--�- -7�iR�`'. ... �:.�'z--..r. .
<br /> -- -- v-a_�:'�, - - '�r��.�__r'.�-, .
<br />� _ . _�'�f_ _ —- ._ - _ __ - _ ' � - _-_ _--_ 4 -_.. __. '_._ _.
<br /> �--..—_ �. ' • �`} .,� - ,'�, ` < < . , r `- . ; :_` �. -.T--, _ . � .�V'�-`���.'L�., . . ` _ `
<br /> . � , c
<br /> • 1a���pee�Y fot"�eirleMe�at)bda�e�a1e a�`tbc�I�o�at�P�t Ms�7►���'0�ak oo�t�ed i��` -
<br /> , �af(b)a�►d s jwl�mert e�i��'!7��' 7tio�e co�o��re drt Hono+�c (a), � �' ''
<br /> -_: --==—�piys��"fa�-`w�ic�:�r�ao:d bo�=�Ses�sis-�7►-l�ams�t,a"d-�I�o�n-i[an:ao�.-ld--'_�--=
<br /> ' . ooctin�{b�eera aq►defadt df airy o1Ms oovaMSts ar i�team�s;(F)P���11 ea�Pe�eY inc.'�u[ed in mfacmf tbi+�?ec�itY . , .
<br /> ' l�cyiueat�iect�.:bat not timited en.rd�o�6ie�no�ays'feaa:a�d Cd)bloa sach aclioe as I.ender m�y rwoa�blY �
<br /> � �e'b a�we�e�die hen d ilus Secutiry T�.I.eader'�rig�ts a�►tse R�acY aod Ho�mM�er'�ob�yKion Eo pay d�e � , .
<br /> .' sums sacutcd by 8�in SecvutY'�w�t�11 ceotioue uotbta�ed- EJPbn �t�t b��a•��Y .
<br /> � . `. �t atid d�et�t�sec�sed3ser�Qy.shslI�falig e�a r t 4ve as i f ao�c e l a a p a e U a e!o c�u�e d. H o w�e v e r.t h i s___ -
<br /> -- ri�tb�a�itU iat�p1y in tbe cxse at'�eoekr�an�derp�+P1t . - - -- _._. :
<br /> . —1!Z,Sak,CNl���.�R��1+�1_�_ TLe Nate ot a p�tti�in�a�esi in tbe Nota(tosetti�es vrith tb�s��!'_---y -
<br />_._�.____ -----T -- ,�q�p�t)miY 6e�a muc�c ames�wid���T'�or �-assiE-i�s-��'�s8� - . s _
<br /> (lmo�ra�tbe"Laro Seivicer`?d�t cWlects u�nthiy PaymaKs due�u�d�er the Nbte�d 8us 5xtuity Ins�utneut. lhie'�lso .
<br /> may be eoG.or miere c6�es of d�e Lo�a Saviar�mreiated w�e silc a�f tho Nrxe. If d�e is a ci�of d�e J.a�n 5dviar.
<br /> Bormwa w�16e�vea writoea aotice of the cbmge ia s�ecad�cx with pairag�apb 14�brn+e�nd applicabk 1aw. 7l�e eotice .
<br /> vvill s�te tEae n�me aod sd�ness of d�e�r I.o�n 5ervioer and d�e add�css'W vNdch paytoea�ts slauW ba m�de. 79je uo�iae vv�7t
<br /> �Lso co�in iny dber infam�tioa mNined bY applx�bla liw.
<br /> t�Nas�rdae Srbst�ces Barower shall not rause or parnit the pces�ence,use.disPos�l,stor�e.or rekue of ury -
<br /> ` H�udous Substances aa ar ia tbe P�opercy. Barrower shali not dc�.aor allow anyooe else to do.u►ythnf8 affectin8 the ,
<br /> � . ptopnty d�t is in viduian of ury,Fnviio�entai Isw. Thc p�catiqg#vw seateacea sh911 rrot app1Y to the p�eseince.use,or , '
<br /> stor�+c on We Pt+npeny of s�nan yaan6nes of Hua�do«s subs�nres tbac ac!e g«xrauy necogaiud to b�a�optiau w�wnnai
<br /> nsidentid uses at�d w mainten�nce of the Propeccy. - � .; . .
<br /> 8umower sl�il p�amptty giva Lender written notice of any investigation,cl�im,t�emand.lawsuit or ottxc actian by anY :
<br /> govemnknW a ngWatory agency oc private p�ty involving tise Pmpecty and a�nF Hazudo��s Substance or Eavimnmental �
<br /> . i.�w of wHiCh�acrower has actnal imawledge. If Boimwer ieazs��,::ot is aatstied by any govemnunW or�}awcy..=?��,.
<br /> wthodty.tt�at aay removal a other remedi�6on of any Ha7a�loas�a.ct a�feciing tlx Property is naxsss�:, w�:.�:;:;;�'
<br /> ��P�P�Y.falce aU��arY nrt�al actions in a�cordanCe with'�i,'•''�aanien[21�.aw. . •.::.;>.:• . ��t,, .:;i*.
<br /> As used i»this paiagtaph 20,"Hazardous Substaao�.s`':?u�those sub�iatxxs�d as toxic or hazardoos s�9t�b� '� . � •
<br /> Environmental I.aw and the foltqwin8�bstances: �':'kerosene,other flam�.ble ur toxic peuoleum"p�fii:;��to�iic°.
<br /> �esdcidts and he�bicides.vc��'�ir:.solvei�;:aaterials�"•T'�'�,ing as b e s t o s or for`m2ldehyde.and radioaMive mae�r.&s. As
<br /> uud in this P�S�Ph 20,"En��•"-��?:�ra[laws and laws of the jurisdiction wl�ec�e the Ptopercq is located,, .
<br /> that rclate to health,safety or emjiror��.all�tectiori:, � . �
<br /> NON-UNIIFORM COVENANT�. t&sinwer a�d t.endcr fuither covenant and agree as foUows: �
<br /> � � 2L AoodenNon:Remedie� Lsrider s6alt g�e,�Wioe to Barrower pcior to accekrstion tdimwring Borrower's
<br /> brach of aay covenaat or agretment im this Se�uriEy instmmeat(bat aot prkr to nocdeeatiou under Para�aP617
<br /> ueiea appiiq�ie law provides othes�vis�? The notk9e sdalt specify: (a)the defsult:(b)tiie actiou required to cnre t6e
<br /> �et�d�t;(�)a datq oot less t6ae 3Q ds�s�'raaY tl�e date the aotice is given to Horrower,by w6ich the detaalt must 6t
<br /> cured;and(d)t6�t failurc to carc the def9ult on or befote the date speeifiM fn tixe notke�w9 respk Io actekrntioe of
<br /> the su�secured by t6i�'5earity insirua►ent and s�e o�tde Property. The notic�e shaU.further intorm Borrovrer oi
<br />- �'Qee ri�t to reinsta'tc after aoaeluation aad t6e rIg►R�b�ing A couct actbn to�ert the non�existence of a default or' _
<br />- -- • .aay other de{q�se ut Bor��to accekration and ssaS� If tBe default is aot wred on or 6etorc the date spec�ried in
<br /> - - � ttre noNoe,I.bnder at its opiion may require imme�ca+re�ymeet in fuN efaR sams sec�+red by this 5ecuritp.�irument
<br /> - - wit6out further demand and may invake the pov��s at sale and any other remedies permitted by applicabfe law _
<br /> Lender shall be entitled to colied all expenses inwrred in porsuing tbe remedies provided in this paragraph tl, _
<br /> includiag,but not limited to,reasonabte attoraeys't`e�and costs ot title evidence -��:
<br /> i �,`'�r�'., = ° it the power of saie is invoked,7lrustee shall reoord a notice of detault in each county in whicb any part of the �'�_-
<br /> ,.,� � property is lacsted anA shall mail copies of such no6ce in the manner prescribed by appltca6le law to Bormwer and to ��''-'`'
<br />= ` the Mher persons pre5cribcd bY APP�icable law ARer the time required by�pplicabte law,7lrusta shall give pu6lic �-�_; .
<br /> �:�`=�. .notke af sak to the persons and in the manner prescrlbed by appltpble law Trustee,without demand oa Borroa�er, �i«.--
<br /> ��'�.. shall sell the Property at pnblic auction to the highest bidder at the tiine and pf�ce and under the terms desigaated in ' ���:�°_:
<br /> - r�- � the notke ot�k in one or more parcels and tn any arder Trustee determines. 7tustee may postpone�k of all or any �'�
<br /> . �;;;.
<br /> " ,�,���:..�.'3�: ' parcel of the Property by public announcement at the time and place ofany pre�•iously scheduted sale. 1.ender or iis
<br /> ,� . �i�"�
<br /> -��:=. ."°. '" designK may purchue the Propenv at any sale. �f:j.:'
<br /> � - '='' '�'•s� � Upun receipt of payment af the price bid,Trustee shall deliver to ihe purchaser Trustee'�s deed conveytng the ;;%�;��,.
<br /> .�>:=:. . ;• .. : � ��?.
<br /> � ; , Property. 7'he recitats in t6e 7lrustee s deed shatl6e prima fack evidence ot the truth of the statements made thereTa �>�_,_
<br /> � r.' :��y�' �� 7Trustee shail apply the proceeds or ihe sate In the foltowing order. (al to ail cosls and eapenses of exerclsing the power •����-:.=..
<br /> •...w. • Y
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