� !-�..�.E � k • ';, s �—_
<br /> - ._ . , .
<br /> _- ._ , , _
<br /> - - 7 • ' -
<br /> —� - _ —.-= �---, i ` --- . -- - �` -. . �•�� � -- - --
<br /> �7.'�`l�i�!R+NlIY,Y K!�f�!�1��fl�w�lf.�[�o! p�e't OLIMfG�O�Qty►�f�11NlfWICi11 lt� .
<br /> - itlOW C!�(O[�f bpllrlc�l�1!!�!��11.�1[I�Ylr l�f0�1�Ot IJ�f�Cfl'�ad�tE 110t�AYIY[i1�lf��11�MOrt. '
<br /> l,pld!'t':Q�IOt M�[11ilR 00�. �lAdCi IIM�. � Ib Oj1�lOS. . 1�'I�G�111GK�1! � Of� �fOCrlbd:� �i
<br /> Soaitity I�aaumar.How�wer,this aptlm sh�U aat be es�aci�i��tadet if e�tacite u Mrat�Ae�by Wda�sl la�►at�t d�e�M1e, ,
<br /> of this Secutity Imtru�eat. , � " . ,
<br /> , . If i�rnd�er�xercises t!►is upiion.i.en�kr�inll jiv�Botcawrr i�otioe utaeo�wn.'tUe notioe shall peovide a paiod d aoE .
<br /> tess fh�n 30 dtys fmm tt�a d��.aot�e ii ddive+od.or rt�iiod MitL1�n�fiice cm�w�er must pay ail tums;sxurod b�c this
<br /> Savrity Iapn�nKnt.If 8orrowecA�iia 1p/ry there s�msprior w the expiratian o[this perial.La�der a�r i4voire ary�dnedies
<br /> pmnitteQby�his Soauity L�trrins�i W fert8et notu+e a d�nd on 8�xrowa. �
<br /> . . la:.�enwR's�Si�1t iw �f Hono�ver meeW oatain roMditions. 8ormwer sl�dl have !6e ri�t to hava
<br /> enfonema�-`of ti�'Secniity _ - . � . a[any time prio�r to the eartier ot ts�S days tor sueb ad�er perioct as
<br /> appliaDk la�v raaY apxifY for ceit�nent)before sale of tGe Pmpaty pursusnt`to my powCr of s�ie comind id dqs .
<br /> Securitg Insttw�:or_(b)mtry of a judgmbnt eafo�iu�this Savrlry I�U'utridM.Thote oondi�arK sre th�t Bos�oMer•(a)P4Ys
<br /> Lender a11 sum�whicb then woWd be dae ander this Securiry Ins�omeat�md t6e Note as if no a¢odetation b�d oocumed.(b)
<br /> cu�es arty default uf�aq atlxr oava�o�ls or ascoe�r�ents:(cTpays atl e,spaoses jacvrrad in esfonci�lhis SocuriEy 1n�noari. .
<br /> includin�,but not limited to.t�e�wn�ble momrys'foes:wd(d)takes such aetion�s I.tnder maY�ac�61Y ralui�e w assuc�e
<br /> d�at the liea of this Sacarity Lstrumeac.I,eoder'a�gtus in e6e F�opeity aod Borrower's oblig�tion to pay the wms secn�ed by
<br /> thu Sautity Ira�umeat sh�l! caati�e oacLanaad. (Jpon iei�emrnt by Bon�awer. tUis Security tusuwdent sed the
<br /> obligatioc�secuted daeby shaU�in fully effoctive as if n�xcxlentiot►t�d aocurrod.How�ver.Wis right to nimiate sMil
<br /> not�ppty in the c�se of aa�ek�atioq under paragrnpis 17.
<br /> -f!. S�le o[Nat�Ciu�e ot I.o�u ServioeE:Tbe Nou ar a puriai int�nest in tLe Note<�S� whh this Sxurity
<br />= Inst�ument)mry be soW aae or mnre times without prIor notice to Bomnwex.A sale may Ksult in s ct�ange in tbe rntity(Imown
<br /> as tbe'Loan Servicer")thac wllects mo�hly�y�ts due ander d�e Nate and this Saurity Inwumeru.'if�e also ma}�be one
<br /> or m�c cl�anges of the Loart Servicer unneiamd ta a s�e af the N�e.If there is a ct�nge of the tvan Setviar.BanaWar r�di ba
<br /> givea�vcitten notice of tbe chau�e m aooncdanoe wit6 par�h 1�atiove aad appiicable taw.3�uaticc w�st�e die aam��ri .
<br /> _ ad�af the�vv C�n Sesvicer and the addtess to w�ieh gagments shouId tre made_TGe cw�ae w�atsa ooeraisz an�r a�5er .
<br /> �..�iacequittd[nr�ppiicabie�aar_ _ ..: . : . .,.? ;. . :•::'.;.i�:- •��':.��"~:"�;;_, :,,;
<br /> _, .. �.Haallo�s 5r6sWccs�.Bormv��ea�'ixi�.;��ise or permit the pr�x,use.d�„��c-'��:tl��'�' , �
<br /> �' ;'�s�bstanoe�.e�Qr in dre PtvQe�tg::t3t3i��v�r sidl uoc cb,�r•.�;.�ts�qe'�au�i?+�r�3n��l�ae Y��
<br />. � `�`, �!';�:!S f.fF��r�J�7.i Q��..F'1IR'LT�^.4S'i.I�[3�.�, ',���'1.3�VY.�lC Q[008�fi�'Q��;SC�Iti..�OC4 S�1ii�13�(s"��jr tA 1�1C�� �� r t ,
<br /> _ SiOI�{� �'1��5,t�t.:���tll�t�i12$`Uf H�OIjS SI1�t��:����.A�?r?�U�t0 tiC�3a/iOp�13IC,�,.�i"t•-�qild.iC�'i J `yti �
<br /> IC51dE'�i�.��:%aTi$R7` �.���tJ�i�IGL?y'aPe1Ty• �, ,��;��• !
<br /> ' B�tt'�;si�tt��S�;;g���r�wtnu�rt no6«af at�r�ia�esug�%,.��,�;.c�."�?awsuic or aher a�(rri•.` �xi.y�.:. . ��::�
<br /> �`: �:',
<br /> Boveramea�'+.i tiii�a�;v��.�s�u I�ir��.�artF:.�u�'a�Iving,t��i�ertY��`�v?i�sa3��c�b,;'�stance or�p rqp��i`�aw
<br /> of whirtt'L4ai�ctiv�et;�`a�.."t�t1�.a�U�i#�i .?�+��skt�r��ctotiHed 6y�cY gu'�:?�.=�-a?��(?�:�:•t1�at
<br /> ��:$o��:.
<br /> any�at�r other remodiatiidn:�i�3E 3��t'+�rm�.�"st��'�l�ng the Property�s�x, �,-cr�.ar��f�gt+�tir�.�take
<br /> all nocessacy iemedial actions in a�uii�ce x�,r��ii��ronmentaT Law. °` .; '`�.,��„ .
<br /> As used in this patagraph Z0. "Hazardats 5ubstances"are those substauces defined as toxic or ha7mdous subst�t�ces by
<br /> - • Environmental Law and the following substarkes: gasoline. keroseae. other flammable or toxic petrolwm�roducts. toxic
<br /> pesticides atKf herbicides,volatile solvents,materials containing asbestos or fam�aldehyde,and radioactive matenals.As used in
<br /> this patag=aph?A. 'F.rts�tantnenta!Law" means federa! la�vs and laws of tl�e jurisdiction where.the Prq+eity is t�catM that_.__ -_
<br /> «l�te to health,safety or emirortmemal pratection.
<br /> :� �1,=�� .;, . NON-UMFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and I.ender further covenant and agree as foltows:
<br /> �.�'r:."�;',� ' � 21.Aecekratloo;Remedl�.l.enAer shall give notke to Borrower prior to accehxatia�(iu1b�Borro�cer's breaeh
<br /> ' � j"� � ot any covea�nt or s�ge�eement in thts Security ln�trummt (but nat prior to acceieration ueder p�ra�aph i7 u�
<br /> •�;_�a-�'�' ��`���, applicaMe I�w provides otl�er�ise).Thr notice shail spi+cify: (a)the defanih.(b)the action requind to cure the defwit;
<br /> �S�%�.`����= '�;. ' (c)a date.not kss tlwn 30 dsys fmm the dsite the natice is g,i�•en to Bortnwer.by w6ich the default must 6e cured;aad
<br /> -�,;_. ; -
<br /> �,:,, .°. . �w;: (d)that iaibre to care the de�auU on or betore the date specitlM to the notice may e+e.cult in pccekratioe of the sums
<br /> ,�r�;.-�.�.�;,,��� Secured by this Securit�r Instrument at�d sale oi the Pruperty. The notice sh�ll further infam Borrower of the rl�bl to
<br /> . -�;_,`:_. =`-`'� reiastate�Rer accelention and t6e dght to bring a cou»action to assert the oon-existence ot A defauk or�ny dber
<br /> ,f�!�`'�+':'��� : - defatse o t Borrnwer to a o c de�t ion a n d ss 1 e. [!t 6 e d e tau lt i s not cu r e d on or 6 e[on t h e d ate s p e�i t k d tn t b e 1 a l i�Y,
<br /> �,_.._ _ ,.,y.
<br /> `°;_�.�-E:,=:; • �' Lender, at its optiaf,may reqnire immediate p�yment in full o�all snms secured by thts Secarity lastrnrn�nt�eitboat
<br /> '-�.•� furt6er demand�nd may invoke the pow•er ot sate and apy Mher remedies permitted by applicabk law.l.tadtr s6a11 be
<br /> —_,�_� entitled to cotlect�II expense.s incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this par��raDA 21,inctuding,but not Uniited
<br /> r�� �� to,reasonable attoraecs'fees aed oosds of titte er}dence.
<br /> , �� ' `'`°'`� � If the Ker ot sate is in�c�Ce�,Trostee shall record a notice of detaalt in exh coanty in whkb an oi tt�e
<br /> •.r " �,'�i�;,�r,,, . pp • 9[�
<br /> ;r•.��,;:Y:�.; :� •' Yroperty is tacated a�!s1�1t mai4 cvpies oi sach notice in tl�e manner prescn't�hf �pplicabte taw to Boerower and to
<br /> � _��.•�:�..Y'�:;� . � the other persons��.i�d b}appUcable laR.After t6e time reqaired b�zpQf'ac�'b�la�r,Trastee shall give paMic notice
<br /> •,;.'..', �- ot sale ta tl�e persons s�+!in the m��ner pr�c�e'bed by applicabte lax.TraStee. wit�out demand on Borruwer,shall sdl
<br /> ,xi:;1:.�•� :..
<br /> _ , Kr;�;;,..�. ., t6e R�o�s.t�yt public auction to t�e fiighest bidder at the time and ptace and i►iidev��e 3e�ms designated in the notics ot _
<br /> - . • sale i��aie or more p+nels uid i�a�ry order Tnutee deteemincs.Trtutee may past�'sale of all or aoy parcd ot the =
<br /> . • Praprrt�6y publk announcement�t the time amrd place ot�ny previou5ly schedule�c�te. I.ender or its designee may =-
<br /> purclwse the Propa�t��t�ny�le. • �
<br /> �*`;� ':� • . ' � �-'
<br /> • . � .
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