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<br /> .. � . .. � ' , � t� V� Y�M �' . ` , . � � ,�. .
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<br /> _ __ '_—_.—__' —_' _ _"— '_—__-__�L ' �" __ _ — `— . _'_ _
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<br /> -------------�—•_—�_:_.----.-_'c—=.T__._ _. _ _ —. . . . .
<br /> ._..------� �--- ' � -.—..—_ . ..__�-_:�---. - °
<br /> - . 1111RI� ROCRM�LL and IdNIROC� s. lli�S• Cw�stan�l Rsps�s�atatiwt o!
<br /> tb� �stat� o� .T32Iie 8. lfi�watli. ao�aMd• ad�t!�Y.aad Ys1�N to tiA�B. .
<br /> � l�1itL�els ROCIOIBi,�.aad raxRSNC;�-:3��IID►iH.•tha to2larf�s4`brscr�bad r�al �ststs (as �
<br /> . dslit�d�iA 1lf�b,: ROV. $tst. 76-Z02�r: `
<br /> • . Zhe 8oitthezly tl#irty (30) ft�t of Lot 8our t�). �
<br /> the HortHsriy tbirty (30� Laet,oi Lot Sfac (6). •
<br /> all iu Block i7fenLy��oii%.{Z4?. 3a tl�niversity .
<br /> . Pla►ce, ari A�di�iaa �o thaf City o!.�f3zand.ZS7.a�ad.
<br /> Hall touaty. l�ebraYkt�j . .`� ' �'.',': � .
<br /> • ;,;�. :i:�
<br /> ,' 'a:id -. `�, ';,;. '�,:;� .: ��i��:,` .
<br /> -�' ."'`_f;., , .
<br /> The Soath;Halt•o�' �he North Hal! of tUs'' . `.`r;%: `;��.rs - ,
<br /> • Aortheast Quarter (83f�ii) of Sectiou'--.�,=�•; ���;;':;%;, �"
<br /> _ , , T�91ve t}:�).�:,:�ti..<.,,.: �:�,. . .
<br /> _ . . . �`;. ::` Ztireaty-three (23). iti ToMnship.. ,. � :, „. ' .
<br /> �� -. '•�, ';�' � HoYth. Re�ge Bine t9) �ile�E ol-.,tlie;,6th P.li., 51 . r:
<br />-- .��,
<br />, 8�1],1 Cotmty. NebraelSat i ,� ' � .�`:,, .
<br /> • • ..:a: > .
<br /> � The.Saet One-hal! of',the�Northxest Quarreie=;` , .
<br /> (S�ilf and the sout2iKest Qusiter of the ::. ' _ -
<br />� �:, `;:.:'�:�• Horthxeab,Quarter t3� of Seation ' � _
<br /> ;,� ,. Rweaty-tArea� :{?31, ia ToMnship �reive Ii2) -
<br /> - �` •ROrCh� Ran3�i`�l�i.ae (91��Fie�9t Of the 6th P,�I.•; . . . .
<br /> r;:�'� . , :,, i r ,; _ .. , ..
<br /> r 3;� $312��COUrity..RAb'raeka� . .
<br /> .., �'.���..s�� ���4`�� ' • ; Sxcepting ttiazefran a tract o�:�laud caaprisiag . • _--
<br /> _�..•::,, �. �J r:a a part of eaid Northr�est Quar'�..e.s. iNw3Q of Seatiaa
<br />' �::.;,,, .. _ .. . , . �-, -
<br /> Torenty-three (23) descY'ibed as folla�rs: E'."" -
<br /> ... -.,.;:-W�
<br /> , . ,_t -=-
<br /> . .. .,. ��s_
<br /> .:�, ' . :T-_--
<br /> . . . . ' .'.-.s,
<br /> : � Se9iaaing at a point oa.the south line • `�.�-��.:_..
<br /> . oP said �ii: said poi�nt being Five =
<br /> �� • � - � H�c9red (500.OI feet east of the ' � � '-
<br />... �:°,,.' _ _ southweat corner of snid Nitii: the�� , �� �y;�,�
<br /> •.';��„ . ... _ zunniag easterLy along the sout�a ���a �}�" . .
<br /> ,:.. . i.e'+�:-' ,
<br /> '��
<br /> . • . . - og aaid Nf�i a distaace of Five xur�ed • :�.. ;;;,�'a�",
<br /> � . • ���': � Taeaty;(520.0) feet; thence deflecting { .• ,''t`;
<br /> ...,,,,... .
<br /> " ' • left 90�00' astd swming northerly a !
<br /> . +"' �A. . � . . � �
<br /> _ •_Z,,'- � ..-� ' , � 8iatance oY Si.x Hundre8 8ifty (650.0�
<br /> -,- , �"�.
<br /> - - ' S- - - .,. feet; thence .deflecting left 96°00' and �;s.��,; ,,::.;::
<br /> ..:-y'� � . . zuaniag westezly a dietaaCe of Five , .i•� . ��'.,sr.,r��
<br /> � �;�='`'• � - � Hundred T�reaty (52�.01 �eet: thence �' � . �. ,,
<br /> i .J.kj�,',(.7:�.
<br /> deflecting left 90°00' and runnin9 . � ���,�'',:,"'
<br /> �� -���. - • � southeriy a dietance o� Six Huadred . ,
<br />, , '•" � • � •• Fifty (650.0) feet to the pofnt oP _-' � � �
<br /> . . r�,��- . . „ ' , begi�ning and containiag 7.789 acrea ��, ��.•;,�;:�,;
<br /> •'"� ��:� � more or iesa. f��
<br /> �:'�;.,���', . • ,'���.'�:,
<br /> • . ;c. +�;�
<br /> :•.t;.f;l.;,'.ti. � . . ; . �Gi�.
<br /> . �-�''`�'•'r��� � '�� ' xh�ich 7•759 aCre tract having accese to a pubiic
<br /> ��,:,.
<br /> �••�. . ..--�--.., �.:,. . . .
<br /> ;. .: .
<br /> . -� .,. . , . ,
<br /> . :,- - .,. ,. .... ... . . . . . ....
<br /> .;;, , , � rpad.�ursuant to a�2d-foot�wfde roa ay easemen . . . . _..._ .. .. ... .
<br /> . • . . , • ';,: .;: .; '�' �pr kiiich the centerlfne iA deBCribed 88 £o19,awe: �°,. • .
<br />,.;/ ' ' . ; 1L ��... . .. .
<br /> Hfrr�t, to ascertain the poiat af begtruiing,• .
<br />°�,`•�. ' '�� . atart at the eouthae�t COrner oP the • , � �`" '
<br /> � ,' . . • . Northxeat Quarter (t�wi{f`af Sectfon . . .
<br /> -����� _ • _ . Rwenty-three (23), Taxnahfp �►elve (12) .
<br /> . North, Raage Niae (9) Weat oE the 6th
<br /> ,-�� _ ._ __� _ D.M., Hail Couaty, Nebraska; thenre . �
<br /> � ,� , runr►ing'eaeteriy along the south line of
<br /> • 6aid Ni�i a distance of Pive Huudred t5Q0.0)
<br /> feet; theace defiectiag 3eft 90°00• as�8
<br /> � xurm�ng northerly a diataaCe of Faur
<br /> .�.,� ,: Hunc9red Ten (�10.0) feat to the A�CTITAL .
<br /> _ ---- - __-=_
<br />