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< . . •_ .. <br /> � . . `� ' _ t_�: — <br /> , :_ , <br /> , . � ... <br /> . �. <br /> t -- - ----- . - <br /> � , . ', - ; _ . : ,- -_ Q!�,� �'�.�a�. ^ — � -- <br /> •` vv;- <br /> . . ` 17:�'!��f�C �t��MlhL'W�iE saHNMlr.[!'��ll o��Ry p�Rt Of tll�P�opRt�OE�t IIME�t 1f!� - . • <br /> � y���,���tf��rpt i»Bo�m�i�wid Ot trao�ae�d aod EoRU�e!ii�nt i aMt�uY pe�oS1 Mit�oot• . <br /> . t�e�der's prioR xriifea ooiueat. I.aidet may. �t i�s oqiop.. re immedi�te'payanax ia�lC of stl sums��eau�aE!ry,`diii . � <br /> ;� S�a�rity Iatewneot.N�ver,t6is aption�aiU nd 1�e�+ci�et�y Laidet if e:e�ise ia peuh�b�led by fader�l I�w�d tbe ate � <br /> � otthi�Securit�.Lr+tn�nK. ` � � .. < � '� , <br /> if t.andrr e�excisa chi�apttoo.Ea�der shafl give Homn notia of�cce[uac�an.'fl�e naioe sh�ll p`mvidc�period o[aot` <br /> tau th�3ti dtys fivm the d�e tl�aotice 3�'delive�rd or m�ed witl�in v�bkh�HQriower must p�y vI wrtn:acurod by�this <br /> Se�urity In�umait.If&xrowet fails w p�y tl�e sums prior tcr the axpinion of tfiis p�riod.Lender msy,jnvdcc afry�edia <br /> � permitted by this Security tastcument vrithout�nolioe or demat�d.on Bo�rower.. ' � <br /> � ' �i. D�rrow�er's Ri�t to 1lddbte. i Bormwer s�ats certain oondit'a�: Bonvwer sh�U have tbe ri�ht w have . <br /> rnfar�eme+�t oP this Sawity instiva�ent d13co�xim�ed at�ny.time prior to tl�e�alier of: ta)3 d�tar auch atl�ee pe:'tod�s _ <br /> pppli�abk ta�r maY apxifY for nimtttemeot)befae sale of the Pmpaty purawioc to any pawer of s�le�4�+una! in thia <br /> SecutitY Iaume�:or(b).e�rY of a judgqxnt enfo�cing this Seeurity Ir�aumeat.Those oad�tio�s are t6at Bormwa:.fy W�,ya <br /> l:ende�all snms which tl�m woutd be due under t6is Seatruy Irunument and the Note as tf t�o socekratiott fid aocumod:(b) <br /> wr`ts any default of stnr otber wvena�is or agrameots:(c)PrYs aU exPe�s incumed in eaforcing.this Sxurity IayUumeot. <br /> . includin�e.but aot Gmite�to.�le attomrys'tbes;and(d)takes sudi xtion'as I.eader may rtason�My tr�uite to aswne <br /> tivt the lien of dtis Socurity�r�stt�nt,I,ender's rights•in the Propetiy�ad Hortowet's obllgatiou to pay the wats savted by <br /> this Sa,urity Inurumeot s6�ll co�inue u�ngod. Upani t�einStatenknc by Bormwer, this Secadty I�ment aad the <br /> abligatid�s secuied 6e,reby sf�ll remvn fulty effectiye as if no acoele�ation i�ad acxurc�ed.However,this right m ni�t�te shaU <br /> not appiy in the ca5a of a�coeleruion under paragraph 17. . � <br /> 1!Sde ot Nat�C�r ot Iro�n Serviod: 7'he.l�ote or a pa�tial intcrast in the Note (togeth�er with tl�is Sec��riry <br /> Yasa�ument)may be sold oae or mnro times wit)wut prior notia to Borrawer.A sale may crsult in a change in tbe entity(tcnown <br /> as the'Laan Servia�')d�at wltccts.nwndily payments due under the Note and this Security L�strumau.TBere afso may be one <br /> or morr changcs of ihe Lwn Servicer.unnlated tn a sala uf the Note:If thet+e is a chartge of the Loan Se�vioer,$orrower will be . <br /> ' given vrritten no6ce of the change in acc�rdanoe with paragraph!4 above and applicable law.The notice w�11 state tl�e name and <br /> addzrss of t6e new Luan Servtcer and the sddress to which payments shoWd be mada.l7�e notice will alsa coatain any other <br /> �nforma[ion m]uit+ed by applica6le law. . <br /> 2�. Ha�doas Subshac�s. Bamower shall not c�use or permit the presea�ce, use,disposal, storage,or nle�se of ar►y� . <br /> Has,a�dous Sabstaaces on or in the Property. Bomnwer s1�a11 not do. nor allow anyonc else m do. anythiag affecting ihe <br /> 1>roperty that is in violation of arry Envuonmental Law.1Ue pneceding two sentences s1�a1)not apply to the prtsenoe,use,or <br /> storage oa tbe Pcoperty of s�nall.qnandties of Ha7ardous Substances that are generally recognized to be apptnpriate W aom�al <br /> � residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. <br /> � Bonower shail Pm�Y B�e Leader written notix of any imcstigation,e}aim,dem�,lawsuit or other action•by any • <br /> govemtnenW or regn2atory agency ar private party involving the Property and any Harardous Substat�ce or Environmeatal <br /> . of wl�ich Bomnwer has actual knowledge. [f Borrower leams,or is notifiod by any goveramental as regulatory autLority,that !._ <br /> amr re�t►oval or other rcmediation of any Ha7aMaus Sabstance affecang the Property is nocessary.Bomawer shall promptly take <br /> all�oassary remedial.actians in aceordar�e wi[h Envimnmental <br /> 1�s t�ad in this pat�gtaiph 20, "HaTardous Substances"are,those substances defined ac toxic or haz�rdous sut�stances by <br /> - Enviraom�ntal Law and the follov� substances: gasoline,��.°roseae. other flammabie ur mxic petratwm praduds, toxic - <br /> peuicides and fxrbicides.volat�e sQ��+r�,rts,materials containic��sE�estos ar fomialdebyde.aud radioactive materials;AS nsed in <br /> this pa�g�aph'20, "Euvironmenta3�v" meanc federal laws an�laws of the jurisdiction where the Property is ldcated that <br /> - nlate to�ealt6.safec5 oi environmental protection. � ` . . .. <br /> NO1�F-LJNIFOR'►��OVENANTS.Borrowes and I.ender further cavenant and agree as follows: <br /> Zl.Aocekr�tlon;'Ranedies.Lender shatl gire notice ta Borrower prior to�cekrnHon tolio�BoiraWe�s bn�ch _ <br /> of�ny oovenant or agreanent in this Secarity Instnuneot �but not pslor to aoceleratFoa aader pa�ragraph t7 unless �-- <br /> apptlaibie law proWdes otherwise).T6e noNce shall specifs: (a)the deEaWt; (b)t6e acNon r+equtral to�the detault; ;� <br /> (c)w date,not ks4 than 30 days from the dste the aottee is given to.Borrower,by whic6 t6e detaWt ma�t 6e�a+ed;and - <br /> (�that t�lure to cure the default on or before tfie date specified in the tatice ms►y resalt iri s�eceleration o!t6e su�s r'..�- <br /> secured by this Securfty Irtstrument and sale c�t6e Property.T6e ootke slw!!farther inform Borrower ot the right to <br /> Mastate aiter aoceteration and tbe right to bring 9 court�ction to assert the non�xlstenoe of a defautt or.aay otl�er .:, <br /> defeue oi BorroWer to acaleeatbn and sWe. If the def�dt 1s tat atred on or before the dsite specified in the nMice, r;� <br /> i.e�der,�tt its option,mxy req��nmediate poyment ia fetU oi all sums secared by this Secarity Instrumeat�ithout �:== <br /> fuctLer dan�nd smd muy invuR¢era,e�power oi sale and aa�s�¢�er remalies permitted by applicable taw.Lender shall be 4 <br /> entitied to oullat ali expenses incurced in pursu�.ig i�e nemedies provided i�this paragraph Zl,including,bat not limited <br /> to,reasonal�le attorne�s'[ces and costs o!titde�zf,�eooee. <br /> It the power of sale is Invoked,Truste+e�R record a notice ot defauit in exh county ia c�fiich any part oi the <br /> Pmpaty ts located pnd shall mail copies of sacfi rtotice in the manner p�bed by applica6le lavr to Borrower and to i_ <br /> the MAic�person�prrscribod by s�pplicable law.After tbe Nme required by appit�able law,Trustee sball l;ive pu6lic notice �.�` <br /> of sale tx►the pasons snd in the manaer prescribed by appticabte law.Trastee,withoat demand on Borrower,shall sell <br /> the Plo�erty at pablk auctbn to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms des�wted in the notke ot - <br /> s�k in one or mor�e porcels and in any order Trustee determines.Tnistee may postpoae sale of a1E or any�p�rcel o!the <br /> Propaty by publk smnouncemeM.s►t the time and place ot_any pre�iously scheduled sale. I.endc�r or its designee may <br /> pu�a the Property a!any sal�:� � °- <br /> , <br /> Fam 3028 9J80 �''; <br /> Page 5 of B '.. <br /> ., . . . .. �^-. <br /> � , ' . . , ' �.r.-: <br /> - , . . . P.._'� <br /> — '-�-�r'G�.�S.'k��`� �-', ... �. <br /> . .��� �f'�.�.<<. <br /> - _.�. . �t",^�$�TrA�^�'"�14-��?7v�F ..°'C- . . -'--- - - - -� i��=��."���r.- -=7+`,T.�� -, . <br />