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<br /> -- -W*ss. ba�iss its off3es atid plaea of bosit�iss in ths City of iticl�it�: �t� oi .
<br /> �: .��wick sad Stata. qi �ansss, do�s 6�tsb� castit� md d�clas� sLat ♦ e�rtais �
<br /> _-_-- --_�......._... .._._._..:a•..xt_�.wtx:• ,rw.�r=�--i...t1..-.�r���ws� Yf�tf�#nit�istt�l-oi �30.100.OQ. .b�Li�1�i��._:_ __.'-_::
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<br /> Rcsi�tsu�orf and CiAdi L. lrais�adorf. basbaa�d and rifs. ioiati� sad aaah in tLa�s
<br /> . o�a�.ri�t. of tba Eirst part to first F�dess�. Saviass sad Losa Associatioa of
<br /> Liticola or=anisad snd sxist�ns w�r tbe laws of 7'h� Oait�d Statss of A�erica , -
<br /> ai�d raeosd�d iu tb� R��ist�r of O�eds Offic�►of Hall, is tia fLSts of wbiraslcs ,
<br /> as Doe�at ib. �t-100S7d aa .tbe Zad dsr of Tibsaary: A.D., 1���7. cawrit� � .
<br /> groperty d�serib�d assi�ned to Crestiv�t F3aaAeiAt. Inc. ae ZIZ?Ji7. ss Docurat _
<br /> No. �7-1011�5. and further assisnsd to FidtZity Ssvi�p Asaociatiat of Ransas. .
<br /> � f�tb. f/lc/a fidsiity Ssvin�s Assxistioa.o£�:�i�nsas s�cord�d ott 2l19/i�, ,
<br /> Doevi.mc No. as-3oaao as tollawss.. . ;;{ff;;�'. , . �
<br /> � �
<br /> � 1�steF�? S�va�ty Savsn (YT7) Fstt of Lot E�:.(s)..�sc�gt th� ti�starly Bi=hhte�m - .
<br /> LY�'�;;F'eet of thereof. in slock Six (6), t����:,�uoff•s First SnDdivis3an ia tlte .
<br /> Cft�'o� Gsand Island, Hsl1 Gwrtty. 1lebras?tae�.°;:t�a,�R tlsa Southerly TbirtY (S30)
<br /> �`� ' l�eat thtreof. deeded to the City of Gsut���;:;-��i�t,.stseet�pnrposes.
<br /> � �;ii�,✓�': . - . - � , - . .�,'S�'i�.- � :•�St:-.;`�i�".-_ _ �. - _ -- . . . . ..
<br /> is, to�ether with the debt seeured therela�6;-:fullg paid, satisfied and disctursed-
<br /> � � � '��'
<br /> ' i1i t�ITNE55 1iHEREOF.,;.t� said Fidalib���viA4s Associstioti'vf �ansas. fsb
<br /> hs: csnssd its corporat�;�al to ba�hsr�tt�►�s.�sffiud and bss csiised its na�a to
<br /> �� .De s3.}�ed to .the;e prest�tis by itaF�..��ce_firbident attested by its As�fss,a�t _•,:
<br /> � �'''�''�` Secr4t±IrY• Dotb tltereunto' du�y am�ris�i� tbis 2ad dsy of Dece�r A:�Er:-�::��93.
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<br /> �w„_ : „t f ':� . STA'6'8 OF Ksnsss. SedswlCk Co�ilty• �,�:. � ' ' ' ir .� ;,s�y_
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<br />,�.��,�;.�'��f`�.;.'. �£ IT RQlEM�ERED. That an this 2ad d�y of Dec�ber A.D.� �9 g3 �e€ore me... �,__.
<br /> .��.j. �.
<br /> __=W,�.���,�`�..�.._ . a liotary Public. in and for ssid Coutity aud State ca�e Paa�els J. LyteA. �Tice E '.:�
<br /> =.;���..,.�.;` Psesident of L�idelity SaviAgs Association of Xaas�s. fsb to iae personzl2y ktto�n �, �.
<br /> ==T;�F�i-�;;;�� to be the sase,gerson who executed the within and fotegoin� fnSLStiment. sad duly � r��"'�
<br /> .�,,;,�.,, ,
<br /> __�����_;rs ulcnbrrledted ttte execut�on of the s�ae. for snd on bcAalf, aa.dt zs tAe act snd �: ,°�:;T����
<br /> ==:-���� decd of ssid co�paay. . !' .
<br /> �,,:;rs�'�r-��� , .. .,
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<br /> ,,-..'w r.t;_.:?; IN WITN£SS IiHEIlEaF, i hsve herauato subscribed my name and a�fixed my
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