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<br /> �e��s�MMM�qie wIR�t�IMt s�1��e1�sNi��t�farit,�rlw�4k�s`AM'a�pwy■Wli , `
<br /> , , y►Mn►s i�l N ar wr su�r+M h tl�it S�ri�t�l�irw�t+s�i(r��e�r tre�en�.�r NrMM M�r�eW�i � , .
<br /> . ~�?i RK�ve�a�ca ilpon Pryment of all swtN►sen�rod by�h�s Sixo:ity leiswment.t.esder sl�l!erqtiest 7h�st�io_ . .
<br /> teconrey the P[aQeny and a�lnit alanarder th�s Security imuument and�il dotes tvjdmcin$debt secu�ed bg tAis Sec�iry .
<br /> ' In�c�na to Thtstae.< 'Dust4e shall�+eoonvey Ws Proptrty witUout wur�rMy and without charge w tbe person or peaons
<br /> ksally eotitled Oo ii. SucA pnsan ot persons sbtli pty aoy iecadation cosis. •
<br /> = Z� Sn1�q�Ge'!!r� l.eader.at�ap�iaa.may froe�tieqe ta time�ve Ttustee and appant a sucr�ssor nu.�ee tn
<br /> � ' aay'itustee ap�poiated herem�der by aa itWnue�rnt nrardad an t�e¢ounty in wl�ich this Secu�iry Iasuu�trent is tecurded. ' - . .
<br /> ` r Withau catveysace of the.pmpetcy.tl�e sucaswr trustee shall s�ooeed to aIl the title,Powes aud dnties oonferied npon
<br /> T�ustee herein and by applicabk lavv. , . '
<br /> lA. Re�eit for NNiaes. Batowa nquests tt�t copies of the notices of default and saJe be sent to Borsower`s add�ess
<br /> which is tl�e Ptoperty/�ddnea.4. ,
<br /> 2.j', Bidds b d�is See�rit�I�west if oae a�r mae ridas ac�e exavted by Borrower and ia:acded togett�a with,
<br /> tbis 5ei�aity In�ument.the c�4Yauats and agrerniee�fs of rach such rider shall be incapot�ted into.and st�ait amend apd
<br /> suppiement tb�covemnts and ag�nenu of this Sec�uicy Insbniment as if the tidMs)wtre a pare of Mis Security lnstnant�[. �
<br /> , " . [t�eck�ppiicabte box(es)I
<br />,`� Q Adjnshble Wu Rida . �C.aadoinini�8i�ter �1-4 F�mily Rider �
<br /> , . - �Graduatad Paymepc Rider � �Plannod Unit Developn�ent Rider Q 9iwafc�y Payma�t Rider � .
<br /> aBalloon R�da . . �Rate Impirovement Rider �Secawl Home Rider � _
<br /> , �Ot1rMs)[���Yl IIS5IGI�iT OF RENTS RIDER � ,
<br /> • BY SIGNIN�BELOW,Bamower accepts and agees w the temis and covenants contained in this Securiry Insuument
<br /> aod ia any ridet(s)eaeeated by Borrower and recorded with i4 . � .
<br /> ` WiUtes�s. , •
<br /> � � , . - tSeal)
<br /> . . ; ' .Batrower
<br /> � ; mB�_ SUfi-Z�.l�:.:�,Fi�J� �
<br /> - - --- • � , ,�.
<br /> , � (Seal) '
<br /> . : SHELLY. SERY. ,�.. -�row�* , .
<br /> . .
<br /> , Sacial S Number
<br /> •STATEOF,NEBRASKA. HATT• Countyss: � •
<br /> On this 1 � day of � � 1993 ,before me.the undersigned.a Notary P�M:�
<br /> duly commission�and quatified for sai county.personally came �Y J. �g�gy p� SRELLY D.
<br /> de c�"Yrsdn�)�Ti— � ()� .to me fuwwrs to be the
<br /> . ' i nn pe s s w ase name s subscn"bed to the foregoing inshurrient�td acknowledged the execurian thereof to
<br /> be coluntary act and deed •
<br /> W�*ness�my�tand su�d notariat seal at �gA� I�,�, NEBF S ,. , in said county,the
<br /> date�f^�esaid. /i��� °�.��
<br /> ��Ii�M� �
<br /> qM11iL RAtKE � . �O�'�`�'d�`�
<br /> w4rtE�►1ie.�1!!B REQUESTFORRECONVEY��6�. • .
<br /> T .,
<br /> '➢'he undersigned is the holder of the note or notes secwed Enz this Da�d ef?rust. Sasd T.ote or notes.together w-ith all
<br /> � ' other indebte�fiess secured by this Deed of Tnu�havc been paid in full. Ya:�ar��eueby d"sr:cted to cancel said note or notes
<br /> � and tt�is Deed of'Itust.which are delivered hereb3:and to reconvey,witltout,�:�.r�iity.a[�el!�estate noA•E:e1d by you under
<br /> this Deed of livst to the person or persons legaft}entitled thereto.
<br /> . Date: • �
<br /> ` Fof1113�2{ �!!� (poR[6 of h pG�tsl
<br /> --- -'�_.,7 :-�.. --.�--riw—.r_�..-.�-�' -'�c-c...—�—� .: --,
<br /> —_--_-=_�"'`''�r�•,:-y.;;�y:" <-:i-,iL`�ir4' .-�r.t'-_
<br /> •�_r.•' -a-.',r�'.,'-.r _ ' '...-..�. .�,..���`•_7,-,_•;' __ . ��a-�
<br /> -'..4.a�_±L� _ • . ._ . .�� ' . . � . - " . ' ..v_V�^1ii.�_su .�_ -_. ._ . . . � .
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