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The henel1ciary is Norwest Bank Nebraska, National Association <br /> <br />which is organized and existing under lhe laws of United States of America <br />address is P.O. Box 1768, Grand Island, NE 68802 <br /> <br />, and whose <br /> <br />("Lender"). Borrower owcs Lcnder the principal SUIll of <br /> <br />Sixty Thousand and No/lOO----------------------------- Dollars (U,S, $ 60,000.00 ). <br />This debt is evidenced by Borrower's note daled the same date as this Security Instrument ("Note"), which provides 'ilr <br />monthly payments, with lhe full deht. if not paid earlier, due :Ind payahle on July 1, 1995 <br />This Securily Instnllllcnl secures to Lendcr: (a) lhe repaYlllcnt oflhc dchl cvilknl'l'd hy the Note, with intcrest. alld all rL'n~'wals, <br />eXlensions allll IlHldil"katiolls or llic Nole; (h) thc paynlent or all nlher sums, wilh interest. advwll'ed under para!!raph 7 10 <br />protCel Ihe securilY of this Security InstrUlllCIll; and (c) thc performance of Borrower's covenants and a!!reelllents, For this <br />purpose, Borrower irrevocahly grants amI conveys 10 Trustee, in lrust, with power of sule, the following deserihed property <br />located in Hall County, Nehmska; <br /> <br />EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED <br /> <br />which 11;1, Ihe <ltldress of <br />Nehr<lska 68803 <br /> <br />3533 S. Engleman Road, Grand Island <br />("Property Address"); <br /> <br />ISlr""l, ('ill I. <br /> <br />Il.ip C",kl <br /> <br />TOG ETII ER WITlI all the illlpl'OVements now or herc<lfter erecled on the property, ;lI1d :Il1l'ascmcnls, :Ippurtcllwll'es, amI <br />rixture, now or lIereancr a pari of the property, All replacements und :Iddilions shall also he covered hy this Set'urity <br />IIl'tf'llnlcnl. All ,of thc foregoing is referred to in this Security Instrument as the "Property." <br />HOfHH)WER COVENANTS th<ll Borrower is lawfully seised of the cslale herehy conveycd and has the ri!!11I to granl and <br />L'onVl'y Ihe Property <llld lhilt thc Property i, unenl'U1nhered, eXt'ept for encumhranees of ret'ortl. Borrowcr warrants und will <br />deknd i!cnerally tllc lille 10 IlIe Property ilgainst all claims and demullds, suhjectto any enculllhr:lIlces of record. <br />TillS SW'lJRITY INSTnUMENT cOll1hines uniform covenants fornationillusc and IlOn-unililrll1 eovelHlIllS willi limitcd <br />v:lri:ilions hy jurisdiclionlo eOllstilule a uniform securily inslrunlent covering real propcrly, <br />UNIFORM COVENANTS. florrower ;lI1d !.l'llller L'llVcnillll and :rgrce as follows: <br />I, 1'1I.\I"~'l1t of I'rindpal a 11I1 Inl~'n',sl; I'n'pa~'lIlcnl 1II111 Lult' CharJ.:Cs. flolTlllwr sllall promplly pil)' when du~' tl1~' <br />princip:rl of ilnd interest on Ihc dchl evidenced hy IlIe NOle ami any prepayment and laIC c1l:1rges due under lhe Note, <br />2, Funds for TmH'S a 11I1 IlIsUrant't', Suhjccl III ilJlplieahlc Iilw or 10 a written waiver hy Lendl'r, flolTowt'r shall pay 10 <br />1,('lIdn Olllh,~ day IIIOllfldy pa)'nICIII, :lfT due under 111l' Nole, ulIlillhe Note is p:dd in full. a SUIll ("FulIds") for: (a) )'l'arly tilX~" <br />;,lld 'I"l'''IlIl'llls Ilhid, 111:1)' :lllili,1 JlI iol'ity rlvn lllis Security InsllulnCl1l as a liell Oil lhe ProPCrly; (h) yeilrly k:tsl'hold pily-IlIl'Ilr- <br />or poulld lellh Olllll~ !'roP"'ly. ir illly; (CI yeilrly Iialilnl 01 propCrly insurallce premiullls: (d) yearly flood iIlSlll'all~'l' plelllilllm, <br />il allY: fel ye:llly IIlolll,!agl' iIlSUI:1I1L'e prL'lllilllns, if ;11I)'; and (n any SUIllS payahle hy Borrower to Lendl'r, ill Hl'l'onlalll'l' Wilh <br />11Il' IHo\i,iollS or l'alaf'I:lpll H, ill livll of fill' paY'IIL'lIlof Illorlgagl' ill\urilllL'C IHL'llliunls, Thl'se ilelll\ ;lIl' cdit'd "Fs<TOW 1Il'1I"." <br />I.elldn IIla\. :11 .1I1\' lillle. L'olled :1I1f.lllold "lIlIds ill all :1I11lHlll1 nol tOl'xl'eed Ih,' 1IH1,xilllUIll III1ICHIIII a 1L'l1tkr 1\11" II f,,,k'llIll\' <br />,,'Iakd 1II(I;I~':lgl' I';all IlIay rl'qldll' ror Ilol'tower\ e'CI'ow aCL"1I1111 1II1lkr the kJl'ral RClll EslHte Sl'llklllelll I'ro,'l'lhlll" Ad ,;1' <br />1')7.j :IS :III1L'llded 1111111 lillle 10 lilllC, 12 lI.S.c. Sl'l'lilln :YIOI/'/I/'If. ,"J{f:SPA"), IIl1less allolher law lhal applies III Ihl' FUllds <br />wh 'I 1e',"'1 allllllllll Ir "'. I"'"tkor 111:11, al allV lillw. ('Illll'et ;IIHI hllld Funds ill an alllollnl 11tH to nl'l'l,'tI Ih,' Il",,'r allHIUlI1. <br />I.L'll<ll'I' 111;1)" L'slllll:lIL' llie alll<lIl1ll III I'U;lll- duc'ollllil' h:lSis of currelll dala alld r,'lI\ollahle esli,Il;ltt', 01 ~"pelldillll"L" or fulllll' <br />hUI\\\ IIL'III' Of oflll.'rwi,c ill :Il'mrdalll'c willi appliclIhle law, <br /> <br />NEUI1ASI(A.';,,,,,I,, I ;","ly.Fllnn;" Muell'o,'difl Mue UNIFORM INSTRUMENT <br />~~,NI 1'2TD7 V~JI' 1.10Ill(i^tir '(JII',,', 1"1' "H)~:III'O() (IHlI)I"1 t 1:,ql 1'.1.'1' 1 1.1.1 <br /> <br />FUll" 3020 01!)0 <br />Amendod 5/91 <br />