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'. ' .. 5. � <br /> ,ADD!'fIONAI.OdYENAIP�4.$�t10�t0!MC ebY�OMtS ad a�eeee�tf i�de i�tY!Seant�L�u�.SOfIOMl��d�4/R . <br /> �,tdnYeioae+!�tsd+iO�eeicfobws: ' � � , , : . _ ' , <br /> ,::; A. II�fdl�'8[��AYBANDl�Ni�'#�'�YM@�ti'£HANGC3 . ` : . . . � _ �. . . .: ` <br /> -:,r:.:;:;,:�::� <br /> - ::„:?�T�Ae.Nae Pi'ooides faf r�i�itlrl iateoest fi�te o( b_87� ' 9i.SeeEioa 4 bt U�e lrote�D�ovjdes far cl�w�es i�tMe i�re�+e�t cate�d tYR . � <br /> 'i... �`�N � au��l��t�s: . f: ' ` • , , ' .. <br /> . R !l1i7FJtE5TRATEAlVDA/OMIiLYPAYMBNTCfLlNN�JES. � . � . � . <br /> . � U1 C'�/�OM�s;•., _. , � ,. ' <br /> rl}e�ieaeurue�w�Itiii�wi.sch�eastLefirseaayor �AIiUARY :�..: . �� .. ,�y 95 .�:acetti.e�revay► <br /> t�it�S.t11!['I�LR.LiCb tatC Ot�Nll�l mY�t![Qt iitCC04b�LS�{Od i���ItO/0�[C.s• � . <br /> . . Ql _Z1e1� - ' ' . ' , �';.-.�' ` ,.;r'::;:�� . <br /> Hpimin�w3th tbe fa�C4�q`e�7M?�aaY intetrst'qte�rill be basedon an lAde��.9Ue"lada�"istl�vre�eElyaverye:yiddatUnit�d5fates <br /> T�a�a7�3tks sd1�fim�wna�r,�%muurity of 1 Y�.at mwde av�u'lahk by the Feda�l Raave Ba�d.The moet�aDent Indat t't�e <br /> s+�Dleasoft6ed�te4� ...�ce�C�ateiscaltedtse•'Cut�eatlnde�" . . <br /> �....�.. :.:., <br /> If the Inda�is no�aair�a!�`-r tde Note Huida w�t choose a nerv indes�hieb is b�acd upoe oomparabk iafoimatton.'1]rc I!lote <br /> 'Hoidec�jtvemenotJce4ftldsci�o;o't�r.'.,;• . �%; - <br /> r. <br /> (� �IedM1��fC�/es . �:':: :, '..:>.. . ';:-;;�4 . <br /> Befae ad�Chaq�e�te.the Note Halder�rill catailate my new I��strite bir add'm� ZWO AI'11�1 ONE-NALF p�e . <br />-- potets t 2.5 �frl to tbe Currau Iadac snd rau�dLV to the nearac l/aq►oE l�,;sub3at to ttwltatts:tsted is Sectiae�(D)bdow. <br /> - 'CAtsrauafedamouac�l+cmynevrintaacnuuntlltheaextCh�njeD�te.� <br /> The Note Holdar wDi thm d�e tbe�moant M the montMtj�psynxnt tlat w�ouid be saffiaeat 7a repay in fiill the pdnctp�1am <br /> - - ecpected to o�ve on that Chaa�e Date ia sti.�fistandally equ�)paymmts by elx maturity date ac my new im�est'nte.Tde resutt ot Ws cata�tian <br /> wdlibe[heae�vamountotmymoathtppaymeat. • � <br /> __ �n� i.t�tdwia�ae.twteCti..ew 6.875 �_____ <br /> The Intaat nu 1 am nquired to pay at the fiist Change Date wiU not be greater than mi'or.las than <br /> 2.875 y�.� interai rate witl aeva be incrqxd es decreased on any single Change Qate by morc tRaa ",�', <br />"=-`-�- ��Zfrom the rate oi intenst 1 tuve bem paying for the prcad��¢arelve months.TAe minimum interat rateon this loan v�C��er be - <br />=« tess than 2-875�/i and the maximum intaat nte will never 6e�reater ehan 9.875_ q�. ' . . �=- <br /> , r��-� . . . �� � <br /> , `�i.�..i. . � ' � .�� <br /> . ;4, ..x:,:,_. : (E) Etle'CIiR11��eefCM�at! t+�►.,,�_- <br />�- ii� �+�"�':•'�- '.:.� My new interat rate�-u�bxome effaKive on each Chaage Qate.l will pay the as.o�'s o!my new monthlY paymatt betinnins on t!►e�£im _��y,` <br /> = y'` �' _;�a monthly payment date sfter the Change Date unal[he amoum oi my month3y paymen[cNanga again. • ^W <br /> � .�v:; ' • � Notloeot CMUea ' . , ,�.•�.�.i�_-:=„ <br /> ?.� "� The Note HdQer will mail ot deliver to me a notice before each Chs.�e Data The notice wip advise ma of: � ' � f��t;:---- <br />- %��'a:��� . ' ' ���---- <br /> . �M_�_..,.:� (1) the new interat rate on my toan as ot the Change Date: • �'���_�- <br /> ;,�. ';.`, �:� . {ii) the amount ot my montAty paymeni fa���g tht Cr.a„g:Dau; <br /> �".:s:.- <br /> '"'� �'• �. (iii) any addidonal maturs which the Note Ho?der is roauirei6 co disclose;and. `'•'•��- <br /> ,,��I.�:-,k r <br /> ;•r , � (iv) theaddrasottheassociadonyoucouldcaatactreggrdiuganyquestlonsabouttheadjustmentnoda. . �_�,r:;:_ <br /> ;,, .. , ' . <br /> �v�,..- � . <br /> ;;��t-.':.A �. CHARGES:LIEhS , <br /> � + ,�-:^� : UNformCmenant4oPtheSavrityMsirumentisamendaiwreada9topows: . <br /> � � ,,^.. t• <br /> ,t ��S?;;r� • 1,CYqe�;ller.donower ah�lt pap aR:rz�ca.azsasments.and other charges.flnes,and impositions a[enibueabte ca�he Propeny whkh msy <br /> :y}�,��ai}•'n';'"" atWnsprlorityovett8lsSecuritylnstrw�a�t.aadleueholdpaymentsoPgroundrents,itarty.inthemanaa4�rovtdodunderpuagrayhEtkreof . � � . <br /> ti r�....,i�;�<,�t. � . . �.: <br /> �-'(J�`';;�, c•„ w,If not paid in sach Borrsw��aking payment.when due,directly to the payee thereoL Honower shall promptly fumish i.eeder � <br /> T...:. 1,,dl�, <br /> ��`,.�,^'q all notkYS of amoun[s d�e under tfiis paragraph,and in the event Horrower shall make payment directty.Horrov►ei shall promptly furnish to _ <br /> ' "''-�°=`` Lender realpls evide�r,�such paymrnts. Borcower shall pramptly discharge any lien which has priority over tbis Security tnstrument; --� --��-� <br />� .�N�",�� however,Honuwer shaR eot be required to dischu6e any such lien so long as Eortower. (a)shall agee in wriri�t�the psyment of the [ � ,' <br />- �'�d: obliSalir�o s�cured by such lien in the rt�armer acoeptabte co Lender;(b)sfiall in good faiih contes�such Ilen by.rn defenff ag�test eeforament o! ? . <br /> _- " '���.`'=- • such Iiar.r�,teBal proceedings which in e�e opinion of Lender operate to prevrnt the entorcement of the llen or taHeiture of the Property or any ,,. <br /> ~ `'�'''j`�°:� prt tdtanf;or(c)shall secure trom the holder ot such lien aa aarament in a form satistactory to Lender subor�natina such llen to thi� <br /> SlCUrityIDStlttmtnl. . �.`- - <br /> . . , If Lender determines tdat all or any part of the Property i�sub]ect to a lien which may attaln a pdority over this Securlty Insnumeet. ; <br /> ,}. = ,:., .j•�� lenQer sl�all=tve Harrower a aotiee idendfying such lien.Borrawer sha41 satisly such lien or take oee or more of the actions set loith above ! - . <br />-.__� ��,;', witAmttnQaysofthe=ivin;ofthenotice. .� , . �; <br /> _ � C. Pt0�1CB � � <br /> Ualform Cove�unt ls of the 5ecuriry lnstnunee�is amenQM to rad u follows: <br /> �• 11,NWct.Excep�tor aey nalce rcqulrcd ander appliaDk taw to be eiven in anaher manner.(a)�ny nutia to Borrmver prwided for in this <br /> =- — - -- -= SecvrttYtnstr�mxaesha!lLr�tveabyddivaiasltotbymallingitQyGeslctassmaf![oEnuorvsattheProgenyAddreuoretsachalheraddress �__--: <br /> as 9orrowa m�y dai�eatr 6Y notice to Lendet as provided herein.and(b)any eotice to 1 ender shatl be siren by first cius mail to Lender's � <br /> adares�stated hereie or to iuch aher addcas u Leader may daianate by noHa to Borrower as provlded 6erein.My notia provided[or in this '' , <br />- Security tnsttumeat sTull be deemed ro hare been aivrn to Borrmirer or Lender when�itrn in the manner desianated herein. ' <br /> . r <br /> � � . <br />