.:4—��'o►_ .7: .r Z -_—
<br /> _`� . -_ —' _-- .—. '_` ,— _ —`•—` —, — . ` . . ; . . . .`' ° .�r-� ` i'._.+._. ` .� .:._c .
<br /> , ' . _ � •4. . ` Y ` _v . ( • .t. r.- ... C . . , . , .... ' � � '� �� , - ' ' ".. .
<br /> � '.��R M�.�,ir'�1�IC4� �n 0[���C�0�0�1�C�1�I�IOC�i` ���00l�OME[MI
<br /> .. . �p� ' 1D pljf�I OIMli���EtL�IbC I�010�'1�$bC�'jtil�6�fK��1C�1D I�G A�. ' ..
<br /> � • �r�IAl�EID. ` ' . .
<br /> " �,Xi�. t.tadec mry'ooite�t�ea aod cbr�a�sM�a�ii+e�bg►.t6e Secreney. � •
<br /> .l..Gerlrir Nr/l�eoel�a�fw�Dek ` � ' . . •� ,
<br /> .' (a)D�dirl� Lreedet mry.p�apt n l�3�ed 69�!s��Y��'�Y in�he c�ue of paymeet dd�`
<br /> - t�equue immeQi�e is fidl cE all tann�ecaned by du�Satinty It�tnunent if: � �
<br /> � t�)sonr� e6r�1�'by failior wpa�,a fuu�r maWUY o��49��►d�is sa�►�u�a�t P�io�
<br /> -,-- .--�- -i�aFarft6ed�edatcafth�aeximoolhlYpayment.aF . - � : :
<br /> � Se�bY�ailiq�.for a period of d�etY dsYs.to Pa'fotm aey other obtipuinu coorainM io dus .
<br /> _ `---�„_.-.`�' ..,sade��-f . _--. .
<br /> � � .nac.�.. w.,.ara�.�r.� s _'ae�d ' 1i�md�rithdte. ' .---.�lofthe �
<br /> ��...-��-— ��� ---- --__
<br /> �,toquiee immediate pa�yaaenc ia fuII of all tbe sums ea�ued�by this Security�ent�--
<br /> ar pat of tha Aoperty,ur s 6axf ci�1�neaest ie s tn»t awaina aU ar pet of the Plropeny.is soW a '
<br /> od�e�ei�e u�nafared(a�her th�rt by devi�ar de�cxat)b9 tHe Bo�mv�a+a�•
<br /> (�i T1�e Pt+opeetY u not a�c�i�bY the P�rh�s�a��aa bis ar Ger piiaciptl resicl�nee,or the pu�
<br /> ; � ur �anroe tbes so axupy,the Pi+opctt� but Ids ar lia c�odit l�r: not 6een•approve� u► accasdance
<br /> aithil��ts oEtha Se�wty.:.
<br /> ' (e}Nu�Yi�r., cuw�occvc tl�t Mauld pe�m�l.ender w require imex�iate��ae�iill:b�rt Lendec���;:.
<br /> '' deef�aot t�equit�a�chp ayrnmRS.1�c does not w�[re its ng6ts:wnb crspect to subsequent evend: ' , ;;.::`=_,
<br /> � , _ (dj atHUD Seae�ae� lnmwy��uar�s�tegulatiats,iss�ed bY d�e Secnta�Y wilil�nG�i�defr'�.-�<:::
<br /> � riglua;-�cue of payment defauit4t�to rcquire iiin�te payg�cnt 6�fuD aad faeclose.if uot '1�;��;:::;.`
<br /> SeGUa�ty Iasuument does not au�ti�t aaxkwtiaa or fatectosan�if not pennitted by.tegul�lians of the��-retuY.'::; '°:.� _
<br /> ,(e)1Horf�e Nat Ias�ee�. Barnwa ageees t6u s6auW tbis Securiry Instrumeat and die mte seciued�r�ee";;�.,'':;:.
<br /> be elig►'ble for�under the Natiooai Housing Act within $ �Ontbs '�d�;;:,,:'•;`;'�
<br /> ,........ .
<br /> , date benaf,I.adermay.at its option aad natwidWanding aaythiag in Paragr�ih 9,taNin imraediate PaYmen��'�::.<. ;<:
<br /> . fuII of sIt sipaa aecutod by tin�'.S�ty iasbnumait A twritten statemt�t of aay autlarized agent of tbe Secretaty;�5`;:.::;_
<br /> . . 'd�ed svbsequent to 8 w4n . from the dau hezeof.doclining to insore tlt�s Secnritlz",,,?:,�.
<br /> Instrtmient and tiie.ao�e secused due+eby.shall be damed conclusive proof of such ineligib�ity. Notwitlu�tanding - '
<br /> the foregoiog,tl�is option may uot 6e ezeccised by I.ender when tbe unavaiiability of insurance is solely due w
<br /> - Lend�r�faihue to�emit a mortgage insutance premium to the Secretary. �
<br /> la Reimp�temenw Bamwer has a dgM to be ninstated if Lender has requi�ed immediate payment m full because �
<br /> of Bortowa�s failiue to pay an amount dce under the•Note or this Securiry Instrument. This dght ap�lies even after �,.-
<br /> , foc�xiosy�re prmce�inga su� instttutod. 'fn reinstate the Security Inswmen� Borrower shal! tender in a lump sum atl :". _
<br /> am�wnts reqc�d to�ring Hcvrower§acca�t cvus+eat inclading,to the exunt they are obGgatians of Horrower under Wis .�,.:�' __—
<br /> Seeurity U�neet,faeclosi�coatc and ie'��Ir.a�dcustomary attameys'feac and eapenses properly assoeiaDOd with„ � -�-
<br /> t[�e fixticlos�ue pmc�. .F,>pon i+einstau�b���azmwer,this Security Instrument and the obliga6ons that it secures
<br /> sball rem�ia ia et'fect as iF#.eseder had a:s ss�.��.�iate payiaent in full. Hawever,l.ender is not ra}uired to pemtit - _�—�' --
<br /> ' — s�einstatementa,f�-(i) Lender has aeoep�r«,�'�..,�i after the cammencement of fviceclosuze pr�ucadings w�thin two : : . _—
<br /> L -- ', years lmmedi�tii p�oced's�s�,the co�r.�:t+�a cumecn fore�:losure procceding. �)r�eis�ement w�U proclude =-,:
<br />- faamet�ou�aemgrma�s�u►the fur:ir�ur4inl�tstatement wil!adversely af�ect the prioriry of the lien eceated by , ���";?��_-_
<br /> ttn�s�5ecueity Insdumen� • �" ::F:��.
<br /> 1L �rroWer NM R�sed; t�as6earartce bp lxnder Not a Waiver. Extension of tfie ame of payment or --:,f;,�._�_
<br /> �iiodifieation of amortization of the sums secuced by this Security Instrument granted by Lender to�ny successor�n interest • _-_
<br /> of Barower shall not operate to release ttie liability of the origina!Borrower or Bamawer's successor in interest. Lender �,'�;,
<br /> shall not be required to commence proceedings agamst any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment ar -' ,�;;
<br /> -= otherwi.ge modify amorti7ation of t�e sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any�demand made by thc
<br />= original Borrower or Horrower's successors in interest. My forbearance by l:ender in exercising any right or cemedy s6a11 �"�:
<br /> . , .u�T.
<br /> not 6e a waiver of or preclude thc exercise of any right or remedy. .��-' ' '�?t
<br /> 1Z. Sucoesaors pnd Asgi Bound;,loint and Several Liabilit ;Co-S ers. The covenants and enu of `�t:'::'' � �'_�`
<br /> gns Y � a� . . ,... �`< '
<br /> �s.s£.-, this Securiry Instrument shall bind and be±tet`at the succ�ssors and assigns of Lendet and Borrower.�bject to the provis�ons � , t�� s�,
<br /> �`- � �' of Paragraph 9.b. Bonower's eovenanrs�:.,�agreemencc shail 6�jvuYc and several. Any Bazot<�. who eo-s�gns this �• �
<br /> ,�� • '�� "Z- ' Security Inaru�m but does not execuce u��tiote: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument oz�v c,s;;tortgage.grant and •, : r;�, :`
<br /> '`��.i�:;`�'''� c�r_vey that 8arrower's interest in the Prepe*�y�derti',u a.=rsns of this Security Instmrr3Pn1;(b)is not personally c�?�ated to '• � .�v'.�.,-.7� -
<br /> •" ''• •' p�,t the sei.^.�s secured by this 5ecurity Ir.suumem;a^.3 4c)agrees that Lender and a�;�other Borrower may agte��u;a�xiend. �
<br /> . u � .., .�..
<br /> =='i�.�~�=�'"w �m+�d�fy,f�beat or make a.:�•accomsnod:z«ans with regarA tn the terms of this Security Instrument or ihe Note��.!'��ut that
<br />:�y'';'; "="'`_' $otr+ower'sc�sen� . 01-�
<br /> A :,{:..�,t;
<br /> ���..
<br />-- ::-m.,:�.:• 13 Na�fi�es. Any nbtice to Bor:oa��:ovided for in this Security tnstrument shaq be given by deliveting it ot by �;�
<br /> `•�, �' - � . mailing it by c�sst class ma91 untess a.�:��i_law requires use of a:�ther metl�od. The notice shall be direc�to the •.°- �-'�� -
<br /> �<<. i:�.l-'� rf:'.'{'! ,.+,;;
<br /> �, l�ivperty Address or any a�r address l3a�ower de�i�xs by notice to I.ender. Any notice to L.ender shall tie Lven by 1 ;... ..
<br /> "'� fi r s t c l a s s m a i l t o l.e a d e r's G c�h*e s s s'.wt c�h e r ei a ar�.�address Lender desi g nates b y notice to Hoaowec ,�.�r y notice k;.,',;;`.;;�:`�;;�. _ I
<br /> �,�..�.._.,..
<br /> �'��� • provided for in this Secutity 3r,�:r��^K.�c¢.�el be dee,:.�.:to havc bcen given to Bormwer or Lender when given.:s provided ��``.5�;.;,;j;' �.
<br /> };.,� . i!` � ,
<br /> °�";`,' � . m this paragraph. .
<br /> T:� � � �`'` ' `� �4. Governing Law;Se��erab�it�a Ti'?iis Security lnstrument shaU be govemed by Fedcral law and the!aw of the � ' �
<br /> ,.,. •
<br /> ',;;�•.��.: :.�,. : . .
<br /> , ••�;c.• �;;+ jurisdiction in.ahich the @ragerty is lo�:�fi. In the event that any provision or clauxe uf this Ser��rity Instrument or the . • _
<br /> r;!F;�-i#;.'.rs �lote conflicts with applicals?.taw.such conflict sha?I r.ot affect other provisions af this Securiis tnstrument or the Note ' !�:'„.r���:• '', ,
<br />"' � ��•_.�"%�•--� which can be given effect�:utaut the conflicting prot a:on. To this end the provisions of this Secrr�ty Instrument and the i ��:'';;�t�. ` •,
<br /> �,,.,,,.. .a.�.
<br /> •• uj�p:::��':f,:� Note ate dectared to 6e sevi�able. � � '�:�: . . ,
<br /> <a••�-''::. 15. Borrower's Copy. Barrower shall be given one conformed copy of this Security Instru�eai. r.
<br /> '�'"��'��`+"- 16. Assigament otRents. Boauwrr ru�condmonally assigns art�i.�ansfom to Lcndcr all the ee�:�..:s and revenues of the :
<br /> " - Borrower suthorizes Lender a Lender's a ent�to collect the rents and revenues:uid her�g�Cii�ects each fenant qF.� � � � � �
<br />�?���: - PrapertY• 8 . � . ,�. : r;;:._::
<br /> the Froperty to pay tlie rents to Lender or l.ender's agen�s. However,prior to Lenders notice to B�orrower of�ocrower 5 , , . .
<br /> - . .r .. .
<br /> bceach of any covenant ar�Zeement in the Securiry Instrument.Borrower shall coltect and receive al l mn�s and t�caues of ;�;'•,`;�`�,.�.�����
<br />--- -=.�:=- .� the Ftoperty as trustee tor fhe benefit of Lendcr and Borrower. This stisignment of rentti constitutes an absolute assignment , ,, .
<br /> and not an assignment for additional security only. ( '•••� ,
<br /> If Lender gives natice of breach to Borrower. (a)�11 rents mceivcd by Borrower shall be hetd by Borrower as wstce k--
<br /> -_ "-"�r.'�a far benefit of Lender onty.to be applied to the sums secured by the Secunty Instnimeat•(b)Lender shall De enti@ed to ;
<br /> � wllect and receive all of the mnts of the Propetty:and(c)each tenant of the Prnperty shall pay ali rents due and unpaid to �
<br /> ;� , : '. i.ender or lxnders agcnt on Lender�wdtten demand to the tenant.
<br /> Bomnwer has nol eaocuted any prior acsig�tmnt of the rcnts and hac Rot and will not pedorm any act that wuulA !•
<br />_ •-4��"`�� . pnevcnt.lxndei from eaerrising its righu under�his Paragreph 16. j
<br />- •'Lender shall not be required to enter upon,take control of or maintain the Properry before or:sfter giving notice of
<br /> -- —_- Mcaeh ta E�zruwer. flowever.i�endes�r e juGiciaiiy a�ointed receivcr m3y do sa at anytimc there is a breach. My � . - -
<br /> ; applicadon of cents sh�ll not cure or waive any defauIt or mvalidate any otUcr right or rcmed�r oi Lender. 'fhis assignment '
<br /> ' oi rents o!the Ptopqrty shall terminate when the debt secuce0 by the Security lnsttumcnt is pa�d in full. i•'
<br /> :J . t
<br /> . . . . . � L . �."'_...-
<br /> i �
<br />-' ' IPaRe3��J4 pugt�l . � '
<br /> <:e, '
<br />