— ' ��. = 1 - . , L �a
<br /> .�, .. . _ _ .—�..._ _— — `_
<br /> _ '-£i ' � ` , _ _'_.�,— __' ` -• . '_��_��._'_ �,— _.—�—r_--�(- __ . —_. . . . _.. _.
<br /> ��..� "_ _ . .. - ' ' y '. ' ' i' .. '
<br /> ' � i����' ) . ' ' � ' � . ♦ .< ., ' • • ` ` .` � . r � . . _ � ` .
<br /> . �� a• . � C•• . � . . ' . . . l � . _ �
<br /> . . `, . • .. . . . .
<br /> `' . . ` ' �- - . �.- . - - g3 - ;,�,i.oQ� `_ _
<br /> . . ; „-
<br /> , -, - . � . . . , ,
<br /> _ .
<br /> � WARRAIiTY DfiBD � .
<br /> Susan K. Drummoad aad� I,eslie D. Dr�nancnd, her hnsbalnd; Anne L.:
<br />— Saheible and William W. Scheible; her husl�and, Mary L. Callah�n a,nd
<br />— � � Robert O. Callahan, her husband; Julia S. P�errottet and Tullio M. _ . .
<br />_ � Pierrottet, her husband; Elizabeth L. C�eringer aad John W. .
<br /> _ � C3eringer, her husband, GRANTOR, i.n consideration of ONS HtJNDRBD
<br /> receivea from GRANTEE, Tree Houses, Inc., a Nebraska corporatiQn,
<br />_ canveys to (#RANTEB, the fallowing d�sc�ibed real estate (as de€ine�d. � .
<br /> ' in Neb. Rev. Stat. 76-201) : '. ` � � �
<br /> — � The Weat Half of the Northarest 4��er of the Southeaet
<br />-�— -- ' Quarter. (Wl/2 NWl/4 SBl/4) � of Section Twelve (I2), �
<br /> F. , � • �Township Eleven (11} North, Range Ten (10� i�Test of the •
<br /> 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, excepting a certain . —
<br /> , tract inore particularly described in Warranty Deed _
<br />= _ ��;_ . recorded as Docume�t No. 92-110058, and exeepting a tract —
<br /> < �s�-��� . � described as follows: Paxt o.f the Southeast Qu�er
<br /> � � � (SB1J4) of Saction Twelve ��2}_, ;jownship Eleven QT�3)
<br /> ;,:;•.-�;�;•,- ;.:; North, Range Ten (10) Wes� of t3ze 6th P.M., in Hall � �
<br /> . '������ Cc�unty,. Nebraska, more partic�arly described as: _
<br /> `:'�,;_=`�,�" "� � Beginniag at the Northwest corner of Lot 1, Toukan Second —____
<br /> � "'�'�"�"���``�'�°� ;� Subdivision; thence North on a pro�ongation of the Weat °-
<br /> _ ��:��;�.�.::�• . �'°'_--°
<br /> �'.;i,� � � line of Lot 1, Toukan Second Subdivision, for a distance �'`r',::;�.:.�--
<br /> .� �.; —
<br /> � _ � �`.�';;' of 80 feet to the North line of the Southeast Quarter rl�-.=�';�;�
<br /> .- ' � (SEl/4) of Section Twelve t12) ; thence West on the North .}� "-
<br /> � ' line of the Southeast Quarter (SEl/4) of Section �velve { �� . f..�-
<br /> ✓ �'�� � �� � • (12) for a distance of 658.02 feet to the Northweat ' �' =
<br /> . i�,;:�: � .
<br /> � • � corner of the Southeast Quarter tSEl/4) of Section TcNelve , �: � _ �
<br /> � (12) ; thence South on t�e Tntest line of the Southeast : � �
<br /> � . Quarter (SEl/4) of Sectia� `it�relve (12) for a diatance of ':'�a� '
<br /> ..r•_
<br /> �� • - 160 feet; thence Eas� on a line 3.60 feet 8outh of and C'�. . �.'
<br />� ��_� ' �. paraZlel to the L�Tar�h line of the Southeast Quarter �� ;� ���
<br /> �' '� � ` (SE3./4) of Seetion '1'welve (12) for a distance of 250 E •
<br /> �������: •: feet; thence northeasterl�r on a line for a distance of : .
<br /> '`-"'`'- 415.79 fest to the poin*_ af be3inr.in3. �,
<br /> .. ; '�:
<br /> •. ,�,yT :..;', ,
<br />-°'•.• � �' � �� GRANTOlt covenants (jointly and severally, if ►nore than one) with '����-� .
<br /> 'a. �:." . � � •
<br /> ��.'� • �•. �GRANTEE that GRANTOR: � � � .
<br /> , y..
<br /> �r,.,,�,�;,. . . ��_
<br /> 1,,..,�'.•t�' `• -"Fi
<br /> ,.:,�;,.•.il:v;�+'� _� � �'
<br /> �ti =�;�,�,+� , .� (1) ia lawfully seised o� such real eatate and that it ie ..- . , . . ...
<br /> � �'��' free frvm encumbrances.except far covenants, restrictions ;
<br /> ��'`���^=`��'� and easements of record; and except for any assessments ? -•- ' �
<br /> �.., a•,_ .
<br /> �made by the Caty of Grand Island againat such premiaea; . % ,
<br />;;�;; i��.�;'.,ti,;,:`.•;,,.
<br />;.�� (2) has legal power and.lawful authority to convey the same; ...;,,.,.,.,.. .
<br /> . . - �-���- ;'� --=--
<br /> �' t3) warrants and will defend title to the real estate against �• � �
<br /> the law ul claims of all persons. ;.. : . �
<br /> , , .
<br /> Executed. A�I�P�vh c� 4 ..
<br /> � . � ,_ .:. ,_..__._ _
<br /> —= "!Y r%/' � �./ . i :
<br /> K. DR O � � LE LIE D. DRUNIlKOND � �
<br /> y �------- - -
<br /> . �����Ll/L2,r /�/l � �t.��d �/ `� . .
<br /> -- Ai�E L. S IH WILLIAt�!-'ri� SCfiEIBLL • �----_---
<br /> � ' � �„� . . �� . . . .
<br /> ��
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