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<br /> � ' .. 1'f.'�f�i�t �f'�����N'11�1!'!t.u�(��.�.OF 16E pl�C[[f��f I�ER'l�* ` .
<br /> is soid u�tr�o�tared(ar it����rat en Bo�rarer i��pid aa�ae�Fared sid Boc�r.i�Aoit�s a�p�tat peero�).wrilioNt
<br /> �� < Lsnder's p�or.w+dtoen c�eseot.<'leades mry. at its c�ptio�e, mroaedale pyln�eet•u.fi�U o�di s�mt�a.'rred bl�,tYs
<br /> . S�iRy��dat.�.this optioo s1�U mt be exdt�ia�i�Larder if e�cen3�e is pcci�iiel�by kdew�lrr ar crf d�e dtla .. .
<br /> . ` tf Ir,oder exacises tlds option.La�der.sUall g'�ve Bomowex aotioe�aooe�aadoa.'Ibe nc�tiae sh�U provide:period of twt �
<br /> fess tMm 30.dsys fram'tLe+�te tLe natioe u ddivaed or mu'1a�Mithia�hici�Borra�rer must py aU aum��ured by tbis , .
<br /> Socvrity T�t,lf Hortv�ra W'ls a p�y thae a�s prior ta��ha e�cpiritioe of d�pariod.l.a�der mtj►imraice aiay r�nedla .
<br /> pamiuod hy this Security I�t withaut fuet6es notioe or demmd aa Botmrver. °
<br /> i�:-�ae�rawrt'� !s tetaMa�e�If-Bo�wer'�eets op�ia caoditi�. Basm+�et sl��havt the r�i�t._1tE�re -
<br /> a�fomema�t of tius Sacar�g.�In�euma�t dit�000tioued yt rry time pHor ro IUe ea�lier ot: (�}S Asyi tar wch odkt qeriai at
<br /> .�ppficaMe law may �porify fat�laaeat) �et+re e�1e.of t�epto�eny p�tt�u�nt w any po�e�oi�ak conp�nod in d�s
<br /> Sacurity Iniuumrnt:or(b)aitry af a�dsonaN�atitocriry thi:5ecurhy[htcumeru.11rac ooadltbn��re thrE 8ocruwer:(�l pa a , .
<br /> . Laider dl wa�whkit t6ea wauld be duG uedGr this$eauity Imu�ument a�d t6e Nnk as if na�oaknition tMd.oceurrad:(��
<br /> carrt�ryr ttefit4R ai iny aUK[eave�qnts or�:tc)�P�9:.ali�e�a�a,incur�ed`m enforcin�t�is'S�cYrit�r InWua�ent, ,
<br /> includinj,bqf oot litniled ta.rra�nnbk attuenzy�'fas:and tdf qica such yction�s l�c�t�det n�y er�a�wMr,m�uit�e w atwe�e .. . .
<br /> th�t the IKn of this Securiry Mstrument.I:eadlr's riglKS iti tNe Propaty md Boaower'�obliption w pap ti�e`sua�s secue�ed by
<br /> � this Sewcky TaNrument t�6�11 oontin�c uqclda�ed. tJpnn atins�alen�K bY Botr�n�ler. W�s Sautity tnstnnt�dit �nd tbe
<br /> ' obli�tiom fecured 1kr�eby siWl reanin feilly effective as if nn socsleration h�r!oon►rrad. Howbver:this rig[�t to�eiratatt s�wll
<br /> not�ppty in tLe wse of acaeteration under patagnph t7. . �
<br /> i! S�le at Notr, C6ao�r at I�o�s Sasicer.'I'hr•Note ar a paNa!intere3t in the Nate (togetlxr with this Searicyi
<br /> I�)may be sold one or mort times aitLoat prior aotic�e w Borrovrer.A sale may�+esutt in a c6aoge ia�the e4tity(kaown
<br /> .. as the'Loan Servioec`)th�t oollects moothlY P�Y��due under the Note and this Secarity Iactramau:T6ec+e�tso may be ane
<br /> or nare changes uf the Luan Secvicer unretated to a sate of t�Ncxe.[f t6ae is a diaage of thee ivan Se�vioer.Bomovra will 6e
<br /> given writtcn riatia of t6e change in aoco�dmce witi�gazagrap614 aboveud appliabie law.The notice xr�f1 sr�te thc rnm�e aod ,
<br /> �addnsg of the new Lout Servicer and the address to which pay�teau slauld @e made.The norice w�'ll�Iso contain any ott�er _
<br /> �infom�tion raryired by appi'kable law. .. � . . .
<br /> � b. Bs�ardorc Sab�ts�oes.Boirower shaU not e�nse or gertnit 16e pt�serwe. ii�r;dapo�al,storage, or nlease of 9ny ' ,
<br /> . . Ha�dous Snbstu�oes on or in t6t PcepeitY• Rorrowa siiatt �t dp. nar silow anyane Use to do, anyChing affe�ng the
<br /> Property d�at is in violation of any Eavmoiurental I.aw.?he gceoeding two seateaoes shaU meiE apply to the ptesenEe.nse.ot
<br /> storage on the Prope�ty of srnalI qaa�rties df Har�+dous 5utistances that are gereralJy neaog�w 6e appropriate to nonna3
<br /> - � resideiNial uses aod to mainten�nce oft5e Ptvperc�... . . . .:. _..�. ,,-., . r.� . .
<br /> Borrower shall promptly give ie�nder writtea notia of any invest�igation,ciaim,demand,lawsuit or other action by 3ny
<br />_ � govancn�ntal or regt�latory agem�y or privau pacty involving the Pmpe�aad any Hazatd6its Substaaoe or Environmental Iaw
<br /> �of whictr Bo�rower has�ctua!knowP�ct;e. If Borrower leau�as.or is ed,by.azry gov�nta!or regulatory authority.th�t
<br /> amy reiaov�al or othtr cr�miediation co�f any Hazardous Substance affuting the l�roperty is�'ry.Borrower shall pmsnptly ta�e
<br /> aQ aecessacy reasad'ral aaions in a�tdance with Environmental Law. , . •
<br /> � As uxd in this pac,�g�apE►2Q; "HaTardous Substances"are those substances definod as toxic or harrrdous substances by
<br /> Environmenta! Law aad d�c fotta�ing substances: gasoline. kerosene,other flammable or toxic pevoleum prodacts. toxic
<br /> pSSticides and herbicides,volatite s��ents,materials containing asbestos or fom�aldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used ia
<br /> - _ m�s patagaapn 20,"�nvirona�aII'.f�`aw"-mrails-federai IavPS�zE taws af-d�e jarisdicci�r�vhare fi�Prapert�is-ioc�t�i tirat --.__
<br /> , relate w health.safety or eaviron�.�:�1 protecxion. " �
<br /> NON-U1�iIFOitM COVENRh"�S Borrower and L.esyder��er coveaant aad agr�e as follows:
<br /> 21.Acoeteration;Remedies.Ixnder shai�g[ve notice to Borrower grlor to aoalernlion followi�Bormwer's brenc6
<br /> .ot�uy onveos�at or agretment in tt3s Savrity Inrtrumern (bat not prior to a��ateration uader pu9grapb !7 unkss
<br /> stppliptbk law provide9 ot6erwise�:�e notice s6aU specif�: ta)t6e detault;(b) the adion reqoired to cure t6e ddnult;
<br /> (c)a dadq not less than 30 days fi�m the date ihe noNce i�givcn to Borrower,by w6id�tde defaWt mast be cured;and
<br /> (�Uwt failare to wre the det'�att oa or before the date sparitied in tLe notice map cesult in acceleradon ot t6e swns
<br /> secutal by thts Security In�irament and sale ot the Pr�opeRy. The natice shall furtha inlorm Borrower o[the rig6t to
<br /> rdnstate alter acceleration and tlu dght to 6ring a caort action to as�st the noa-exLstence of a detauit or any other
<br /> defense ot Boerower to��nn and sate.I(the default is not cac�9 cin or befose tbe date specitied io the notioe,
<br /> I.ender,9t its optioR, tn�y r�immediate pvyment in€e�11 ot all svms secured��v this Security Instrummt wit6out '
<br /> further dcmand aurd msn ixtvv�e�e power o!safe and am'�tE�er remedies pe�mitte�&@s�_applicabie law.Lender sbal!8e
<br /> --i,jiiti��vcoltect all expenses i�qoaca�ed in puisving the r�pravided in thts par�sph Zl.including,but not limited
<br /> to,tes�.sonA6le pttorneys'fees art�s�s o!titte cyidence.
<br /> ' ' I!the power ot sale is invoke8, Tn�stee shall rocosd a notice of detault in each county in which any part ot the
<br /> Property is IocAted aed slwll mtii��opl�of such notke in the manner presecibed by applicable Ipw to Borrower and to
<br /> t6e otLer pe�sons prescri6ed by�Yica6le luw.ARer the Nme reqWred by applica6le daw,Tnutoe shali gtve pubQc notice
<br /> ot s�le to the persoas and in the�anner prescribed by applicAble law. Trustee.witt�nt demand on Borrower,s6a11 sell
<br /> the Property at publk auction tcv u�e highest bidder 9t the time and pls�ce and undcr dHoe terms desig,nated tn the notice ot
<br /> sale ie one or nare paecels and a�n any order Trustee determines.Tn��tee may postQone sale of all or any ppr�cel of t6e
<br /> Property by publk announcear�t pt the time and place o!any pre�f�q,� schedu�ed sale. l.eader ar its designee may
<br /> purtl�se the Propeety at a�s�
<br /> . Form 3028 9J90 =
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