: . S% �z
<br /> � �, ",.�'�x� '::" -'i;' ��i 1 _--_
<br /> —' i ?.�. y,_��.._ '-' ... S _ ,}t -- --.
<br /> r � �
<br /> — . ) ��i, ^,!. •`�rt�
<br /> — .- -
<br /> - — -- -_. -- - - - - - -
<br /> °-- - -- . - — -- - ---- .. . , . — ---- -- - ----
<br /> -7-- — --' - - --- --- ^i+- ----�
<br /> ,�_.�.......�_.r.:r�l ...�-..-.- .._ . _ _ -... ' �TT .. -.-� ,..r._.. . . R..�_ . __' '�,...._.�—.__. _ _�...._. ._. .,- --.. _ .
<br /> � : , - � g�- ii�3 . � �
<br /> - ,a�;����: ����a��.�at��►e,►e�.���� .
<br /> �ppeuval whicn sh.0�wt b��or�el�,withi�e�a. U e«iower r,db b n�ain cavera�e aacrile�a above.tRnaer a�y►.at , .
<br /> � L�ender's option.obrdn coverqe a prola.t i,eaderb��in d�e�l�in acco�d�noc Mnth paa�rnpl�?. = ' .
<br /> Atl ins�u�nce policies and renewils�htli be s�cept�bte w �nd eliaU inctude�sandaed clw4e. I.eader. .
<br /> sAap dave thc dsht to hold d�e pdtcies and�eutw�. IP i.etder tequires.Baro�ver ahdl P�P�Y t�v�to all neceipts � .
<br /> . of paid pr�miums�nd t+euewd naices. In the e�ent of Ios�.Hnrtower sjnll�ive panpt notice to the in�i�nce.eu�ie�mQ
<br /> , i.ender. l.ender may m�tce proof oB lass if not m�de pr4mpttY by'Batrowet. .
<br /> - Unkss Lender and Barower dhecwise apee in wriHn�insuranee pio�eeds sbai!De opplird w raatutation or r�ir of
<br /> � the Ptoperty duaaSed.if the ratonuivn or rep�tr is iconot►uctliyt�asibk�nd l�ender�seauity is not k�sencd, if tbe - � .
<br /> rcsto�tian or tep�ir is not eeonomic�lty fi�sibk a Lentkr�s�ecu��y waWd'6e kssa�ed.sIte tasurance p�ooeeds.slatl be
<br /> -- �pplied w N�c snms secuced by tbis Sec,vtiry Iuat�umea�whe�dt na dkn due,with any excess p�id to Barower.� tf
<br /> -" � Bonower sD�o��s the Pmpeety,or das not aaswer wid�in• days a mtice&om Lendrl tt�ac tGe imsur�n�x�lt�s
<br /> ot�'erod w settte a claim.tben I.ender may ooikct the uu�nae p�oceeds. I:eader may a9e tve pmoeeds m ie�eir ar eestae � -
<br /> - the Pmperty or to pay sums securod 6y this Seeur�ty Instnuneet,whether or not then due. Tbe 30-day period w�U begia wbea
<br /> -_ the noticre is given. • � ..:�°;,. f . . .
<br /> llaless Lender aad Borrower otAetwlse�tgrx ia vvciting,.my applYw�[oie of piocttds to.prtncipal sl�i!na exoead or .
<br /> -- postpo�t6e dae da�c of th�montWY payments nfernd ta in parotgraphs,l,an�`2 or�chainge d�c_�nt of the payments. U - �
<br /> -- ' under parag�ph 2i the Pruperty is soquind by Lender.Burrawer3 dght:to"any insuran�-poficies aad pcocoeds resulting
<br />= fivm damage to t6e Ptoperty piia w the aoquisidon stiatl p�ss:to Lender to the cxteiit`ii�tifa sap}�secured by this Sa�uity-
<br /> _ tnsttt�mtnt.immediately}xiortotheacQuisiHon . � '� • ,�`.,>:`(,•r•,;�� •,,.. _ . .
<br />-- - 6. Uccupsncg Preservatioo,Mainteuance and Ptutection ot t6� Prope�y;''�Boirr+oiyie�'s�Laan Appqcatiop; .
<br />—_ ---- Leaselatds Bormwer shait occupy,establish.aad use th�Propeity as Borrower§ �pal�sid�aCe wIthin.siafty days after "
<br /> _- the exeeution of t6is Sawrlty L�shtzment and shall oontinue w occupy ti�e P�upeity��ffp�i+bwei���¢riticipal�esidence far at.
<br />-_ — ----- Ieast one year after the date of occapancy, unless Lender odterwise agr�es m wr��+:w.luch coaseat�s6a1! not be
<br /> �� +�. � imreasoenably withheld.or vnlsss txtenuadng c�cunuta�xxs exist which aie beyond Bumo,w,dr,�:i�ttvl. $oiiower st�all not
<br />::�. , destroy,d�age or imPai*the Ptnpe�ty.atlow[he Property W deteriorate,or commit wa;ste:ori ttie Propercy. Bormwer ahall
<br /> �° be in de�'ati�if any forfeit�m actioc��pr�aooed'eng,wUetber eivit ar sriminal,is beSaa d►ql;in:Ixnder�s goad faith jud�ment. �
<br /> �. could�es�z��'in forfeiuuz of the Plropei�?v,or ut6erwLse material4y�°�tpair the,,li�n cre�'�ed%tjy=:t�is Security Instrumeqt:or::-
<br /> : �::.Lendez�,sa:.•4�riry intecest. Bo�ower�care such a dafault and t�e9nstata.a4 ptnvidod.in;par�graph 18,by caasiag the action
<br /> _ � .;���3ing to be dismissed with a c�ing that,in Lendcr's goud faith detciinuSatiori*�li�des forfeiwce of the Borrower� ;,
<br /> ��.7�the Ptope�ty or othei ma�al impairtncnt of the lien ctieated b�r.:ttas�edffit�r-�t+strument or Lenderk security
<br /> he
<br /> _ 3•'��h '�sti .:�armwer shall also be mn,�fault if Borrower. during the�.loanrapplic�o�f�rP�� Sa�e materially false or.
<br /> ' t:�a�;�' : � ,u�.��"e�;omiaaiioa or statemeras i��ider(or failed w provide I:e.qBer'tVitte any ma�ai;infa�mation)in connuHon�vhh
<br /> ,^•,, ,r�F •� ��e �i�n�atFenced bx she Noie.�"sncl�&ng, but not limited to.'.repie§entations,con,�er�ting�riower� occupancy of the
<br /> • e
<br /> I -�x r���'`�ay,. �:,.��ay as a p�incgsa�.:��ce. �tins Securiry lnsttument is oq a teaseholc�,�.Boaovii�r,shalE comply With all.the provlsIons ' .
<br /> : •; *. ��4��r�' '3., ti�f�da��rase '��riacaa��a�es f�a'e titI-a to the Pmpectyr,.the lease]tald and tite`.�'ea�tla s�all;nqt;�e uiiieasl�der agt�ees '
<br /> .{ �� �;�:�3��:ik.�±� �rothe�e-ua�:�. '•s�. , • � .= . >�.:.'.;, " ..� �f�,� .: " ��" � �.; �
<br /> F� f,��i Et�',�f`'l�. - - 7,_ Y�e�anl oP,�`:e»der's R�ts in the Property.. If�aimwGt�ai!`s to p�yiforq�ti�;oovenants and agn,et�tents . _ _ _
<br /> !.!;y
<br /> - �r;•.�sc '
<br /> �,;;s�����'� containeci"nic this Secadty Inatrument,or there is a lega�i pi�ceeslitig:tl�at may siguiftca'utly at�ect 7.erider's rigl�ts m ti� .. -
<br /> � ��'r•��: �•�, - '���' PropeAy(such as a proceediag in bankiuptcy,prabate,for corideianarion or forfeiture or to enf"orce laws or regulations).then '
<br /> ..;:"��'� � ":. •'.'. : Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the vatue of the Property and Lender's rigbts in the Ptoperty.
<br /> z..;;-. . .
<br /> ,;�;��"V . . -_� . . Lenders actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Securiry Instrumen�appearing —
<br /> � , i�court.paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.AIthough Lender rnay take action
<br /> • : ' under this paragraph 7.Lender dces not have to do so. ��
<br /> . , ' -- ' My amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragrapfi 7 shall become additional debt of Bomnwer securcd by this ��-,=
<br /> , ' ' Securiry Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agee ta other terms of p�yment,these amoun�s shall6ear intercst from the ��=
<br /> ', .�. ' dace of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable,with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting ,�;�
<br /> ' , payment. .N•_.
<br />. � � • ; 8. Mortpa�e Inwrance. If l:cadt�r�+equired moagage insucance as a condition of making the loan secund by this �;=-
<br /> • �.�;'/,r',;:l;�s�' � ' . tY P Y P �1 SaS Y
<br /> 3 1;:.; , ,j.*�. . Secud lnsttument,Borrower shall' a, the mmiums uired to maintairc the mort e insurance in effec4 If,for an —
<br /> "�,�'� �£''�' reasnn, the mort u e insurance cov u r uired b Lender!A. a or ceasec to be in effect, Boaower shail a the
<br /> r;,,�;:::�� S S �$ �9 Y P�. P Y
<br /> ;<::�� ,.;��., , .
<br /> � . . ;,;���,;. . premiums�quimA to o6tain coverage substanti�lly equiva,ent to'the mortgage insurance previously in effect,ai a cost ��.
<br /> ' ��' '�'��.,�,•�`•, • substantialiy equivulent ta the cost to Borrower of the mortgage inxu�nce previausly in efftrt,from an altemate mortgage rt; .';
<br /> • �• •�`'�'• ` insurct a roved b :Lender. lf substantiall nivalent mort a e insurance coyera e is not available.Borrower shall to ��t��.
<br /> ,r��.;x,u.;:� ', PP Y Y�l g 8 g PaY :,.rr
<br /> ;;'s�'}�-%�t�f,.;,�`�,:�. Lender each month a sum eyunl to one•twelfth of the yearly mortgagc insurance prcmium bei»g paid by Boirower when the ;z�.:=.
<br /> ,., . ,. ��,,,,,
<br /> _ ��-•t:,�,,�;,-, insurnnce ooverage lapsecl qr cea'sed to,be in effect. Lender will x�e�use and�etain these paymeats as a ioss reserve in tiea ,'�.��,
<br /> � "�° of mort insurance.;1,.ttS9 feserve a ents ma no ton er be c�uired.at the o aon of Lc�sxler,if mort e insutance 1,:: '°�
<br /> .-��:-_{-r��dl�•�it'! S� l� Y�►� Y S P� $a8 ,�.
<br /> �..�.,.:; �,s�r;':
<br />- ;�_� �. � coveroge(in the ainount and foc the period that Lender requires)pmvided 6y,an insurer approwe.�.by Lender again becames ;�,,.;�t,.;
<br /> available ntfd i5 obtaine8:BotroWe�chall pay thc permiums required to maintain morlgage insurance in effect.or to provide a •;'��;}�.�
<br /> R � loss reserve.until.the requi[ctnent f4�trlortgage i�s�rance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower }'�.`"�,_
<br /> . ,:-�,=•';.•,.:,, t; -.� andLenderorapplicuble,law�.. � "•.•.,;��;� �t r• • _ ,'
<br /> . r 5r,, ., q Ins ti�iA. ..
<br /> -- : • � � J��s�'•f� pec t,ender or,its�agettt thay maka rrasonable entries upon and inspections of[he Property. L.ender sha11
<br /> - , ...�;•: ,�.;,y�,;,,,.
<br /> zg•,�.,.,••:, y�fi;,;;�:: give Bnrrower noNce eE fhe time qFQr pnur to an inspection specifying reasonable cause for tite irt.�pection. ,
<br />- �� ,��,•:�,f s: �.- 10. (,andemnatibn: 'tl�e"prucebds of any awarJ or claim for damages.dirert or consequential,in connection with any ' - •'',,.
<br /> .°°�`��*'_ • ,T:;. .
<br /> '� g�t y. .Slnale�dnily-Faeak hladFndAie�ise U�IIFOR:�f(hS"IRL".NENT-.Uniform Covenane. !!!� Ipage 3 oJb page.r) :j.�
<br />—,la N•+i�'i.�.. •
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