t p�~_�#` �:" ``� - ` �� �.S <
<br /> �`��il.�:rc` c�'i�j".�<. _ . . _ . L� '�' '
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<br /> _ . . _. __ ._�...�_' —__ ' '—_ ' ' — __.' _—._._ .__ —_
<br /> _.._ -- _ .t � � �" _'__— _-__ — __ _—. _ _— —' -- ___
<br /> ' �_' - �.::3. "'— --��_ _ - -_ __ . , _ ` ' — —. __� , -- —_— . .
<br /> � � „�,;r ' � °:�• t�- $ �� . ��.��i . .` .
<br /> . - . � � s,. _ . � �, `. ���t . :7� ' navid R. .Bsawa.
<br /> •an��$YRUST OE@. tli�-�29 th -�pt ° Dece�bes , .14 93 �b/�1ldatnOfg
<br /> a�� 1�.�BYOVn�La� --�-4�theRoad iTood River, NE 68683' • , . .
<br /> ������� S Sout � .
<br /> '{IMr�ti'Tnslor'};ae�d�l��+��m�Yga�'�itP.OBox�7�WoodAiwr.N�br�in688�33.(hran"Tru�e.°�nd"�'d�M7• =_-
<br /> • �OR YAL!lA1LE C�lISIOQATION,inclid�q th�ind�bt�3�ndMMifi�l hrnin and tI�hust hu�in a�obd.����tlle O�t'it and �---�W
<br /> � , �,Tn�star idnMOCabl�r gaiMs,fronsi�rs,conw�s,and o�pis ro Trusf�e. IN TRIiST.WITH POw6t OF SAtE. =c._,�-:;:�--
<br /> s�t�ityoEMe�t'eial►.t�ndlta�sib�ct tolbetlre+s ml�'ilionivf fhis Opd aF Trust.Mw nd prW�'�]►�us fo�orrs= ��=-�_=
<br /> , �i.��Y��"'_
<br /> Tl�ee No�x�st Quarte�(NF4)of Soctioa Thi�ty-3ix(3b},in Township Eleven(1!),NdKth,Range :_,=-_{'.
<br />- Twelve(t2),West of the 6th P.M.,in Hall Co�nty,Nebraska eacxpting a certain tract ttxrefram „ : - ,_ ;-.`<:
<br /> as teco�ded in Quit Clalm Deed in Book 79, Page 608 in tiu Register of D�ds.0lTce and ``'-',.S�:-Y
<br /> s.: .�. :.�_..
<br /> eacxptit�g a certain tract tl�erefrnm as�ecaded in Wan�anty Dad in Book l 19,Fsge 147,�in tha � .-� � , . '
<br /> Re ' er of 1?eeds O�ce atso ex n a vectain tract therefrom as ra;orded in Quit Claim Deed .��' ` -.� ��
<br /> . gtst � 8 ��{��;'_===
<br /> . in Boak 150.Page 403 in d�e Register of Deeds Of�ice. � . _ °
<br /> _ . � . .,;_ . :,,
<br />= 'fheNo�hwestQnarter(NW41ofSoctio�nOn�(1),TuwnsliipTen(10)NarEb,RangeEleven(11) , �.�`_ � , ���
<br /> = aad tha Noith Half of th�Northeast Qua�ter(N2NE4)of Section Two(2),Township'l'en(10) ; ' ��
<br /> ---- - Nord�,Ratige Eleven(11)al�West of the 6th P.M.,HaII.Couhiy,Nebraska. . • � , � <'. `.:
<br /> — . �...
<br />-_ . ' x Y
<br /> �- � �,>. .
<br /> . , �: . _
<br />- � . . �-.. .. .cf
<br /> . .� � . i � . � . l.. " .. ' , _
<br />.�,� - . " } � .
<br />.'_� . " , _ . . . ` ��-. . ..,
<br /> '� . . . .. . ' ' ' �, __ . `. _
<br /> :� i ' � • . � ' �of
<br /> . . - - :. �� �::'.. .:. �' .�f
<br /> - � TOGETFIER WITH.oN�errts,pr9fits,royotties,income and other benefits derived from the real property:aii leases a subleases covering tAe ir:�;' :A •: •,';"
<br /> an thereof,now or hereafter eaiseunp.mr entered i�o,ad oil right,titie ard�e�est of Trustor tf�eunder:all in- �;"%:.4;>�=='--'=::'�
<br /> rsal propKtr a anp Por►� . ,
<br /> c,� � � '��,._
<br /> t�rests.estate a other 4laims..bath in law�io equity,which Tr�stor now hos a may hereafter acquire in the roal property:ail eosements. � .' , M1,-
<br />. _ ripMs�of-way�te?x�ems,he*edApn�ents ard apDu'te^°nces thereof�nct i#�csto:all oil md gos rigMs ad profits.�rater rights and woter t
<br /> tiYk Ol1d IRtd�SE��TftlStOf,now owned or hefeofte�ocquired,�in and to a�iy tund tyirg within the right�of-way of any street o� i•:` , '-�,,'�:�'�=
<br />- -i stodc:olt ripht'; �':: ''`• ;.:
<br /> :;�-'
<br /> hqltw6Y ad'pining the reol p�.�My,any and afl buildings,fr�turts,i�nPravtme�ts,and cPPuvtenances now or hereafter ereeted thereon or �:::,�;s�;:...::-.•.-_
<br /> 4,��; =A, beionQ,:g thereto, (fierein referred to os"Improvert�enY'a"Impravemeries'J;and any an�all awards made for the taking by eminent domain ;,a,:c`,` . .
<br /> '��' �'' '-' • a by ony procerdin�a purcliase in lieu thereof,of the whok a any pa�t of the real propertyr. . ,
<br /> r=��?�r. d ,
<br /> • ���r•,...,.•::-�t• NI of ti�foreqoirg estate,property and interest heroby conveyed to Trustetherein collettively refe►redta as tfie"Property". � , ;%
<br /> -.,�,,;...,;, r..�; •. �';
<br /> '`'"°`"�"� . THIS OEED OFTRUST SHAII.SECURE: � .
<br /> (a)Th�poyment of indebtectness evidenced by Trusta's note of even dote herewith in the principal sum of Two Hundred N inecy 9 •. . t+-��
<br />�� :. . --flollars (S�A��000.0� ), ' '
<br /> -� ,�,-` Five Thousand and no1100-------------------------------------- G '-
<br /> �� �':' toQether with interest at the rate a rates provided therain.(herein,tagethv with any aad al!renewals,modificutans,aad extensions thereof. :' . . .
<br /> • .-�.:.
<br /> ' .,�.,.����a- 'referred to os the"N�te")both principal and interest on the Note being payable in accorGance with ihe tenns set tortf�therein,reference to � .
<br /> '°'�;,�x.: � whKh is hereby mede,the iinal paYment of principal and inte►est,if naf soones poid and ii no renewals,mo�ifiiations o�extensions are made, ��: ' , ;
<br /> "'"'�; �i.x fi�e.ar! pcyabk March I 2009 : r :
<br />. :.=��..:.��,• , � . . 4 ; ,
<br /> :•� .% � . �b)Tha perfcrmaxe of eadh aqreem�nt and covenant ot Trustor herein contoined;and > �
<br /> ,,. �Y�;
<br /> � �°'� ' (c)The pay�af any sum a sums of money with interest thereon whish moy 6e hereo(terpoid w advanced under the t�ms of this Oeed of {,•
<br />_ Trust.. • : ; �. . .
<br /> - - (d)Thaponnert of ony future advances r��3s�ry to protett the sewrity ur ony future advance moee ut ihe option of the parties;and _ y
<br /> - . , (e)Ths pe�(ammce of cn c6ligation of any irt'aer person ncmea in this Trust Deed to a 6eneficiary. . i .. : �
<br /> - �"'.,. , '1,�r�;�/ti�eiNl M/M�rKt.Trostar shati promp�Uy payr when due the principal of cnd interest on the indebtedness evidencedby fhe � _
<br /> _ ,���'«. fipts,ond a�o c�er charyes and fee�os prov"�&d in ths Note,and the principat of ond interest on any fut,une Advances secured by this Ue�td of �� _
<br /> �� Trust. . . � . . ..
<br />,`;: . .
<br /> : 2,�y�1 tNM.Trustor is bwfully seized and possessed of�ood ond indefeasibte titk and est6te to the Property hereby conveyed and �. �
<br /> -., fws tM rlpht to qrant and convhr the P�ap�rty:the Propertl►is frea and clear of otl liens an4 encum6rontes extept Pens now of retaA;and ,:,��, �' ,
<br /> Trosta wiA vila,rrarM and d�fmd the titk to fhe Property apainst all ctaims and demands. � f��.�' �
<br /> 3.Wi�NMwe�w��w�i�e��L�r.Trusta shdl keep the Propaty in yood condition anQ repair cnd sholl not tommit waste a Qer�t .: :•:.�•:: ...:.:.....
<br /> �inpeirnMnt a d�trrioration a�f th�PropKty and sholl comphr with th�provkions of ary kass if this Oea!o!Trust is on a leasehold.Mo insp.��v. '• . ,�. :.: ,i:,.
<br /> ",lri'�','_.:�tyr
<br /> nNnt now or INnaFtu��net�d upon tM Property shall b�akaed,renawd a d�tnalisl�ed without the Drior written cans�nt of Berx�"ci�y. 3::,,,:,,;..:,.,,.
<br /> Trusta shaN candr with aH laws,ordk�anea,rpulotions,eovenams.canditia�s and restrktions aff�ctirg th�PropKty and not camnit,s:�fer. . �;.:;t` .
<br /> or pKmif ony act to b�do►N in or upon the P�op�rty in vklation of any law.ordinance,rtgulation,covenant,condition or rostrktion.TrGStor #',;�; � � .
<br /> shoN co�pbT�or ratort prampth►and in qood wakmanlik�mor�ner anf►itnp�overtNm on tht PropKt�which moy b�danoged a destroye�ond � " � `
<br /> e ..�. , �_� .
<br /> pay,wl+�n du�,oN tloims fa labor pufanNA and mat�rials furnislNd tMrtfor�and fa an�r attuotions ffiurof. , �.. ;.. , -
<br /> �. frr��a.Trnstar.at its��ens�.will rtiaintdn w i t h i n s w a r s a p p r o w d b f►i�fk i a ry,i n s u rau�w i t h n s p�e f t o t h�M t p r o v�n i s o n d � . .
<br /> OK�1K�Y•constitutkq ths Property,aqainst loss Dy flre.l�htninp.tancdo,a+d other perits a�d f�ards eavered by stondad extended i. , '
<br /> cp�te��nden�nNnt.ia an anount�quol to at Mast an�hun�nd Ouant of th�full rpiainNnt volw tl��of ad insuranc�o�ainst such j .. --- __
<br /> etlrr t�a�ds and in sud�a�ounts as is aatanQiy carrird at own�rs and op�ratars of sinwlor prop�rti�s a os�iciv�►�1►nquire for its 4. ' .
<br /> rnNeti�n.Trusta wiM ea�lyr with wd�oMwr rpuir�nwnts as N n�f'�e i o r l►nlofr i r a�t l n�to tin�r�q w s t fa t h�p ro t a t i a n b j r i n s�r a u�o i t h e
<br /> � . �:.
<br /> of 1M t��etiw portlts.AM Muront�Pol�s�oMdn�d Pu�s!wn►to tf�is`OMd of Ttutt slwN narne TrustAr and/MNficiary os ie• . �';;_ � .
<br /> 1`�.
<br /> �.0!1�MM'f+/�MC11Y��M�fli$IMOr��'���fOYl�i►�1011�Nf!f�l��Iq OOIIOIM0110110�1110�1�K0110111NII�IOY�f10(1S�i 1�1Ofl I S dOrS `
<br /> - _ __�:�!!!!11l�l�M►1r.�IM�t�.Ilt 1�1!�I�f��CK�IIfM�1�IS 110�tMN�011 K�!1�J d0y3�f0 itS fli�lfOflpl dOfl. ��''„:' , �'
<br /> �j�. �Cpry�r OncYn srch in�rpia in a�ewd�a with th�Orovisians of parapra�fi��iinoi.fnafor sliall diTiw►fo�eii'Kary tt�i Origi�i6t -�_ --
<br /> � Nlfei�s�1 i�wr�aM��w�lt th�eref ar��e�s of sueh Po�Ci�s an�nn�wds 1Mr�ef.Fe�ur�to fiunish wd�i�aurahce b�t Trustor.a ; ';
<br /> nMw�M os nwir«I h�e��/M M�N,d 1M��1/�eiery,caistihA�o d�taA�. ,, -,�y ,,,
<br /> . . :�,
<br /> .
<br /> � �-
<br /> _
<br />