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'—'," F�: <br /> ..�_'. � <br /> - --� �:'���� ` fr i�����l�M!!r.�f�OI��T�t O��E��O['�►1�i1t 1t:.�..- <br /> `.° . ��a�����`i�[*BOQ�U11�lt 1��111d af�IOd�Ild Bpd'Oi1MiE[$�LO�i l�if��ElfO�)�l�l . , . <br /> ` � . j.M�'Y°��(��t7��,r�j.�!'tlEf��.�`'M! 1i01�C lI�E�MC�mClk f0 �Of�.iYQK'lOCrlElt�►.t� <br /> ' �y��lrE�.�O�CY�'s����If��1E��►.•.�Clli�lt 1tC�B����►��1N i tl�I�IE�ME , <br /> � � 0�1Yr'Spalit,r bN�elk• , � <br /> , lf ladEr e�a�tins oQtio�,Laider sWU�ivo Ba�tr iiutice cif aoaek�stino.'[Le aotict a�all provi3e a pe�iod af mt <br /> ie�i i�e 30 drys�ivm ttie d�1e tI�noticc is ddiveled vr�muled�wntbiu.which Boatw�mtat pn► all swms ao�ured;bY tl�s ,- . <br /> S�edri�y Iastrru� Haro+irer fi�ils to py t6ae s�ms prior to tl�expiratioa of t6is pesiad.Lender mry in�ioke aey mnedies <br /> �pec�nitfed b�r�ia Sacmity I�t�►itLout fatd��btice or dcroaod an Bort�Mer. . ` ; � � <br /> ,1s. �R�'s�t t[`ilei�[a�. �t'8o�owet.m�ets�oe�it� canditio'ns. Bortuwet sb�U I�re tlr eiaht W bive •�, <br /> �_ �daoearaK.of dHS Se�aaf�r Imtrumait disooati6ued-a1 aQy time pri�x td the auliEr af:(a)S days`Eoc so�c�atber peseo�as - <br /> - --=�F���-�►.re„�E�►fix s,.i�rtl l�e�tlri2-�s1r-4f-t�-��•�••'•'� r—�oo�1lc of Sfale��i�3�t1115._- _ - _ <br /> �j�p�(���y p�'=��t�qS�$OL7tt�ly�11�E.��06t.� 1�1iL BO[[OIYCf:(i)�ys <br /> . ��i�5��tT1CII�UW��1C dYC OOdE�tbLS SOLSTI�t�tlU�9�tZIE NOtE iS If DO����;�) <br /> {.9!!5��t OE�Of6Ef OOY�S Or i�ICdNQM3:{C��S�!�S�111���.�`���' <br /> ' lOdll�.�filt nOt�iDs 1liS00�1�C�OCyS'fCCS��(d)t�CtS Slk.'�1�CtIOR LS I.CAdCt irigy!l1SOd��J��IEQ111[E W a6.WIf�C <br /> t�fbE�tEa Of 1�11f$0{.11[II�f�[11WE�.IlOdEf'S tl$�L41D LhC p1bQCfty�gOiIOWCi�S O�I$.'�IOII t0�t�1C�.SOCItTEd� <br /> � $p�fll�t � S�� OOIX11M1C Y�. �p0n �CI� � �1�s+..� �T�� �Sit11_«� � fjlC <br /> O�t�i0116 SOC11fC��Y���iGQ1711i�f�i C�CCtlitG'a5 lf m�OOEllda[lOtl�OCCl1T[i0�•�tfiV¢YCI,i�LS ti�W TCIILS�fC S�� <br /> � not. y in dx czse of accekcation under puagr�ph 17. . � �,.. . ::� <br /> �.S�ie aE Nat�t`irle at IwM Saricsr. 'lUe Note ar a paYtial interest�in tl�e �fcKe(ro8etbec.with this Secarity �r,; . <br /> _ I�en�)mr�►�e soid oor or mae rimcs without prior notice to Bor�ower.A•sale may r�,sult�a�chapge iu t6e entity(krown �:'t; <br /> as t6e'I.o�n Servxxs")that oollocts mornhIy paymaots due tmder ttte Note and t5is Security�mea�77�ere atso may be oae . <br /> or more ctia�es of the loan Seivlar unnl�ted to a�ak oY tbe Nate.If tfjere is a chaage of the T�an Sen+icer.Borrower an'il be <br /> givm wrivm notice of t6e cl�aoga te a000adance vrith par�raph I3 a6nve and apglirabie Iaw:TNe natice,v��ilt srate the mme aud <br /> _' addcrss of tLe oew La�a Servic�r and the address to w1dcI�payments should be made.'�he ootice v�l.2i�'eontain any oti�er ; ��,�;..%: <br /> infamatica nquit�ed 6Y aPPlicablt 1aw. - . � . . .,. :. :'.;�;;:.:� ; . � ,����' <br /> 2�;�S�bs�oes. Bormorer shall not c�u,se oc permit tbe_pnesence. use.di�.s�.'ar�e�'�E��y, ° ` <br /> H�s�do��Sebst�noes oa or in the Prnperty. Barower•sh�li not do. nor alIow anyone d5e;�n.dQ.aay�hu�g affectsrig��se <br /> . Frdperty that�is in vioiation of any Fa�vimnment�l[.�w.Tbe p�mding cwo senaaces shaU ne�:�p[�:cd��he�;►u�or <br /> stor�ge on We Pmpeny of so�atl4uuutties of Har,a�dous Substances that an gereraily,recognized•to be,�p�ipriace to c�isr�t <br /> residentia!nses atd w m�intenaac.�e of tbe Ptoptcty. . ::'.` . . <br /> Borrower s6al!promptly give Leader wntten notice of any investigation, cTaim,demand:lawsuitart�ei action by atry <br /> govemmntal or ngulatory ageacy oc pr►vate party invalving tHe�roperty and any Hazardous$ubstance ot Environmeritxb Law <br /> of wtded Bortawer has ac�l imowledge.If Bormwer leams.or is notified by any gov�*�++*+��+a�or izgafatory auth .that � <br /> a�r reawva!or otheF'remediation of any Hazatdous Substanoe affecting the Pcoperty is»ecessary,Borrower shatl prort�y take <br /> � ali�.ssary remediat actioas in aococdu�ce with Environmeatat law. . � � . .� •. <br /> � ' As.usod in this paCagraph Z0, "Haraidous Substances'ar�e tUon su6stances defined as toxic or ha;�stta�s�sabstaaods by ..- ., <br /> Envirqnniet�! law aad the foltowiag substances: gasotine. lcerosene. ocl�eer flammable or toxic petmle�a�rod�;taii�c . ' <br /> ' pestic�cs�id�erbicides,volatite snlvents,materials containing asbestos or fom�aldehyde.and rddioacEive�erials.As a�in <br /> � this par�d 20. "Environmental Law" means fodesallaws aa�laws of tue jurisdiction,where the Property is la�d�at • <br /> . relate to health,safety or emiro�nental proeoction. , - . .. - <br /> NON-IJIJIFORM CUYENAI�I'S.Borrower and Leuder further covenant�d agree as foltu�s: _� <br /> -- ' ' 2l.Aooderstion;Remedies.Leoder slwU gi�e notke to Borrower prior ta accde�atio�foUas�i�Borrower's bteach --� <br /> ai aay oovtoant or agrament in tbis Security Iastnuneot (but rat prior to aooeleratioa nd'er p�ragraph 17 unless ' ��_—_. <br /> � applicabie law p+nvkks otAerwise).The notice shaU specity: (a)tl�e de(aWtt(bJ tbe actioa�to curr the defaWt; r��.�:_�: <br /> - (c)a date,not tess than 30 dsys fmm t6e date the notioe tc given to Borrower,6y whici�We def��t mast 6e cured;aad .`��=i=- <br /> — � (�tlwt taiture to care tbe detaWt on or 6eiore tix date speci8ed in tLe tatice may rssnit in aoceleration ot the sums `�:r':,��: <br /> ---= secand by tl�is Secudty Instrument aad sate ot the Ymperty. The notice shall tuRher iaform Bo�tuvver o!the right to ' �'`: <br /> seinstate�fter�eeekntioo and the rigA�to Dcing a court action ta usert the non-existenee of a default or any other 's`'=��' _ <br /> � ±� =•:';:;_._ <br /> - iefense of Bon+owes to accekratfon aed sale. U tix detAWt is not cured oe or betore tfie date speciTied in the nMtce, - -;:- <br /> = I,ender,at its pptiou,may require immedinte p�yment in fnll of all sums secured by this SccuritY Instrament withoat =,:}�;; -- <br /> -� iarther deerapd and msy invdce the power ot s�te and any other remedies pertnitted 6�applicabie law.l.ender shaU 6e - <br />��...� <br /> .�._s� entitkd to aabied alt expenses in�vrred in purs"�t6e setnedies provided id ti�s paragrapiit 21,Including,but not limited . ` � <br />--�� to,rea.wnabk attw�eeys'[ees aad costs ot title evfdence. � ' <br /> ��•�� It tbepower ot sate ls invoked.Trustee sha[L`nrord a�otice ot defaatt in each count�in which any pnrt of the - <br />';`'�-'�� Yrnperty is located and s1wi1 mail copies ot sactr iaotice in tl�e manner prescrlbed by appiicable law to Borrower and to ,;. ,:, • . <br /> :�sF� ` tLe otAer pecsoas prescrtbed by applirabte taw.After the time reqaired by applicable law.Tn�stee shall give puMic notice <br /> - .�tl! of ssk to tfie persons and in the mannee prescdbed bg applicable taw.Trustee._without demapd on Borrower,shall sell <br /> =-=�� 16e Property at poMic auctioa to t6e 8egi�st bidder at tfce tirne and pface and under the terms designated in We notice of �' � �',3,��.�— <br /> =Y;;�� s s t e ie one or oare p a�c e i s a n d in�ty o r d er T n i s tee d e term ir�es.T n�s t e e m a y p o s t p o n e s a 1 e o f a l l o r a n y{u t r c e i o f t h e � �� = <br />-r;;,;; QropMY bx pubitc�enout�nent at the time and place oi any previoasly scheduled wle.��a�n��r.g a���,�m�y .. <br /> :�': . �e tite Property at any sale. , �� , <br />`G ,Y� • • , � ' �( . _ <br /> i-ilCi . • . 1 . . _' '_' , <br />�_ . . . Form 3028 9l90 � • . <br />,��;� � Dego 5 0�6 ' . <br /> -- -- � . �.. _ _ ... <br /> ._.v?! . . . _ . . . .. .. . {. ....:.. <br /> � <br /> —_ 't . . <br /> -- ' � ---—— -� -s.. . s..-:n^YrY.��nr.�e••4t+%Y.y. ..—i�Y�4"f!s"T7'''-._...._;-__�...: ' <br />_ �-�...�.�.���+er�'�w�nr��- �_ -- - . , • • .. ` , _ . . _ . � . . ' . <br /> _---'�� . . � . . . , . � . . ' . . - - <br /> �•�: . .. . <br /> ---'�'•" . �, � , .. , - . <br /> �.,r. . .z,.. . . <br /> =,t�.�-r�--•-, •,� -- - -._ . :.--- ----�..---•--`- --- - _ . __ -- - --------- - -- --- ------ - ...-- <br /> ..��. <br /> - z�.,,�:�.,:.� ;�,�. , <br /> .. <br /> ,.v,'•n'I'::. , , , .� . . <br />--,_,:�'"u-_.-�.;._° . _ . . ' . • , , . _ . ' . . ; � , • ', ' , .' <br /> �:s.':•�.�.�. . ,. . - . <br /> .., <br /> . <br /> ,._-- . <br /> --i<<tf►3�.+•h. , _. . , . <br />�- ---, -... .. . , . � . <br /> -=��,_;�;-- :_".--- . . - ------ . - -- - - -, -- . - . . ----:------ ------- . _... , <br /> � ���? ` . . . .. 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