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<br /> -' ' s.�Bwr!�e lt+�nil Iw�� �m,Ma sMU txp dre impewemasrs ao.v e�or I,en�dla e�ected on dro
<br /> ' P�opeety irnuc�ed aptnat�los�by,firr, l�t+ds iuctuded�thirt the term 'eatended oover�ge'and arry atLar�awds.iacb!dia�
<br /> Aoods or tloodin6.fa w6icb L,ender m�tins inwtance.'t�is ituanmee a�6aii he miuntaimd in t6e�rtwunts and fa the periuds ,
<br /> th�t Lender teqnirca.'!'fic inwnu�ct t�triee prov_id6�tise insuran�e shai!be rhbs�en b�Borrower aubject m I.ender's�pptoval
<br /> _° - - `� which`sh�ll nnt 6t uat+easorobly witi�heW. if Bo�wer faila to maintain cove�ge desrriba!above. Lerder may, at Lender's
<br /> optian.obt�irt rovtt�e to pcota�t Lender'a rl�hts in ihe Prtiperty ia xc�rdance with par�graph 7. �
<br /> llit insur�roe poficies aed ren�w�ls sttsti ix�ac�ble to l.ender u�d sha!!iacl�a st�nd�d mortgage slause.l..eades- .
<br /> shali have tht riaht w hdd 11re pal�aod aoewals.U Lender req�iiers.Bsrmwes sl�ll P�'o�Y S�ve to Let�des 1U.crcrapts of
<br /> pdd pe�emiung aM rcne+v�l noticea.In!Be evmt of(os�Bormwer stull give praapt notice W tbc insur�nce rarikr�nd I.ender.
<br /> _� Lmder may maice proof of toss ir mc m�ae promptlr b�Hrnmwer.
<br /> -- U�ess I.en�kr�at Sornnwer atbenvise agcx ia writing.insur�ptocads slwt[6e�pplied to nstar9ti�on.oc t�pair of tfu -
<br /> �9�8�•if the resooruion or�epeir is 000nomiraily.fa�le aiod i,eader's secucity is rot tesseno3.Yf the resoocatian or
<br /> e�epur is not economic�lly feasibte ar i mde�'s sxnrity.would 6e lassened.We+��proaooda sl�atl be applied to the siuns
<br /> savrod 6y tt�is Sewrity Iattrument. wBether or mt Wen duc. wtth aay eacess paid ta Borcower. if Bocrcwer�6aodona tiie
<br /> = Pmperty,or das mt answer withia 30 days a mtice from I.ender tlwt tLm insurance carriu h�s offered ta satte a claim,t5en
<br /> - Ixoder m�y colieCt tbe L�anoe proceads. Lender may ust the pt�s to n�rair or resWre the Propaty or to psy swtis -
<br /> secumd 6y this Socurity Instcument.whether or not thea due.Tfx 30day perfod wj116egin wLea tIm m6oe is given.
<br /> _� Unless Iaider and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, aay applicatioo of pmceods to principxl s6alt.not e�ttend or
<br />;-=_s- postpone the dne datG-of tbe monthly paymeats nefemed to in pu�rapha 1 and 2'or c6�nge tl�e amount ag ttie•PaYmeents.If
<br /> °-- under guagcaph 21 tue Piupezey is acqnind 6y I.endcr.Borrower's right w any�insura��ce policies ard pmcoe��saldng fcom
<br /> -_- damYge to the Pmperty prior to�he sr.quisition shaIt�pass w t.ender ta the extent of ttia sumc secuned by thia S!¢udtp Insuun�rt .
<br /> --- i�odi�tely prior eo tUe aoquisitioa. •
<br /> -_ � f.Oocq�e�.Pt+eaervatloo,Maiote�uace and P�oiectioa o[t6e Pmperty;BurroRer's L"oan Applidtion;I.dtte[w1ds.
<br />_-.,�.'. Barrower shail axapy,estabfish,aid use the Propaty as Borrower's principal c�sidence within sixty days after tLe exewtion of
<br /> this Security Inspva�ent and s6a11 oondnue to aca�py the Pnnpeny as Borrower's prukipat nesidence for at least orc yrar after .
<br /> the'date of accupancy, nnt�I.ender othe�wLse agra.c in writing:which wrRent shalt not be�ly wilNheld.or wiless
<br /> extenuating cinvmstances exist afiicb are bcyoad Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damage,or impair the
<br /> •'•' ' property,altow the Property to deteciorate.or a�mmit waste on the Pmpe�ty. Borrawer s1�all be in defauit if any forfeiture
<br />_;,,� ,t •°- ����.�; action or pmcealing,whether civi!or criminal,is begun that in I.ender's gaad faith judgment could result in forfeitute of the __
<br /> _ r;?�_-:'.�•. �; , Praperty or otberwise uiaterially impair the lim created by this Saurity Ir+strument or L.ender s security intetest.Borrower may �
<br />' `: �' cune such a defwlt atd reitutate,as pmvidod in pata8raph 18.by causing the ac6c��ar pnoceeding m be dismissed with a rufing
<br /> ;_ t 's}.•,:.. that. in Lender's goad faith detenninaGon. procludes forfeitun of the Borrower's�intcrest ia the Propert}��other arataial __
<br /> �;i°� ,�r impaim�ent of the lien created by this Serurity Inswa�ent or L,eMer's security interest. Bo��wer shall also 6tsa defautt if __
<br /> � ' � ,;;�'��*:,-f�•�.� Hornower,during tfle toaa apptication process,gave materially false or inaccwate infom�atiaa eixsratemenis to L�ender(or failed �r__.
<br /> � .x. :,_�n,�}:�'r' ==--
<br /> _. _��y,�t.�..:,__...�:.: to provide I.ender with any material information)in connectioa with the loan evideacRd by the:Nbte.including.but not Eimi� �Na_-�-
<br /> '��� • to,representations conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Prnperty as a principa]msidence.If this Security Instrument is on a '�°�-•
<br /> � ��� ., � leasehold. Borrower shall comply with ail the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Property. the �•`�`"�.:
<br /> �•,::
<br /> -- � leasehold and the fee atle shall not merge untess l.ender agrees to the merger in writing. �
<br />_ ' • . '� "�' � 7.Hntedion ot I.ender's Rights iD the Property.If Borrower fails to perfor►n tfie cove�ants and agreements contained in � �'�`�;-
<br /> � ��x=`'� '' ' • this Securi Inshument.or there is a 1 ril roceedin that ma si ificand affect I.ender's ai is in the Pro '''` �"
<br /> - ,,'�,r�,�,•_ � , tY �S � S Y Sn Y P� l�nY (such as a :, �_-
<br />- �••�c'��,�.;;., . • . . proceeding in banlcruptey,pmbate,for a�ndemnatioa►,or forfeiture or to enfome ittws os reguiafions). then T[�e�►der may do and t;•• �• ''
<br />- � `��'"°��' for whatever is to roteCf ihe�•alue of¢he Pro and Lender s r¢fits in xi�°Pro Lender's actions ma �,�� ' =
<br /> ,.��.,.,.�:�•: ,::. ;• PaY necessarY P PertY -a + P�Y• Y +':��• .
<br /> �;';,r;;<}.y:'�• �;'n,:<�;�;,:�. Include pa�,�ing any sums secured by a tiea whieh.has priority over this Serari�y Ir�st.�ment, appeazing in court. paYing .
<br /> '•„�.r.,,;,, , ;�;...,;. .. �_
<br /> r��; �� �r,,:: • rea5ona61e atts�meys'fees and entedng on the Praperty to make re�oa"vs.Although Lender s�ay take action under this paragraph �� ' ,�;`
<br /> ,. . r;...F:..:. r7 . _... ,
<br /> .�� � t,:�, �
<br /> . ,, •.,�,7;,tiri.. 7.Lender daes nat have to do sa. _.
<br /> " � �� �•, '` Any amaunis dis3�u►sed by Lender under this paragraph 7 saa11 become additianal debt af Borrower secured by this ' �
<br /> ..;¢�,,�..,.� ; Security 1ns�a�ns. C�less Borrower and l.ender agree to other i�r.ass of payment.these amaunts shall bear interest from the �S; �.••: �
<br /> �> . • • date of disC+ix.�sement at thie Note rate and shall 6e payable. witl. �a�erat. upon notice from l.end�r tv Borrower requesting �'`• �
<br /> - ,,-�_t�:;- � . . s' ,.,
<br />_ :�s°=',• ��:I,,'�:;,,, � payment. • , �
<br /> v4'- ' '''�'��"'• � 8.Mortg;�ge Imnr�nce.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the foan secured by this 5ecurity ��', . � �'
<br /> ,= . ..i.•;y,i'r;r�;.•. ..
<br /> �"`�T � `'�;i'��)r�•`.:': �. Lutnunent, Borrower shali pay the premiums rcquircd to maintain the mortgaga insurance in effect. It'. for any reasvn.the ,!_ . . , •
<br /> `'_;~f:.i#:�': ;<;.�� . : � �_
<br /> � .�,•;;,,,� mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses ar ceases to be in effera,�orrower shall pay the premiums required to
<br />.. .'��`'i.r�' I. �:���i;f' .
<br /> �sz�i.,• obtaln caverage substantially equivalem to the mortgage insurance previously ia effect,at a cost substantially equivalent to the f !,, ••
<br /> • �t ` �:�'�;� � cost to Banaaer of[he mortgage insurance previously in effect, from an altemate mortg�;e insurer approved by Lerider. If ` � j '�
<br /> � �r,
<br />:';c ° i ��:'�'•' : substantially eqaivatent mortgage insurance coverage is not availabte,Borrower shall pay tv A.ender eaeh month a sum equal tn ; :
<br />- . ��" one-twelft6 of the}early mortgage insuranee premlum being paid by Borrower when the insurance caverage lupsed or ceased to r:�� '
<br /> _. . �`�P`�`""'� be in effect.Lender wiQ!aecept,use and retain these payments as a lass mserve in Neu af mortgage lnsurnn��c. Loss reserve r��.
<br /> �. _. a. �,
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