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<br /> � ty�n..rr MM MMwa�xw�W«+a th.w+M wr p.rn«�e onnod�I�cwon a�+oNrrion a w.wn�..�axid ey w.
<br /> � . ONdd1'n�t�raM�byl.Md�rblu�Ys�MO►tnUWNtdBorrow�N�wMnotop�ral�brNwRMM1t�.��y
<br /> ` atth�aipiryl6oao�w�r�8arow���uccM�orsink�Mrrti.��d�rNi�lnotbtrpuindboOn�nMtalxOa�d(�q���
<br /> . Mx�M�OrOrntuMb�xl�ndl6ntbrP�nOr0lMcwiMmodrtll�e�ortl�a�ot�sum�NWndbylM(�flNddTru�t
<br /> � , , ��i.a.�s����n�.�i.ae°�i�:�aao�w.r��rar �j�rt�nt a anr obita�on h�nMt
<br /> m�MbrNd.�fd wilhaR aMwtin�1h�It�n or s�rD'�of�h Dwcl MlYuM irpon anY Pof.�dlh�Proprrh tiotlMn or Thsnialbrr
<br /> rMMa�dass�CU�►IiDrth�iull�raauntOfallnep�id o�i'�Yons.l.N�dMnw�Y•iromW±pibikMandwEMo��tnotlCip)rNrM�ryl . .
<br />- — . pM�011q1�1�.(i��Y1M1d111BrtItlYfity0��11MQ1Y0}111NKRIfOENyWC�fObllDdlOfllr(iN)Qr�MO��M�(��NM —
<br /> «ncomr�r.or uw.w e.r.Matsa or neonwyw a amr tlms at Lend.r�s ootla+sn�r w�•P�"a�°{�n.Prcp.rhr.
<br /> (�t�ic�or nt����nY o�r or addilio��l s�curig►for�ny at�p�tion Ir�irt m�ntlon�dL or(v�mNr�compaitlom ar otlNr
<br /> arrar�nls wNh d�blon ln rNati�on tliero�. —
<br /> (c)fabwaeo�b�l L�li�t a MlaiNr.My to�rancs by L�Nr tn�x�rcUirq anY�ipht a n�n�d!►h�+rtdK.or
<br /> WAe�wy�`allord�d 6y iPptics�to law:shall not b�a waiirer of or pnctu0s 11M�xacl�d any such rI�M or ron�lyr.Th� .
<br /> - procunrt�vntatinw[mcfOrlh�WYm�ntaffazaorulhe►IiensarchuqabYLendsrshdlndbe�watwrdL�r�sri�htb ,.
<br /> �ccel�ds 1!�n�rily ol lhs ind�MKk�s�scund by tAis DOSd d Tiwi �
<br /> (t�Wcc�war��nd A�is Oow�d:Joiit and�il W61Ur t�prsn�.Ths co+rona�ts utd�Mntenb h�rein ccx�- • ----
<br /> fain�d shall bi�d,and tha riphfs hereunder shaq inurs to,th�respectivs auccsssoa and aseipns oi Lendar�nd Troslor.All .�-
<br />- cov�nantr u�d s�reansnb of Tiu�or�hall bs joint and aeveraL The ca�ons and he�din�s ol ths puapraphs of this Orsd of �;—,
<br /> - Tru�t ar�ior comsnie�tc�onty�nd ue nat to bs usea�o interprat a d�line the provi�ions hered _ ---
<br />- � th IIpYMNorMara�.ThsD����Y�quattthatacopyo�amrnoticsMdetauitMrsuodaraneacopyM�rryaalks �-v_
<br /> .M--�=
<br /> --- ot sais f�sreunds►be m�ibd b a�ctt P�n!►to this Oeed ot Trost at fhe aQdress sst foN�above in the manner pre�cribsd bY �'�
<br /> appftcaEb I�w.Exo�pt tbr sny oltrr nolics ia9uirod under aPP�ic�We law to bs�ivan in anolh�mann�r.anY r�oHcs D��� ���_%
<br /> fo[in this O�sd of Trwt ah�ll b��iwn by rnailinp wch nollce by csNlied rt�ai!addre�Nd b the othe►paAis�►atths�ddrNS fst
<br /> . forTh abow./►nY nodcs Provid�d tor tn this Dsad ot Truat shail bs elkcUv�s upon m�iltn�in ths manner daipnaMd MrNa If �'z
<br /> � Trusfor is mon tl�n ons peraon.notic�asnt to the addre�s�et forth abw�e stwll bs noike 10 ail wch pe�aons. _.�
<br /> — - , (1�In�p�oR,i.enda may m�tcs or cauae to be made reasonabb enUies upon and inspections of tAs Properly.Prwidd �-:;.,.
<br /> -- that LenQ�r shail pivs Truator notice prior to any such tnspechon apeciytn��easonabts cause�efor retaled to Lendsrs ,p*.
<br /> • inlerest M 1hs Propaly. : ..:, : .. , �'�--;
<br /> - - • Q�p�eonwyano�.Uponpaymenlofafls�sr:�aecur�ed6gthisOee�oiTrusLLendershellrequestTrusleetoreconvsyths •..-
<br /> �pmp�r�r�nd shall surt�erKbr this Deed of Trusaae�0 all notea evidenciny indebtednsse�ecured bY lhis Oeed of Trusttp Truste�. �,_
<br /> ----- . wnfiouR wa�san �nd without charpe W tl�e_per�on or peaons IOy�Ity.erNitled 1he�eb ��?;
<br /> ��----- Tru�lOastW1 i�cw�ve�i 1hs Prope�tit A' ,
<br />_� Truabr atwil pay a�eosb ot reeordatlon.ii any.
<br /> _� ' @�R�enN ppp�lr 8a�g A�rNnwn�As additicaa!securtty tor the payment of the Note,Tnisto►heroby�rants �
<br /> �'••°'�-�-�,•°•`'_'-�•°�'� LencleructdKths Nebraaka Uni9arm t�ommerctal Code a teeur2y fnterett in alt flxtu�e�,Ww��and other P��D��h � �,°
<br />=� �; �� use0 in oon��scNon witb th��eat e�tata or improvert�enb toca4�!lhefeon,and not otherwi�e�eC�arsd a CsNneq to bs a partbt
<br />-�, ths resl esdb sacured h�reby.This iriatrumeM shall ba construsd ss a Sscu�iry/1�reemen8 ces�eder said Code,aed the lender �:::
<br />- shatl Aave altths rf�hts and remedies ot a aecured Darty under aaid Code in addition to tde rt�ta snd ranedles ereeted�ndsr �
<br /> - �ad act�ded thel enda pursuantto this Dee�9 of�ruat providea Mat Lenders dahla and remedtes undes�his psra�►sph shatt �.
<br /> • bs cumutatlrs wi0r;�nd in no way a limitation an.1.�6ePS i�ghis and re�nedies under any oMer securily aQreernerK si9n�d bY _ .�-
<br /> BOIfOWAf O►TlUlb/. �=�-
<br /> ., ": (i�I,Nn��16iax�branas.Trustor hereby warrants and represenb that thsre is nv ddautt under ths provd�lons of any
<br /> .t�, �', •, rtwrt�ps,deed ot busL leese or purchaae contract describi�g atl or arry part ot the Proparry,or other condact,instrumant a �
<br /> �.; �.,;�;�,� a�reement constituting a Uen or encumbranee against ap or any part o!t�e Properly(coitecUveiy."Uens'7.exisHn�as of the ,
<br /> •�-"w date ot this Osed oi Trust and that any and a1i existing Lfens remain unmodifled except as d'ac►osed to Lender i�Trustors
<br /> _ wrNkn disciosure W liena and encum6rances provlded for herein.Trustflr shail Umeiy pertorm all oi Trustora obli�tlans.
<br /> ,� covsn�nb,repre�er�Uona and wananties underany and all exisiHny and future Uen�,shall prompdy tawud b Lendar ccpla
<br /> of ail noHces of dstauit sent in connection with any and all existin9 or tuture Liena,eM s'ha!!not widtout Lender's prbr writkn
<br /> con�enl in sny nwnner modity the proviaions of or aliow any hituce advances under any�aci�tinp or tufure I.kns.
<br /> - d)AppieaYen o1 PaynwnM.Unless otherwise required bg faw,sums paid to Lender hereunder,inciudinp witl�out Nmifatlon � ,;`
<br /> »;' paymenb ot principei and intereat insurence proceeds,condemnation praceeds and rents an0 protils,shall bs appiiW by •
<br /> Lendsr to the amo�unts due and owinp from Trustar and Barrowe►in such ordar aa Lender in Ita aotediscree�n deems de�irabb. ��'� '
<br /> - (Ic��wrab�fy.H any provision oi this Deed ot Trust con8icts with apDiicabie law or is decfa.�ed�svalW or otherw(se ��:�.��
<br /> '�1�, '. uca�forceable.aucfi conAict or imalidity shail not aifect the oiher proviaons o1 thia Deed ot Tru�t c�tfse Note which can be
<br /> �'`.:,:,
<br /> . ��witAoutlheconfliCUnpprovision,anAtothisend4heprovialonaofthieDeedof4ru�a�4tt�t�aWSdselaredfobe q.:,,<.
<br /> � (q Twfn�.The�Orms'"fruato�'and"BoRO�re�"shatl inctude bOtb sin�utar and piural,and when�'���aior and Bcx�vwer ;°�'��f
<br /> W� � +re 1l�e s�m�pe�son(s).those terms as uae�in 1b1a Deed ot Truat sfieti be Interohanyeabfe. I''.-::,
<br /> (m}powr�ig L�w.This Deed of Trust s1�a116e pcveme0 by ths tews of the State of Nebra ;�;;?':
<br /> Tiu��s lxeculsd�b Deed ot Trun as o1 the date written above.
<br />_ �� .Q''.r/\ ;,
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