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<br /> � �1:�wiwMs�/��iitt�i�1i�i!i. t�Onlefaxlr b1r Tetistpr in 1M pt�k of�r pufai��a of 1M tu��!a�i'itie�i ef
<br /> ti�IM�.wr a�nMwis.�x�►t�nfie��Mnef.a'tlr pe�wM ef aqr oHNr ind�l�dn�ss Mcw'�d 1�''�t er in iM Mrler� ' .
<br /> �f wR�f tl�a�w�ls ar a��Ms Mr��ir.MMC�ciarjl�olt d�c4��aM�ss�tund h�n�t i�ot+h dw��ed 1lis� ' � ,
<br /> , �I�all tMr�pon b�oo��dw ad pa�laUl�wiN�ou1 p�ti�InMnt.AMnard.Prot!st ar aotia of pn�r land.�IMnafhr. Ma!►d�l'iwr M
<br /> Trusta�e�ithn dalaration af d�fdult��ad ior sde.Trusf�e shdl fiow the pow�r of aaM oF tlw Rap�rtr ard if Mr�ficiory�tid�s tli�
<br /> - �tapnfy is to D�sald'd slalf dipo�it wHh lrusfaf tAis DMd.pf Trvst apd fM NOM or tahs ad'an�►olhK dotunints wid�i���tuas � ,
<br /> � .sKVild Mnbp.and shaiN d�l'ir�r'to Tr�stw a writt«i notic�of d�talt and�d�ctian ro caus�ttr Frap�rty ro 6e sotd.ard trustN.in tum.shoM�
<br /> Rip�r�o swr'lor eotice in the tane rpuind blFlaw which si�dl6e duyl fiMd tar ncord�►T�ust�. ' ` �
<br /> (aI AfiK th�tops��of wfi tin�as nwy b�rpuirrd bY tar►foltorwg thf ruardaitian of llotic+of Odanit.and Notia al Dtta�t!an�lbtke o!
<br /> Spi�IqYinp 6Nn�inn�wqu'sd�►taw.TnatM.Mithout d«norb an�rtntar,shat!s�N!l�PropKtY in onR a mati�paRets and in wd�ardK '
<br /> � as Tnafor�op d�rwwiins an th�dob ad ar th�t�m.and pton d�sgnartd in said Iiotic�ci Sol.,o►puMic aictian ro ih.lw�st bidd�r,tir pur.
<br /> dase price porabb in cosh in IawFid mane�of 1h�Unitod Stat�s at the time of sok.Tt�p�san co�ductinp th�sde mcy.ia ary wuse h�ar shi -- --
<br /> d�ns�tt,postpon�tht sak firom time to tinr�it s1ioN 6�conqNted and,in�r wch cos�.notic�of postponMnwK shoN 6�pwn
<br /> �ry Pu�C d�Clorotion tlw�Of 6p sud�Pwsan at tht tinK'ond place last appoiiNed tor ths sale:P►avid�d•if the sale is postponed fior larger than
<br /> one t1!do!►be'!ad ths�Ofl d�sip�t�d in tt�Notice of Sale.noticr tM[�of sNoH be�iwn in th�sank monNr as th�aripinof Ibtiu of Salt. ` .
<br /> T�usta shdl execute ad d�l'irK to th�purd�aser its Daad canwiig the Prope�t�so soW.6ut wittaut an�►cawmam or waRqntg.expr�ss,ar ,
<br /> impli�d.ihe retttals in the Qeed of arry maitters or iotts shoH b�tontlusive proof of the trulMuMxss tfkreof.M�r person.inctuding wiMout
<br /> Mnitatiort Trustee,maY pacfias�ot 1he sak. `
<br /> @).Nlhen Tivstse salts pt�rwanf to the po�ers Merein.Tnntee shall appi�r the proceeds of the sole to po�rekrK of tbe costs a�d expenses of
<br /> cxez�sing the power of saN and of the sde.inckd"ag,without limitat'an,the poymem of Trustee's Fees incurred,wlrch Trustee's Fees siidl not
<br /> in the o�repore exceea n�e folww:g omoun+s b�sea tipas the amount sea,rea netebr ard remoinirg unpaia: s peroent�n►oR tl,e eatarKe —
<br /> tf�ereof:a�dthe��totheitemssetforthinw6p�ayraph(c)hereofintheardertl�einstated. � �`
<br /> � �__,..
<br /> ' '�c)After�irg the iteins specified in subparo�raph(b),if ti�e sak is by Trustee,or the propec wut and other costs of forecbsUre ard sale �
<br /> ' .��je sak is purwontto ju�itiol fQeclotw'e.the proteeds of sale shall 6e applied in the ader stoted bebw to the paymeM of: �
<br /> �'=
<br /> �;,'(t) Cost of ary ev�dence ai titb praurad in cariection with wch sak and of ary re�ee�x9e required to be paid: �:i
<br /> � �.�
<br /> _ (2) Attae�ysfees: � _ ��r,�=-,
<br /> — -- l3) All sue�s+�en savredt�bro • � . '
<br /> —__ �4) Junior trust deeds,naRgogts,or other liedwlders:ad ,:
<br /> :�:-�5).'t�e remainder,if ary.to the persa�a Qersaes kgotly eatitted thereto. ' `'-
<br /> , , . � , �-t.
<br /> � �� '{i�) If the&neficiary of.7tiis Oad of Trosris a banlc as�ned by Nebrastco law;any statement contoined in any other section of this deed ����'
<br /> '�""�""`�'� , a�etwishstmd'ag,the 8en�fkiay shall rat be entitled to recetve ar take and debtar shall not 6e obtigoted to paY o►give:arry cofiessia+of judp- � r="`�=
<br /> ���� ce�sae,power of attomer to caifess jud�neM,power of attomey to appear for a 6arrower in o judicial proceeding a agroement to pa�r the costs �._
<br /> o�m�liection af the attaneys'fees,unkss such acis of coaec�or►woute no�os�,�nse be�n;e�ed br Neeraskn iaw.Pr�;d�ed,howevtr.that - _ _
<br /> fhis sectioa�toes not oppt�t to the Trustee fee referred to in paragraph 6(b).Provided furt�er,that this paragraph shall r�ct r�yto this Oeed of �.�:
<br /> x'� . Trost.if the 6ene�civ�►is nct o bank. �,': - :
<br /> • '��`' 14. A��irrlSuwit�wlrwMta.Trosta�at its exyense,vn'll executeartd deliver to the Beneficiory,prcer,ptly upon d'emand,scr�FC'sxcui• '��'�'
<br /> �:. = _
<br /> � `'`�'�� ty instrur�n�s a�s rtay be required by 8ene�ciary,in form and substance satisfactory to Beneficiary,covtring arsy af the Property cor�vcyed by •
<br /> _�k'�.;�
<br /> �
<br /> .f^��.s��•, : .this Oeed of Trust,which securify instn�ments shall be additional secur►ty for T�ustor's faithful perforrtwnce of oll o#the r�^�s;covenants and � J��
<br /> '"`'f�� �' co�d'dior�s of this Qeed of Trust,the promiuory notes secured hcreby,and any other security instruments exetuted in connectidn with this tron-
<br /> },� saetion.SucM instrumenis shall be recorded or fited ot Trusta's expense. � . :
<br /> �
<br /> �3, A�i�1�f�f S�cpwr TnpfM, Beneficiary may, from time to time, by o written instrumeat executed ond acknowkdged by `
<br /> , .Be�ePiciory.moiled to Trustor and recorded in the county a counties ir which the PropeAy is located and by otherwise compfy'mg with the provi- `. �-.
<br /> �;;�•�"f,'_ - ycpas of the applicabk bws of the State of Nebrasko,su0stitute o successor or successars to the Trostee named herein ar aetar''�ereunde►. '�'�;
<br /> ' ;i <�,:. , •.`i�. In�eNNa.Benefidary,or its ayents,represeotatives or workmen,are authorized to enter at any reasonoble time ac�n ar in ony pat
<br /> �;���� , �{`�pr�g f�r s!K purpuse of inspectirg the same and for the purpose of performing any of the acis it is authroized ta yerform urnie►the •
<br /> �.="=� � terms of the'E�r3 Q'f Tn�st. •'�,",�
<br /> � --= W�' l5. Opi�w�farelsw.Upor�the aaunence of ary defeult hereunder,.Ber�eficiary shotl have the optinn ta forecbse this Deed.af Lr.�in '
<br /> . � ;
<br /> -_��=° thb mat�provided by law fa the ioreclosure of mortgages on real properry• ' ������
<br /> - - ad. t�eal��p k l�ietq Ild�W�i�M.Any fa�ance by Beneficiory in exertising any right a remedy,fkierinder.or atherwise '�`-"-
<br /> — ° . cH!orded by applica6ls law,slall not be o waiver ct a�rec�tPie exercise of any such right o►remedy.l,ikewise,the wai�vK b�Beneficary o� �..�;:
<br /> —° � 6rry defaH of Trusta under this Oeed of Trust�1 cr4f be detined to ba a waiver of mry other or similar defa�its subsequentlr acurring. ''��
<br /> -- ���' 17. TiwfK ItN R�Mw�i.Extension of the time for pnyment a modificotioo or amortization of the•wms secured by this Deed af Trust �.��'.
<br /> ��� �, e,�tx�ted by Beneficwry to ary successor in interest of Trustor shall nat aperate to release,in any manner,the liabitity cf�+�qrigirwl Trustor ond
<br /> ���� � �i�.,ista's wccessor in interest.Beruficiary shall nof be requireA to commence praceedings against sucb successa or rE��:�to extend time fa
<br /> �;. ,
<br /> �oym�M or otherwise modify omorti:ation of the sums setured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demond made by tim vriginal Trosta and ',
<br /> ` Trusta's successbr in irne►sst. � �r�,�
<br /> 18. M�Iid�r*'�M�n.Mllthout aHecting the liability of the Trostor or any other person lia6k tor the payment oi any obligotias�nerain
<br /> nwntion�d,ard without afiectirg the I'ien a chorqe of this Deed of Trust upon any portia►of the Frope�ty not then a theretofae released as
<br /> • 's�if�r for th�full amourH of dl unpoid oblipations.Benefiqiory may.from time to time and without ratice,l�)reteose aey person so liabk.(ii1 (�. �
<br /> � , :�xtwid 1M mohKity or ok�r any o!the t�ms of any sudn�bligotions,(iii)gram othe►indul�ences.(iv)rekese or recorney,or cause•to he l• �°."
<br /> .,.r*asd a neaw�y�d at any ixne at B�neficiary's optica►s iqny parcel,portian or atl of tM P►operty.,(v)take or rekose any other a additional
<br /> secuity fa ary oblirotion herein mentioned,ar(vi)moke ca�►ositions w other arrangertients with debtas in relation thereto. '�`�-
<br /> - 19. /iM��Aiw�eN.Upon nequest of Trusta,Trostee at trustes's option,pria to reconveyance of the Property to Trustor,mny make
<br /> fuhin adrar��s t�Trusta►.Sud�future adva�ces,with iMeresf fhereon,sfidt 6a securcd b�►this Trust Decd wt�+evidenced by aomissay `.
<br /> �.�-�ofs statiig that said notts o�t suured hereby:Provided that at no time sholt the secureA principol,future advances.not including siims ad- �'.:
<br /> "'vancb to p►ot�ct th�security,exceed an aggregate principul ar,�ount of f . !
<br /> k.
<br /> , ��
<br /> 2d. t�ww w TiwN�.Upoe writtm rsquest af Benef+c'�r stati�g thot all wms secu��d Mraby hav�ban poid,ad upon s�rendv -._;
<br /> ' �i lhis OMd ef Tnat and th�NoN to Trustw fa canceNation ad�etmtion and upon Oofi�t b!►Trustar of Tnnt�'s fees.Trostes shall '`�
<br /> nc�to Trustor,ar th�prsan or prrsons MpoN��ntNl�d thueto,wiM�ou1 warrant�r,mf►[�ian of th�FropMy th�n Mld h�reurder.TAe �:;:
<br /> .r�ciN1�in wd►�of aw�r nalhrs a facts shaM bt canclusiv�proof of th�trutMutrwss thK�of.?h�yrant�in aeqr�ecarneyance moy �::Y_
<br /> M M�tt�l as"thr Pwsan ar 0�►sons M�My�ntitNd tlwrdo••. • . ----
<br /> . ��-
<br /> _._.._ - - • - -
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