t_�.._:.__ - - - � =- � <br /> _== -- -- . � .. . <br /> � 7�I3ETHEit WF1'�t�IL tfie Lrop[ovea�eaFs ao�►a 6a�dlae►�c1ad on tbegevparty.aad a!!�.��pp�k�eca.aod. - -, <br /> �i�aie{ oow tioc'hee�dttla : pnt of the�p�opeety., Alt �oan�ats�nd �idit�orK dali alsu be oore�sd by thb Sea�ritY . <br /> ' UrwaOart:Allot the fctaoin�it tef�ttc�l w ta this�Sacurity le�t�x+the'Pivp�erty.' <br /> Bi'MRd'�VER�YENANTS thM Borrowa is I�nrtully seised b!'the esnt�harcby comeyed sad t�s the riyht w p�nt�d • <br /> p�nve�r tLe Pmpecty aad tint the Prope�ty is u�iar.vmben�+d�except for encumbrancel of record. BoROwer vrur�nts rnd wW� ' <br /> Oet'pd geflecalty t�e dtta to the P�i�perty��i�l claim�s and demands:sabject ta any e�umbiarces of reoand. <br /> TH[S SF,CiJRITY INS7'RUMENT oom6iues uaifocm coven�nts fof nuional use and nort-uniform coveaants with limitad <br /> vui�Eiont by jurisdictiot�to eaasticute a uniform securiry insaumrnt rnvering eraf property. ` . <br /> �UNiFOFtM.CAVENANTS.Homowear�ed lroder mv��nt aud_�ree aS fofta�rs: . - <br /> ' l.�Pl�ymeat ot PrindpW a�d i�tesat: FttPM7a�eqt,�Late Clre�es. Bormwer shal!pmmPUY P�wtsrn�ue t6e <br /> ' priadpwl of�ad i�on the debt eviden�sd 6y the Note aad aay Pr�eprYment ond IMe chuges doe under the:�Tate. , • <br /> 2�.Fytntis for Tues aod Is�nance.Subject to applicabte law or to a w�itten waiver by Lerder.Borrower shall pay to <br /> te�der ao the day mo�hly paymrnts ue cbe n�der tbe Nae.until tho Nate is�id in fWl.a swr�("F�rds")for.(U Ye+�Y� <br /> �od assessmeots w6ich may aaain pdoriry over this Securily Inshument as�lim on tl�e PropeKy:(b)Yearly teasd►old payments <br /> or�round�ents on the Pmperty.if any;{c)yearly har�d or pcoperty iawr•uwe premium.�;(d�yearly flood inwraace ptemiut►n, <br /> � if any;te)Y�Y�SaBe insunnee premiums.if any:aad(t�anY s�m�Pa3"abla by Borcower to Ltoder,in axocd�r�ae with ,, <br /> the provisions of paragr�ph liw of the payment of mortgase iawranae premiums.71�ese iums are ca![od"Esc�vw ttems." <br /> Le�der may. at any time,mllect azd hold Fyads in an amount not tQ excxtd tbe masimum amaont a lender for a federal[y <br /> �elated mortgage loa�r may require for Bomu�vePs escrow acoount under the federal Re�i Fstate Setttement Proadures Act of <br /> 1974 as amendod'fram time to time. 12 U.S.C.Saxion 2601 el seg.('RESPA').unless another law that applies to the Fw�ds <br /> se�s a lasser amotm�If so, Ieuder may,at any time.collect and.hold Fwids in an amount not to e�cceed the lesser amount. . <br /> Leader may estimate ttx artrount af Funds duc on the basis of currem data snd reasonable esdmues of expenditures of future <br /> Escrow Items or otherwise in accordanc�witb applicable law. � . � -- <br /> �lx Fu�s st�aU 6e hetd in an institution whose deposits are insucrd by a f�ciera! agency. insuumentality.or entity <br /> � (including I.ender;.if Lender is such an insHtution)or in any Federal Home Lnan Bank.l.ender s4a11 appiy the Fnnds to pay the � <br /> Bscrow Ite�:Leoder may not chazge Borrowe�'for holding and applying the Funds.annually analyzing the escmw a000nnt.or - <br /> votifytng the ESCrow Items.nnless Lender pays Bomower interest on the Funds and applicable law peimits Lender ta malce sucb = <br />