�-- r _
<br /> � "" '3 �2i�.;t.. _ -
<br /> ���-�`R�',•'i � . • _ _ .. � - - --
<br /> �— -` `-`- � -_ _- _ _. ._
<br /> z ---- ----- � . . _ � _ . _ - _ - - -- - - -- - - _. . .
<br /> .- ,- . . . ,. -- --
<br /> -----� - '-'----- - — -- __. . -'---- -. .
<br /> _._.—�.
<br /> — - -'-: _.- __ . _- ._ _—_..T..� --- -- --'-. .. _ . _.�._.,_�_--< . . - , � .
<br /> — � .a..r.._��.� 4: _ ;� �� . . . . . . ,� • _ �� _ {.
<br /> � � _ ..�.. . .
<br /> ' payloeees�whiCh a1e 1de�i+Od b in 2.c[Cfu�e 16C aa101�ot oE tncb O�Y�• �Y�P�����r'�' " ,
<br /> •, ��Y1lEd b pl�t�11�CMlqf�p���YCif YOdEt lbt NOIC�db��OCYfity�I�II b��tO d�E dltilr,
<br /> ��t�.
<br /> '�li.�.C11dCF 1�►l'�OI�C2�OGf�C�lif$ES�ItlbO[1��1�IC$OC[Ciil�t. . . . , I
<br /> � 9. G�+ewis t�r Aaoekrafi�w dDebt. � . �
<br /> . ' (�D�eEa�it. I.a�der msy.eicapt u limited by teguLaa�u isaved by f�e Secretary in the ase of p�jrment def�ulb, �
<br /> trquire immedi�te�!yment ia fWl of sil s�aa�ed by this Secacity Iasuameat i� �,
<br /> . (�)Bo�uvrr�4�iwlts�D7►fiilic$to p�y ia fidi�y mm�lY P������Y I�a�nna�t Priur
<br /> - ' � to oe an tbe due d�e of We neat i�ioot6ly PaYment.or _ . .
<br /> � " Cu)Baem�rr defaulls by f�tin�.for a period of dnity days,ta perfam any od�r abt�o�vaMaiuM ia dds. .
<br /> ��� �
<br /> — -----:'=c��.'�'...�.. -i�p@[Si��ks'b3 srmlu�hte�taaa_�...+.�o�ith�.�.:e�.wnnrnv�l A��lk►-------- .----�-
<br /> . . �1�I�lE�fM10�C pRy[IIC�I IQ-�A��fbC SNmS SOCUECa�1J!S�IS�lld[y�4fI11mE011�_-r`-- -
<br /> SOCUE mE
<br /> ��O[�!t[O�t�1C ptOQCity.Or:il:�d7GfIC�Ilf[CIGS!111��iK��OW�D��U[�1t[Of lbt PkO�Efl�is�.S 30�f�Or
<br /> athawise tt�sfened tutbertha�tby:dev�stacdesc�t).8Y tb�Snr�awLr,and -
<br /> , rp-���►����►+����.���r��,�����
<br /> � or grantee does so a� Idre �tope�tr t�nt Tns.ac�Tier cmdit &as nor &� �pprovea u► a�co�na�:;; .
<br /> • witht6ecec�ernecitanftUeSacietasy. ' � -`'�''.;,.�
<br /> . (c)No Watver. If cir�aniianoes occur d�at wonld pena2 T�ii'1ec ta:tc�e immediate P1Yment�fu1�.��`��'.�: .,� . --
<br /> does not require sach��pRyctKnts,l.eader das aot waive ag�?+�r�C tn suhsequeat events. , • ,.;_;�
<br /> (d)jtePWioor o[ UI)Seeietary tn ma�ay ci�amsr�ocss�ws:�d.fiy tIic Saattacy w�timit I.endeck •� �°:,:.
<br /> . . rig6ts.,iri the csse o f paytirent:defaWts,w nc�uue i�e�'��lj�'S�.L ard,f�oxlose if tat p�id. TE3�'
<br /> 5e�trty lnstmment doestbnC autliotiu aaxkcatton ur€acedsis�'�tis��L4�(�; .ri���hau of t6e Sect�►.�;;, �
<br /> . " (tI I4lqctp�e Not lasand. Boauwer agras that sTuxcidt�is; `.. �- �:�`.� �Y
<br /> �= � noce sec�uod n,b�-:°'�
<br /> �.,, - ��.
<br /> . . �.•ix t6e'6k for inwraoce wider the.Nation�! Housing i4d�.�in. �°�r;�1 OAII.�'►`��;' � ' ,
<br /> , . ..dq4e heteof„I�ender ma}r,at its option aad aotwithst�d's,'ig�anythin8 ia Puagraph 9.iequue immediste pp�ynneatin. , .
<br /> . full of.�sutas serwed by this�ecurity tnswment,A�i�citten statement of any autl�orized agenc uf the Satr,ti�g�;:
<br /> d�d 5utisoqoent to 9D DAYS .': from the date hereof,dbclu�ing w ins�ue this Sec�:`�:
<br /> • Instrimiem and the note sec�ced theieby.si�aU be d�naa�obnclusive pcaof of such ineli b�ity. Notwitl�ipg•;,°
<br /> _ _ .. .. _ Q�t fortgoiit�t6is uptian may nat bt eaeocised�j►I.eiider when th�w�analsbility of i�sursrxe is solely due to`
<br /> l,ender's fa�liiie w:emit a mortgage iasurance premium to the 8erretary. '
<br /> -� 10. 1teList�ttaieb� Boimwer has a right to be reihstatod if Lender fias nquind immediate payraeat in fuil because `.:
<br />_� — of Barnwer�a faila�e to pay an amount due uader the•Note ar this Security Insaume� �is right applks even alier
<br /> ��: - -- foroclosut�e proceedings ane mstitqted. '[b reinstate the Se�rity Iastrument, Bonnwer s�s#�:Yender ta a lump smn�Il_
<br /> _ amo�nts toquired w br�g Harmwer'u;accoutu caQeat iactud�,.to the eateat they are obii�ions of Boirower nnder tdis
<br /> - Security Instrument,foteclosun costs.and ie�sim�6le and custo�ary attomeys'feas and expensesproQerly associ�ted with
<br />-='° the faeclosme pmcroeding. Upon re�stu4emest bX Bfl�rower,this Securit3+Instrument and the. lob igations that it scca�es
<br /> ''-.�...�,..._�..._ .. . --=--sh3l1 remaiu Lt cffcet as if kenderl�ad�RoL ". kmmecLaie mest i�full:-Haweves� ° is-nn� " to ._ 't_- --- -�_.___._
<br /> l.end,.r scqt�u�ed
<br /> =i ieinsntement i� (i)Lender has accepted i�?�irt�?t after .rb�.ra,.cammencement of farrctosun procadings witlun�o ,
<br />'_ � yeazs uamediately preccding the cuinmencement o�a wci�i:�tclosure praceeding, (ii) zelastatement will proclu�'
<br /> forecPa�e on dif6erent gnamds in tl�fumte.or(iii)reinsta��wiil adversely affect the priairy of the liea c�eate�,b�. :
<br /> �; this Sectviry Insaumen� � .�
<br /> " ���� 11. Borrower Not Rekased; Forbear�nce by l.endes Not a Waiver. Extension of the 6me of payment or
<br /> "'�"'� � modification of amortization of the sums secuted by this Secunty Inswment granted by Lender to any successar m intemst
<br /> • '��''� -�: of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of the originai Borrower or Bortawer's successor in inierest Lender _
<br /> '�1:�'- shaU not be requimd to commence pruceedings aga�nst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or _
<br /> � "°�'' � otherwise modify amonization of t[�'titms secured by this Security lnstrument by re�son of any demand made by the =
<br /> '�f '�'�''`�''°°�` original Borrower or Borrower's sacotxv��ir�interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy st�a11 --
<br /> ,� .:i�,`•�'•', ��
<br /> not be a waiver of ot prectude the exe:c�s:e`�"s?ght or remedy.
<br /> ;,�1 �''",:�'s:'''; .. 1Z. Snocessors and Assigns BamumE;�ari�.�i:'and Several Liability;Ca�gne�s. The cavrnanGs and agreements of ��
<br /> ` °�%� �• � this Security Instrument shafl bind anct�z`x��.�r,:�cessors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisions �'" —
<br /> ` ���,.-'•� 'r'�"�' of Paragraph 9.b. Borrower's corua:�� �:-� �::.:�ments sh�.'S be jomt and several. Aay Brnrower who co-siy,��s,f,1i5� '__
<br /> ��y-•� ;;=`'"`';�'���� �� Security Instrument but dces not��;�.::..ttiE ilJi�,: (a)is co=y^ing this Security Instrument only ta mortgage.grant�� .• �,�-
<br /> � �,..5.,.,, '
<br /> �i��::-� ��:�� convey that Borrower�s interest in the Piropesty under the tetms•.;fhis Securiry Inctrumen�(b)is not personally obiigatec�tcr _..• :::.
<br /> >=��;,.; r; pay the sums secared by this Security Instrument;and Ic)agrees that Lender and:u�y other Barrower may agree to estend. . ri�:;''';:
<br /> ' r- ff•7`s-
<br /> ;t' -` modify.forbear or make any accommodations with rcgard ta the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note witl�out that ,�ti.,. ,,
<br /> 1.'
<br /> �:�:a�`;,"N. +. Borrower's coasen� • '
<br /> - �''^ •� '•� ; 13 Notla�. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Intitrument shall he given by delivering it vr by �•��"':' `•�
<br /> - � +� ���-, .
<br /> ���r; �' mailulg it by fust class mail unless applicabte law requires use of another method. The notice shall be directed to�he ��
<br /> • ' `,k,�.f,��_. FropeAy Address or any other address Borrower desigr►ates by notice ta Leader. Any notice to Lender shall be given by
<br /> ��='h•:�.., fitst class mait to Lenders address stated lterei�or any address Lender designate�by rtotice to Botrower. Any notice
<br /> yA,i�►,. ; �rovided for in this Sacurity]nstrument shaA[x w�med to havc becn given to Borrowcr�r Lendcr when eiven as provided
<br /> � t.,,3;;.; :. �n this paragra ph. 1
<br /> ;:-,4 • � 14. Govern�g�w;Se�ea�r?.�"y. 'FS`.:��.�%:rity InSmcment tihall bc gavemcd by Federal law a^.d thc law of the
<br /> `� "�i• • jutis�iti�:�+*�in wh'sc��G�e Prope.t�� z G-xated. �a:.�e evenr thai ar�y provision or clause of tbis Securiry instrument o�c.� � :. '
<br /> Nov:v��cts wict�a;plieabte ���. �•.'h contTic�s�aU nat ai��+:�o�her provision�of thir Security Instrument or the��.: ;� .
<br />-=�� whicA can be giti�e���°:ct withot::n�s conflicti:st�royision. fi�tiiis end the provisions of this Securiry Instrument and'�°.� �•
<br /> --= Note are declared cr,�c severable. � ' � ,
<br /> =— --= 15. Borrawe�r��opy. Borrauer shall be���se�n'onc conformcd copy of d�i.�Security lns�trument. ,
<br /> - 16. Assignmeet at Rents. �r.��wer unc�:t�=.iortalty assignti and tranaf��n.to Lendcr a11 the rents and revenues of the
<br /> Property. Borrower authorizes La�r or Lender's agents ro collect the rents and revenues and hereby dirccts exh tenant of 4���
<br /> the Property to pay d�e rents to T�1:r or Lender's agents. However,prior to l.ender's natSce to Borrower of Borrawtt's �,;� . �
<br /> brexh of any covenant or agrec�rJ�tr.Fa the Securiry Instrument.Borrower shalt colleet and t�ceive all mnts and revenues oF �, ',
<br /> the I'ropeity as trusu;e fvr the beccef:t of Lender and Bonower. This assignment af rents constitutes an absolute assignment . ;� .
<br /> aud not an assigenxxr.c f�r additianal security only.
<br /> Jf Lender gives notice of brcacb to Bomower. (a)all rents[eceived by Borrower shall bc hetd 6y Borrower as trrtstse
<br /> ud
<br /> for hene8t of Lender only.to 6e applied to the sums secured by the Securiry lnstrumen�(b)Lender shall be entid(:��ia � . �
<br /> - coltect and receive all of the rents of the Property:and(c)each tenant of the Property shall pay all rents due and unpa:�to � .
<br /> Lendtr or Lender's agent on Lender's written demand to the tenant.
<br /> Barrower Aas nat executed any prior assignment of the rents and has not and witl not perf'orm any act that would - .
<br /> ppevent l,ender from eaercising its rights undcr this Pazagraph 16. ,
<br /> _- - l.er.�-s�sat�req�,:ire�+*!m enter ulxv�:tatce crmtml-ofnr m�intain J�.Pra�ecgr�efore ar afrer_givin�notice of .
<br /> M�each to Barower. However.l.etrder ar a�udicially ap�ointed receiver may de�so at any time there is a breach. Any �'='_`�
<br /> application of reitts sh�ll nd cure or waive any defauit or�nvalidate any other right a cemed�r of Lender. 'if�is assignment
<br /> ..� _T------._ ., . .
<br /> ot ren�a of the P��operty shall temtiaate when the deM securcd by the Securiry Instrument is p�d in fult. � � '
<br /> ._ ._ . _ .. . . _ _... .. .. . . ... _ .. . . �_- -_
<br /> . IpoRe3ol40cgtal '
<br /> � ,
<br /> � �. � ► ac.�r . �,
<br /> �r.
<br />