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<br /> : i�tr�a'tb)awry af r j�dpe�t e�Eoie�i�S�q�17���� 71io�e ao�iitfos�a�s i4t.ga�p*w�: ;ak
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<br /> � bf�.111C�j.`�110t�IIOd 1D.ICY011�!�0[�E�y�:�td�����t�lY�O[�Y iCMOM�Y • .
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<br /> _- � �+aw�ed M t6a Sec+riy► Laa�w�nt �u scntiu�e uocb�u�d:?11}pm r�ux�.by Ba�o�. pns �y �
<br />_ _-—-�ar�eat ae�I t��tioas xcmcd i�nDy s�p�f�ii�r d'fect�e ss if no�6td ooe�: �?�E��s-..- —
<br /> ei�t`t��IMe�lat!�ot appilr in t6e ca�of aoo�rat�on wWer pQajtapti 17. • � .
<br /> _ — .________— - ----- -�*_.�—'-�3�.skG-�syc-s���-� � �t=ut"'"���'�ielenrst.irt_d��1e.� �!�.�$ecar�tY - - -
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<br /> i�np�t)maY b4 sold oqe or u�o�e tima wltUout prior notice to Bo�rowa. rS s�le may— m a ch�a��n me aaC�r
<br /> (l�ow�at tlie'La�n 3a�+joa�'l tE�t coliecls nwaddY P�Y�due under tbe Nate�nd Wis Sea�rity�a�es. 7't�e a1w:
<br /> _ mayr�e�oae ar foea[�t c�e�s of d�e Lo�n Se�vka'uurel�ed to a s�le ot the Nqte. �f tl�ae is:cb�asa af ths I.�o Setrioer, _
<br /> Baem�rar w�i be pvtn��rrinea notke oi�be eb�e in aoca�d�noe witb p�a��ph tt above�d applic�bte 4�r. Tb�notice
<br /> r►n71 slMe the n�mc s�d add�esc�+[tt�n�w Loa Servica aod d�add�eas ta whic�pyma�ts sbouW be tmde. T6e noticc w�l
<br /> aho carMab�any ather mfa�riao raNi�d bY�ppbcabk tavr. � : �
<br /> �R BmriMS S� Bac�ovrer sUaU not c�use or panut�e presence,use.disposa�storags.ar ielqse of any
<br /> � �larndo�Snbst�nces P�ot irt tfie�mQeity. BoQOwer s�all not dn.nor allow�tyone else to tb,aoY!��8���8�
<br /> • Nopat}�aet u in v;ot�tion of my Fnvi�nmienta�i,a�. °IM p�ceding two sentemxs sf�n na appty to ux piesa�oe,ase.or
<br /> sta�e an the Property of stmU qwotities of Hatudous 5ubstances that�ne genaallY reoognized to 6e appcapiia�e to nosm�l
<br /> iesiden6al us�es�nd to mai�a�nce of tbe Fbopercy.
<br /> aamwer smu pmmp3�►Stve t,rnacr wtitten noticc of my investiguion.claim,annaaa,mws�uc or anar actiori ey aay
<br /> � gova�unental or regulu�o�ry aBencY or private party iavotvieg tlie FtoQerty aad'any Harudous su6st�nce a Fnvimnme�al
<br /> � La�r of whict�_BtF�tewes bis actwl Iu�ow�edg�C. If Sattuwtr la�s,:oc is ttotified by, any gove�a�ntal ar teguiatacy
<br /> � awhority�tbar aay iemov�l ar od�er rmrodiadan of aay Hau�edous Substanoe affecting the Pmpecty,is neressary.$arower
<br /> s6�11 prprtiptly Wce aU neceswy tert�edisl xtioes in aococdarca witb Fnvic+aunenW Law. �
<br /> As used'm this�s�xph 20."Hazar+dous Subswrxs"u�e tlase su6stanCes defined as wxic ot hatudous subspt�oes by
<br /> F�vi:onrneqtal law�nd the foUowing substances: g�soline.kecosene:4tl�er�lammabk or foxic peaolwm prod�cts,toxic
<br /> pesticides and 6efiicides.volatile sotvenu,materials containing as6estos or forrnatdehyde.an�f radio�ctive muerials. As
<br /> u'sod in this paragraph Z0."E=nviranmentat Law"mcans federallaws a�laws of the jurisdictian whene�he Ptoperty is lac�iod
<br /> that relate to brilth,s�fety or en�iranmental praertion. � � ',
<br /> NON-UNffORM COVENAN7'S. Barower and Leader furtNer cove�rant and ag�+ee as follows: ,
<br /> 21. Acoekratioa:Ren�dies. l.ender s6aU give notice to Borco�rer prior to aooekrallon topo�BorroWer�
<br /> bneacl�ot ssy covemat or�t in t6is Secnrity tnstrameet(bat aot prior to arceekration und�pangnP617 .
<br /> aokss spplic�t6k taw provtdes Mher�ris�e). T6e eatice sMall specify: (a)We detaWti @)the actjan reWlred ta cure the
<br />_ - defa�tt:lc)a d�tG aut less tb�o 30 days iran tUe date the aMice is aivea to Sorrower,by vvhicb the defanK mast be
<br /> cared;and(d)that f�ilare to cure the default o0 or 6efore t1�e date speeified in fhe notice atay resuk ie acoekrstios ot
<br /> - � tbe srn�s secured by t6is Security I�trameat�ad sak of the Property. T6e notice shaU(brt6er iatona Borra�ver ot
<br />� the claht to reinsmte aRer accderation aod the rfg6t!o bring a eoart nclion W assert t6e non-eaistence ot�ddwlt or
<br /> - �any other deftase of BorraWtr ta s�ccckration apd sale. It the defaWt Ls nat cared on or 6etore t6e date specified iq.
<br />. the eotic�Lender at its option may require immed�te paymeet in fuU o�all sums secured by tbis Security�nsdrnment, :
<br /> - v�thaut furt6er demand and may invdce the power ot sak and aey ot6er rmKdies permitted by applica6k la�. �
<br /> I� Leeder shall 6e enfltled to colkct all espeoses incnrred in purs�ing the remedies provided ia this paragrap6 2I. •
<br /> inctpding,but not limited to,reasonable attorneys'fees and costs of title evidence. � •
<br /> If the poWer of saie is invoked,7lrustee sAall re�ord a notice of default in eacb county in whkh aag�aa�uf t6e �f..==_.
<br /> Pmperty is tocated and shati mail copies otsuch notioe�the m�nner prescriDed�r�appli¢abk law to BorcmR+es a�d to =_
<br />= the dfier persons prcscribed by applic961e law Aner the time required by ap�+ble law,Trustee shall g�{�n�c. ___
<br /> ,:��. � aotice o�sale to We persons and in the manner prescribed by appliqble law 7'ruste�witlr�!demand on BurroRCt _
<br /> �, • s6a11 selt the Property at public aaction to the highest bidder at the time and place and ut��3e terms designated iar. i.�•
<br /> e
<br /> '��; 'i: ` tke aotice at sak in one or nare parcels and in�ny order Trustec determines. 7lrustee may pus-ipone sale af a0 or any� ' <.�r`y�
<br />' _ -�;'?• ��• p�rcel M the PropeHy by public announcement at the time and place ot any��ously scheduled sate. L�mder or tts • :,-.%r-'
<br /> �' ' �� designee may purc6ase the Property at�ny sale. . . . ,_
<br />. =::�:;��_.' , ':i •'':
<br /> • •:�,y.�,_.� Upon rereipt o�payment of tfie prlce bid.7lrustee shall deBver to the purchaser 7lrustee's deed rne�eying the �� '=i_:_
<br /> ' �-'='•�:,�.� Property. Tde recitals le the Trustee's deed sha116e prima facie e�idence ot the truth of the swtements made tliereia. _,,.�.z;,:
<br />. `=��'�• 'llrustee shall apply the proceeds of the sale in the tollowing order: ta)to all costs and expenses otexercising the power � :�- �_'
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