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<br /> � ' � ` ` , !�Q��s� a�i: �1�I�'1'IOti . �
<br /> �� ��i • ,
<br /> " '1'hfs ]�qrNarnt sid� b�t�n litsTi�: sank, '�stianal llssociation,� '
<br /> Orha, lt�btaslu (�iustts� s'�t�s'r+�d to sr �lrii'sTi�r sanl[�), �►
<br /> . barilcinq assoaiatiaz� orqaniz�d a�duc th� la�rs o! ths vnit�d . .
<br /> • Statss, �iag .locat�d at dYba, botulty O! Do�;qlits, iu tts� Stats
<br /> � o� ]I�bs�'askar and l3ra'1'isr,SsV3A�s HaAI[, !SB' (h�lnal�t�r 1'il�trMl"
<br /> to as •FBB•). a thrf�t assocfation orgsnis�d nads= the l�vs o!
<br /> th� IInft�d Statis� b�ftlg loCat.�d �ilt Ol�ihs, Cvanty of. Do�91�ts• in .
<br /> th� stat� o! lt�brasl�a, �acb acting pnrsnant� to a r�solutiaa.o!
<br /> � � its Hotrd ot Dirsaeors, sdopt�d by-ths vote ot a �a�ority o! its '
<br /> Diraators, pursuant tio th� authority given bg and in accos+danes �
<br /> � . • . �, vith tht provisions o! ths Uct o! Ztotrqber 7, 1918, as aaended ' , ;
<br /> (iZ p.S.C. Zi5(a)). vitnass�d as iollovs: � .,
<br /> Saation i. � . . , .
<br /> FSB sha21 be asrqed into FirsTier SaNc under the charter o! the
<br /> � ' iatter. . � �
<br /> Sectf.cn 2. '
<br /> - _---- -R�e-nane 6t-"i��►-�acai -(hereinafter referred-ta -as . - ' -=--
<br /> tha �assaciatfon") shall be FirsTier Bank, National l�ssocintio�}, .
<br /> O�aha, Ael�aetica. � ,.
<br /> Section 3.
<br /> The business of ths assxfatian shall be that of a national -
<br /> banlcir�g assocfation. This business shall be conduated by the -
<br /> a�sxiation at its aain olfiae whieh shail be located at 1700
<br /> Fartsa= Street, O�aha, Kebraska, 68102� and at its leqally � _
<br /> � established branches.
<br /> . Section a. , . �
<br /> � � ll11 ass�ts as they exist at the etlective time o! the serqer �
<br /> shal]. �ass to and vest in the a�.ssoeiation without any coriveyance +�
<br /> or other transter... The associat�fon shall be responsible tor all �
<br /> � o! the liabilitfes o! evesy kind:,and desariptioA� includfnq E:
<br /> if.abilities arisfrig lros t�e operation o! a Ts�tsE Department, it
<br /> ' any, o! each o! the ierginq banks existinq as o! the effective
<br /> ° tise ot the nerqer.
<br /> , . , ,� , � 1 ' � . G
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