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<br /> „� �. ..�t- �.��� T�ANCY 1i�� `D� . : , �� � 4� _ :
<br /> . � ' . �, ; , , . . : _ . �����. � , . `. �
<br /> � . GI�EI�i B.. SCI#�M�lER�and HE�N�E. -SCHIM�R. .-�.�r�a�or,_wbat6�r.�r br mon,,��
<br /> � - -� Husl�arid artti�,i�T�:fe - , - . .
<br />� � ����,� One. Doll.ar �S1�.Q0} �and ather v�luable'�comsideration�:=--�-- � -
<br /> , _- _ � . _ . � .
<br /> _ ;=.:::--�--- - ----- -------�
<br />. " _- . --.. . ��c�ipt ot Mldch.is btreb�r acimowisdsed.aoar►rr to - - � : -
<br /> . . GLt�liN B. SCHIM�R atid�HgI�K E. SCHi�B, Husbarid atnd ,QraiW�s. . '
<br /> ��Ntfe, aa��oint Tenan�a ` . . � .
<br /> ,.iaac e�.a�,a�oc�.s�a��n�ap�m+�.sbe:ouo�ia�ae�ci�m.a ireal est.te t.s a.naea .
<br /> in Iteb.Re..8tat.t 46-Z01) ia Hall Cau►tr.Nebraska: .
<br /> Lots Two L2) and Three (3), Section One (1), Towrusiiip Ten,(10) Narth, :
<br /> Ranqe Nine (9), .West of the 6th P.lr4.; : � '
<br /> The West Hal� of the Northxest Quarter (W�NW�3 of Seetion 35, To�ship •
<br /> 11; t�lorth; Range �9, west af th ' 6th P,M., excepting that part �thet�eof�
<br /> conveyed ta State of Nebraska �y Deed recordad in Sook 7�, page 243 of :,
<br /> Deed Records of Hall County, a�Id also excepting therefrom tria� part�can- .�:;:�.;
<br /> veyed ta Otto S�himmer in Deed recorded in Boak 73, page 582 of Deed �:�>'�`
<br /> records of.Hall .County. Nebraska, and .excepting therefrom a tract::,� 1 '� �'.°'�'`
<br /> aomprising the Westerly Five Hundred (500.O y feet uf tHe Sautherl�=T��gfit�::{°:�� �
<br /> Fi�dred Seventy One and Two Tenths (871.�2) feet of the Northwest'��;€aurter::#��..�
<br /> (NW�) of Section Thirty-five (35), Township Eleven {11? North, •Rarige �9_ `:,.i��,�� �
<br /> West of the 6th P.M. , containing lO.OQO acres more or less; The North
<br /> Half of the Southeast Quarter (N�SE�) of Section 34, Tor�mship lis North
<br /> Range 9, West of the 6th P:M. `�
<br /> - — Grantar-caveaaats f}atntl,Y an.a ae�rerall,y. if more than.oae) with the Carantees that t�rantor.
<br /> . — _ —, # T
<br /> . .. �.;. .[
<br /> . ,11? is lawt�uF$e��a°�!���?�`!�'�te and ffiat i!ia free irom enaumbrancea�:.::' #=�;k`
<br /> . ;•�..;
<br /> , ��
<br /> (2) has legal},mower and lawfu2 authority to convey the same; .�
<br /> ,� ;��; . (3) �rarraats aad will defend the title to the real estate against the lawiul claims ot all pereons. ,k� Y
<br /> '' � . ..., 19..�� .
<br /> �,� Es�cuted: . ..1.�............
<br /> 1} .'........ ........................................ ./..! �. �6�•.�+. �,...��.......
<br /> � ...:,. . ...... G ��,-Nid'�: �cfifMM��"
<br /> .. i�l��"'�• � ' � . ....: {
<br /> i .... . ............................................. .. .......... ..... ..........................., .....:. ,.
<br /> �HELEN�E. •SC�±xNRKER �: • . . •�
<br /> , . i -
<br /> State of Nebraeka � - � ;� ►
<br /> • HALL • , : : '
<br /> Caunty tri .......................... �� )
<br /> � � `Phe foregoing inatrnmeAt was acknowledge�before me on .......,,:.........�.� ... .. •••••••• .•-,••••• �
<br /> b�r ...,.....G�NN.�s. $��1�J�9�FR..�1�..1i�I�N.�.:...SC s :at�d�W3£e........... . � � :,;�.
<br /> i�Ml biMP.111i1 M�tl� ... ... �i:� ...................... . . ,,� �'
<br /> _,,,���` ���GGEAH O�ary c �` �
<br /> , �,tsc M�Ow�tE�;N�1,;1!!3 . �
<br /> '� STATE OF NEBRASKA . � � j '
<br /> �- cvuMy oi�................................. � , (
<br /> , Fil�d for seco�+0 and etttcred in Nnmerical Index on ...........:.....:..:......................... � �
<br /> - ' - � f . I
<br /> . at .:�.. o'elock .....lt..aad recorded iu Deed Recosd .:....................... Pu�e ..................
<br /> , � ' . . , . By: ..................................................................
<br /> - ..... . ... .-- : - - ' � C �3eputy£�ouuty�3er�. . _ --
<br /> -- - .-.... .__--- - ---�-- -•._�,..___ _ ---__,-. -_ - --:. . _.
<br /> . . Ite��iste oi Deeds or Depnty Re�ister of Deeds- - -�
<br /> ' 1F
<br /> ` - - — " ----- - ---__
<br /> — - _ �
<br /> g - _ -__ . -
<br /> s `_
<br /> If � ` ,_ ' �
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