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<br /> �y�n..«�w��.rw�E�w�ion a w.wn.ra p.yn+.eeo.n+atlMa.Mon d«ho�wwaw►a w.su�«icuna.6y+N�.
<br /> - .;t7�ddTrwt�,rwae�r�«�a.►�.rnr«xe.MOr�n�n.�asar�ew.r.�+wnocovw.M�o���+��e�y�+K,�w�►
<br /> drno�i�nd eonow�r.na eorro�wrsruce.Man in inw.�.tand�►.N:N naeana�dbooTnMea'aeo�w��
<br /> . «�chaucaMOrbrntu�.b�a�awe.torp.yrt�ntwan«rri..moaNr.�no�onath.wT...ow.efayltd.a.adrr,nt
<br /> Oy rra�ort d anSt d�r�m�d!bY 1M arfDUN1 Borrow��ufd o0f►Oww'�M�OO�wOt�IA M��MMR .
<br /> N)e.�r.rs.l�w��.ww+oue�ewp tM Il�b�illr a�►�►P�►!�M tnr I�Ar P��af.�ri abM�On+w�in
<br /> mw�Bon�d..n�,wiihaie.lf�cbtrp�n.x«+or cMra.athi.a.a aTru�i upa+�+�r�aw.'nov«ynoerhnarM�.�ora.
<br /> � r.NU«�aa.curte�rto.u,.tr,pama,ntav�i,np�wobNp�tlon�t�ndK�e.r�*anwn�alln��ndwNha�enoYo.(i�nww�nsr
<br /> p{.��scna��abt..A�.�xtn,sm.wrtt�ra�ran�ratb.+�m.aanfrwenoa�qwy�o��M.lfiq�yo�w�+jta�M�dt��oM,O�,�ia...-. . �� .
<br /> ' y{(iCOfIMAy�Of rh{t!f 1D b0 Jl�NMd 0�t�Ci0flY1y�Q�M1y YfIN l��.MI��M••••���Yw�v�v�O��0�MM PfOQM'��.' , ':4'..
<br /> `;''`. (Y�hkA Gf[M�if��'��0��dd�1i011�1 NCUfNy 10f�fly ObRad�Ofl AMrlfl(11�INi0fNf+.0�.{1f�IIIM(�OOII�O�OfM a O�M�`•'_'- _
<br /> _"'`y:"=' arrarpemsnfa wi1[�de(�ors in rN�tlO�t tlNrMO.
<br /> � (c�.E'i�lNaw 6�1 L�Nt 1let 11 Mlaiw►.M�to�bMrancr by L�nIM M�xKai�kp ar�y rfDM or�n�elY��a =' .. :��°�
<br /> - �"_'�'";�«;wt�s,dl�a 1�►+wa��e�.yw.�MI na b.s,r.ww a or p�tua.ih.�x.roiN or�nr wch�i�he a r�n.a�r•nw
<br /> -- : :.. .p�;�ia�rte�laEiiqeuranwatlNpsYrt»ntor�ucMaolt�N�nsorch�s0yl+�n�N►Nw�lnota�wMu�rafF��iA�Mb
<br /> � . sc�k���,c!1!�N�drbrdr�sscund bf►MNs ONd d 7'tuM.
<br /> :.:�it}�e�i�i�MtpM ta�M:.loiil aed f�r�ral i�i�My;C�plla�r.Th�eov�+►�et�and apr�n�►b f��in cort- .
<br /> �iriAd atrA1�6itL��d+ltts ri�hts tMrsundK stiall lnure W.th�rs�pktlw fucc�Mas�nd�Mipn�W L�ndM M�d truMo►.AN
<br /> - . e�+iettilriRi�fd�een�snts MTrusbor sh�li bs jotntand�awral.Th.�.ouo�..�a n..a�.aw,.o�•►aa.on.a,�s o..4a
<br /> Tnist ati4�convenl�ncs onh►+u�d an not b bs wed to inMrprM a ddlrN th�provNiam f»r�o1.
<br /> • . . �e��pi�piosNoNa�.Thspa�heret�yre4uatth�tacopyat�r�rno�uotdM�ulthKwnd�randacapyol�nY�4Mc�
<br /> o#sal�#��teunder be maibd to e�ch prty to thii Os�d of Trust�t th�iddr�s s�t toM�otr�in 1fN nw�r'prMCrM�d bY
<br /> �j�1i�i�51�hw fzcept 1a any otl�er nodos requind un0�t aDP�ical�law to f�0�M anolf�1n�N►.�nY no�ot'O�a�
<br /> � toiiis�isi7s�dT�t�hdlb�qiwnb!►ma0inawchnoticebycMM�dtn�fladdrnwd/otMolhNO��aEtlt��ddaNtM
<br /> • .tonle abors.]Iny n�ics Providsd 1or in this Deed oi Trwt ahait 0�MhCtiw upon nwNrnO in tf�mrx�QMtp�yUd hKiNr:M
<br /> to e .
<br /> - ` Trus�or ia m�xd tt�an.orte psrwn.noHcs�t to the sddress Mt fortl�abow ihaU b��oMc�b all wcb PKaor�.
<br /> ia o
<br /> , . {t�yNp�llo�.Lender msy mdte or oau�s to be n�de rea�onabN entriu upon and iMp�CMon�M iM Prap�rM.iMOtild�d
<br /> ' 4hst iendsr sha(I pive Truator no8ce pdor to any auch inspsctlon spscityinp rsason�bN c�uM MNrNa��NiMd b undM'�
<br /> , in�ar�st irEtfw Propfrty. _
<br /> '� (�)R�eaewryanc�Upon payment oi atl suma secured by Mia Oesd of Trus;L�ndrr shail rpwsf TrufN�b noonwy ttf�
<br /> propsrty and shall suRender this Deed oiTrust and ali nota svidancinp ind�bMdnaa wcund by this ONd of Trutt W TruNM. •
<br /> Trustes ahall reconvsy the Propsrly wiqwut warranty and without charys to 1h�pKwn a pM�ons NGN1!M���
<br />__= Trualor-`shail pay ail costs of recordation.if any.
<br />:� ((i�.;i�nonsf piop�tr S�urR�l AprNnMnf.As��ddi8onai securityr tor ths paym�nt a!th�Not�TruMor Mr�by pranft
<br /> _-= LenderundertfleNebraakaUniformCommeroialCodesaecurltyint�restlnalltlxturei,pulpmMLandolMrqt�oMiDropnyr •
<br />-r�;� used in connection with ths real estate oNmprovemenp tocated thereon,�nd notothKw��d�clu�d or Q�nn�d b b��O�rt a
<br />-- — the resl estate securad hereby.Th(s instrument shail be conatroed as a Secudty/Ipre�rtteM undsr ald Cod�,�nd th�L�ndM
<br /> = sfiait tfave ali the Yi�htsand�emedies of a secured party under said Code in addition t0 th!ri�hts and►tsMdlq crCSled undN
<br /> --=d� and acco�ded the Lender pursuant to th(s Oeed of Trua�provided that tender's rtghb�nd�em�dl�s unON Ihi�p��pr�ph�hrll'
<br /> •_x be cu�nulat[ve wtth.ar�d in no way a Nmftation on,Lender's riphts and romedi�s under�ny oth�►s�curHy apr�Mrt�nt�IpfNd by
<br /> =�' Borrovrer or Truator.
<br />'_�:���� (i�Li�q and Encwnbrsne�a.Trustor hereby warrante and represents that thers is no dehuN und�r th�prOVllton�W my
<br />' �.. :�, mort�a�e,deed of trust,leasa or purchase contract descri6inp al!or any paA of the Prop�rry,a oMN contracR fn�aum�nt a —
<br /> a9reement cons�tuting a Iten or encumbrance against all or any paA of the Property(collecttvety,"Llen�"},existl�p at 01 M� �
<br />, ,;�`; data of this Oeed of Trust,and that any and all existing Liens remain unmo0ified excspl as disctosed to Lender fn Trustor'� __.
<br /> ;,,»� written disclosure of�iens and encumbrances provideA tor herefn.Truator shall timety peKorm ail of TrusloPS obtiq�QOn�, -
<br /> ,:�;; ccnrenanb,representationa and wananUes under any and sil exisiting and tuture Liena,sha�l prompdy forw�rd to 1.�ndM eoplN _
<br />'�1 �. of alt noUcea o1 dafault sent in connection with any and ail exiatinp or tuture Uens,and shaii not wNhou!Lend�r'�pri0�wrllNn _
<br /> ccnsent(n any manrto�modify the proviaions ot or aitow any tuture advances under any exlsUnp or lutura LNns. =
<br />':�'�� �}AppNCatlon otPsym�nb.Untes9 otherwise required by taw,sums paid to Lender hereunder,includin�without Nmi1�ItOn =
<br /> a.
<br /> ?;;; :. paymenb of prinGtpai and interesR insurance proceeds,condemnaUOn proceeds and rents and profiq,nfiait b�tppN�Q by _
<br /> � ,LenQertp the amounts dtie and owing irom Trustor end Borrower in such order as Lender in fts sole diacr�tion deems dNinbt�.
<br />�^r'j � � (k)Sw�r�biity.(f any provision of this Deed o1 Trust contlicts with appticabte law or is deciered inv��id or oth�rwiw =
<br /> ;,., `-
<br /> ' unenforceable,auch�onflict or trnalidiry shaii not ai(eCt the other provisons of this Deed of Trust or th�NOte vrhlCh cin ps �_
<br /> �tven eitectwithovtthe conflicting provision,and to thi�end the provisions of this Oeed of Tiust and ths NOte ar�d�ctand to W �_
<br /> aeverebte. r.......�.�,w.R..,�....�... i
<br /> ��;`� _ (Q Tirna.The �M'Me�ew�r'shail include both�ingular and plural,and when the Trustor and.Borrower
<br /> are the same persan ). termsNlniw6in�his Deed ot Trust shaH ba interchangeab�e. f '
<br /> ; (ma apyKnN�L��i�rqZQ�sAeN bo�pove►ned by the taws ol the State o1 Nebraska. '
<br />:.��.`• , • Truno►has executed th�� rt�dt'�JrDfthe date written above.
<br /> . _,•
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<br /> _,��. i River id�a In�t�eqtTrY�t�� � �..�� �T-
<br /> /�.,. ��5�_�__.�.
<br /> — St�phQn BQltz�r. Stc���t��ry
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