_____ , _ ;
<br /> _ __ _
<br /> � _—
<br /> .... ..' `'__ , _. . C. . 4 . __����L- • . .• . ` � •� �. ` � . ,( i v. .��� `i..� __ _ ...
<br /> ' j�eiM��MI�t,w�irr�� '�fr iMw�ar oii�i��rti��M i�os'idl_M 49ri�I�i�rir�r�i�i�a�ri LarMe� ; �
<br /> � � ��i-�Y�Yll�ot M�M�Yy�Midi..r��r�a�M��o�e�e�!at�i�oNq i�Mar_�i�r,ar ` :
<br /> -la��p![9��bl�i!l4+gi�!l�s1_s'�to11Ct�M�lt� d�p4�t►�1l��. . ;.._�:.`. ' � �
<br /> •� Aif I�o�poiki��i���11 M �ta, -ad�iWt iclwie s�i�iiad i�o�t/i�cTi�it.T.e�der".—�. ..�`-
<br /> - � ,:i�iiav�e ditri�t taliWd�e poik�ia�1d nrinraL.�I�det re�.Ha�:v�.erai�prnrapeiy�va�o t�e�d�r all�eoeip�. ; �. :
<br /> � , d pid pe'�!�nd�e�a+rr meioa. 1�tMs�rmt bt b..Hano�.i�tl�ire p�ampt notjoe a d�e�oce ca�ri�.od
<br /> „ ` Lender: t,a�d�e�+�r�lue prootot ias daot awde pospd�by`Ham�re� ' .
<br /> . � .. ,
<br /> . � _.Ueia�1.a�ldet aM 8o�r�a��ie�ia�riti��iK'�����PP����s�otitioacrrepiF+�€ .
<br /> d�c�tapaty da�yed,;it ebe ie�aoia�oQ a.ispr�3s eoae�o�tncat�r�l��uibie asd L�ebdQ'�:�rity s�no(r ia�d�a�-=�f�e`=- '_`--
<br /> �or�tioq at tep��aot e�vaoanadi�r ta�le ar l�mderti secyrit�r w�cuW bc leaened.d�e iowraooe peacoeds��.6E `�,, . .
<br /> _ , "
<br /> _ _ —_= ,_,_'_ipgne�=io — _.. . .-��,-�:��3nt�t a��or t���r�t��!t�ae.�,�id to Bana�ec-_I�_.__.. _,_�
<br /> Hurtaqer a�odan�tLe.�topeety.ot dxs not a��er w�i�in 3F1 days a oot�cr fmqt L,endes�t�t mp�aooe.ra�ritt b� .
<br /> � al�aied.to x�e a.clainr,d�ea I.�ma�r oonea the in�uianoe pivoeed�. l.enda m�r we�e pen�to rep�r ar_�a�are .
<br /> d�e Pra�erty ac b pqr�mm,s'�a�red by tbis Saaeity�whqha�6r Ywt tbat du�.TAe 30�daY pawd�wiD bejim w�ea
<br /> � die notiee u�iv�a�.
<br /> �v,�laa L�r aaa a�mw�er vlha.v�.e st�nee in.�.�ny�pp�ia�tiort of prooeWs w_priocipd sb.n aor ai�aa a
<br /> � poe�pone,�due d�oe of die a�aathly paymaus zefared to ie p�agr+phs 1�nd 2 a cfi�nae tbe anoume af die lf "
<br /> under per�yaph 21 tbe Prnpeny is aoqai�ed by I.erider,BonoMra�s rigfit w�ny n�sur�P���P�.� �
<br /> •{rom drrn�e to the I�inpt�ty prior'�o�aoqattition s6aU p�ss to Leader w ihe e�a�t of tbe swr}s�ceuied by tb�S�ec�itr "
<br /> iasa,mnene innnedimly prwr w a�e�quisicion. � � - �.
<br /> i, poe�c� Prr�tN�, M�s�ae �d Pirohti7jo� d tie Propert�; Earr�awer*a I.ou A�ia�,
<br /> L��erolir�. Bonvwa adaU oci.�upy,establisb,aod use tht Ptope�ty zs Borsnwetls princip�l�esida�oe wdd�ua siaty days�fler . .
<br /> die exccuttian of d�.s 3e�aricy be�onanenc and shall eontuwe w accupy tLc Piopacq as Bc�rmaer�s pdoclp.t�esidenva fa�u
<br /> ' � feast ooa ye� after die d�te of oa.up�ocy, uniess I.ender othetvvis�e apees irt writwg. whic� eonseat ahtll aot lx
<br /> unnaso�bty with6eld.or unksa esunw[ing�e�ust which uc 6eyawl Bon+awer8�oauaL Bonower ab�U aa �
<br /> deshoy.d�nsRe a in�ir the PlropeatY•allow 8ie�tape�ty to detetiorue.ar caommit wastt aa tbe Pt�upetty. Barewer�uD �
<br /> be in defwlt if any fafeiture action or piooeeding,whether civil or crimi�wl.is begun tlat ia Lenikr's goad f�ith judEnnax •
<br /> coald tawlt in fafeiture of We Property a othe�nse ataterialty impair dx liea created by tl�is Sec,urity It�hmna�t or
<br /> Lender's'secarity inuc�est. Bamwer may cu�e such a def�ult and ttinstupe,as pmvided L�paragcapl�18.bY��8��� :
<br /> or pmceeding to be dismissed with a niling that,in i�des's goad faith de�mioaaoo.P[�eeludes facfeiriae.af the$q�aower's _ ,
<br /> incerest in the Ptupetty ar dher materia3 ia►paimie�of the Gen c�ud by this Security Instrument ot Lsader�;:�i:aritY
<br /> inten�t Bomnwer shaU also be in default if Bamwer, during tLe laan appliption pnncecs, Save materiatiy-�'aise or . : ;�..
<br /> -, inaccarau informafian or statements to l.cider(or failed w provide Lenderwith any material informatioa)in conaection wit6 `..t;'`:;..:;. .
<br /> the toan evidenced by the Note, including,.but not limited w.r�P�esentadoas conceming Borruwer�s occupancy of ttte �.'�;;::`:,
<br /> " - . PropertY as a principal ceslderxx. If this Securiry 1n4tnunent is on a leasehold,Bomower shatt comply wiih all the pcovisians �� _
<br />__ — of the iease. If Bomnwer acqui�ss fee ti8e to We Property,the teasedold an�the fee 6de shall not merge unless Le�;�ees . �•.
<br /> wtliemergerinwrlting. , .� . ,,:.,.,, ' �,',
<br />-=; 7: Protectio�d Iae�er's Rights io tbe Propert�,.�,�f Bomnwer fails to perform tt�e coveaants and agnoements -
<br /> ;; � contained ia this��uitg•Ia4aumen�or thete is a 1ega1 priocad'mg that may significantly affect Len�kr�rights in the -
<br /> Property(such as a.��c►oeeding in banlwptcy,probate.for condemnation or forfeinue or to enfor�e laws or regulations).then
<br /> r I.ender-rnay do and pay fa w�ever is necessary to protex the vaiue of the Ftnperty and I.ender's rights in the Pc+operty. •
<br /> Lendes's actions may inctude.pap7ng anyr sums secured by s�izn which has priority over this Security Instrumen�appearing
<br /> ' in coart,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering c►m¢�-r�Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action
<br /> � under this paragaph 7.Lender does not have to do so. -
<br /> �� '�"'�` "" 7� An amounu disbursed b Lender under tf�is �shall become additional debt of Borrower secured b this �`='-
<br /> Y Y P�Ph Y rr�,..--�
<br /> Securtty Instrument. Untess Borrower and Lend�-a�ee to other tem�s of payment,these amount�shall bear interest fmm the �""--
<br /> -'? ���- date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable.with interest,upoa notice from Lender to Boirower mquesting =�:--_
<br /> . T-- Pa��� , , �_'=-
<br /> � ,M:�sq,�3��: 8. Mortgtige Insuranca If Lender required mo�tg�e insurance as a condition of making the loan savrea�ry this � = _
<br /> ,�,;�:., ..�,•• 5ecurity Insttumen� Borrower shall pay the premiums re�•.:::ed to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If,for any -
<br /> . ,.�rr,;. �':�.. :� reasort, the martgage insurance coverege required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Bosrower shal! pay the _ .�
<br /> . r �. premiums required to obtaln coverage substa.�;ially equivatent to the martgage insurance previously in effec�at a cost . •'� _
<br /> ^='��-• ' - suBstantiatiy equivatent to the cost to 8orrower.of the ma�g�age insurance previousJy in effect,from an altemate'mortgage =
<br /> �-��:�'`• �� - � insurer a roved b Lender. If substantiall uivalent mo�a e insurance cavera e is not availabte.Borrower shall to �•-"�=-
<br /> � ,;�, • PP Y Y e9 S 8 PaY �: _-.._:.,
<br /> L�nde�cach month a sum equat i�a one-twelfth of the yearN�mortgage insurance premium being paid by 8orrower when the „...,_;._..
<br /> �� in.4urance coverage lapsed or ceassed to be in effect. Lender will accep�use and retain thesc payments as a loss reserve in lieu . `�:�=
<br /> e
<br /> ---.:���: of enortgage insurancc. Loss reserve payments may no longer.be required at the option of Lender,if mongage insurance .:..'c�;
<br /> �` �� ceeverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender requires)provided by an in�urer approved by[.eader again becomes
<br /> '��,,�;_,~ , av�;;abte and is obtained.Borcower shall pay the premiu�c cequired to maintain mortgoge insuranee in tfFeet,or to provide a � :
<br /> • � ° loss c�rve.until the requirement for mortgage insurance er�s in accordance with any written ageement between Bomower .
<br /> t�::;"'?�';":��' : --_ ` and Lender or appticabte taw. . ' � ..- �
<br /> ' . . 9. Inspection. L.ender or its agent may make reasonabte entries upon and inspcctions of the Praperty. Lender shall
<br /> � � . � . �. j give Botrower notice at the time of or prior to an impectian specifyins masonabte cause for the inspect�on. �
<br /> lU Condemnatioa. 'Ihe proceeds of any award ar claim for damages.direct or conseyuential,in connection with any .
<br /> .-,,.,� ;.,. .
<br />- -• . Singlc Family:.Fanek Maer'i'rcddie tfac I:�IFORH I�STRUS1Bh7'--Unlfomi Covenantt 9l90 Ipuge 3ojo�ragrel .
<br /> s': .. -- .. I;ttat lat[s 8wh�au Pal�Ix.�
<br /> ' ' . ' To lkdet CaU.180U5309393 Q YA1�61&781d191 • .
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