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<br /> �Xtrliqt.1dM OF;601l�M`!�tt Of iLE �q'�y►. AIE il�OpOdrt � �II�O(�..f�� i�fD �CDYQEd �jt t�lif SOCY[�
<br /> ' . � Ulhll�.��O�1�1!��`O�f.l,+��Dlllj�i!!f!'11Ed 10�R�i�Clifltyl�ii t�1E��•' �' .�
<br /> ������r���nl��Of�O'YYRr�f�iM�,�`fC!!Od Of 1bE!�L`�[�I COOYCyOd 1��1L it1C il�K t0��� . .
<br /> bonrry tbe Pmpnt�r.acd t6�t tlre Pe�upe�ty.is w�enewmber�d.exapt forenc��anoes of�oeo�d.�arnower�ts�d'w�1,
<br /> defad=ee�r�tl�►the lkle ia tl�e Peogaty a�ainst`alE clsim�aad deo�nds.eul�jact�to aryt�ot t�ecad. ,
<br /> 'fH1S SECtiRITY INS7RUM�N f'tnn�biees ueituna cav�far�tionrt ase a�od non-unifam oove�ots wiW limiited`� .
<br /> v�ittion 6jr jnti�dkx�w comtiwte�uniform aecucity i�stsumnM auverin�ral WupertS►•
<br /> UNI�[}RM OdYENA1�tTS.Borecwer aed I.eoder ooven�ot�od y�+ee as fdtowa: ' � �
<br /> � ' - 1. PrYl�t�ot ttl�efp�l�wi L�eee�Frepa7a�at�Late C�- 8ortower.shall P�P�Y�P�Y wh�due tlfe
<br /> < Pnncip�t of aud iateiW ae t8e debt evidenc�d by d�e Note and aa�►gr�s►Ymeot md late cfiu�t�dne under the,Note. . .
<br /> 2.��tor Tawaid i�irca Sabjxt to applic�bit taw or m a written waiyerby I.ender.Bormwer s6at1 pay to
<br /> l�eader on Me dt7►a�onhly WYmeats�ie due under the Note.u�'1 the Note is poid in fuU.s sua�('F�nds'j foe(:j Y�Y�
<br /> 10d i65GSS1�4 N�t�!��p�!'�OCQ9 OVCC�115�II[�7 j�p�LS i�OO 1�1C p[OQG[[y►e(�f�jipi��t��IAIl�s
<br /> ' a gmond t+axs at t6e Pmpe�ty,if aay;tc)YariY haia�d os p�party inw�not premiums:(d),yea�iy fload i�uu�ance p�iva�,
<br /> ��i':(e)Y�y�S��P��•if ary:aod(�my aa�pay�lsie by Bocrower tn 1�nder,�in acco�danoe wit6
<br /> tbe pravisioes of par�graph 8.in liat of tht paymrnt of murtgage instuaoa p�ums.lbese ite�ue called'Escrow It�.'
<br /> . La�d�er mry.at airy time.oollax aad tioW Funds in an�nu�na to acooed t6e a�uimum anwurit s tender far a fedaaUy �'.
<br /> alsted mortga�c toaa`m�y nequine for Borrower's escrow account under tue t'oderal Real Estate Sa�P000edures Act of
<br /> 1974 ia attrcnded itom wne w time,l2 U.5.C.Section Z60I d seq.("RESPA').untess anothet taw t6�t applies to tbe Fwds
<br /> . a sets a{esset m�ount. If so, I.soder may.at any time.ooUect aad Iwtd�Funds in an amount twt to escood tlte lacser uno�ux. •
<br /> -. Lender may estimate tGe�mounY of Faod�dne on the 6asis of cvmnt d�ard c�easonabte�of expeMiture�of funue �° .
<br /> Escrow items or atl�erWis�in acoo�dan�s witb�le law. ` . .
<br /> � T6e F�mds shati 6e held in an institution w6ose deposits are insuTed by a federal agen�.y, iaurume�aliry.or eotity �
<br /> `(incloding T.ender.if Lender is soch an iastitution)or in a�r Fodeial Home i�t Saak.Id�der shall apply the F�mds to pay tbe .
<br /> E.�tow Itpt�s.I.e�der may nat chuge Bomowa for holding�#�pplying tbe Fuads,a�m�rally analyziQg the escraw aoa�ua,or ` .
<br /> � verityin�the Escrow Ite�as,untess Lei�der pays Bormwer interssc on the Fwids a�d�pplicable law p�Tmits Lender to make such
<br /> a chuge.However,Lender may require Bomower w pay a one�ame charge for an u�depasdent real estate ta�c reponin$se�vloe
<br /> � ased by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applica6le law provides�Wherwise. Unless an agreement is�made or • .
<br /> applicable law�eguires interest to be paid.Irender shall not d'e.raquined to pay Sorcawec aay inte�st or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> Bocrower nad Leader may agree in writing.howcver,that iioli:�st shall be paid an the Funds. l.ender shall give to Borrower,
<br /> witLout charge.an anauat aocounGng of tde Funds,showing ctedits aad debiu to the Funds and the purpose for which eacb
<br /> debit to the Funds was it�de.The Funds are p2edged�s add'mon�l security for all sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> 1f the Funds held by Lender exoeaf the amounu permitted to be heId by applieable Iaw.Lender shall account to Bomower .
<br /> for the eacess Fctinds in aocordan��with the requirements of applirable law. �f the amount af the Funds hcld by I.ender at any
<br /> mne is not sufficient ta pay the�s�ow Items when due.L.ead�r may so notify Borruwec;�s�riting.and,in such c�se Bonuwer
<br /> shall pay to Ixndrr the amount rraaessary w m�lce up the deficiency.Borrower shall��'�-;�up the deficiency in no more tl�an '
<br /> . twelve motrthly payments.at Lender's soie disc�tian.
<br /> . tTpon payment in fuU of all sitm,s�n.*�.isy this Security Instrumeat, Lender�sgu?[ prompdy nfund to Bonower any
<br /> Fa�1s held by Lender.If,under paragrapli 2g:II.ender sha?7 aaJ�uire or sell i.'te Prope�^'�'.:E+�nder,priar to the acquisition or sale � -
<br /> � of the'�roperty.shap apply any Funds he13(���.ecder at tLi�a.*aiz of acquisition or s��as a credit a�ainst the sums secufcd by
<br /> this Sewrity inmument. , _
<br /> 3.Appt'�cation ot Plwyments Untess app?��ble 4aw procides otheraest,all payments received by i�ender under paragraphs °
<br /> 1 and 2 shall be appliod:first,to any prepay�,.��s��iges L'���under the��i:%;second.to amounts payabte under paragraph 2;
<br /> third.to interest due:fourth,to principal due:a...-�S�,a�ar•.-y;:�zie charges due under ttc'�ote.
<br /> 4.Charge.�Liens.Borrower shall pay all�es,ass�.�:.nts,charges. fines aa��-position,c attribntable to the PropeRy -
<br /> .which may attain priority over this Security icr�•;nent.and leasehold�payments or�n�:..-ul tents. if any. Borrower shall pay _
<br /> . these obligations in the manner provideA in pa�.�-r�h 2.ar if not paid in tEra;a`¢�,aaner.$ui�rower shall pay them on time directly �
<br /> W the person awed payment. Borrower shall�cc��tty fumish to Lender�tf r�T,�eec of aanounts to be paid under this paragtapf�.. �
<br /> If Borrower makes these paymen�s dircctly.Bormwer shall promptly fumish io L.rndec st�ipts evidencing the payments: '
<br /> S�rrower shali promptly discharge any lien which has�r:?rity oeer this Security Irsttvment unless Borrower:(a)agrees in _
<br /> writing to the�yment of the obligation secured by the tie�,ir�:�manner Acceptable to Le�er;(b)cantesu in gaad faith the lien _
<br /> by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in. legal prdceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> enforcement of the Gien:or(c)secures from the holder of che lien an agreement satisfactory to l.ender subordinating the lien to
<br /> this Security Instrumerz�.If Leqder determines that any parc cF the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority over
<br /> this Security Instrume�►t.Le�i3�!�ay givc Borrowcr a nuti�identifying thc lien. Bonoaer shall satisPy the lien oc tafce one or
<br /> mott of the actions set fonlz s��r+e within 10 days of the p,i�•ing of notice. • -
<br /> � Fam 302i !I!0
<br /> . - � ' a�pe 2 of 8 ,
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