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<br /> , ' �. �i K Ie�e�'��0l. BO[[OMw![ltldl �ptp t�bG iqlpfG�Yp�iMf 00�►�C!tiE1�10!a!f'IM�a 1tiC
<br /> ' PlOQCft�i�Ed��C�R by fi�iC.��iOC30d[d wjdlih 1�kRi1t���fdlldE�COi1n!'�C��d#Qy���1�(�� �' .�.
<br />- . �OOdS O!'�OOdl�s fD[11t�1�f�.l�OdCt[OCp�IlS 1�1i[mOC.�1t.S�O�I�E 1��(fG lOi�[Ifi�Et�!II tbG�OYdf��Ot t�jllllOdi.
<br /> � fllt[j.EOaEi IbQli1LS.��1E�CilZ1C[j�lOYI�D$111C 1QSUIi�OG����1C CI106l��T BOTCOIYCt SUbJCC�f0�'S•�1[OY�. .
<br /> Wh'tCh S�Ifll nOt IfC UOl+dISODibly Wit�ICld.If BO[DDWG�i15 W DYIII�iIII OOYEtagC dGSCtl�bOd#�10VC.�+�fkt A1iY+�t I+EIIL�d''i
<br /> OjK10l1,O�illt OOVCf�$C t0�[OICCt j.dldl.Y'S Tl�li lII 1�lC�tOpR�Y lA�OGOIf�i000 iVltb�i�fdQ�i�:' . .. .
<br /> Atl ins�umoe pd��s and reaewals sDill be aooe�ble w Lmder aod sl�al'E include a standuYi nwrtp�e,cl�ais�,,I;e�er
<br /> sb�ll have the riadt to Aold tbe poticks and ra�1s..If Isnder t�tires.Botrower s6atl promptlY En!���Ar?1A�s�
<br /> � pu�piemnu�s a�d ienewat notias_Ia rt�e+rabGo�'tas�,:Hoiir�s�r�aiU Sive�t notic�e to,t�i�aob�' ��:
<br /> ��,�A°°f of toss if tnC mad�pmmptly:hy.�:�- ,''':;s,;:� , .: .';.�,,,_ , � �''�`a�: :4,.';';��
<br /> 4 � ' ' .' ,. �z: ..�,,,
<br /> �:� a�d'�xa�ie��!i�e�+a�n writu�:�i��'FOei��s`�`be�►1I��a t�stontioa or��%�;�;. ,
<br /> .—Pmperty��Ehe t+�aa aF�ptir is eooqomiadty fea�sble�aai!I,e�fer's sa;tuity is not�sseae�.If tLe t�dtot�i�7r �.;,:
<br /> repair is mt eoonomiql[y fezsi6le or L�eader's savrity wauld be ks4eaed.tbe insut�noe Prooeads shdt be applied to tbe tba�s
<br /> saca[ed vy tbis secariey[nstcommt..v�ther or ra u�dae,with�p e�o�ess p�id to Bonnwer. If Bormw�er abrdotw�
<br /> ProQe�ty.or does mt amwer wiWin 30 drys a ootice from I.adei,tLU tbe i�ur�ae curitr t�s ot�aat ta settk s daim;��bea
<br /> t,ader msy eouxe the in�uaoae pmoeeas.tenaa m.y use the pcooeeds w repir or mtor��he Pcupe�ty or w pay s�iats
<br /> sec�ned by thi�Sa.yriry Irotrumait.whdber a not d�er►due.The 30-dsy perlod�viA be�ia�rl�pn tbe notloe i��iven. �
<br /> iJnless 11Mer�d 8ortnwer atherwise a�roe in writi�, anY �PP�iqtion of proaeds to priecipi�uU aot extetd oc
<br /> poupate the due d�of the morMhly p�ymeats referrod to in p�r�r�ptu 1 md�2 ot dunjt tht�anur�.uf�the p�nfaxs.If
<br /> wider qr�npit 21 the Propetty is aoquited by.l�rnder.Borrnka'i ri�ht W any in�uraoce policies md prooeed��auidaf ftum .
<br /> ��.��Y P�to the�cquiution�tadi pw a lx�der w the exta�t of Ihe wnir secured by this 5ecurJty lmaua�an
<br /> immedt�tdy prior W thc uquisitioo. . .
<br /> �•�l�9.��.�tew�e a�d Ikotectba ot tl�e Ptapa�tY;�ecrowe�'s�.oY AppYeatio�;l.eretioiis.
<br /> Bormwer siul!aavpy.es�ablish.and use the P�operty as Bormwer's prineipd nesideae within sixtY dsys aRcr the exavtion of
<br /> tHis Security Instrument�nd al�il conti�we to oocupy the Pmperty at Horrower's principl reaidence for u le�et one yar after
<br /> _ the d�te af ocwp�ncy.unless t,ender otlurwise a�cres in writing,which ooasrnt stall uot 6e.uacpsonsbly withheld..or w�less
<br /> exteawting ciiaa�es eaist which m beyond Harmwtr's control. Bort�nwer sir�ll �rot desctmy: da�nage or imp�ir d�
<br /> Property, allow the Pmperty to detalorste.or oomrNt waste on the Pcoperry. Borrower sivil be In dafiwit if any forfeiduz _
<br /> actian or prooeeding.w6�ther civil or cdmiml,is begun that!p I�ender's good faitb jodgment owtd�c�esuit in forkituce of�
<br /> Property or alxrwise muerially impair the lien created by this 5ccurity Instntment or t.ender's sxurity inkrest.Hornower may
<br /> cure sueh a defauit and nimtate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the sction or proceutiag tn be dismissod�rith: ,,
<br /> that, in L,eader's good faith determination,Pncludes forfeitunc oS¢�e Borrower's inttrest in the Pmpecty or other�.:,' .,:,;
<br /> impairmeat af the Gen crqted by this Suairity Instrumcnt or Lendzi's secnrety interest. Borrower s6a11 atso be in de�.a�ll�,s�• :
<br /> --- Borrowe�daiing tiie fa�an applicafon prooess:gave materiatiy�a7seo5r.inaccatate iaforn�ation or sta�anaots fd Lenaer�dc�$��—=:'..::;".-.-
<br /> to pravide�nder with any material iafoe�nation)in connoction R�,i�e loan evidenced by the Note.iuclud'wg,but not.tji?�'�d
<br /> to,rep�tions oonamin Borrowej's of the '"
<br /> g accupancy Prop�i�:as a principal residence.If this 5ewriry Instrumeat zs��a
<br /> lease6otd.'Borrower shail comply with all the provisions of t�e iease. If Bornawec acquires fce titte w the Property, the
<br /> [easehold and the fee tiNe shall not merge unless I.ender agcees to the merger in writing. _ .
<br /> 7.Ptota�tton ot Len�kr's Rtghts in ihe Property.if Borrow,er fails to perform the covenants and agreeu�eats contained in
<br /> �this Soccuc�ty Instrument.or there is a legal proceeding that��:;�;�ificantly affect l.ender's rights in the Property(such.as a
<br /> ' prac�ed'uij¢.iiz bankruptcy,probate, for condemnation or forfe¢ce�^e�s io enforce laws or regulations).then Lender may d►y;� ,
<br /> . -,:•.:.. _ .,,,.
<br /> pay fdr,a�+�a,��er is necessary to protect the value of the Propati�a;n�,LenQer's rights in the Property. Lender's acti���si;.�;•,. . ,
<br /> in�t�e gis�s£�;:aay sa�':secured by a lien which has priari:�;:���:;-t��'�tY Instrament, aPPearinS in co�ut: �;�.i�.,, :, �.
<br /> reaso�a[rte�:c'ter�teys:C�i�td entering on the Property to matce s�::5.Artv��:=.�.ender may take action under this pcyrugi�s ' •
<br /> ��. 7.i,e�de��i9es noe hao�r,i do so. ' �
<br /> �• At?��1.�no�nts dishesrsed by �1i;s.under this paragr^�?:,shall become additional d'�i� vf Borrawer secara�.�cX this
<br /> � '�:5ecvrity instnunent.Elnless$onaur�r i�L�der a��ree to ot(..:,aemu of payment.these amaunts shalt 6eac i�teres�"ram the
<br /> �:'�;�`-��, pf disbwsement ai t�tie Note r�ce and shaiB[s�payable, with interest. upon notice from l.ender t�6`cruwer roquesting
<br /> ,'�' �6��t. ' „ ' � ,
<br /> • �:.':!F�dYtgage Iasmance.If Lender requirod mortgage insm�-.��i�z as a wndition of making the loan secured by chis S�rity _
<br /> Instn�riietsr;Borrower shall pay the premium.s required to�;7aiit ifie mortgage 'snsurance in effect. If, for any reasonr the =
<br /> moRgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceas�:.+�rlie in effect.Barrawer shall pay the premiums re�uired to =-
<br /> obtaia wverage substatc�,ially equivalent to the mnrtgage insurzrtc4:,�ceviausly in effect. at a cost substantially equivate�:to the °
<br /> cost to Bomnwer of the•snortgage insusance previously in effe�.�'ti:om an aitemate mortgage insurer approved by l.ender. If `
<br /> substantialSy equivalent mortgage itt��:tance coverage is not avail:,sl:i�a,.Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a siun equal to �,
<br /> one-iwel�ite�f the yearly mortgag�,fiti:urance premium bein�.pui�i��$orrower when the insurance coverage fapsed or eeaseA to �
<br /> he in effect.Lenderwill accept.usc�M;retain these pay,me�us�as ti toss reserve in lieu of mortgage insuranse. Iass�resetve
<br /> . ,,,, . , ..
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