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<br /> � . ..aa.rs 1xMth.a.aatTrwep�atd�a«+b�eMWh►dM��nt�r�li:�datf�aw��uMo.rnn.�naqp.Inw..rwie
<br /> � Oti 11tar�r�rohafobN�MfonuS'id�stAsOMdotTru�e.inrJud��,bult�olNMM�d1o.11M�Lr�s b1Mw��!aD�MM� '
<br /> b��N.Tr�MM w1Mip��a�!►j�d�cW P���T��Mo►r�p�s�nd w�rtM�1��1 M�f�acknowb n�t wM i�MaiMd bff
<br /> Ttwlor br10r���oMCU�on otri Q«d pF Tn�f. • ; _ • ' �• •
<br /> . .�. .� . - . _ _ _ _ ,_ :��"♦� . •
<br /> � . , � % , 11RN0 ENN� `, Tiu�br ' -
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<br /> _ . � � . � 7�. ' �
<br /> . �'�EED OF TR1lST 1NRH FUTURE AD11AIrCEB '
<br /> TFNS OE�D Of TAUST,is rt�M d M» 22FD�y pL' � � , ,1�.3.by��niofip•
<br /> Ih�Tiupoi� .�� AAR[SLD�BNN li1pD LI1�D11 NSNN, `HUSHIIND � NTf$ � _.
<br /> whoM rtl�N(njl sddross is �4�O OVfiRL•�Ltiifl 2�� er�R. (�2� iSALtn�n°Trustor.°wh�tMr ons oF more�
<br /> .. . - t� 68801-7365 .
<br /> , .....,.. ....�.... e»'�::��:;enn» .vn�eimriv - -
<br /> � 1As Ttu�M�, ��IZR ^s�.,;=e.,=-— -- -- - _��- , •
<br /> •:n .�.�r i r,n� (,R_ � pg .GE1802-1507 . {tNnin°TruNM"�,nnd
<br /> W�lOM 111�11D�fM��i'�LYlJIO ,
<br /> ��Wy, FivR piDtt�1PS 4�'� ' — — •
<br /> P O B0�[ 1507 �ISLi1�D_NB 68802-1507 (hKein�t atds�"�
<br /> who�.maufrg'aaanss ls _
<br /> . Fpp VALtJAB1E CONSi�7ERATION.inciudinp ksnde�'s ex[ension oi credit tden�fted hErefn to ���
<br /> - LIID�WFHI, � Al� WIEE (herein"Bonower".whether One Or mOfe)atld fhe trust hlfeifl q'eeted.
<br /> the�eceipt of which ia hereby acknC►vtedped.Truator hereby iaevoca6ly granb.transters.cortveya and essi�ns to Trusbe,IN
<br /> 7RUST.WITH P�1NER OF SALE.torthebenefitand aecuriry of Lende�,unde�and subJect tcttiaterms and condiUons hereinafter set
<br /> tcrfh.ths n�l fx�Y.d4��ibed as folbwa:
<br /> �E SO[Tl'�RLY` F3t�TlC-�lUiO (52} FFBT OF LOT Q�1B (1�P IN BIACK POpRTEFit E2�)i
<br /> IN SCBIEl�t°5 ADDIT7�1 R�O THB CIT9f OF (�2�I�ID I�c:}1ALL CO[�TPY. I�SRA. .
<br /> Topeqier witA�II buiidirips,improvemems.tnctures.'sOreets.aHeys,F,assa9ewayts.easements.�iIIhts.Prlvikpes 3nd�.i�-
<br /> nances located therson or in anywise pertainiag thereto;and the rents,issues and profits,reve►sions and remaind�s�ereoi.�
<br /> `��ch person�l prop�rty that is attached to tha improvaments ao as to constituta a Tixturo,includ.inQ,i�ut not timited A�i�Mtinp and '
<br /> 'caoNnplquipnfenXand topether witb th9 hOmestead or marital interests,itany,which interests�re hereby releaae0�tnd waived;ali =
<br /> o!wAich.lncludiny repiacements and additions thereto,is hereby declared to be a part o1 the real estate seCUred by the lien ot thia '
<br /> Deed of Trust and All of the foregoing being referred to herein as the"Property"• �
<br /> This O�sd ot Trust shall aecure(a)the payment ot the princlpal aum and interest evldenced by a promissory note or�:�
<br /> '; ������� t�lnv[�i+�ETi i. l993 ,having a maturity�aha eaf �'1���t l. 1998 .
<br /> �-in the ori�inai principei amount ot S 1�,111.00 ..and any artd,all moditicattons,extenaions 3nd rene+rats
<br /> ,thsreof w fhereto�nd sny and ali future�Jvences an4 readvarc�U�Borrower(or$ny of them i1 more thaq one�nerr,,c*,+�i* -
<br /> �. punwm to ons or moro promis�ory notes or credit ayreements.(h��rn atied"Note'7:(b)lhe payment ot other surt��advartced 3by
<br /> � I.ender to protect ths sscurity of the Note;(c)the pertoms�nr,,,�ot aff owanants and agreemenLt ot Trostor aet forth he�i�;and(d)all ,
<br /> , pre�ent�nd futu�e indebtedness and obllpatlons of Borrawer(or any ot them If more than oae)to Lender whether�,�ct,indi�acL
<br /> ab�otuN or�roMinpert!a�d whether arlstn�by note,guaranty,overdrait or otherwise.The Note,this Qeed of Truat end eny and ail
<br /> ott�doCUSnbthatiscure ths Note orotharwise executed in cpnnecUon therewith.includin�with0ut limitation�uaraatees,aecurily •
<br /> a�rNrt�enb and s�ti�nmenq of�looses and rgnts,shall be referred to hereln as the"Loan Instrument,s".
<br /> Trw1a co�rorwnb a�d ap�es�witl�Lender as follows: ,
<br /> � t./jy�n1 p�MdrbN��.AI{indebtedness eecured hereby.ahaii be paid wken due. .
<br /> ' 2.TMi�.Trustor Is th�a�ner of the PropeRy,has tha right and authority to a:rti�gy the Ptoperty,and warrenU that ths 11en
<br /> •" �nHSd hsrsby is a tlrot ar.td�rlor lien on tha P�operty.except tor liena end en:��rances aet foM by truncr in wriUrg and
<br /> dNiwrsd to L�ndrr beTOre execuUOn ot this Deed of TruaL and the execuUon an0 Ce�ivery ot thls Deed o1 Trust does no!vloiate any �
<br /> conOracf a o1Mr aWbatloo to which Truator is aubject .
<br /> 3.Tia�AMI�d�:To p�y betote deunquency ail taxel,apr[G�al assessments and all other chu�s ap�in�t ths Prop��
<br /> , nOw Or hK�MNr Mried. , • `
<br /> .4.MMr�:To kNp�ttie Propsrly inwred a�sinst cd�ma�e by flre,har.�rds included within the tsrm"extsrW�d cow►a�:arr�0
<br /> wch plf�r har�rdr as LA��d�r may nqulr�,in amounts and wNh companies aecepL�We to lertder.namin�Leadrrae►am add4os�a1
<br /> n�d N�wr�wi�laa WYSbIa b th�Lend�►.M case oi�oss under sucb policies,ths Lender is aufhorized b blust cdteCl�ad -
<br /> apwp►on�IM.N1 alWnsth�nund�rand sh�il hav�th�opUUon of apptyirtQall or p�A ottl�e Inwr�nc�procesds li)toany indebl�c.,eus
<br /> ��d h�nby�nd M wch adsr�s Lend�r m�y detsrmine,(ii)to tM T�u�tor to be usad tor the ropair or r�storaUon of ths Rrc�+i�i
<br /> ar(lii)tor�1ny otlNr purpoNa obHct aUshctory to Lend�r without affectinp the Iten of thb OMd of Trust fa ths tull anaurtt a�Crsc�rQ
<br /> f,�rby b�fors such paymsnt�ver took ptecs.Any eppllaUon o1 praceeds to irtdebtadneas ahatl not eMbnd or pos�one the Cue
<br /> 4�M oR�S►P�Y��und�r 1h�NoM.w Curo aoy dNautt thenunder a henun6er., :
<br /> 6.belrw.Upon wrlfMn d«n�nd t►Y LM�'.Ttwia�tl pay b��nd�r.in wch tn�rmM a�t�rxNr rrr!►sf�'►�fR�ci�rN
<br /> s�r�b�n�bl�4Aildu b P�Y��b�com�dw on�a man W th�foltowi�(1)aN taxa.�nNnd and WtNr ch�ras ap�irat
<br /> . th�pcpp�ty.t�)th�pr«Mums on th�propsrt�r inaurtncs�equlred hereunder.and(Iiq ths premlums on qny maty�e inwrance _
<br /> �qu�r�d t,�r�dir.
<br /> ' d. a ea N�i'�+MM C�no�wIM L�ra.TruNOr NMII kMp 1h�PrapMy In qood Coadition Mb np��r,shail
<br /> papl�r n�M►.a r�pMo��►i�nprov«a«K whicn m.y a d�m�o�a a a.�lrvy�d sn.n nd oommn«o��+�►wiw a
<br /> q,l�rbrallon a th.Froarh:snNl na nn�ow,d�nabn or«�+Yry►.wr any a tn.rmorow�ri�nd on th.Prawet�►:��a
<br /> . Oo�1�t.NINK or pr�itan�l aof b b�aarn N or uQon YN ProPMb�viWtllon W arry Wv,o�4kwnoR�or nptdMior�and MwN p�y at� ` .
<br /> M'��/M!►�'D�M Trwbla ooM�nd wanN all N�.�ncwnbranc�s and ch�r�s Iwi�d,MrpoMd a a�Mwb�p�nM thr
<br /> �y aF.�np prt��+roR _ � . , .
<br /> ,_. -.:��7.l�b1M4Al�•I.�iA�r1�hKW�t!i�YnidalEaompn!�i1..aMtud�.411�1�lM�dQMM►p1M1IMnlrattWMl���
<br /> "r�ea.e�"►�laonn�ci(o�w�r�oaia�i�Mtonoran:�hldrwat+.Poop�i�rorP��orlor�oonr:�wiainli�ua�bn��+f+- -
<br /> • ' �M.t+Mdu�INM bi�MMIM at I�oplbe W oonrn�no�.aOPw►M and P►oMCUM In ib own i�rny ao�oa a ptoo�dlrg�,and .
<br /> � sh�M alw b���0 b n�ay oon�Pron�M�a s�l�nw�e In oorx�ictlon wilh wch Wclnp a Mn�M 1h�w�m any portlon ol -
<br /> � •
<br /> �wesrp.�.wr�.�u.��v,� . ;�.���i.�
<br /> �IIMMrYnl�tdO�rRiruM�w*A�rwwwLMM�iNi� '
<br />