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<br /> c. � � ~ � � � DEED aF �'RU5T . _ , . . �olC�
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<br /> ��� NOA1N�sT BAI�KN�Br�A�'�,E�.A.: '� , . "� . . . .��;6a.
<br /> : ..P�8�X 3dt� ,: . . � , .
<br /> - � �l�lH�l; f�E ��'IQ`3 > . , . . � . _ . , , . - - - .
<br /> . ' ��e���� f{ti��l' �A���9�'�F�' . . : � _
<br /> � � ' TEIIS DE�U OF 1RUST("Sa�uritY I�ar")is 4+�� , AECI�l�IBEH 9, 1943 �. .The�r�s ,
<br /> , . , . . . , , , . . , . ,
<br /> . . .. . � ,
<br /> . :. ..r
<br /> . - r..:.
<br /> !lABI.I1qE_J: GADTBI�.�ID J!lNICE L._GlIII�'HIEB, HQSBAPD'AIiD WIFE •,;:.�,•.
<br />- - - ---. .. • .. � - - . -. - - ,., - --- - -- ..
<br /> .,:.:. , . �. .
<br /> '�;�1o�mwer•).T6e tiasooe is . . � , �
<br /> . ':�`�;.:NORWES'r BAN��NE$gASKAs.NATIONAL ASSO�ATIOI� � : ... ,: , .
<br /> ("Tzusta").TLe bme6ci�ry is • . , , ` .
<br /> wIi��ia o�aad ea�d�i�e�� �"SOCIATIQN, � � ;, ,�id wfase . . �
<br /> ws o � ��p STATSS OF AME$ICd� . ,. `,
<br /> addnesa is 202�WEST T�IiD STRIE�, GRAS�IU ISLAND s NEBRASRA , - ' .
<br /> - ("L.ender").Bormwer�s t.ader the pr�ncip�al siim of
<br /> -- ' Ia'IFTE@i TSOUSAND SEVEN HIIPIDlt�.S�VEN'�Y:NINE AND 42/IOOTH�lollars N.S.S 2�5s 779:42**� ).
<br /> -__ ' �is dobt is evidenoed bry Borrower's note datect �Tne same date as this S�n���Zentl99$e����-hicb prorides for
<br />-_ sa�ndily payments.with the full debt,if not paid eart�s�.due and payable on �
<br /> � �"�i i�Sxuriry Instrumeat secures ta 1.ender.(a)the repayinent of the debt evidenced by the Note,with interess,and all renewals,
<br /> extensioas and modificadons of the Note; (b) the payment of all ather sums.�with intecest, advanced nnder panSrapl� 7 to
<br /> protoct the sewrity of this Security Insuument: and (c)ehe pe:form�nce of Borrower's cover�ar.ts and agreements• For this
<br /> �urpose� Borrowcr imevocably grants and conveys to Trustee. in trust, with.power of sa1e,the following described property
<br /> tocsted in � CountS'.Nebraska:
<br /> �= . —
<br /> . .,..
<br /> :,� ���1-�,=��... . LOT NINE (9), BLOCR SIX (6), COUNTRY CLUB SWDIVISION, CITY ��.�RAND =_
<br /> , ���3�_.. ;�-.' 1&LAND, HALL COUNTX, NESRASItA. . ' . �-
<br /> :i, ,.��-; ?�'•� � • i�=
<br /> �'�' _r-.s,;'.' . �^?`�'-
<br /> - r �:, +, ,.. �!' ` �Y-.
<br /> i �.�-
<br /> �f,:�_- . .
<br /> � y t• .. � whlch has the address af 2219 RIVER VIEW DR. GRAND ISLAND [screc�.c�cy�. . ' ' '
<br /> - ' Nebraska 68801 ("Property Ad�n.-ss"): �
<br /> . _:EY��, ---- ('ZipCadc) ' -
<br /> • �;;:•, . , .
<br /> � `' i.�%:�•:- � . TOGETHER W1TH afl the improvements naw or hercafter erectc6 on thc propeny.and all c�asements.appurtenances.and
<br /> ' �'`•�� ' • fiatures now or hereafter a part of the property. All replacements and ad��tdons shall also be covered by this Security
<br /> � �- � , Instrument.All of the foregoing is referrcd ta in this Security Instrument as the"Fvoperty."
<br /> . .,� , . BORROWF.lt COVENANTS thxt Borrower is lawfully sei�ed of'the estate hereby convcyed and has the right to grant and .
<br /> = • convey the Property and that the �roperty is unencumbere.�l.except for encumbran�rs of rocord. Borrower warrants and will
<br /> �'���' °���. defend generally the title to the PropeAy against all daims and demanda.subject to any eneumbrances af recard. ,
<br /> �� '� '� -���''� 'f'HIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifotm wvenants for national use and non-uniform covenants wiih limiied �
<br />_ �� ��� variatlons by jurisdiction tm m�stitutc a uniform security instrument covcring real property. . �
<br /> � � IJNiFORM COVENANT5.Burrower and Lender covenant and agree as followti: i�'� �
<br />- ����"' ��.:. : l. P�ymeet ot Principal and lnterest; PrepaymeM and Late ChargeF. Borrower shall promptly pay.when due thc �
<br /> - :��'y:;.''�� ` nci ot and interest on the debt evidenced by the Ndte and any prepayment and late charges dne under the Note.
<br /> - �-• . �-:. . P°
<br />=- `�,..�,w..,,._,.< - �Funds fw'Taxes aad ltt�urpnce. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender. Horcower shall pay to �. .
<br /> ���1._: . ' Lerxler on the day monthly payments are due undcr the Notc,until the Note is paid in full.a sum("Fundr")for. (a)yearly taxes i-
<br /> `,' � ;,,�,..;,;... ' and aSSessments which may attain priority ovcr ihis 5esuriry Instmmerrt ag a lien nn thc Property:lb)yearly leasehold payments �
<br /> - �� '`� • • or gronnd renfs on the PrapeRy.if any:tc)�rcarly hazard or property insurance premiums;(d)yearly flood in�urance premiums. �.
<br />..� ; ,�;_• ..�_ . .•' if arty:(e)yearly mortgage msurance prem�ums,if any:and(n any sums payable.by Borrower to lxncfer, in accurdance with �
<br /> ' ; ,�;s ' ;. tht pmvisions of paragraph S.in lieu af the payment ot moRgage insurdnce ptemiums.T hese jtems are c a l l e d"Escrow Items." !
<br /> �.�;�• � Lender may. at atry.hme.collect and hold Funds.in.:u�amount not to exceed the m:�ximum amount a lendcr for a federalty �
<br /> • �'"`.'.� _'� � related mortgage[oan may tequire for Borrower s escrow account under the federal Real Estate Settlement {'roceQures Act of •
<br /> . v-°�:,=�. .�'
<br /> ,..,.�.t,.,_ � 1474 u amended from time to time. 12 U.5.C. Section 2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless anathcr law ttu�t applies to the fiundy �
<br /> ��-.,,:��-. � �.�;A,;._,�- , se�s a icsser amonrn.i�Lo. i.�Hirr uwy. at any titne.c�ltcct and hatd Funds in aa umauat nnt t4 excecv!the Iesser amrnmt. �-----
<br /> '<,�,s:' _:�: . Le�der may estimate the amnunt of Funds due an thc basis of wrcent data and reasotwbte estimates of expcixfitures of future �
<br /> . -, ;.• , : Escraw Items or otherwise ln accordance with appliwble law. �
<br /> ., �....r i . Y �
<br /> :�:a'a'r.i?r`..-: '
<br /> r..�. �; ' 'NEMAfKA•Smpts FamilyFsriN MM/fr�dAl�Maa tlNIFORM INS7RUMENT Fatm 3025 9l80 - :
<br /> , •�,- -. '_ . �����'�'s f�� YMP MOqt(iAGE FditMS�f3131193 8t00 I8001921 7Z91 Fape!0/6 . A�d 5/g�
<br /> . • _ . ,� j ! :
<br />