. , ,Q_
<br /> _ - . • "t:G'�___
<br /> -� - _ .� ----- --- . _ - .. - - c_ . � .. ._ __ . - —
<br /> ' µ� S:l�i a��'rop�rty t�u�Bore+u+rao ab�tl;loeep t�e impeo�vanan�s uo�r e�.�r b��+r eeaeeW aa . .
<br /> - � .tbe Prop�rtriaw�rdd:y�iat far b'fit�0.irsae+d�indud�f wtthin tbs�enet-"sztand�d`.ovrer� a�d�ay!aRl�ec 6�ar�r„ _
<br /> ` tndu�n�tloo�c ur llaa�dit�.foR which.Laodec:+eqt�tri�inwr�o�Tbi�i�raranos�N 6e msimdtwd��t M�an►c�ur�s .
<br /> � �d for tb pa3vd��tt X.a�dee requir�eR T!�itrursnoe carriar.peovi t�tUe�n�ranoe��.ba c�a by�neitri'�r
<br /> subject to I.erdeert appeov�l�ch dWl not be+unraMOa�b1�►witldieid.t�Botm+�r faila 10 msint��t oova�ye de�cdbed.�.
<br /> abo�^41.endei may.as La�det'e option.obtaia ooveea�e to�e+utect L�ndet`s�tijhts ia tbe Propeety�n a000rda�with .
<br /> , 4�*�i�P�� � .°< . .
<br /> Ati i�policiea and re�e�►als ahatl ix aooeptsbte w I�aider md duit inctude a stand�ed mortp�e c�aurar
<br /> L,er�der ehsll havG tha d�ht to fwld ttto poiicies aad ta�eMals.I[l�endar requit�ae. Bort�oMer aMll Pr'omPaY�ive to
<br /> Leader all reoeiptaoi�pud pe+emiurns�nd eane+val nottoee.In tlie avent ot laee�,Baero�ra e1W!�ive prampt notive�o the
<br /> i�xanxratria�ad i.enda.I.ender nuy make proot of loes it twt msde}xomFdY by BotroKer. .
<br /> Ualees I�eada and Botro�rer otliaWiee a�rea�n xd$n�.t�tn�snx pcoaeeds ahdi be sp�pfied w reswratlon os eepir
<br /> vE tl►e PropeetY dams�ed.ii the reewratian or nepir is eoawmic�lly taeiWa and Lender's securitq is aot lesened.Itthee '
<br /> rastorstion or rep�ir?s nat aooreosnic�lly faeible oc I.aider's eec�uitq NAUtd 6e teesajed�t�e i�caaoe proc4ede alull be
<br /> �plied to the aums sacur�ed by thia Secunty Instrumeat,�vl�ethar or not tt�a►due.pith aoy eux:a�paid w Borroxer.Ii .
<br /> 'Boc�+o�rer si�nda�s tl�Pmperty.ar does not u�ver xithin 3a days a notioe fram I.ender that tl�e i�urat�ve.curie.r 1�s
<br /> o�fa+ed w settl�a alum.tbea Lender miy collect the ins�uanve p[+ooeed�I.ander msy uBe the p�+nceeds to repair or
<br /> . restore the Propetty or to pay sums eecuced by tbia Seeiuity Inebvmen��rl�eti�er vr not then due.The 30-dsy penod�+ill
<br /> be�ia�tAea t�aa notivn ia Qiven. ��
<br /> Unleas I.eader aad��omoxer otl�enriea a�ree i�►xritia�.any applicat�on of�oc�eed�to principat shall riot extend or
<br /> pos�o�the due dateoi the monthlY P�Y��tsreterred to in paa�eaphs 1 aad�or ctin�a tbe amountat thepsymenta
<br /> I�w�der p�ssjcrph.21 the�ropaty ia soquired bp Lender,Bomo�a's right w any insvc�nce poucies sad pro�eds
<br /> resultin�irom da�ha�e to the Property pcior to the acquiaitioa slnll psss to Lender w the e:tent of the sums eecured by
<br /> ihis3ecutity Iastrumentimmediauly pdoc toth�acqwsttiot�.
<br /> 6.Oocnpmcy.Preaervatio0.Maintenanoe and Frotection at the PropartY:HonoRer's Loaa ApQltcation: �
<br /> Lease�otd�.Aacvwur sb�ll oocupY.tsablis6,and uea the Yroperty ia Bomower's txiACipsl nsideace witi�in�=ty days
<br /> � ��xtie�ecamion uf tbis,SecuritY Iaswment sad s1aI1 oontinue to accupy the ProPertq as Barroxei's gcincipat
<br /> ��e fac at Least oae�;�oer tt►e dste oi o�pancy,nnle�I�der otlter�vise agoees ia Rriting.�eLicl�+a�asee►t s1W1
<br /> '�,r��ie�t.�ssoaatalg'Ritts�d��.iv;�tmle�s eiten�atin�ciccua►stanoes erist whieh a:+a beyond Borrn�rer's o�i�:�orm�ver
<br /> s'ra:2 ifot��:;+�amag�e�;�pair the Pevperty,allow the Pcopescy to deter�i�+^at�or coms�ee�.Wa�ste ein t5e Property. .
<br /> � � Bottower sfialL.��r�defa{t�*�'3ay fosPc,iSi�e actton or proceedi�;�wt,iecherescit�r criffiisv�isL�e:gua that in Lender's;. �.-.^--
<br /> � ,good faiih "�g;�a�t a»i�ii�a:ri�i�E�iiun of the Property"a'�raise ir�*�g.t���'e lien c�+eated by this. . . _ _--
<br /> ;:�.4'_ . Sec.��rity Inscn:�tent oc Le��rs.seea¢it�•;intetest. Borrower ms�r ccue suef�a�.�a�.r�t a��rE:ri�te. as provided.in �__.
<br /> . , .... . : - --
<br /> , .,
<br /> �. �s caus�u tT�c actsaat�#nocadia8 w be c��ssad witla�a:,s�:ia►g�s�;:�s�.I.ended�s��od faith� :.
<br /> .� p�a'.!.�.'�h.;�&. q $
<br /> .:�.:��,us�tu�,g�cludes for[eituna oi ffi��orcower's interest ia:t��roperty or other mater�aff iis�paisment at ttt�lieti': — _
<br /> .':c��by t��isSecurity Instrument or Lender's exurity intetest.��srower shsll also ba in defairlt if:8omnwer,during' --- _
<br /> t�c�asn spplication prooess, 8¢ve msterially false or inaccurate information ar statements to Lenaes`(Qr#ailed to �--=_
<br /> provide Lender with�ny msurial intormition)in cannection with the loan ev�denced by the Note.includtng�but not __ __
<br /> limited w.representations ooncerning Bonower's occuptncy of the Property as s principel residence. If this Security __ _ -
<br /> Instrument is oa a lasehold,Borrower ah�i)comply xtth all the provisions of tbe lase.It Bomower acquires fee title W _____
<br /> the Pr�operty,the leaqehotd and the fee title shail not mec�e unless Lender sgroes w the merget in writing. ��:�..�-
<br /> 7.Protection ot l.�nder a Ri�hts in the Ptoperty. If Borrower{aita to perform the oovensnta snd�reements - : �r�;;;`
<br /> contsined ia this Se�curity inatrument,or there is 01ega1 proceeding that msy sigmCcantly atfoct l.endet's rip,hts in the .,"��.". -
<br /> property (such �s a proceedin$ in ban{wptcy. probate. for condemrauon ot fodeiture or to enforce lawa or - —
<br /> rogulations)�then Lender msy do sad psy for whatever is necesssry to pcouct the value of tAe Propecty and Lender's , °
<br /> rights in the Property. Lender's actions msy include paying any sums secured by a lien which h�s pr�ority over this � -
<br /> Socurity tnstrument.appe�ring in court.paying reasonable attorneys'tas and enuring on the Property w make repairs. �, � `-�
<br /> Althougt►Lender may take sction under this paragraph 7.Lendes does not have to do so .Y�
<br /> Any amounts disburaed by Lender under this paragraph�shall become additional debt af Borrower secured by ttis � ��
<br /> Secur�ty It�strument.Unlese Horrower and Lender agree to other terma o i pnyment,t hese smounts sha11 bear interest i. . � :
<br /> fcom the date of disbursement st the Note rate and shall ba payable,aitl�inter�t.upon notice from Lxnder to Borrower �. �
<br /> te9uestin8 PsYmens. , , �:
<br /> 8.Mortts=e Insurance.It T.ender required mortgage insurance as a condition of maYd�g the loan secured by this � �. .
<br /> Security Instrument�Borrower shalt pay the premiums tequired to maintain the aecmrtgage irs-.�^rance in effect.If,fot any : , -
<br /> reason,the mottgage insurance coverage teqwred bp l.ender lapses or cease.s rr.�be in effect,Borrower ahall pay the � ;� - -
<br /> ,.�,.::—
<br /> promiums reqvirod to obtain coverage substaatiaUy equivalent to the mortgage ie,�Jrance previously in effect,at s cost : �'�'�-.":..r
<br /> substantially equivslent to the cast w Borrower of the mortgage insurance pteviously in effect, frorte an alternate ' �`;��.;� �'
<br /> , . , .r.,� �
<br />- treortg�ee insurer appmvod by Lende�. lf substantially equ��a:�t mortgsge �nsurance ooverage is not availabte, ; '�"' `- ��-
<br />- BamoNer sha11 pey to Lendet each month s sum equal to one-tae96th of the yearly mort�age insurance premium being ? �'. �
<br />- paid by HorroNer when the insuranoe wversga lapsed or ceascd to be in effect.Lender aill accept,use acs�retain these ;
<br />- psyments as a lo� reserve in tieu of mortgage msutance. Los9 reserve payments may no la;ig�* 6e required, � : : ::..:.. .
<br />• . .
<br /> � Fow 702� !!!0 � " � �
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