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<br /> . proppty inp�ned sydn�t iasi by fire,h�ds itxluded�vfthin��am"eatentied oorer�e'and`�:btber.l�:��K
<br /> - tIond�tx tlondin�,for rvhk;h 1.e�1er�oquites in�rm�oe-Tbis iawraoce si�E16e mai�aiaod id ihe eninuats md for tba�aiods �, .
<br /> dset I.endcr requires. 't'�inwranoe ca�riec p�!uvWiag th im�usnce.shall be chosen by Bormwa�i,lect w I�enda`s ap�xov�l �,
<br /> � whic8 sh�}i ait be:bnnatsan�biy w[tl�eid. if Borrower�'ls to maaitain wveraga describai abave, Leoder n�y, at Iander's�
<br /> option.olxain covsr�ga to protect I.endet's rfghts in.the I�toperty in a000tdnioe with p�ragtapfi�. . .
<br /> Ail inauranoe.policies�ud eeaewAls�siwll be�ooept�We W t.eadek�nd d�ali ioclude a awrd�rd mort�ge cl�rcte: Lmder
<br /> Sh�111�MG 16e da11t t0 IWId thC potiCies�od nCUicw!�1s.if i.ellda nDCp�iIC�.HorrowG 51�f11 pnxr�ptiy givC W I.CE�[ler dl tbedpts Of <
<br /> P�id P�a"imms�d n�neriril eotias,tn the Cvait of loss.Bonurver slatt jive p�vmpt notice to tiie insuraox aiRier and Ixndet: ° .
<br /> ' I.eoder may mdc�e pro�f ot lots it uot m�de�tM'��Y�+Y��-
<br /> Unkas I�a�der and Barrowa oN�erwise i�nee in writiej.imuraooe prooeeda sh�l)be ipDiibd w natoration`or cep�ir of tbe
<br /> PcopettY d�rrr�e�,if the oawnkion a r�ir is a000mic�llY ta�ibk and I.iYideP�iauritj�iy not iase�bd.lf the neuoution a
<br /> � -reQair is not emnon�iCally fe�ibk or i.aider's sxucity wouW 6e kstened;the imuranee pruoeeds ahail be�pplied to the a�uq�
<br /> ��. aeai+ed by this Seauity'Imttumdit.wliether or pot tt�en 4K. wllh�ey exoas p�id to Horrower. if Uorroiru��uloo�the . �
<br /> �"`J AopMy.or das not Lmwa wiWn 30 days a aotioe fean[�a�des tiat�be in�wc�eoe carrier h�ofK.-�nd�w xttk�daim,t6en ,
<br /> LdKkr m+ty odlect the inw►an�e pro�eeds. LeMer maY use the pmce�ds [o sep�ir or natoe+e tbe Pcope�ty orw pay aua�
<br /> �ecut,a!by this Sacurity iriuueiau,wlxther qt uot thea due.The 30�ay periad wi(1 begin whett the ndkx is giqen. '
<br /> Unless l.ender and Bocrower othciwFse�groc ia writtng. 3[ly �IN�tlOq'Of ptO0i00AS tA QIItI4'�pll SI1aII 110t CEf�dl'
<br /> ; postponc tbe duc d�te of the moMhly piy�t�ents tefeined W iu pangta�phs 1 ard 2 or cAinge the atnou�of tbt paytneots. U
<br /> utder p�n�raph 21 ttie Property is aeqaired by I.ader;BorruMrer's right to any iawr�noe polieies and�xooeeds nsutting frvm
<br /> dam�t to tire P�vpaty prbrto the scq�sition sfa�ll pa►s�w I�der to the extau of tbe suma sewted by this Security Insuammt
<br /> it�unedi�tely priot W tt�a aoc juisi�oa. , �
<br /> f.Ooerpwcy,Pr�aar�ha.MafWasaeoe and pt+etectiod ot trt Pt+opMy:Baenwer'a I.a�ue Applicatloe:l.aseLoWr• '
<br /> Bormwa sh�ll ovcupy,Wablish.�nd use tUe Prnperty as Horrawer's principal nsidence within sixty days after tl�e�oaition of �
<br /> tUis Secudty L�swma�t snd shall c�uinue to occupy tbe Pnopeity as Borrower's principa}nsideoce for at le�st one yar aRer . �
<br /> the d�te of oowpancy. unless I.ender othecwise agt+ees fn writiag.which oonscnt sha11 not 6e uarea.wnabty witUheld,or eniess
<br /> exteu��ating c�cua�tutoes exist whicb are beyoad Barrnwer's oontrol. Bomnwer shall not de.unny, daa�aSe or impair tlx_ .
<br /> Property. allow the Property to deteriorrce. or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shali be in defauit if any forfeitucie
<br /> � action or pmceeding,wheti�er civil or cri�nal,is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment rnut�nsuit in forfeitare of tbe
<br /> Property or otherwlse materially impair the lien cnated by this Sauriry Instrtm�ent or l.ender's secvrity inte�est.Bomower may .
<br /> cure such a default and teinstau,as provided in paragraph 18,by ca�siag the action or proceeding W be dismissed arith a tutiag .
<br /> that. in Lepder's good faith determination,�precludes forfeiture of the Bor�wer's iattzrst in ti�e Ptoperty.or ottxr anterial
<br /> impaim�ent of the lien cceated by this Secarity I�trument or I.ender's securiry inte�est.Bomnwer shall also be in default if
<br /> Borrower,during the loan apptication pmcess.gava materially false or inaccurate infom�adon or statements to Le�der(or failod
<br /> w pc+uvide I,e�der with uiy material inf�cmztion)in conr�ection with the ioan evidenad by the?�tai�,including,but not limited
<br /> to,nepnsentations conceming Borrower'a�p�cupancy of the Property as a principal residence.If x�s Security Insaument is on a
<br /> teasetwld. Borrowtr si�all comply with a1� the provisions of the lease. Tf Borrower acquins fx tide w the Pt+operty. t�e
<br />: lrasehold and the fee title shall not merge���ess I.ender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7.Protedion o!i.endet's Rights in.rt�ee Property.If Bonower fails to perform tt�e wven��ansl agrcements contained in ,
<br /> this Security Itu�trument,or there is a Ie�:,E g�oceeding that may significantly affect Ixnder's ri��in the Property(such as a
<br /> proceoding in bankn�ptcy,probate. for o3:�annation or forFeiture or w enforce laws or regulxt��os), thesi Lender may do aad
<br /> pay for whatever is�essary to protect tC.:value of the PropeRy aad Leader's rights in the�rbperty. Lender's actions may,
<br /> include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Instntment. appearing in court. paying
<br /> reasonable attomeys'fees amd ez�sering a:�the Property to makc repairs.Although l.ender may take action under this paragraph
<br /> 7,Lender daes not have to do so. � ' .
<br />' Any amounts disburs:�i by l.ender•�:n,�.r this pamgraph 7 s6�at1 6ecome addiGonal deZ�3 of Borrawer secured by a�s� ,
<br /> Security Instrument.Unless��arrower a�d ixnder agree to other terrs�of payment,these amo�s shall bear Imerest fmm t3e
<br /> date of disbursement at tFe�tote rate ui� sha31 be pa�a9le, with ia;erest, upon notice from�.ender to Borrower requasting
<br /> payment•
<br /> S.Mort�ge lnsurancs.If l.endea r�rysired mortgage insurance as a candition of maicing ttree�oan sec�rred by this Savrity
<br /> � Instrument, Banower shall pay the pcer-.:�s requfred to maintain the mortgage insurance ire�ect. If. for any rsason, the
<br /> mortgage insurance coverage required by�.ender lapses ar ceaseg to be in effect.Borrawer shaGU�ay the premiums roquirod w
<br /> ohtain cQVerage substanti�lty equivalent 10 the mortgage insurance previousty in effect.at a oost substantialty equivalent to the
<br /> cost to Borrower of the mortgage ins�r��ce previously in effect. from an s(ternate mortgage chsurer approved by Lender. lf
<br />: substantially equivalent mortgage ins�ov�a:coverage is not available.Borrower shall pay to�:r each month a sum eqnal to
<br /> ono-twdflh of the yeaNy mortgage ir�s�x premium being paid by Borrower when the insuran�coverage lapsed oc.aased to
<br /> be in effoct.Lender will accept.use a�s@«t:in these payments as a loss reserve in Iieu of ma-rgage insurance. Loss tesenre
<br /> • Fann 302a sl90 . .
<br /> v.ys a oi e •
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