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<br /> • a v a`- . . "' . .'_' _., ' . ` . .� .` .. � ��at. . . r _ �� ` ,
<br /> '' ` S: ���� ��EG H0i10111�l�Ml� �p0�VIE l��� +O[��ll4lbd Cs 1�C �
<br /> � ��rope�tY i�1'ed�mt las bS►fm,hauds iecivaed�ridua tbe tam"acteoded cnver�e`aod any�6a h�raed�. incidi�� '
<br /> ,tlood:or tloodin�,for�L�o�er mqui�it�noe.�it�anioe aMlt bem�int�ined'm Wa atoopots�fprti�periods ' . '. '.
<br /> dut Imder cequ�ne.s.,Tl�e imarince aurier�rov�ing tbe iasuranx sl�li 6e cbosen by Boao�va s��b�OCt to I,enda's:approv�! :
<br /> which�lall not Ee unt�aso�ably witdhdd. If BQCmwra fails W�in eoverage deses�`!xd abo�re,I.ender m�y,�t Lenaes'c.
<br /> � o�tion,o6tain oove�age w pmtea I�idec's ri�in tbe Property in axoidiaa with parag�ph 7. � .
<br /> . . . Al!�noc poticies�rebcwals shs!!be ac�abk to Imdet a�aha}!'iatudc:�mo�tg,�e ctamte:Leeder '.
<br /> ahd�l�re the ria6t W l�old f6e policies am�eoe+vais.If I�eadec c�qnites,Borrow�er siW!P��Y 8��►e w Leadei all ce�eipts o�
<br /> .P�P�ums and��1 notiaes:ln ibe ere�t of Wss,Horm�rer al�ll�v�p�omp�t uocice to die inaonaoe c�crier�od Leader. . _
<br /> Isader may'm�loe proof af lor�if not u�ck p�ompdY bY�o�s�- - `
<br /> Uakss IsMer snd BosmrNer uthen�ise a�me in w�ri�iog.ina�ooa prooeeds ebalt be spptied tn ratacatia►or repir of tba
<br /> Pmpe�tY d�ed.ff i6e nstaation a npir.is eoono�ncaUy fea�le�md Isadet'.s�seauicy is mt le.veaed.lf tbe ra�or�tion ar
<br /> t�epair is not e0000minlly fasible ur Isader's saa�nity wnutd 6e leisaoed.tbe in�nooe p�oca�s.ahall 6e applied w the�ms
<br /> seaued by this Socuaty L�buma�t,whetLer ar tat thea doe.witb my exaas pid ro�orm�er. If Hamw�er ab�ndoo�the �'";
<br /> , PmpatY.or das not aosara wiWia 30 days a notix fmm�I.eader tlnt the i�unnoe�1�offaod to aeuk a claim,�hen
<br /> • L�der m�rnlbct tbt inwrmoe prooeeds. Lendet mty uae the p�oomtis ta rep�ir or�tba Pmparty or to py�ts
<br /> ��tiY��Y�,wlkther or�wt then due.TAe 30�ty peeiod�n716e�In rvhai thc tiotke is giym. ,'� f;:�° �
<br /> - Unkss Lader md Bor=ower othriwise ag�oe in wiitiug, aa3► applk�tian a�.prnoeo�s to ptincipl sh�il.not eztmd ar� . �
<br /> : postpone the due dat�-of tik�wnthiy psyrt�erKS refcried W in p�agnphs I ad:P..or da�t the aanotmt.of�1Pre}�Yn�iFs: jf ��
<br /> urd�p�agr�pb 21 d�e Pmpecty is xquicsd 6y I,ender.Bormwa's tiaht to aay�msiirmoe policies�ind qnoea3�cesultii�f�t►
<br /> ��d�rtngc to�e Pcopaty prior to We ac�isition sGall puc to l.eada to the e:teat o�tbe sun�s.aecu:+ad by this S�rity Ii�ait .
<br /> immediatdy priar to the aa�sitian. � . -�=�:.
<br /> . . f•Ooaip�e9,PI+�*atiao.Ma�aaa and Ptntaxlon ott6e Pe+upaty;Boeeowe�s Ia��;Lea�e�aii.
<br />_ Borrower shall aasnpy.e:aablis6,and use tbe Ikoperiy as 8orrovDer's priacipl nsidenoe within sixty dsys aftei th�exoartibn of
<br /> this Sxarity Instirameat aM shall continue w ooc,upy tlje Pmperty as Borrower's principal�esidenoe for at ta�st one Xar.��Rer �
<br /> the dMCOf oavpe�.y,wiless Lender�ag�+aes in Rrt�ta�g,ahich cons�t shalt not bt ma�ty withheld,u�tipa4ea
<br /> eaRe�r�at�ng cit� caist which are beyo� Borrower's cont�l. Borrower s1�a11�mt destroy. daa�ge, c�r�p�ir lthe
<br /> - •Pmpetty.allow tLe Pmpaty ta dderio�ate,or oounnit wa�te on the PropGrty. Bormwa sl�ll be in de�:i�;�.�iaif�titare
<br /> - --------- �ction or pr0000ding,whetteer civil or criminal.is beguA that in I.ender's good faitU judgment oould nsnI���1:�irfeit�.of tl�e
<br /> Pnuperly or ofherwise m�terially impair du tien created by this Saa�rity Ir�suon�au or I.ender's securicy inur�st:Bonqwar any .
<br /> - wt�e such a defwlE and ninstate.as gcn�,�dod in parag�aph 18,by c�wsing tBe adion or pmcoedit�g to 6e dismissed wit�a enfi�ng
<br /> tluu, in I,ender's gaod faith d�qa*a, precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's•intenst in ffie�Pmpe�iy,or otfxr m�eriWl �
<br /> _ imp�im�ent of dx liea cz+eated by tt�is'Secwity instnrr�t or i.ender'�securiiy i�rter�i. Borrowes si�l��3�-�dcf�tt-if= --- -
<br />_= Bomower,during the loan appliption prooass,gave rnaterialty fatse or inaccurate infom�ation or statements��xnder(or fa�ed
<br />_-: to pmvide Lender with arry material information)m vanaaxion with the loao evldenced by the Nou.including,�'6ut not lj�ited
<br />- �to.npnseatallons conceming Borroa-e�'s occvpan�q af the Propeetg as a principai residence.If this Ser.urity Inshvmcat"s an a
<br /> leasehold, Borrower sha11 comply wict�a7t the pcv�3sions of the iease. If Borrower acquizes fx titic to the , the
<br /> ���,
<br /> � ' , leasehold aad the fee title shall not merge unless i.e�es agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> u'f'`,'"�-`��� • 7.Pt�ntaKlon ot I.ender's Rights fn the Ptoperty.If Borrower fails to perForm 9he covenants and agr�ments containe�in
<br /> - this Secudty Insaument,or there is a fe�al proceeding that may si;nificamty affect Lender's rights in the Property isuch as a
<br /> •� - pr�oceeding in 6ankzuptcy.probate. far n.,�demnation or forfeiturr or to enforce laws or regulations).then Lender may do and
<br />-a � • pay for whatever is ncocssary to prote�.�5e value of the Proper��I.ender's rights in the Property.Lender's actioas may
<br />•: r _ �f:`'�:: inClude paying ar►y sums secured by a lien whid:r. �as priority cier this Seca�rity Instrument. appearing in court. paying. '
<br /> _ -'�� ���j�: teasonable attoraeys'fee�:�,i entering on the Pro�rm,so make repairs.Althoup}i Lender may take action a�adiea this paragraph
<br /> .�F l., �1,�tl,.:i_ • __. . iadi ,
<br /> ._.T.��:;:�i�s..,,. �� ,;i.Lender does not I�aze ns.+��so. �
<br /> `��` '+ i.��'.: + Atry�noants di�sa�by I.ender under this paragraph i s'�all beaome additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> `-� �,�'' Sa;�riry Instrument.Unles's Borrower and Lender a ree to other,teCms of
<br /> ;ti g paymeqt.these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> •j �;�, date of disbursement az ttie Nate rate and shall be
<br /> ,} , payabte. with interest,upon notice from l.ender to Borrawer roq�esting
<br /> ��,,� PaYment. •
<br />_ • 'y��;,� S.Mortgage 1��If I.ender required me.�t�zge insurance as a condition of making the toan secured by this Socuriey
<br /> ���� lnstrument. Borrowor s�CC gay the.gremiums reyuired to maintain the mortg�e insurance in effect. lf, for,any reasortr the
<br /> � ,.._
<br /> -- �� moKgage insurance oover.t�+:required 6y Lender lapses or cea.us�a be in effect.Borrawer sha�l pay the premiums requirat to. -
<br /> •�r�'F;��`�`� obtain coverage subst�nttaliy equivale.e to the mortg�e insurance previausly in effect,at a wst substantially cquivalent ro the �_
<br />_ "�rT��•, ;,, cost to Borrower of the r,a��tgage insurance previe�::��.�*:n effect. from an altemate mortgage insurer appro�ed by I.ender. If �:
<br /> V,.::;. .. :. �.
<br /> � t��; substantially equivatent¢r.�ragage insurance cover:�i�::ot available.Borrower shall pay to Lender each mo�tgt a sum equat to �-
<br /> t� one-twetfth of the yearty mortgage jnsurazx,e premiac�being p2id Lry Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsod or ceasod to I�
<br />_ ; be in effea.Lender wi11 accept, use an@ retain these payments as a lvss reserve in lieu of mort�age insurance. I,oss �e -
<br /> i
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