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<br /> . . _r__ _
<br /> � A „ . .
<br /> .,..., �_�_ , r`. ` � . -. . ..._._ . . .`�`��� . . ,c. .. .. . .. = . .-
<br /> ,. � t7..'lY�ii�r+�li� it a�ie�t�M�e�t ii�1fii�i�.�rt ar �I�E aEtie�ra�,�pr�iqr:1�wit Is iE�
<br /> ` .ii�oi�de�arb�ed(or if� T�wrt ie�oero�i�er it wY o�l�ano�s�e�d aid�is.aot a aM��rie���wt , .
<br /> ��_�L,MieR's�rior.wriNes aoMe�t,. �ei0►. x ib c�o�. �r�le.P4�e�t..i�,W.pt rt�.�riafwi.i��� �.,
<br /> � �oieity t�tnir�t.AoireK+r.i�t qytiw�al�saR be aoa+eiMi�I.e�i6er itar�er�e i���ei 6j Jedenrll�Mrai;�tis'3�ic ;
<br /> " �.cttMis 6�a�rity�brtni�e�it• � � � � ,,.; �
<br /> � � tt I.�kr e�eisi�a.this ap�icia.i.aida aiall sire Boriv�rei aotia of�roodentioa'..'1'bc�otia.�1!Pra►id�a�etiod d�at
<br /> �� , leai t6w 30 ae,s fran t6e d�d�e mtica is dd'iva�a mriled wi�in wfiicli�Hatrowsc m�E�p���11�ms�ecarod Iry ibis�; ,� ,
<br /> . SecrRitjr Imtaesmt.If Horm+�a failt iQpy diae suor Frioc io t6e ezpie�tiart of d�s petiod,l�ma�r�ar�ote arS►te�ned�es
<br /> ,pelmit�ed h�r.Ntis Sea�ty In�tcuia�eot�ri�out fu�lher aot�e ot dem�nd un Bon�orrer. �
<br /> ' � �. �aemwes'��ieit�-l�4e.`If.BoaQw!at�ca�a�itt oaoditiom,.Bacm�!a itull.6tre tbe ri�t lo�.__ __�,
<br /> , d[�amoeot af this�Seauity tdRnMOeat d�oo�o�l�t�ny time prior to tae arliar af: (a)s�diys(oc suci wbec Pe'riod s� ., ;
<br /> applic+�bte Iavr► mnY speuf�► far�r�eaaeot)beta�e sde�.af the Prnpetty pu�nt`to any po+Mex of sde au�aieed in,ti�-�_
<br /> _�i�L.�Lis__�eca!r�tX__._I�oniasent�llaie Wad�doas�t t1�t Ho�rimirer:(a)P4rs'
<br />_ __ — - - �_°-�a� a� • — ry =f`o3�=� -- - -
<br /> �
<br /> cma yny_defaoh ot�r othec coveoers oc a�ceaneats:te).p�ys al!espentes imurod`ia a�otsit�dds Seau�ty.Lm�tioimeot,
<br /> �im�.E�et aot Iimited to,msbtible atto�aSrs';fa�s;aod(d)hloes encb actioa as t:cudar maY a�bmbly.raPue.ld ie�ure
<br /> tMt d�e iien ot'thi;Se�i►Y Imtroment.Leo¢e�'s�e�fNS w the Plope:ty�d�at�urher's oblig�ttioa to psy tbe wtm�bY
<br /> f�11S SOQtt1�/ I1�111IDl� 6�iU CO�In1C-�. U�Otf t� � �•'11115 SECY�[SI �>E�:�1C
<br /> abtig,at�c�sewred hetdy sL9I1 rmni�fally effecf�ve as if no aooeleration�d ooc�rmd.Hmvever this tight•tu�astite sTiaU •
<br /> not apply�a the case of slooektation ander parag�ph 1�. �
<br /> 1�. 5de d Nat� C�p�s af Lor Sa�torr. T6e Nate or a partial inte�est in tbe Note(togahe*.with ttis S�urit7
<br /> I�umeot)nny be sol�a�or mo�e times wit}xxit pria�r notioe w BormwrcL A sale may result its a dange in d�emity�(Imu'�an
<br /> �s a,e'l,o.n ser,n�oa"):tE�it coueas mbothty paymeots aue under tbe Noce am dris seau,ty r�nt.'fdene��a�y be one
<br /> or.moce ch�es af the�soaa Servioer�to a sale of the Note.If tbae is a change of the imn_Servioer. n4wa wiU be
<br /> given�vtitfeYs mhc�c of Q�e rl�ange in a�txe with pusgaph 14 above ud applicabk taw.The notice will state tl�cc maae aad
<br /> � add�ss of the nav Ldna Senricer a�d the addresc tb w�hie�payments slmutd be made.The notia an'tl aLso oontain atry dher .
<br /> info�matioa nquurd.�'?�pPlicable law. •``•,. : � ,
<br /> • 2�.Hstrar�otis S�Stssoa. gomawer sf�ll�t cause or permit_tbc pnse�cr. use, dispnsat,swr�`or reka�e of any ;.,:..;.
<br /> Htrardous Sabs4u�ces�ori os in ths �'n�eriY- Hoi�c�ower st�all rat do. nor aliow.anyoae else w do.a�iag �'octing the .'.
<br /> pmperty t6at is in.violaticm of aay�.�avssomm�►tal Law.'The pre�eding two stmentxs sha!!aot apply tQ�5epresence.use.or �
<br /> storage:oe�.�he Pnupecty of smal!qct�ties of Narrtdous Substances d�at are generally ca�mg��:d ta be.apprupriate co ssemsal
<br /> _ � recide�t oses and to.�.uF.ti�e Pmpeity. . ' � ' .��., . . ' ,,_ ,� ..
<br /> _ �� Bomawer shail pi6�tly give f'.ende�'wrlttea iwtice of any investigatioa,etaim;deman8,law�it or other actiaa t�a�y'
<br /> gpvemmentat or rega{.�e�t agea,y or private pa�ty imolvitlg the Property and any Hazazdous Subslance or Envimnmenr;�:la�r
<br /> _ ' . of which'Ha�towec h;s a�taal knawtedge.If Borrower Ieams,or is notifiod by any govemmental br regu/atory authuritf-c�t
<br /> a�ry rtmasmf csr other i�ci�ediation of ang Ha�ardous Snbstan�x atf'e�ing tbe Property is necessary.Bornnwer shall proa��;:r•.�e
<br /> a11 nec�csa��esh�.diai acxions in aa�ardaacewith EnvironrsieretaA�-w. ;. •: .:
<br />-= As�ia tbis p�,srapb 20, "Hazacdous Su�aaces"a��ose substances defined as toxic ar hazandous subst�s by. '
<br /> -= Envimmrkntal Law�F3ie following substances: �asoline. kerosene, att�tIanunable or wxic p�mi�;�products, taxic .
<br /> �. _.__ -_ -paticides and 6ecbicid�s._v_olatile solvems�materia3s containing ac6esms ar fc�c�dehyde.and radinactive mx�.ats.As used i4 :. - , _
<br /> � tl�iis 20. "Environmental Law° rt�eans federal laws and taws•of tI-.e iarisdiction where the Pra�.-+��s 3-�shat : ; :. �-
<br /> °'s retate t�.safery or enirironme�'-protectioa. � � ' , .
<br /> -_ -- NON-UNIFORM COVENAh"€'S.�orrower and l.ender furt�x�covec�asE a�d agree as�Itows: • �.�``:,
<br /> 2l.Aooeleration;Remedies.l.eader sNall give natke to Ecirsaa�er prb�as to aaxleia�ion[oUowing BOrnuwer's�+�ch '' -
<br /> ot any wvenant or sgrament in this Seradty In�trument (bnt naE�to aooeleration under p�ra�apM 17 ualess --
<br />- •= stpplkabk faw provides ot6ervvise).The notice sfwll spocify: (a)-t'1�def"aa7�(6}tbe sution required.to cure t6e default; ' =- -_:
<br /> �':%S;x.,t-•�!E, (c)a date,not less than 30 days trom the date the notice�S gis,�t to Bor�ower,by which the detault must be cund;and z r�;-
<br />' `Y ''' (�that tailure to cure the delault on or before the date spe�sed in t6e notice may result in aooeleration ot t6e sams �,�'��_:-
<br /> ` ;��:• ,� se�vsed 6 this Secarl In�trumeet and sale o!thc Pro rtF.The noti¢e sl�ll furiher inform Borrower oi the iight to ��^�-�-
<br /> Y tY Pe :';;,c�F'��'R=_
<br /> ��:� • +: � reinstate after acceleration and the�ight to bring a court actlon to assert the non�existeaoe ot p defauft or any other ..�Y_?
<br /> .s,�'�. '��r:�,'i...�� :.:,__
<br /> _. : defease of Borr»wer to accderation s�nd sa1e. lf the detault is not cured on or 6etore t6e date specified in the nWke, -��:__
<br /> ���•'"•T`•�.•'� . � l.ender,�t its option,roay require immediate paymeN in full ot all sums secured by tNs Security Insirummt without _r=��?��
<br /> � - - '�•."'� '" �;:_ farther demand and may invoke tt�e porrer of sa/e and any other remedies permitted by applic�ble law.Lender s1w116e - . _ :
<br /> � ' � • ' eatitled to coltect all expensc.w incurred in puisutng the remedIes provided in this parap,raph 21,includtng,but not limited .- �
<br /> . � . ���;�';' to,rea.wnaWe attorneys'fees aad cc�ts of title evidence.
<br /> .;.�,.•,, .,.: . ..
<br /> '"'" It the power ot s�le is inr�cr�:a�.Tnutee shall record�matice of detauft in each c�nnty in w6ich any pase ot t6e
<br /> ��e� ' •�++�`.�` •; . -
<br /> Property is IocAted u�d shall mauro o�pies oi such aotice in tP�e aaanner prescr�bed by appllcable Iaw to Borrow�er and to ,
<br /> '��"���j.� ,. �, �. the other persons prescse�ed���p�ia►ble law.Alter the time requlred bc:�pplicable law.Trustee shall give pubtic aotice • � •
<br /> � �. '. of sale to the persoaa a�!in i�e�anner prescribed by appti�le law. Tcvnxee,w�ithout demand on BarroKer, s6ia11 setl
<br /> e
<br /> . `.�:,�;;. '�` tfie Property at pa6�c�ze��f+a t�e higt�est bidder at the tir.�and ptace and undcr the terms d�ignated in t1�t n+,-r.u�e ot ���
<br /> • � •, rc� sate in one or more�aat!�ls'a�r9 i�a�y order Trustee dete�nes.Trustee may postpone sate ot all or any par�{.a6�he �
<br /> _ �t. �;;:;�?��� •, Propecty by puMic�.'�ceme.�2 at the Nme and place oY any pre��iously scheduled sale. Lender or its d�•�ay ; •
<br /> ,�; . � .� .. . put+chase the Propertg�s�y sate. '
<br /> :�:. . . . , . -
<br /> . • ' • ,,,
<br /> • Form 3�Od� 9/90 �• �`
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