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<br /> -- 5_=_,d 8�mr aorr a I��ic 1�pwrc at�e pnpatr. Af[re�I�oe�ea�s atl additio���aru be co�bs►�WS See�ty ; .,.`
<br /> �At. Ali dtk taeloi�i�►-�tam t�Sec�Y�t�ii�"�taga�t. • • „ ���---=' --:. —.--
<br /> Bqt�t0lk'F�t�OVBNAN'L�dwt Bonowiv is 4w(�li�r xised d tb�e e�e 1re�elfY a���.��1D� • .
<br /> � °ood oosr��il6e PbPett7�od�ut We�opecty is aneoc�bered.ea�apt fa�oi recad Ba�m�et'�r�r�s�!d .
<br /> wtn ddeed aeeaalf�t a�e nde a ure F,opetty a�t sil c1�m,od aa�a�ds,wb,�e«to�ar eacu�n�r�ooes d�oo�a. . � ,
<br /> wi
<br /> _ _ — -- » - + �f•_,���t_.��non-an�'ariaa ooveu�ots t� , -- =
<br /> — �— vu�
<br /> —_ _ _�_` _ _. saa�ity id�rnt��ni p�Q�►•• , , _ . _ _ .
<br /> � lcmi�di v�ri�tio��s by j�ni�ian to ca�i�e s uai�inn- - • .
<br /> _ _ ` ---,��--�__�osre � _ - -- - �nee.asf�—_._.�_:--._.�.-• -�- -- --- --- -
<br /> _.- - L l���e�t d Pti�c�i a�i I�tefaf;prep�7�e�t a�i I.tle Cve�rs. BamweE� w�°" -
<br /> �of aod ir�est m ibe debt evidenood by the Nate aod�a]►Pre�xYment atd la�e ch�es due under t�Note.
<br /> I�Y�ir tar'11�es w�b�'at�a Sub�e�,'t t�o apW+c�C 4w a�o a wntkn waiver try I,enOer,Ba�torver a!�pry tu
<br /> - _3,sader oo d�day maaddF pa}'meats m due�r the Note.mNil d�e Nate u p�id ia fuU,�sam("[�nds"?far.{a)Y�Y .
<br /> �� 'raxa aad ss�aKs.rt�ic�msy�ip pciaety orer this SeauitY Ins��ss s I�en on tbe Prope�ty:N)Y�Y� .
<br /> A�Y�a S��s an�he FmQe�ty, if�ny. C�a Y�Y �°�P�'P�Y i�anoe P�emiumx(d2 Y�Y � -
<br /> �e P�enumns.�f any;(�)Ywlr �8a8e insuraasx Ptemuwms,�f an3. and(fl u►Y surtis Poryable bY Borcowrx w
<br /> . �,�er,in acooManue wrid�the provisians of�r�g�ph 8,in lieu oi the payment of mortgage iawt��x pr�miums. 'i7�CSe
<br /> ` items are qlkd'E.gcnow Ioems." Laydtr maY.u aay tim�.coUect aod bold Funds m an amount mt w eaceod the aii�timum
<br /> amouot a kniler far a fe0erally cel�ted mottgage toan may�u�fa Boaowa's escmw accouat unda the fede�al Re�l •
<br /> Fst�te SettlemeM Pbnoedurts Mt of 1974 as amended from time to time,12 US.C.;2601 et s�q.("RESPA'7,�kss anoti�er -
<br /> taw that applie,s ta t1�e Funds sets a lesser amoan� if so.Lender ma}'.a[aop time,collect aod hold Ii�nds in an amo�mt aot w
<br /> exoeed the ksser amotmt. �may euimau thc amo�t af£aods duc on tl�e basis of cnrtrat data�td ceasanabk �
<br /> esUmytes of ospatdipues of fuwre Escraw Items a ot6erwise i�.-��¢�aPPlicabk Iaw.
<br /> • � The Eiu�ds slvll 6e held'm aa iruiiwaon a-hose dePoSits+�e_mwied fe�a federal agency,ins�umeniatitY,or einiry
<br /> �ncluding La�der.if Lender is such on i�n�ac in a[►y Ftd�ral.Home I:aan B9nic. Lender shaA apply the F�u�ds to pay ,
<br /> the Escrnw Items. 1.eMer may oot chuge BoROwer far lwtdma�and apply'mS the Funds.annualtY an�lY�B��'Ow
<br /> �nt,or verifying the Esc�aw Ite�s,�m2ess Lenda pays B�*�rer�terest ar the Fui�ds and applicable law pe�raits
<br /> Lmder to make such a charge. How�e�'I.ender may reqaue Bm�mwa to pay a one-time charge for an independeu�cgal
<br /> - . _ estate tax reporting service�ued by Le�der in c�nnxtion weth tlns loan,unless applicable law provides�tbe�wise. Unless an
<br /> - sgcament is made or appllca6le Iaw raquues imerest to be paid,I.ender shall rrnt be required m pay Bormwer any interest or
<br />— eamings on the Functs. Bamwer and Lender may.agree in w}�ting.however.ihat intetest shall be paid on d�e;�unds. Lender
<br />_ � shal!give to Bormwer.without cLane�,an annaal acconnting of the I�nds.st�owing crediis and debits to Uu Funds and the
<br />- pumose for which each debn oo the�►nds was made. The Funds are plectged as addfrim�a!securiry for aq sums secared 6y�
<br /> - this Securi�y InsawnenL
<br /> If tfx Funds 6eid by Lender exceed the amowus Pemutted to he hekd�by applica6le law,Lender shall account to _.
<br /> Bom�wer for the excess F�mds in accordance with the mquuements of app��le law. Yf the amount of the Fimds held by .
<br />- • Lender arany time is not su�cient to pay the E,sc�ow Items when due.Lender may so rrotify Borrower i�i wriGng,aad.in
<br /> � ,j such case Boaower shali pay to Lender the amazmt necessa�to make up the deficiencY. Borrower shaU malce,,up the —
<br /> • deficiency in no more than tweive�,vrnthlY Pa}�e�ts,at Lend��sarle discretion. . �_
<br /> ' ;r� ,�.,.. Upon payment i»full of a1I sums secure�E�4 this Secc.��'+�strument.Lender shall prom�ptty refund to Borruwer-aPY — _
<br /> ��;#1��`��;��:• Funds held by l.ender. If.under puagraph 2II,Q...�der shall acyuire or seli the Property,Lender,prior w the acquisition or ���y_-
<br /> • ' ,r,�,'_���-Y s a le o f t he P ro p e r t y.s ha l l app t y a n y F u n d s fi e 1�b y L e n d e r a t t h e t i m e o f a u q u i s i t i o n o r s a t e a s a c r e d'R a g ainst the sums ���:���
<br /> �,n�.b-.s ,�';j_:;;i.'�,�•;� securedbythisSecuritylnsuument ' • . .':�
<br /> �� '� ' ��+�, '°��• � 3. Application o t P as�� Un tess app lica b l e l a w p r ov i d es othera�ise,all pa y�nenu receive�by Lendet under
<br /> -,���'. �"
<br /> �"%sc"`f4��.. s l and 2 shall be a Ii�s�st,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second.to amounu payabte under f..-t.,:.
<br /> �': r.?y.:;:_ P�StaPh � `""`'-
<br />-' ',y.;:W.�. .'•-'' • paragraph 2:third,to interest du-r��a�th.to principal due:and ri.--.�.to any late ct�arges due under the Note. .'�,�-
<br /> • �� =n<i�� ., 4. Cbarges:f.jens. Bortower shall pay all taxes,assessments,chacges,fines and impositions amibutable to the
<br /> _ :. '�..:,_.
<br /> "= -=��:"'�"�'`'�- '�� " Property which may�ttain priority over this 5ecurity Instrument.and leasehotd payments or gound rents,if any. Borrower . _
<br /> �� � � � •' �� •` sha11 pay these aDligations in the manner provi��in paragreph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on .
<br /> ,•i`.�y����:�:,;::,;,,� ., ,
<br /> - • -'-F r,��'; • time dimctl to the n owed a men� Bormc��er shall ron^a tl fumish to Lender all notices of amounu to be paid under
<br /> .,... :.,,,......�.: Y 1� P Y P P Y
<br /> `'' '•:��''`" lhis�eragraph. If Borrower makes these payment�s directl}:��ower shall promptly fumish to Le�er receipts eviw��r:�c�,�
<br /> .,�,'. . �:1;.>,r. � ' ' .,
<br />. .:F�.. ..,•: .i-s�,:..; . .. .
<br /> �,� . , �,,,;. ,. �payments.
<br /> }�L � • � Borrower shall promptly,discharge any licra w•6ich has priority over this Security lnstrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees
<br /> � � in writing to the payment of the obtigation sec�r��by the licn in a manner acceptable to Lender,lb)contests in good faith the , ,.
<br /> • ���.• � lien by.or defends against enfonement of the C;en in.legal proecedings which in the Lender's opinion operate ta prevent the � ,,...
<br /> - -�-�`r"'�:•.�L+ �' '�; ''. 1 enforcement of the lien:or(c)seceres from the holder af the tien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien • 63 `•.,r:
<br /> f;, ,.,...,�, , ..... ,f�.:
<br /> •:.�].,�:r��,+'.`�.' .` . to ttis Security Instrumen� If Lcr,der determines tliat any part of the Pioperty is subject to a lien which may atta}n prioriry � ., ,;`„
<br /> _ �'F"`��"�� over this Security lnshument.Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower sha11 satisiy the lien or take €�
<br /> • `� � �� • ,���� one or more of the�:z�ons set forth above w�thiae t0 days of the giving of notioe. �
<br /> i:
<br /> ;�?'. `�� "� �� �� 5. Nu�r@ c�.'4?ioperty Insurance. Bomower shall keep the improvemen��now existing or hereafter erected on the _,
<br /> i�+::;.;�::c :, Property insured a��,.:.�:st toss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended coverage'and any other hazards,inctuding i .
<br /> ' .• '��'�!��N�-•.. floods or flaoding,for which l.ender requires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts and for�he �_.
<br /> •;,f.;;.4!'jt.;;,;; .
<br /> }, '. . . . . '
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