- - ; _ _
<br /> .
<br /> :.�`~� � � _ �a_=
<br /> � � M'�� •� . • . �x .a •.
<br /> •s� - _v — — - . "�_ .:__v _- _—'_._�.W.—.,.._-....._'_._._,
<br /> � . '� �.�. . _ —
<br /> __, � .
<br /> .—� _�._ . �;� �
<br /> _�l .i.����'_�., ` . ( . � .r , . _ ' •���� • ,•A . .
<br /> ` C w. . . ... . . , . . ;. � ` . ��� ( ' . .
<br /> . 'S. ���{��'�0!• �T'O'�NCr`ITI� ��1G � �LO�N�j Of�"0�!llC10� �1�C
<br /> pfp�lyl 10�[!d�IIII�Oli by1�G.���IIdEd�Y1t�11D ibC f�![l0�CXtC�dOd OOYC�E�iOd i�OdICi�t�.��ll� ..
<br /> lloods ot tleodin�.for ti►fiic6 L�eeder eequires i�uranoe.'[ltis irtsuranoe st�all De ao�intaiaed in thc amauits and tar t6e periods .
<br /> that L,enOer roquit+c�.'IT�e insuriocs catrier p�oviding d�e insur�noe s1�aU be cAosen by Borru+�ver wbjec[to I.ender's apptovai -
<br /> ' whicb�isa�t t�e�t bc uiis�sos�hlY wit�rld..If&xraweF fails to maitttain covenge descrfbod above. l�end�t may. at l.,er�kr's.
<br /> option.a6tain oavas�e w protect l:endes's rigbts in the ProQerty in aaaor�dance with p�graph 7. � d�u�e. I.e�det
<br /> . A1t i�eoe polkks aad ieoew�fs sh�!be acceptabte to L�der ud sl�at!iactude a sta�da�d mqrt8age
<br /> sh�ll have the ri�ht to Mtd t6e poticies�t�et�ewais.If I,eader troquit+�s.Bort�wer si�all pron�ttY�ive to irtndet alf r+epeipts of .
<br /> p�id pnmiums�e+eoe�ral notias.In ihe evenf of[oss.Bonower sinll,Hive Pompt no�e to ttr it�t�anoe nrsia aod I�ender.
<br /> I�etder ma�s m�e proof oi loss if not m�de P�Y�Y��� . . ,
<br /> Uaiess,i,eode�and Boceawer ot�a�vise agnx ia writins.ias�uanoe Pn�oeeds sh�ll be apptied ta nscor�tjan a�epis of the
<br /> ptnpestr d�ma�•if the n�contion or rep.ir is ec000micauy f�iMt and r.md�er's sec�ricy is ria Ialaiod.if d,e mtoeatioa or
<br /> �ir is aot e�onon�CaitY fe�siMt or lrendes•s�My�ma e��er,e�.u�;�r�e p���u��;ea w��
<br /> savred by tRis Searity r�aument, w6etha or not then due.wi�::�excrss pid co BomowCr. IIf BoRn+rer a6�u�ions We � .
<br /> Pcuperty.or does mt aaswer within 3Q.days a notice fmm l�ectder ttiat the iasaraoae curiei 1�s otiaed to settk a claim,t�m
<br /> l�endor tmy ooUocE tl�e inwranoe'Prooeeds• Ixnder maY ase the pcooads to nptir or resto�e t6e Piopedy�to psy sums
<br /> sa�u�by this Socurity Iaguvment,whetha or not tha due.The 30�day period wiD beg�n+�fi�tt�c aatiot is given. .
<br /> Untess l�der at�d Horruwer othnwise ag�ee in writing,anY aPPlic�on of pmceeds�w princip�shal!mt extaid or
<br /> post�one the.dae daoe of tbe moathtY P�►Ymeots zefemd w i»puagraphs 1 and 2 or cl�nge the vno�uu of th�pryma�ts. If
<br /> ynder par�gCapA 21 tha Froperty is acquiiod•bY-l;etider.:Barrnwer's rigLt to uq.r iamranoe polisus aad pr000eds resuiting 5+oon
<br /> d�e to the Property prior to the aaryisition st�aU pass to LeMtr w the eMentof the surtts secutod by tbis Sxuriiy I�uumenc ,-;;
<br /> � immediateiy prior W the acquisition. , _
<br /> f.Ooerp�e�y.Pt+nrrvados.Maiatae�ote�nd Pe+ntedioo ot tl�e Ptopaty;Bari»wer's I.o�n Appliditioe;Le�dr�.
<br /> Barower ah�il oowpy,establish.and use the proptrty as Borrowa's principa!iesidrnce within sixty days after tbe execuHon of
<br />- this Su�tdty Instmment znd shaU contim�e m oocupy the Pruperty as Borrowa`s principal reside�we for�t le�t oae year aRer `
<br /> - - -- _ the date of occupancy.unless Lender othe:a�ise agnYS in writing.which coasent shall not be unnasonably witit6eld,or tmi�ss
<br />;.� _ � ea�teauati� cinv� exist whish ane beyond Sortower's contnny. Bormwer sha1l e�ot desh+ny. d3ma8e or impair t6e
<br /> . Property.allow the Propecty to deteriorate.or commit waste on tbe Ptopetty. Borroaer shall be in default if any farfeiture
<br /> - . �ction or ptnceeding.wlr�er civil or crimimel.is begun tt�at in Icnder's good faitA judgmenc crould rrsolt ia forfeitiue off t6e , �:.
<br /> _ , property or othecwjse mat�iAlly impair the lien cr+eated by this Security Instnmx�t or Lender's securiry intemst.Borrower may —
<br /> pne such a default and�ict�ate.as provided in paragaph 18,by causieg the aaion or proceeding to be dismissed with a cnting . _
<br /> , ' that. in Leader's good fgith determination, pcecludes forfeitute of the Borrower s inte�sst in lHe Property or other�mt�rial �':':;, .
<br /> ''"° � impairm:nt of the lien created by this Security Insuument or l.ender's secusity interest. Borrower shaU also be in clefa�it if_ _
<br /> � •�� Borrower;dwring the loan application praczss.gave materially false or inaccvrate information or statertxnts to Lender(or failod
<br /> w .'xf�.n. i:' ' —""'
<br />_ �� � ,�.�x:��!,•:. to provide Lender with any material information)in co�mection witb the loan evidenced by the Noce.incladiag,bnt not lim�t . M,_-
<br /> _u ^_, ,,,�-,-� �=>--_---
<br /> . ,,,�i._.�.���°-,.r;:, w.representations mncemiag Borrower's occupartcy of the Pr+nperty as a principal residenae.if this Securit�r Iastrument is on a - ��
<br /> ':���� ,�. ��fFF�.,`..� l e a s e h o t d. B o r r o w e r s h a l l c o m p f y wi t h all the provisions of the lease. If Horrawer acquires fee title to ttie Property. the �
<br /> ���7,,: ';,:c�,;;s', .:` teasehold and the fee title shall not merge un�ess Lender agrees to the merger in writing. _ '
<br /> •' .;t��'�;�Fr��r,•..:�.. 7.Protedion ot Lender's Rights ta the Ptoperty.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements cantai�d in
<br /> ,.,:,�, . (;.$�,,
<br /> :.r ;.:yr�..;c�;::;_'; ._ this Security Instrument, or there is a le g a l p r a c e e ding t hat may sig�i f ieandy affect Lender s ri g hts in the Pra p e r t y(such as a `�+::..
<br /> . t _ .'h�
<br /> ;� r, � proceoding in bankruptcy.probate,for rnndemnation or forfeiture or to enforx 1aa+s or regulations).then Lender may do and . � �r=
<br /> S'�� '°r pay for whatever is neeessary to protect the value of the Property and Le��r s rights in the Prope�ty.Lender's actions may �—''"
<br /> %�� '�•,��"E;�r 'J`,°,' in
<br /> 'a'��,��.���t��^�•,..• .. include paying azty sums secured by a lien which has priority over this�urity Instn�men� appearing in court. gay g �
<br /> �v<r• . .
<br /> ..�',i;;;�.�z•�!''�t•::: .. reasonabte attomeys'fecs and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although L.ender may take artion under this paragraph • � .
<br /> ..,.r��.r..; �•. �': 7.l.ender dces not ha�'e to do so. . , _. , ,
<br /> Any amouats,',cii,�'s�;tcsed by l.ender under tir�c paiagraph 7 shall beo�c�na�dditional debt of Horrower secured by this �. " ',� �
<br /> ~;a':��;i. : _ , t
<br /> `•,"`-• -% • � Securi�#.,[pistiumertt.��l:'yless Borrower and Lender.�ree to other terms of��v�.nt,these amounts sha111�uu�:rest from the , � •
<br /> °:."�"� date a�:+�ft�arsement at the Note raxe�nd shail�ie payable. with interest, upon notice from l.ender tatBorrawer requesting i
<br /> , ,. ;�;;:f;,,
<br /> s , � ,�Y S.Moet�age In'snrance.If�r�c'required mangage inwrance as a conditian of making the laan sewred by this Socuriry � � �`'�S�`'�^ '��'�
<br /> s ;`''',; ,. ;�;_. ..,
<br />- �- �� Instrument, Borrower sfsall pay th`e:,gci'miucn�C ti�q,iuxed to maintsiin the mottgage insurance in effect; tt�, fur any reason. the .'����t�' 7�'
<br /> ; ,
<br /> , ,�"E
<br /> �df;:'�:' ': �mortga�e insurdnce coer�age reqqirv�`t�X Lenc7�li�;r�s or ceases to be in efEac¢,Borrower s1�a11 pay the pi�:�ttteums required to � :`„i;:�'�!; •
<br /> � �� �•,, . .: ,�
<br /> ���'�;�r;:;; . � • obtaii�'�u�v«rage substa�ttiatly equival:ui'r;to the iiicit;,age insurance previousty i�effect,at a cast substar.ifuii�r equivafs��t t�the ;r •:?�'%.'js((l�q,{�,'�
<br /> �.:,� �,5.}„ .,. . .
<br /> +i'�� �•��. . cost tn$r�rr wer of the mortgage•iis�sirance reviousl m effe►�$, from an aiternate mort e insurer a roved h 1„�nd�.s. If i`. -"�'�''�?>��}
<br /> �'� P Y � �B PP Y".:. . .. . �-',.��-t,.•.<7�r';F'(�.�
<br /> ��4�•�� ' substan�us+,ll�r equivat�enn morCgage insurance coveragc is not available,Borro�cer shall pay to Lender each month a sum eyual to ��. '�:�`':'�<:,''r. _`
<br /> ��`^'= one-twelfth of the yi�i�ty mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borroae��?rhen the insurance coverage lapsed or ccased to ; ,' �.,
<br /> _ ''I I� ,ti: �:.
<br /> �r� be in effect.Lender v�iil�accept,use and retain these payments as a lass rese�v��in lieu af mortgage insurar�oe. Loss reserve , ,
<br /> . !. .1:•�:,.,.
<br /> '���.ru�� �j:, � � � Fom,3oxe s,so' ! •,'r;:4?j�����t�,..
<br /> -- =
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