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<br /> � �' t - ' . . ' L�.�i,K
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<br /> ���5:....._`_'.r..ra� • •- i; � ` � . . ' ' , .�^ � . , < �,� r . �� . � .. _.
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<br /> ' � ��"������'� . . . � � � ,
<br /> .. , - T tX�'.l.E,AS�SA�Y�AErliTS � �� , °
<br /> �� tHAT WHERE�►S.by rsaaon ot.thepaymentotthe indebtedneasaecu�edbXt�)�afTnatexecuisd
<br /> � b Ja�s RusseY2 Green asd Kathleen Green, hnsband a�} �►i.fe .
<br /> - intavovolF��sTierB�nk�Nai[onalAssoclation,dmaha.Nsbraaka(hereina�re/erredbasFi��B�nkj�ls
<br /> Trustee for ttw�benefit of Fi�lier 8snk.the 8ena�icc�ry named tl�erein.dated Auyus� a, iges � ;
<br /> and recarded in the otfice ot the ister oi aeeds nf � � � � Couniy�Nebrsalca.
<br /> -�'. Mortga9e Record 800k �a6-104656 .and(2�the Asaig��+�L��es aEid Ha�ts.
<br /> . made by _ sames Russe��.�creen.a�a xatt,?e n Gre�n �, in lavor ot Firslier Benk.
<br /> m�Mortgage Reco�d 800k noco�s �ss-iaa6�� . FirsTier 8ank. 1he 8eneliaiary. has` .
<br /> - requested i�twriting that this Deed of Reconveyance and Release of Assignmeat oi Lesaes and Re�ts be
<br /> - � executed and delivered as conTirmed by its endorseme�belovw_ '
<br />--���' N�VIt.THER�FORE.in cansideratio�of such pa�t and in accordance wNh tl�e��equest ai tfie
<br /> ,� BeneCciafy; Ftrs�ter 8ank as'Trusf�e under the afo�a�.Deed at Trust and as/tssi�nee undeE tlte
<br /> :-; ai.�resaid�A�.signment af I.eases a�td�fs.:di�s by tii�se'�ectce;gran�remiae.reteate.arx��ec�onve�► �::�
<br /> � � q� tJ� or s ent�d� al4 of"tt�e.in and es�t�d�ci�e4 to a�id FirsTre�8anii�as;� }°
<br /> 9�: � .� �� �� ,
<br /> P _ .g�:�a�;�fcrar� �14ssignee�yt�rthrc►uug�e`sais���af�'nrs�anc#1ts�r!,inentotleasq�acav��eea�
<br /> — . �ee ttis t�t£u�descr�premises iiut�it�2 s t�suCF��rti�ses " � ��•.: ` `� `,
<br /> I,ot Seventeen:��'7), �lock One ti3�.:Brentweod Secon3 Sutia�.vssi�ii,,, � -`r��, �� t.
<br /> ;� in the City oE.Grand Island, HalI�L`ounty, Nebraska.�'�' , � � -
<br /> - �:; • .
<br />- .
<br /> . �
<br /> � . . . . . . , .. _
<br /> �.� P _ .
<br />. , �4�`•��{;1 . ' . , ' .
<br /> . '�'ti,r::':3i7.�Y � . -
<br /> _ ' 4�.'��;.'t'•.i:YF=G':." . . . •
<br /> � .� t �-�.�.��.. � together wlth atl buitding��tixiurea,improvements and appudenancea belonging�o wch premises.
<br /> �"`���'y �`�`• IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF. the said Firslier Bank and FiraTier Bank Trustee has rsussd thsee
<br /> ^;:;_:'-'-_;��;,ri��:,;� p►eSeriCe t0 b8��x8COt8d by it� v Pres. artd its corporateseai af�ixed hereto this 17t� day oi---
<br /> , . .t_�_ :- '..'F _..r�.December �19 93 ,
<br /> ' . ! r� ' � FirsTier Bank,National Association Firslier Bank:Natio�ai AssoCietion
<br /> � � Omaha.Neb�aska Omaha,Nebraska.T�u
<br />- . � y I.N^�i
<br /> �� � . By �D k D. Niet 1d, Viae Pres. By Dick D. Nietfe , Vice Prea.
<br />` � " Attesl: Attest
<br /> r�
<br /> . �;:.�;;,; . _
<br /> ' ' ''`?`;:���� This is to certify IIE�aR•6irsTie�8ank,TP�stee.has been�equest�!in wdting to execut�the foregoing, �
<br /> . - � �. � Deed ot Reconveyartce and its action in dai�g so!s rafified and cor�nrrned in all respeCts.
<br /> . , . ... , :f
<br /> � �::,:,,:�� � � . . FirsTce�Bank,National Associatior�
<br /> ,��`���� ' � � Omaha.Nebraska
<br /> ;:+.�. .
<br /> :.,;.: .
<br /> ���. ��i�: _ , , � . 8enet�ciary
<br /> ' --�. . . ..- - ,..•. � Vice President
<br /> , �,�`�':-._� �����`;.�1a � ' STATE OF NEBRASKA � SS
<br /> � - COUNTY OF xall )
<br /> � On this l��h day of December .1g �� .before me.the underai ned.a Notary
<br /> .� Ilfl tor sald Coun ersonall C8t11@ Dick'D. Nt
<br /> Public duly commissioned and qua ed ty p y .
<br /> �` . to me known to be a g
<br /> - , ,_ . .. vi�a President ot Firslier Bank.as Truatee �d who acknowled ed
<br /> __ �;^,;..;:' ' . �. execution thereof to be hls voluntary act.and �ised and the voluntary aat and eed i Firslter Bank,as
<br /> :�::j:_-.;; ?,::� Trustee. .•-� .,
<br /> >.,:-�.-.-f+;; My Commissio�expires'
<br /> ' �s.�""'��"c.:+- .
<br /> ` '� � No ry Publi
<br /> .'::; `���°��...ti :V �� Ip .
<br /> t•;
<br /> — ---- - -- - STATE OF NEBRASKA ) �
<br /> : �=` _�;� - ��r COUNTY�F xail � SS
<br /> ;� �' 17�h� December 93 ;
<br /> _ On this dgy of -- - ------ �19�;.befare me the urt�ersigned..a Notary
<br /> -�±.-� �u6llc.duf�i commissidned and qualitied tor said Caurety personaity Game- �ick n. 73Yetfeld �
<br /> ;� to me knawn to be a vice rresiaenti of FirsTier�nk,�s Trusiee.anQ wtto'acknowtedg� ,
<br /> � , �execution thereof to b.e hi�voluntary act and deed and the volunta�r act a� deed FirsTi r 8ank.
<br /> � ..
<br /> �. ...? . ... .
<br /> . . :.� ��::� :. . . .
<br />��ut My Commission expire� ���r�r . . .
<br />-_ �4��11►��11 Noia�t Pubti •
<br /> —— ' , a tb79 5l36 27
<br />