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— � . ��, �,-- . . �� - <br /> ���=�::�� . . . �� <br /> _- ' . - . 4 . 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��h f1�►�d h�ni�.lF T�ustor isls to mab any s�ch pp�R at fa�s te hrkr�an�l of tM co+�nails aid o��wnls ceMaiiNi in lhis . <br />--= ONd oi TNSt.or in an!►4�ior mon�o�r or dMd of fiM,of if a�►�tion or proti�d'iq is�a�d�hid��a1�ri0M�1 affiefs M�iet�r�s in- , <br /> west in th�Prap�rt�.inci�g.6nr rot iniihd to.�nt daeoin pveNd'igs,or pbeMdrg�imehiin0 a d�� if Tnistar iaitt�Oqr <br /> Tnestar's drbts�noMr as tMj►6ua�r du�,thn/��fiei�t'�aptian aid�iNia�t nelia to ar d�wad upoe Tn�st�ar ad <br /> +rithaA r*osig Trustar tram an�o6lgotion I�M�ndn.n�oy n�ake wch apparsioes,daburst wd�su� Mr�wd�aetion os is Mpstory <br /> --_ , b prahct lwKficiQp's inhnst inclu�g.but rat�imibd ro,disbus�n+Nrt af nasanubttaftorn�l►'s fi�s.Aayn�K.PR'chos�,cant�st or can- . <br />,�� pranis�of ary u�cumbrance.char�a I'�-and�ntry upon tlr Prap�rty b make rapoirs.U th��virM that Trustor shaN fa�fo prouir�in- <br /> _- — wrann a to payt tax�s.ass�SSnNnts,or m1►oMMr chQp�s ar to mdc�ary paYn�nts to�xistirg prior li�n hold�rs or b�t'itiari�s.8�fkiar�l <br />;°3�+ �no�►pcoure w�h insaorKt ond molce stxh pn�InKnt./rq anouMS dis6urs�d b11�1►P���to tMis Pbropo�h 6 shaM b�ta�ad�itiond <br />- - ind�6hdnss ot Ttusta►s�ar�d b�r this OMd of Trust.Sud�a�nounfs shaN 6e po�upon notioe tran M�iciarl►to Tnator nquafiiq ooft- . <br />`:=_} n�ee+�eer�of.artd shafl 6eQ inter�st t►an tM date of d�sburs�nwnt at the�payablr troin tinM to tin�cn aulstand�g piKtpol iMda th� - <br />- - No�ea�ss pa�n of interost at wd�rote woutd be contrary t�applicahi�la�r:in which erK►t sud�amounts shaN b�ar int�nst at th�hi�st — <br /> = rote permiss�k under applioable law.Notl�g coMdtNd in this Poroprapb 6 shalt teauire�nefitiory to incur ory��ns�ar tdce an�t action . — <br /> _- htreurider. • . , — <br /> •`� '7.�i�t.d�Is.&neficwry shall hoye th�ri�t.Power.and artl�orih durag the continumc�of this O�ed o�Tnni ro caNM the --- <br /> �sents,issues a�d profits of the Propeny and of ml►DQ►sawl RapMY bcated ttkreon with or�ritbout takirg puss�ssian of the propKty aff�ct�d =_-- <br /> n c�*ab�►.and Trusta fiereby a6sohrteyr and unconditionally assgns bll such rents,issues ad profits to BMtfic+aY.��1►.IwMeva.lxr�bf►• -- <br /> �';� tons�nts to t1�e tnrstor's colkction cnd reteMion of sucb�ents,iswes ad profits�as tlMy aa�and became payable so lag as Tnistor is eot, � _ <br /> _ 4 F ' <br /> .,�,,�.�r..' _ r' � _ <br /> :,�.: ��' ot wd�time in defalt with respect to poyment of ony indebtedness seared hereby►,ar in th�pNfannann o t anr a�reenNnt t N r w a d�r.l�p o n � _ - <br /> ��-;���-�;��,� a�y si,ch defcutr,eeoeficro�r mb�r m anr tin,e.either in oerson.byt o9enr,,a by t.c.ivar to 6�pvvoinrad bjr o court,y:ithovr notic.ane wi+hour �: <br /> t � .' t'�:;' r e�a r d t o t h a a d�q u o c y a t a m r s e c u r i t y f o r t h e i n d e b t e d n e s s h e r e b y r s e c i�e d.(o)e rt t e e u p o n a d t a k�p o s s a s i o n o f t h e P b o�r t y o r a n y p a r t `-.�?'�, <br /> ',-,:- tMnoi,and in its �,:,. � <br /> f` ;�-':.' :';,:;_ own nair,e we fa or othe►wiss wlleet wdi rents,issues ad profits.�cludirg tl�osr post due and w+poid.and apply the sanw. -�`� <br /> ::�_ .:f..`.. <br />. ��'�. _ � <br /> �. , y.�::;.,;<;;',-. kss tosti md expenses of opermion and cdkcti�n,includinp reasonobk attorneys fws.Won anf►iedrbtedqess secured f�er�bp,and in such ��;�:�.--� � <br /> ��� - , arder as 6enefic�y may detemiine:(b)Perfomen s�eh acts of repair a proied�on as nwy be r�ecessary or p�aper to conserr�tht+rotw of the �'��,� �- <br /> �r'�,� Pr o p e r ry:(c)koss the same or ary p o r t thereof fa sucl�rentol,term,and u p o a s�rd�caditions as its jud�n�t rt�ay dKtate ar termiaote or ad- � ' ----: <br /> ��a uc � <br /> ,�' i�`r" � _ ' j�the tams ortd tanditions of ony existing kase or leases.Unkss Trostor and BeneFici�agree otherwis�in writinp,onf►cppl'ication of rents. � r ��: <br /> :�,: �r�,�:;�.� '�, iss.�es a profits to a�y indebted�ess secued hereby sholl eot fxtead or postpone the doe da�e af the instalUntnt payments ms R��in said �j y r� - <br /> f, ' . ��-. :;'.'•;%;.,, promi'ssory acte crr casange the�nount of such installme�ts.The eote►ing upon und tok;r.g pcssession of the Prapertr,the tolkctian of wd� � ,, ''�r%°- <br /> ' t:`s:� `• ronts,issues o�1�.r'ts.und the a licmion ttaereof as afaresaid,shatt not.woive a are any defwlt or ratice of deicuh hare�x�der,or m• � "' <br /> ' .'''4" validate ony act�or.e pursuant to such notice.Trostor atso oss'�gns to Beneficiary,as further setur�ty far the perfamance ot the abl+gations E . • � <br /> . : secured hereEy,all prepaid renss and oll monies which may have bee�a may hereofter be deposited with said Trustor by ony kssee of tl�Pro• ( � . <br /> ' . � pMp,to secu►e the poyn�ent of any ront or domages,and upa+defoult in the perfamance of ang of the provisions hercof,Trustor o➢rees to j ':.� ' ; • : <br /> ' �• .� deliwr such��nts and deposits to Bene�'iciary.DeGvery of written notite of B4ne�ciary's exereise of the riyhts 9ra�ted herei�,to ary tenant a- � � : . , <br /> ,-_ . . . c u p y'x g s o i d p r e n ri s e s s h o l l b e s u f f"K i e n t t o r e q u i r e s o i d t e n a n t t o p a y s a i d r e r��a t h e 8 e n e fi c i a r y u�t i l f u r t h e r n o t i c e. � � , ,�. <br /> � � ` �• 8.E�N�Mi�e.Rf titte to an <br /> y port of the Property shall6e token in conde:�iation praeedinps,by right of eminent domain or similor aM"rrm. � .. <br /> �� ;.� .,, ` � or shall be sold undes tbreot of condemration,oll awards,damages and praeeds are hereb�assigned and shal)be paid to 8eneficiary wfso s'hnlf i;,... . ;.. <br /> • :±;k;:�. •: � �- oppty such aw�ds,�mogts ond praeeds to the sum secured by this Qeed of Trost,with the extess,if amr;paidto Trustor.It Trusta rece�ves ���t�'�' �- <br /> r. •,. , . <br />. :;:_:- ' ony notite a otl�er s'r.'arc�cTiari regarding such actions or praeedings. Trustor shall give prompt written aotice ttxreof to benenciery. ��<<. :. <br /> er <br /> .r;,�:,:,:.: � Ben�Bciary shatl R+a en`'�tfed,at its optioo,to commerxe,appear in and prosecute in its own rwme ony such action a praeedioqs and shalt�c en• ' � '' <br /> . - titled to meke aee,y vrrmpromise a se»knKnt in connection with any such oction or praeedirgs. � : <br /> w a :'� �, 9. �i�s i(�ixdni�►�.Beneficary shnll be entitkd to enforce peyment and perfamonce of ony indebtedness or oblipations�ecured <br /> `� �-:�:*- .�, heropy pd to ex'ercise all ri�ts and powe►s unde►this Deed of Trust or under ony other agreemeM connection herawith or any laws • ° -;, <br /> r�'� '� ` � nar mr hereaftts m�orce.notwithstonding sort�e or oll of the suci�indebtedness and oaigotions secured hereby mofr now o►hereofter b�other- ? <br /> � wise secured,�di�c�he►by mort�oge,Eeed of trust,pledge,lien,assigrKnent or atherwise.Neither the aceptonce of this O�ed oi Trust nor its `: <br /> � :,;,.,.. � tnfoaernent v�ct5'xr by tourt ation or pursuont to the power o!sote or other powers herein coMained,sholl prejudite or in ony mar�aHect - ... <br /> ' '-';�;�,::;�r•",, " � Bene�ciay's right to reoliza upon a enface any other security now ar hereaher held by Beneficiory,it being ogreed thot Beneficiary shall De ;_: _ <br />" '`�:`�;,�::;,:-, ,,' entitbd to ehforce this Oeed af Trust ond ony other seturity now a hereafter held by Beneficiary in suth order ond manner as it moy in its ob• �.: <br /> .'�i:_. . 1,,:.,.� . <br />_ „�'`� soluh diseretion datermine.No remedy heroin conferred upon a roserved to Beneficiary is i�ended to be exclusive of any Mh�r remedy herein , :��;� <br />_ � � �'�:���;,;�• or byr low provide�qr permined:but eah sholl be cumubtive and sfioll be in addition taevery other renkdyr given haeunder a now or h�reatte► ' . <br /> ''�°� �xistinq m low m:i�r equity or by statute.Everrr power a�emedy provided hereunder this Oeed of Trust to Ben�fklary a to whieh it may 6e i. ... <br /> s``� y edevende ly. ' _ . . .. _ <br /> otl�wis��ati�r�, ace+dsed,cancutr�ti or i nt from time to time and as oNen as may be deetn�d expedierM Beneficiary � , <br /> ad it eafr pu'sre irKO�atant remedies.Nothing he►ein shall be construed as prohibiting Bene�ciary from seelcing o dffic�►judprneM apcirtst ' <br /> �e�r�sror�o ehe extent such oetion is permitted by law. � � <br /> — F0.`�i�rtp�h�et�t���.ff oll or any port of the property a any iMe►est therein is sotd,transferred a comreyed by Trustor <br /> witf�ait trne�aryr3 p►ia written cansent,excludinp(a)the creation of a lien a encum6rance subordinat�to this Oe�d of Trost,ib)the a�eo- ; . • <br /> ria+r af p pur�ehas*MorM1►sauidll imKUt fa hous�hold appfionces,(c)a framf�►br�vis�.desc�nt or b�r opwation of law upon the death of o � - °:--=-- <br /> •pirdt t�nont a (d)th�pront of any t�nfd�old int�r�st of tMN�wrs a kss nof cantalnirg an option to purchos�. 6�+�t�iciary may. a1 ' � . <br /> —=— 8asefkiary's option,deetare all the sums secured by this Geed 0f Trust to be irtwnediatety due and payable,or cause the Truste�t to�(e o notice ! . <br /> oi drloult.B�f'Kiary shdl Iwv�waird such optian to acdKat�if,pr'ar to tM sd�.transfK a caw�yana.9a�ficiary and the pwsa�to ;• • � <br /> • Mhom thr prapKt�r is to b�sol8 a transiKnd nach opnenMnt in writi�g thaf th�a�dit o�such pvsao is satisfatary fo�f'Kiaryr and thot . � <br /> tIM iM�rtst poYabl�on th�wn�s suund bp M�is O�ed of Trusf shall he ot such►als os�i»ficiory shoN nqunt. . <br /> . . � <br /> � . ' i <br /> . , . . � . <br /> ., , � . . <br /> � � s . . <br /> . . .. . . �h'�... '. <br />