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<br /> � 1MlHI�J►'�,1larou�r ane:%.ndK I+a�s'�qwa�tl�E aMF n�ane ponls_attr�wnabr�to tt�p�cv.rt�aha�la�--...__..;
<br /> , addltlo�l s�e�eNy b iM LM�d�t!a 1hf p�nt at tIM NoMC` . .
<br /> � tiOW.TMH�POR�.if M so`iwd tlnt Ib��curHY NN(rui�lt M�N b�an�M�d�Q1��bll�nd dMnMd to lnciud��'Ioib�te�
<br /> �� . . . , . .
<br /> 1. j � Borraw�I�N��b�owqh►�nd w�e0nditbnMy����iwi� '
<br /> eMNS. iN�NS Mi0 ProHts of 1M P�'o0�f►�m�!►• L«�sha�l haw ths ri�ht�parNr �nd �uttlotlh durinY tfN . '' `
<br /> eonlM�aF 1M.�cLr1lfE 1�1�trun�nt to r�Qllydt 1M ew1b.h�and proRts of tM pr�o�rt�rand oF an!►P�nonfl p�opRh
<br /> � IOaf�d tlnrroit wflh or wlth0ut nkMp I+as�fon of tlM prap�ly aftsct�d tiM�bi►�t�w�r 6o+ww►,�Y��
<br /> 9onvw�'s t�WMt�ctioe antt rK�ntloln of�h nnts.t�s arntl P�a as tf�►accru�aM b�o�n�pa�Iabli.sa IonQas Bor[owK
<br /> •is no�at sucA tf�.M d�l�ull w`iM rMp�.t to p��t 6f ar�►inA�bt�s s�cund h��b�►,or in tA�pKta�m�nc�aif an�r
<br /> -ap�rM11MK AM'NNIIlM � � � • ' <. .
<br /> Z, It iny�nt M d�fault M tMp�,�t to tf�S�qttity 1�t�uinN�t stNdl Nawt ooeurtr0 s�id b�
<br /> Continutnp.l.�xMr.as a�niattK ot Apht and wiMout n�ticr to Borrowsr a anya�e cfatminp undK�BaR�.and witNout .
<br /> . i�p�od to ths vahN ot ths trust�atat�or tM tnt�tist of ths Batowsr tMroin.shatl haw ths ripht to y�pr�i 1t�ury cawt havinp
<br /> " Jurisdlctton to�ppWnt a nc�tMer of ine property. . . . . ... : . . . .
<br /> 3. Rtnht to Poa�toa In caM of det�ult In ths psYrtisnt of the said prinC(p�l Note or irtterest,or any put tAK�of,as tt
<br /> shatl nu�tun.or In ttN cas�of taliun to Ks�p a pertorm any of ths cov�enants or aQ��nei�tsc�ont�tnad in ths Secudty tnsnu- .
<br /> • m�n�th�n tM l�r�d�t, its suc�swn or assipns,aM11 bs and ts hsreby aut.�aizsd a�empowered ta talcs tmmediate
<br /> possasbn ot th�satd pnrtNses therotn described and to cottect the rents the�+a�en.and to appty ths procqsdsttNteof to ths -
<br />- . , paYnwnt.of the Note. . , � �� ; � � ,
<br /> 4. Aootication ot Asnts.lssues arW Proflb.All rents eollected by Lender a the recsiva ehal l bs applied Hrat to paynirM
<br /> . ot th�casts of m�na�nwnt of th�propKty sn0 collsctkx,of rents,in�tudl�p.but not limitea to,necei+roPs fea�.premiums on .
<br /> - roo�ivers bonds and rsf�eonabte�ttomsy's tees,and then to the sums aecured by the Sscurity Instnimen�Lendsr and ths
<br /> recetvsr shatl bs liabts to account only tor thoss renW actuatly�eceivea. .
<br /> 5. �onstruetlon of P�raislons.Eseh of the provisian�contalned in thls Aasipnment of fierrta Rider and E�ee Secu►ity Inatru�
<br />- �ment shall.unl�ss otherwlae apeclfically requlred,be cor�strued(n accordance witb Nebraska Iaw,and in the evsnt any�
<br />" �sion Asrein ar thereln contsined shall be determined by a coun of competent juBSdiction to be unentorceabte,the same
<br /> sha�l bs constfued aa thouph auch unenforceable provlaion were not a part hereof or thereot.
<br /> - 6. �ifsc�f Rlder.Except aa apsefftcally modtfted by or ineonalstent witA this Aaaipnment of Renta Rlder a py arry othe► �
<br /> apptiqDle rlder,�II of the te►ms and pravlsions contained ln the SeCUrity tnstrument shall continue in tull force and effeci.
<br /> IN WRNESS WHEREOF.Borrower has executed thla Assi ent oi Rents Rider on the date firat noted above. c.
<br /> . � . � � Q��w �:
<br /> ",� �` �omas a. osH�o eaROwe� P
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<br /> ; '4�-:, � � � mvRa �, u �o eo«owe► . � �
<br /> +R;;Aa: . , -
<br />��.ST;�.Y,i��':.��'i.i'� . : F.
<br />-- �'�����'� $TATE OF NEBRASKA? � t
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<br /> , .,,."�,.�?��?;;�' � On thla Z� dsy of OECEI�f6ER __�g 93 .�fore cr�,the underslgnea.a Notac,�PubUc duly commissioned anA !�
<br /> `���ti���•. qwllfled tor aal0 courtty,.per�onally c�me ��as n_ nsNi n aNn mvQa i _ os�� 0,�HtisaaN� AND WIFE �
<br /> ;` '_}- -' - i
<br /> u•�'�� � .to be the identical person(a)whose s)Islaro subscrtbed
<br /> � •,:•�,�,�:�
<br /> ; s�-4.�,�;, to the torepoln�Inatrument,and he/shelthey acknowtedge the execution thereof to be Rlslher i�v �untary act and deed. !:
<br /> �,:�'y�'''�n .: , - A�dO ISEAND RAS E�
<br /> � Wltness my h�nd and Notarla!Seal at ;
<br /> �;i�" -� `.
<br /> in id n e i�te at es,pi � .
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