�.-� � . -< . . (.. •�aL� . '�1� _ __....._
<br /> _ � ' , ; ' � ' . . -` C . �.'+�
<br /> .� � �.--� . n " __�.<—•� —__
<br /> �I__ .. . - - � �_ �
<br />-�. . _ . . . . �.. . . . : . _� .:�: _ . .. _ . . _
<br /> �.. ._�_.__�.....,..__"___ � . . . . •. ." .� _ ___ _ —_ - ' - `_.
<br /> .�-..__�_ _'__u ._e�.... .._-......_. ._.-...._�. �..1_ .___._ ._' .. • •` —r--
<br /> •___ '__' __-___-_`__.__'__�-_ , ____--�� _—___.._-._ _ .. ._ —. '__i--._
<br /> - _��r... . . . .
<br />.. .. . .. .. . . .. _ . __. . .. � _ t . _ � . . . , .
<br /> . . •- . .• . . t ' . � � ` � , ��` �� ' . ` , . ..�
<br /> - _. Rf��h`R���j.�!�. BQ1LiYiC S��Fl�►fY�{wr!?1C Q[1Ot.Y�O��iOd UIi�C��1. .
<br /> 111C�E�EYIl�C!!��1bE KO�E��i1G C�INjd aYC 1Mi�Gf t�lC NOk. BOROWI�Shij�11iC�UdC�1 dC�1 n10�Zy�ilIDdll�.
<br /> 2• �!M��wts d'Ilaetr i�ara�ee a�i Otrer�e�a. ,��.,�.�t.�wr of in •
<br /> to�etl�er aith the priacip�l�d�a'xn�st as tet fati�ie the Nate aod aay i�ate ciarges,. Y(a)ta�ces aad
<br /> �ecial a�s�mits I�vi�«to 6e Itviea agaia�t a�e Properc�(b)le�e1►61d vaYa�!ts a Srouna�eats oa u�e Pt�npe�t`y.aod
<br /> � (c)Pc�e+niwas far inau�ance reqa�ed by►P�ragr�ph 4• one-twelfth of the annual a�aoums;as�easooa�ly .
<br /> . gach mo�y�insnli�t for itctns (a).(b)aod(�)sirall eqwl,
<br /> e�irtwted by i.aidper, pius mrt amount s�e.tie�u w m�inain an udditional balanoe of not moce tLan ax-sixtb of the
<br /> _' estun�ted amouats. T�ie fuU amoa!amnuae fos eaeb:t�s1t�1!be aaumulated by ltader withip a period pid�8�
<br /> mooth befa�an item wadd 6eoaa�delinqueat. l.ender siu11 hoid ti�e amauats coikcted in wst to pay items(a).(b)and
<br /> ' tc)befa�e dtiy 6ecome d�1uW�t .
<br /> if u any tune the mtal of the paymeats heid by Lender for items(a),11s)�d<�).together_with tht fupue na�thly
<br /> P�Y�s for such itcros payabk to Lender pr►or to the due dates of such itcros,exoeeds by mat thm•ana�sixtk ihe
<br />� _. .es�mnued nnw�mt of P�Y���topsy such�tems whtn due,and if paymenu on tGa Nate a�e cmrent.tLen I,eader
<br /> � s�II eit8er iefudd the cacaess over aoo-sixtb of the astia�ated paymenu a c�t tl�e excess over a�e-siath of tlie estimated
<br /> pay�s w gubsequent psytpepts by Borcowev,at tbe�an of Bonawer. If tbe total af the psytneats made by Bamwer
<br /> fa item(a),N).ac(c)is iasnfficknt to pay tbe item when due.then Barawer shall�s.�'3o�.ader my amotau r�x.ssary w
<br /> melce up the defklency an abefa�c tha dau the item betomes'due. . '
<br /> . As used in this Securit�f Innwnee►t,"5ecceta�'"means th�Sec�etary of Haasing z�d Uz6an Davelc►prtient or�is or ber
<br /> desig�e in aay yar ea wluch tha I.ea�der mtist pay a matgage insur�nqe Pcanmm to tix Sea+etary,each m�thlY pvYmtnt
<br /> shill also inclucle eitl�: C)an installmeat of dte annaal mortga�.iasurance premium m 6�'��isid_6y I.ender w tLe
<br /> Secretary,a(iij a montbiy charge instead uf a aiortgage insuiance:Fr�ium if t6is SatiaitY�mu�is beld by die
<br /> � . Sect�etuy_Bach maathly installment of the rnottgagt iasura�e ptemi�n s�'J be ia aa arnoum�to acc�o2at�d�e .
<br /> ti�ll aaqtu�l mat�gc i�uat�P�tniam with I.endes one month pnor�.s'Zt�e da�3�fntl am�dal n���
<br /> p�emi+im is due w the Sac�tary:or if ttus Seeurity Insnumen't is Ix�1d by the Seccesa.-y each monthly chargg 5e in an .
<br /> � �amount eqoaE to onc-twelfth of ooe-luif pe�ent of the aut�ng princi�at batauxe due on the Note. .
<br /> If Boaoiice�_hnders to I.eader tbe fnU psYment of all sums•secueed by this Secvriry Insaument,Borrowa�s accouni . ,
<br /> sbaIl be snd`n+a�'VVitA dre balance rem�ining for all installa�enu for itrms(a).(b)and(c)artd any mortgage iruivance
<br /> p�emium ins�f�inent Wat L�ender has nat becane obligued to pay to the Secretary►,and l.ender sba(t promptl}r�efutid any , � -
<br /> excess fi�ods to Boicower_;.�auly prior w"a fineclosu�e sale of the Pmpenyr or its acquisi6on by Lendcr,Bamnwer�s
<br /> �t sball be c�dit�w�any balanca nmaining for all installrr�ents for itea�s ta�tb)and(cj. _
<br /> � AppUqtion a�lSijriKnfs. All paycnents Under Paragraphs t a�d 2 sLai}be appliod by Le�skr as foRows , .,�
<br /> Q$$�to the mo�tgage msurance premlwn to be paid by Lender to the Secretary or M the ma�ily charge by the �
<br />� ' Secretary instead of the monthl9 mat8a8e ins�uance prem�wn: , `�
<br /> �
<br /> �g�,to any taaes,special assessmeats.teasehold payments or ground rents.and fi�.flood and other hv.ard =
<br /> insurance presrii�rns.acreqwred; , . ' � �
<br /> . gj�Q,to inurest due under the Noie; �
<br /> �Q(�],W amortization of the principal of the Note;
<br /> �a late char�es due under the Note. ' __
<br /> 4. F'c�,.b7pod snd Other Ha�.�rd Insur�tnca Botrower shal!i�all improvements on�e Property,wtiether now _
<br /> in existenc�vt subs�tly eciected.against any bazards,casaalaes.:,c�rontingenc�es.incleedar���ire,far which Lender �=
<br /> neq�i�insa�ance. uisurance shall be maintained in the amou��s3 for the penads that b�aifa'r nquiies. Boirdwer ; --°-
<br /> sha11 also insure all impmvemetrts on tix P�npecty,wiiether now in ex'v�ce or su�bseguently erz�:s�.-�against loss by ttoods . '��'-
<br /> to the extent requued by the 5eccetary. All insurance shall be canied wi�.h comp�es�ppcoved bry:l.ender. 7tie.ussurance �,;,
<br /> pollcies aad any renewats shall be held b}Lender and shali inclu�:lass payable clauses i�f�s+�or of.and ia a forn►
<br /> aooeptable to,Lender. �'','
<br /> In ttie ev+ent of loss. Horrower shali gi�e Lender immediatc acr�by mail. Lender may�proof of loss if not
<br /> made pmmptly by Borrower. Each insurance company caencecned is::ereby authori�.ed and direci�[to make payment for
<br /> such toss dicectly to Lender.instead of to Borrower an�c�ixttder jaint3}•. Alt or any part of the insurance p�4ee:fls inay bc
<br /> applied by Lender,at its option,either(a)to the ceducti�aa di�he indebtedness under w�e Note and this Secunxy btstrtimen� ��__
<br /> fust to aay delin�uent amaunts applied in the ordcr in Paragraph 3;$nd then to prepayment of principal,or(b)to the �
<br /> nstorarion cit tepa�r of the damaged prope�tv. Any application of the�ixeeAs to the pnncipal shall.not extend or postpane �-
<br /> the dae date ort the monthly payments Rir4ch are referred to in Aara�i 2.or changc the amourw r,f se�ch paymenu. Any
<br /> excess insurance pmceeds over an amount required to pay all ouatanding indebtednecs under t��Vote and th�s Secariry .
<br /> tnstrument shall be paid ro the entity tegally entitled thereto. � . ��,-
<br /> In the event of foreclosure of this Security Instnunent ar other transfer of teatz to the Praperty that extinguishes the
<br /> indebtedness.all righ�title and intenst of Boaower in and ta insurance policies in fane shatl pass to the purchacer. ��_,
<br /> 5. Occupaecy. Pireservallon, Matntenance and Pratcction at the YropeMy; Borrow��s lasn Applicat[oe:
<br /> Leasehold.s. Bamwer shatl occupy�establisb.and use the Property as Borrower's pdncipa�res�a?�ace.within sixty days ��
<br /> atter tbe execution of this Security lnstrument sircl shall continue to occupy the Property as Bamr���r"s principal res�dence F=_
<br /> for at least a�e year after the date of occupancy.untess the Secretary determ�nes this cequirement w�t cause undoe hardship �_`
<br /> for Borrower. or unless extenuating circurtistances exlst which are beyond Borsmu�,r's watrol. Borrawer shall notify =
<br /> Lenders of any.extenuating circumstances. Borrower shall not commit waste or desuuy.damage or substantia[iy change =
<br /> the Ptopmty or a11ow the Propetty to deteriorate.teatonable wear and tear excepted. Lender may e^spect the Property if the
<br /> Property ls vacant or abu�doned or the taa�t is in defautt. Lender may take reasonable action to p*otect and preserve such
<br /> vscant or ab�ndoned Ptope�ty. Botrower shall also be in defautt if Borrower.during the loar�application process.gave
<br /> msterlsll� f�lse or inaccau�te information or statements to Lendcr (or failed to provide l.endet witb any matena�� �_:
<br /> infamahon)in cannection with the tou�evidenced by,the Note,including.be�t not limited to.repnsent�tians conreming ___
<br /> Bonower's accup�ncy of the Ptoperty ag apnncipal res�8enoe. (f this Securiry Instrument is on a teasehold.Borrowu shall w-
<br /> camply witi�tito prov�stons of the lease. if Bortawer acquines fee tiUe to the RopeAy.�he leaseho�d and fee titk shall not �-
<br /> be merged Wttess Lender agas to tbe mer�er in writing. =.-
<br /> i. Ci�e�es to Bore�ower and Protatioo o�Leeder's Rights ie tAe Property. Borrower�t�!!1�pay all gavemnxntal � :
<br /> or munl�ip�l charges.fiaes and imposi6or�s that ane not inctuded in Faragrapb 2. Bortower shall yIIy these obl�gations on "_
<br /> dme di�+ectly to the entity which is ovred'the paynwraL If failur�to pay wauld adversely atTect irender's mteresY ln the _-
<br /> � pruperty�upon Lender!►request Borrower sh�ll promptTy#Lmish tn l.ender roceipts evidencing these payments.. "'
<br /> If Bort+uwor fuls to make these�a}ments or the payments mqc�ired by Peragraph 2.or fails to perfam su�y othtr �
<br /> oov�ants andageeme�s oontilned in chis Serurity lnstrument.a d�ert is a kgal procading th�t mry s�gnificantly af�ect �
<br /> l.eoder�ri�t.+ie the Pt�openy(auch m�p�ncading�n banlwptcy.for candertu�tiao or to enfez�x laws or regulatians).
<br /> tben l.etder maY��MY wMtever is noassary tn protect the value of the Propeny�od l�nder's rigMs in the Pt�ope�ry, -
<br /> iacluditia payrtwnt of taaes,h�rard insurance�nd other items mendoned in Paragra�1�2 I
<br /> Mq�mouob disbur�ed bY[.ender under this Para�npti sha11 beFome an additional debt of 8orrower anA 6e securzd !_
<br /> b y dds Sa�aity Iasat�ea�. fi�ese amo�mts alnil bar mterest from ti►e datc of disbnratment.at the Nate r�te.aid at the� �
<br /> option d I.eader.shdl be."une6ediakly d�e aed payable. ._ `
<br /> :7. G�ie�flw.,71ro p�noee�of any awtrd or claim tor d�e�es,direct or consequeetial.in oamectian with my .
<br /> ' ooe�tion or ed�ar Wtiog ot a�y prt.of the ptvperty,or for canreyaaa�e w place of cbndennation.ae 6eretry�s�p�d _
<br /> �d�Adl 6e p�id b Lader b the axlea�d t6e fuU seaunt ot We inOeMednes.+th�t rem�lns unp�id ueda tt�.e Ndc a n d W S
<br /> � s.ariep I�u�s�w. tmda�Inu.Pqf�P��m a�e rt�ducdon af ae indebiadnes wider ax Nae�na�is secvrity
<br /> - _- .-.-l P�� �Y ��PP�'� ���-��i�t6�urdcr pcavidcd ie P�a�3.�dltts�!o- of . -
<br /> aMon�of�he poceeda to tse princ�l�ad�ll nol extend or postpone�the due dae d�y
<br /> . , ��a���i1 . •
<br />