. S. � .- ' ' . . .. _-_
<br /> �L ' . . ' __ .. _ '` =-..- _ - r ' l? . r.. . �. ` r��.�� ._ .
<br />- ' , <.: � - c. . a . _ . � . . . _ .: - - s . , .
<br /> , � 1'f.'h����! K t��M�Y�!l�11i1l.��Or �t OE 1�C$I�OpO�I)►�t�3aE1'iE/�`��t
<br /> ' �t lip�.Cf�(0[1���j6�tCMEf li/�d.O��'I�Od M���IWl't A�r pRM1r}_
<br /> M
<br /> 1,AIdlt•f p[IO! MRfUE�COO�E�.I�E'OdE��y.� �`�M�Q� �t��� ��O��U �M�l�CrfO�� '. ' <
<br /> Seeatit�r i�umeat.Hc�e.ver,l6is optioa�slpil not be eurci��I�der if,a�i�e i�pici�iblled bY tedet�i'�r�s qt,tf�e dala�
<br /> s. .of this Septrity ta�wneat. . . , '. . . . .`
<br /> � � � If teader e�e�cises this aption,Leade�sh�il Sive Horrox�s no6te bf aood�oe.'�'!ie notice ah�dl_pmvide a pa,iod of not ` �
<br /> . kss tli�a:30 daya fivm tbe date tl�e�wtice is ddivand or�m'ted whhin�rhlcA Somowet must p4y a1I soms sea�rad by t�is .
<br /> .+ Sew�fty La+trama�t.If Borm�ra�faiDs w priy t6ese sua�s�w the eapiratan of this periodr I.c+da'may iairoke my crmedia ; �
<br /> �erutioted by tbis Savriry Imtr�eat witba�t fuctha mt�ae or darond oa Hormwa , . _ •
<br /> �- ts.=Da�a's lti�t ta Rdo�at�•If 8oao�rer-meeta eert�in conditions, Boaower-:shsll.have dre riEht'tQ h�ve.. __
<br /> e�fonement of tlti&,Soa�rity Ins�nait disooatinued at any Eime prior w the ariie[o� h?5�(or sucA ather period.as .
<br /> • _ �pplicable 1iw tmp specify for rei�a�t?,ifduoe a�le of.the Pmgetty parswmt to suy powes of s�le oont�ined in @tis `
<br /> ' Sacurit�r�umeot:or(b).eotcY of a judgmmt mfo�iag tl�ia Savrity InsbiQneat.li�ose uooditio�at+e'th�t Bor�nwa:ta)AFys .
<br /> I�eader a11,wms krhich thai.v�rouW be dne under t6is Socurity I�and t6e Note as if no aoxk�tion had occu�red:•N) �.
<br /> cuns any debult of aay otnec oov�nts ar a�e�ts;(r).PaYs.al�expames�cumed in eafacing this Security I�t,
<br /> includir�.but not lmuited to,�ason�ble�auorneys'foes;and(d�taiues such'action at L�ender may�soo�bly�nqwze ta as�are � . .
<br /> tb�t tbe,lim'of this Securitp�tramwt.i.aider's rights in th�.i�r�eity aod Boimwer's ol�tI to pay the s�ms sacuted by�
<br /> t6is Sd�ricy I�umeat s6�il oontiaue urcbangad. Upon;�teme�t D3r Borma+a;.�S�ritY Irauamait sod dfe :
<br /> ai�fi�socutod�y shall mnain f+illy effecti�e as if no<aEeeter�tion 6a�oocumd.�iowev�r;�bis ti$ht to rieit�tate shaU.r",:.'°_:.
<br /> .oot npptv-m the case`.e�ameleration under p�ragr��7. .:::_:;'°: . � . , �,-".
<br /> .�
<br /> :�;S�k of�i'?6�,.�lp�e o[Lo�n Ses+i»�ve�e;.��'1'de I��d:°�a partial intetest in tbe Note(tagdifa with this Secarity,. • _
<br /> -�3 s�iaq be so�d oae or me�times withoui prior naice�:�orrower.A sala may rasult in a cf�ngc in the aniry�vvn .,
<br /> � as`�hc"'dsia[[�i�vicer')that colleds monthlY l�Y�nts dut ari�ec�e Note and this Saatrity Ltswment.Tlx�e also ma�:,.,.:'unt
<br /> .; or eeot�et�anges of t1�e Lo�►SeivieeF u�elated to a sale of the Note.tf there is a d�wge of tbe L,oan Servicer.Boaox+�?�tett be ,
<br /> ea
<br /> �;;;�: given wriaea notia of`t�e d�ge in accoidaooe witt�parsgrapti f4 abava and��+plicable law.'The aoticx wU state tl�e r�me.and •
<br /> addnss of die ne�v Lr��'�erviar ac�d tbe.address w which payments s1so��:�ade.Tbe notice will also cantairi,ai�:cither
<br /> � 9nfomaid4n t�uircd 65'�pplirable Lt�.v.. .�- . �� . . • � ":�`''
<br /> . x;R Hasu+dops Srb�staoces::�'�wer shall not c�ue�r�niit tlie�tn�esmee,a�d'�.s�os�l. storage:or niease!e�',st� � .
<br /> �Ha� Su6stanees on ot in �'�'bpettY. Borrowes.s1�.aot do. nor aliow anyon�el�e to do. �ng affe���Ye •� ;;.
<br /> � • ptupen.y�t is in violation of an��4vimnnoa�tal Law.The pnceding two semenoes shall not apply w�presence.use.or . .;•�;
<br /> stonge bn the Propact�of smaU quanaaes of HaTacdaus Substanas that are generapy recognized to be approprtat�to nomial .,.
<br /> �esidenti�l uses and��ntea�aace of tUe Propaty. _ . . :. , _ ::s;:j;.
<br /> Borcower shalt gromptlY give I.ender wntten�tic+�of an}r iavestigation,claim,demand,Iawsuit or ather action by any 7;, ;;:..
<br /> . government�l ar ngulatary a8eac:Y or private perty involving the�peny and a�y Hazazdous Subst��ce or Envimnmeatal Iaw ..
<br /> of which Horrawer has acx�[1a�o�i.�' e.If Borrower leams.or is notified by any govemm�ental or regulatory authority.that ..
<br /> ury tecuovaf or otAa temediation eE��Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is�r,Borrower shall promptiy talce
<br /> all neassary remedi�-.��.a�ionc in aoe4�i��ee�€nvironmeatal Law. � . ..' .,
<br /> As used'm tfti�.�2Q„'�#aia.�s�abstances"are tbose subst�ndas defined as toxic or harardaic substanors by �; `.�.
<br /> Enviroq�'it;�:;a�'f the foltai�ix�sabsfi��: gawline, kerosene, or�es�atmrr�ble or toxic pehoteum products. toxic ` . „
<br /> pestici�ies�d-i�ecbicides,volatile s��E�ts.materiats contatning as6estos or forn�aldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in '
<br /> this p�20. "BnviromrsentaTf�:aw'' means Podera! laws atid laws of tTie junTds icdon wUece tI�e�ope�ty is Joc$tod tltat
<br /> retate to fiealth.safety or envimnmental pcocection. . �' .��
<br /> NON-UNI�ORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as fallaws:
<br /> 21.Aocekratbn;Ranedies.Lendec s�a11 give notice to Bom►wer prior to a��cekration following Borrowe�'s bre�ch
<br /> oF any oovenant or a�+eemeet io this Socurity [n�tnimeo�tbat uot priar to nccderation nnder parAgrap6 17 unfas4
<br /> applicable law providts otherwLse).77�e notice shall specif�: 4a)the detauit;tb)tbe actioa required to cure tLe default;
<br /> (c)s d�ta,not kss tLan 30 days Em�t6e date the notice Is�iven to Borrower,by wbicb tl�e defautt mtut be cured;and
<br /> (d)that fs�ilure to curc the defaaft on or befon the date�ed in the notice may�sult in acceieratioa ot tLe sams
<br /> seau+ed by this Sewdty I�strammt s�nd sale ot thc Properly. Ttie�oti�shall further iniorm Borrower of tMe right to
<br /> retnstste atter soceferation and the r�ght to bdng a court adion to�t the non�acistence ot a default or nny at6er�
<br /> � de[ease ot Borrower to aooeleration And sale. V the deta�ilt is not cate�.on or before the date speci[icd iu the aotia,.
<br /> La�dcs,at its option,mAy rtquire immcdiate p�yment ie�`aiU ot stfl�secur+ed by thts Security Instromeat witlaat
<br /> t�deewnd and msy im�oke tfie power of sale and a�ry ak;rer remedies permitted by applicable Is►w.I.ei�der.s�alt 1x
<br /> a�td�to tolkct WI expe�ses tncun+ed tn parsuiag the remcdies provided in this puragraph 21,inctuding,D�t a�nt 1�Gted
<br /> ' to,rr�tsonaWe attorneys'[ces and cosis o!titie e��idence. � ' � '
<br /> It thepower oi sale is invoked, Tn�ctee sh�li reeord a notice of defaWt in eacb county ia +��ici�any Qwre a�tfi�e •
<br /> Prnperty is bcatM and slwll mail copies ot sucb notice in the maaner prescrlbed by applicabte C�to BorroRer and to '. �
<br /> the M6er peesoas peesctibed 6y appUcable law.Atter the Nme required by applicattLe 1`��s;�RlIStCC fiI1aII�Y!pIIM�IC OOL� .. .,:'`,
<br /> ot sak to the persons and in t6e manaer prescrfbed by appllcable law.Trustee,+�it�s��nand on Borrower,sln�sdl ..� �
<br /> t6e PropeAy at pubiic auction to the highest bidder at t6e time and place and under L7i„r terms designated in the noticr ot:. ••,
<br /> s�le in oee or more parcels and in any order�'n�stee deterntines.Trustee may postpone sale ot all or any p�roel of tl�e .
<br /> � , Pmpe�iy 6y public announcemeat �t the time and place of any previawE�scheduled sate.l.ender�r.Its desig�nee rtwy
<br /> parch�se the Pmperty at any sale. .
<br /> Form 3ozs s�90
<br /> Psgo 5 0�8
<br /> '^=:..., .... - ._. . . - _ .-. .- ,-� ��'.
<br /> i
<br /> 'iz3i.�fj.�^S�Q`3 .i �G� f.•i • �q�y�a �T e
<br /> __���.�. r'�T_}i. T ��" M:��' y.<��.T����"l`�.
<br /> St.+��__�-'_ __ :' '-_.,.._..-__l��- .�.......- " _'-__ _ —_— -- —_ -__ _'__-.
<br /> _- -r.K>y��; . _ _ � . . . . . - . }� . .��.'.�.t.�.�'T_ ' ' '.
<br /> �[.�t�i�e1..-__ __ ' ' . _ , . : - , .' , .,. , .;.. . .. .
<br /> � ac,.aa. z. . +�t� a[��,,�t 'a.�
<br /> . ._ — _......���'.. ' - . � . . _'rs3�d1�?p����:Y�C��L�..'Y4.'�R�FY?Ri..''•...fy�'�[�Y.•�+s.lc+A�iY^.
<br />